amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
//okay so shall we RP in PM? It's really up to you I'll tell you my ocs stories as we go :) //
//heyyyy! Thanks for following me! Do you RP with OC's?//
//Np. Yes, I do!
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
//heyyy you on?//
// wasn’t???If I was you’d probably see me on dash.. :T like alot
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
Her eyes widened a bit as she was really afraid now, then again she hadn't seen him in a while because she tried to stay away from him many times whenever she had seen him around. "How did you know what I....!?" She looked up at him now.
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
“Yes. Why indeed is that happening?” He knew the answer to that. It was beacuse of the fog he conjured up from the shadow realm. When exposed he gave it the ability to trigger certain memories one had the strongest connection to. He purposely wanted Akina to suffer ate the hands of her own worst fears and memories of how she lost her parents. “I could tell you, but that wouldn’t be fun at all for me. You could say I have a knack for surprises.”
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
"You won't get my item!!! And I'm not stupid....and I know your tricks....whatever 'game' you want it'll be a huge trick! I've fallen for those little 'games' too many times Bakura and you won't get me to do it again!!!" She replied as she growled low hearing his chuckle as she saw flashbacks of her parents again. "Ahhh!...." She shook her head hard trying to focus. 'Why won't these...memories leave me alone...' she thought to herself
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
Unfortunately things were about to take a turn for the worst. The dead corpses started to move their decaying bodies closer to their victim, as so their master ordered through the fog. “Unfortunately for you my dear, I don’t take orders from anyone.” The one now identified as Bakura, replied. “Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which will you choose?”
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
//hell yeah!!! I have OC's though ^.^//
Reblog if you rp on Skype.
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
She growled low and tried to pull away once more as she glared up at him. "This item NEVER belonged to you! And it never truly will!!!" She replied trying to struggle away even more now but still as well trying to focus as she accidentally said something she shouldn't. "You never knew about this item!!! My parents have this to me right before they died....by YOU!!! You never knew about it because I've been keeping it to myself...I'd knew you would try to take it if I didn't!!!!" Her eyes widened a bit as she just realized what she told him, she's been hiding it from him.
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
Unfortunately things were about to take a turn for the worst. The dead corpses started to move their decaying bodies closer to their victim, as so their master ordered through the fog. “Unfortunately for you my dear, I don’t take orders from anyone.” The one now identified as Bakura, replied. “Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which will you choose?”
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
//I honestly don't want to but I'm just getting tired of feeling like I'm a failure at everything.....it's nothing to do here it's just personal stuff...it's why I RP and am so eager too...to get my mind off stuff lol
//heyyy you on?//
// wasn’t???If I was you’d probably see me on dash.. :T like alot
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
Akina gasped as the mindless minions took hold of her and she tried to then pull away as she looked at Bakura as now she was really starting to become afraid. "My friends will come Bakura...so I suggest you let me go...." She then tried to focus as memories from Egypt started coming to her mind again. "Ah...." She looked up at him and growled. "Have your stupid ass minions let me go...." She replied, actually swearing at him for the first time in history.
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
Unfortunately things were about to take a turn for the worst. The dead corpses started to move their decaying bodies closer to their victim, as so their master ordered through the fog. “Unfortunately for you my dear, I don’t take orders from anyone.” The one now identified as Bakura, replied. “Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which will you choose?”
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
//I understand that one....I'm thinking of even...quitting.....//
//heyyy you on?//
// wasn’t???If I was you’d probably see me on dash.. :T like alot
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
Reblog if your icon would punch a nazi
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
Get on the app lol I wanna RP XD I'm depressed and need something to do......//
//heyyy you on?//
// wasn’t???If I was you’d probably see me on dash.. :T like alot
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
I don't....really like criticism....honest or not...I don't take it well...makes me feel like I'm failing....
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@amandaelayne Hey, do you mind if I give you some honest criticism? I wanted to send this a little more privately but I can’t send IMs and your ask box isn’t open.
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
Being startled a bit, because of his sneakiness, she gasped, her eyes widening when she felt a firm grip on her arm and then herself being yanked towards him as she growled low not seeming to be phased by him, still acting confident very much so now. "Bakura...let me go free...NOW!!" She demanded him, as with her other hand, she was going to use her cell phone to call for help as she really hoped he didn't notice as she was trying to get her cell phone.
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
Unfortunately things were about to take a turn for the worst. The dead corpses started to move their decaying bodies closer to their victim, as so their master ordered through the fog. “Unfortunately for you my dear, I don’t take orders from anyone.” The one now identified as Bakura, replied. “Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which will you choose?”
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
The young girl known as Akina almost collapsed at that moment as she looked around because she felt instantly weak and did not know the reason of why this was. "Neither!!! Now let me out of the damn graveyard!!!..." The girl commanded as her heart raced, the feeling of fear still staying as she tried not to let it show, even though it was starting to show very much so in her eyes as she began to look around again.
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
Unfortunately things were about to take a turn for the worst. The dead corpses started to move their decaying bodies closer to their victim, as so their master ordered through the fog. “Unfortunately for you my dear, I don’t take orders from anyone.” The one now identified as Bakura, replied. “Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which will you choose?”
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
@shadowspiritthief Why aren't chu answering me I've poked on your timeline lol plenty of times
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
The young females eyes widened as she instantly recognized the strangers dark voice and looked around, still trying to hide her fear from him. "Bakura!!! Show yourself!!!!" She would demand while looking at the dead bodies, as her bad feelings were correct. It WAS him! She growled out low as she kicked the dead bodies' heads off and then just looked around once more, her heart was racing but she tried to still hide it as she stayed silent now.
The Darkness Remembers When, And The Pure Light Shines
Akina was walking in Domino City one night as she sighed a bit. She was coming home from just a walk, for she needed to think and try to clear her head of somethings. But as she was walking, she always seemed to pass the graveyard. Akina felt like she was being drawn there, so she had decided then to take a break and look up at the sky as she sighed once more. “It’s getting way darker very fast…” She replied to herself as her ancient golden artifact, the millennium bracelet, shone in the moonlight as she started to think once more. “Mother…Father…why did you have to protect me back then…?” She asked herself now looking at her millennium bracelet.
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amandaelayne-blog1 · 8 years
//Bakura! XD
//would you like me to post our RP where we left off in here on your wall or did you get back into app or what??//
// keeps crashin..I think I need to go though soon time diff? Sorry qaq 
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