amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“For one, both Lords are ladies! How many plays you know did that?”
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      「 Didn’t most people do that in the olden days? What makes this play different from what anyone else would predict? 」
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Thank you, I guess. I’m used to Kashima getting all the attention, but it’s nice to be appreciated.” Hori replies with a smile, not minding Kashima getting back to her feet behind him.
“If he or she is anything like Kashima, they’d gladly play the Princess part for you if you let them find out. I wouldn’t wish that on you, though, you’ve got enough to deal with daily, am I right?”
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Kashima peeks over Hori’s head with a smile and begins to speak as well. “Iwai-Chan-Senpai, I will gladly tell your friends so they can come and support you!”
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This is guy is so cool. He surely seems mature and collected aside from Kashima. He reminds him of himself though. He nods. Of course he wouldn’t let it get in the way on his volleyball practice. He will try his best to memorize the dialogues. “I guess I should be counting on Kashima and the girl who’s playing the princess. You seem kinda cool Hori-san. You remind me of myself. Also I feel sorry that you have to deal with her. I kinda got that crazy friend too.”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
Tell me what you like best about how I write my character.
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“We have a little less than a week since we’ll also be spending that time working on props and fixing up wardrobe. Kashima knows the role of the Princess in case we need to substitute her,  so you can practice with her, she’ll teach you the ‘dance’. You can use your free time to act whenever you can. A volleyball ace must have a lot on his shoulders, so don’t slack off there, OK? If anything, you can use whatever time you feel you can spare here. Both Kashima and our Princess are good at improvising in case you didn’t have the time to practice it all, so don’t let it get to you.”
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After getting the script he goes through the pages. He was right. He wouldn’t say much but there is a lot of intimacy during the play. He can do it if he sets his mind that all of this is just acting. He can do it. He nods in understanding. “I think I can do it. It’s not that hard and well I’m glad there isn’t that much of lines since there’s not much time left before the play right?”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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Buys flowers for all the girls at Aoba Johsai
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Oh, man. Let me treat you to something later as both a thank you and a ‘You Can Do It!’.” One firm shake of the hand and then he released as well. “I don’t know how much she’s told you, but the play is about this forbidden love between a princess and her lover that’s a poor commoner.” Hori begins, looking through his bag and handing Iwaizumi a copy of the script. “There aren’t many words in the beginning of the play, but you’ll have to hold the princess close for a few scenes, so I hope you’re comfortable with a little intimacy. Voiceless talking and laughing, hugging and a dance. Your character and the princess are going to try and kiss at the end of the dance, but they’ll be interrupted and the ‘guards’ will take you away. You’ll only have a few more appearances after that and maybe one or two lines. Good so far?”
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“No worries about that. I got my handful too so I think we are dealing with the same thing.” He takes his hand for a handshake. “Iwaizumi Hajime, Aoba Johsai’s volleyball team ace, third year.” He then releases his hand. “So I’m here so I can get the script and know more about my role on this play.”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“When will Iwai-Chan-Senpai take a selfie with me?”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Ignore it all.” Came the upperclassman’s curt reply as he stepped over Kashima’s body that lie on the floor. He extended a hand out to Iwaizumi regardless. “She’s a handful, sorry about that, but thanks for accepting on such short notice. Like you heard, I’m Hori Masayuki, Drama Club president, class 3-C.”
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He just stares at those two very dumbfounded. Are they like a comedy duo or something. He just stays there with a blank expression as the other guy hits her after she teased him. Somehow he could feel the pain he must endure.
“O-oh… I guess it’s nice to meet you Hori-san… Kashima told me a lot of stuff about you though.” Well mostly she was making fun of him.
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
“Yup!” She answers, setting the bag of clothes on the desk he Senpai was sitting at, moving behind him and setting a hand on his head.
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“This is my tragic Hori-Chan-Senpai. He’s the president of the Drama club, even though he’s so short. He’ll never grow, you know, he’ll be this small forev--gh!?”
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So this was her school? Pretty big if he must say but it’s not like Aoba Johsai wasn’t the same but then again this place got something different than any other school. He felt weird because he got the attention of some people around the campus. Well it’s not like everyday someone from a different school comes in around. “So this is the Drama club?” He says as he enters the club room.
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
Send me a question you have always wanted to know about my muse.
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“I wanted to make sure he approved of the clothes. He says you look great. I think he’ll be excited to have another short guy around.” Should she buy the peasant clothes now? No, she’ll wait, they’d have to go talk with Hori first. It didn’t take long to get back on her school campus, humming a bit as she walked them up to the Drama Room.
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“So that’s why you took pictures of me? To show them to him?” He asks now understanding the reasons behind her taking those pics. He shrugs and follows her to the next destination. He just wants this to end as fast as possible so he didn’t try to make it difficult.
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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Oh, he’s sensitive about his height too. Well, short people do tend to do that. “No need to get so defensive, Iwai-Chan. I’ll give you the script when we get to the Drama Club. This way you can meet with my Senpai and he can explain things properly to you. He likes your pictures, too..”
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He just slaps her hand away from his head. Just because she is a bit taller than him she doesn’t need to treat him like some kid. He is older than her! She should show more respect. This girl is weird that’s for sure.
“I’m not cute! So it’s that all I have to say? Can’t you give me the script?”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Haha! You’re so much like my Senpai! Cute, cute!” She releases him, as if she has a choice and chuckles, hands raised in surrender. well, until she began to pay for the clothes, that is. When they were nicely folded and bagged up, she patted Iwa’s head. 
“Don’t frown too much, or you’ll get wrinkles and Oinkwawa-Chan will outshine you.”
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He was taken off guard as she twirls him around and dips him. Her face was too close for comfort but then he listens to the dialogue first. After that he places a hand on her face and pushes her away from him.
“You’re too close! Back off!”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Oikawa-Chan is like a puppy.”
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“That’s a wonderful name. I don’t have anything to do right now, if you’re free, would you like to come out and join me for some tea?”
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       white hues struggle to stay focused upon the other, body still as she takes in her words. she can feel her heart beating within her ears. ❛   … h–hinata hyuga.   ❜
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amantitale-blog ¡ 8 years
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“Right, so for example, at some point the princess is gonna fall into your arms, so it would be something like this:” Kashima sets the clothes at the register and then grabs Iwaizumi’s hand, twirling the man around before dipping him as if they were dancing. She held him close, faces now inches apart. 
“O’ my dear Amelia! Known had I, the troubles of thy heart! Yet family forbade thee the pleasures of my company, and I of yours!”
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“Yeah, no problem.” It’s not like she would have listened to his words nor him objecting to the idea of taking part of this play. Still he wonders what kind of thing he has to do. Now that he remembers. She said he have to say some lines but she has yet to give him his dialogue.
“Ummm… You said that I have to say a few lines. What kind of lines do I have to say?”
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