amandragora · 1 day
i said i wouldnt do anymore of the rom but ive woken up and kinda wanna do more.
avoiding the story but exploration yesss
While dungeon wise it seems lovingly faithful to lttp style rn, i want to see if I could feasibly go to the ends of the map
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amandragora · 2 days
So Echoes of Wisdom is officially leaked, before the alleged 'it's leaked source: trust me' was bullshit but yeah it's out now
source: i've been playing it since lunch time lmao. I stopped now because I want to experience it on the switch and not at the graphical error 20fps my potato of a laptop gives me
I have played slightly past the first dungeon, was going to do some exploring but the 20fps was harshing my mellow
anyways actually be careful now, bc it's liable to have serious spoilers floating around
my one nonspoiler comment that im sure you could have just be looking at people playing demos and whatnot; why on earth did they not split up the object and enemy echoes? Im betting I dont even have a small fraction of what you can learn in the game and it's already a slog. It's literally easier to just stop everything you're doing to open up the menu and go to the echo you want
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amandragora · 5 days
autistic folks when their routine gets disrupted, and they don't get alone time when they're supposed to get alone time
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amandragora · 7 days
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amandragora · 8 days
god 99 bananas and cream soda is so good
and you might be like 'but amanda i hate alcohol'
when i say they are good, i mean i put like a tablespoon of alcohol into 12 ounces of soda. Im not doing it to drink, im literally using the 99 bananas like a fucking flavor extract
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amandragora · 12 days
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amandragora · 13 days
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amandragora · 13 days
also since it happened twice i'll post about it; my mom had her mail stolen(a laptop) so she made a police report and the cop, a thin, mediocre white dude was apparently 'cute' to her. She has mentioned it twice, with the first time adding 'it's too bad you're gay' and i was like lmao it could be the hottest woman alive and i'd still never fuckma cop
my first clapback was mentioning the very high percentage of domestic violence in cops so lol
anyways even if I was straight i have to say I don't trust my schmuck of a mothers' taste in men, she stayed with a man who bought a house and then decorated it w/o her feedback/input/help and abused her children in front of her without any consequence.
absolute rank taste in partners
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amandragora · 13 days
oh my god
can't accuse nintendo of not advertising echoes of wisdom, youtube is constantly firing off ads for it
definitely not a triforce heroes situation here (where they didnt advertise at all and were just like 'here's a new game') they are REALLY pushing echoes of wisdom
I can't want it any more than I already do!!! 16 days left!!!
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amandragora · 14 days
there's something interesting (dystopian) i noticed looking at houses...talking about the concept of landlords and shit
there's someone selling nearly 40 properties altogether for 7mil. It's clearly meant to be a landlord thing, but just imagining that those are nearly 40 houses that could be sold to people and lead to, you know, home ownership
but instead it's going to become some wealthy persons portfolio as they bleed dry families who are financially barred from home ownership
anyways if what you've paid in rent would buy the property you live in it should belong to you, although that couldn't be made law because then you'd have landlords evicting tenants a month away from them paying the full amount
abolish landlords yeehaw
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amandragora · 23 days
I genuinely hate my father
It's always such a joke that he's still alive while childhood friends of mine have begun to die
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amandragora · 24 days
the new echoes of wisdom trailer....im so excited
Can't wait to see what the deal with the Still World is
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amandragora · 26 days
Combat log: The effect Ibuprofen has ended.
Me: *instantly ragdolls*
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amandragora · 27 days
omg they're remastering suikoden 1 and 2.....please revive the series pls pls pls pls
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amandragora · 27 days
the worst thing about having a newly departed hamster is i keep looking at his cage, waiting for him to come out and drink and gather food
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amandragora · 28 days
my hamster Licorice has passed away...peacefully in his sleep! A great accomplishment but I still sobbed pathetically about it
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amandragora · 1 month
the biggest questions detective pikachu answered
no one but professional trainers has a full team of 6 in the pokemon universe because it would be a fucking gigantic hassle to deal with 6 animals, let alone different types that need different things
some people don’t evolve their pokemon because imagine having a fucking cat and then you can choose to make the cat five times as big and strong. would you do this if you weren’t battling.
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