amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“It grows on you over time.” The Inhumans have been on Earth for a long time now, but Crystal still remembers how she felt when she first stepped foot on the planet. The air had been thick in her lungs, heavy and more polluted than she was used to. It had seemed fresh and exciting at the time. Crystal’s older and more jaded now, but the sight of the raccoon taking in her current home was enough to give her pause. “It’s good you came. Things are quite bad.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“It’s one of the many things you’ll have to get used to.” Crystal takes a bite of her own food, albeit much quieter.  “Earth is nothing if not unique.” 
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
“Have you ever considered…asking for details?” 
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“That’s very helpful, thank you. Yes, I’ve asked for details. That’s when the people got cryptic.” 
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
“Are they being cryptic or do they just have no fucking clue what’s going on.”
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“I’m afraid it’s likely to be a strong combination of both. People don’t want to admit that they’re in the dark — which they usually are.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
“I think that’s just part of their charm, honestly. Apparently deciphering it is half the fun.” 
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“Fun? No, I don’t think I’m having much fun. I recognize your sarcasm, though. I’m just not in the mood.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
“At least they’re being cryptic wit’ you. No one will even tell me wha’ the hell is goin’ on.” 
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“From what I’ve gathered, it’s your people that started all this. There was the bombing and then they resurrected the non-mutant heroes.” 
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“I tried to reverse the effects— that’s not something I wanted to hide. I failed. Now we have these abilities and I’m doing my best to find meaning in that failure. It’s been.. it’s been harder for me than it has been for the others.”
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Crystalia knows Reed Richards of Earth-616 incredibly well. She joined his team, entered their world. There’s no telling if this Reed has met the Inhumans yet, but Crystalia would wager he hasn’t. He seems too fresh for that. “Seeing you is a surprise, I must admit. I know there’s other Fantastic Four’s out there, but none seem to come around here.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“Oh. And I’m the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. now. That’s kind of at the bottom of the list, though.” Under normal circumstances, Daisy would be thrilled. She wanted to get the position through hard work and dedication, not a complete PR disaster. But regardless, she was still going to put her all into it. And the universe already seemed to be throwing a challenge at her with what happened at the Mansion. 
“But that’s it. Everyone was brought back except for Magneto. I guess he didn’t have a backup made.” From what Daisy understood, it was due to personal reasons. She was sure he didn’t expect to be assassinated so soon, though. She felt for Wanda and Lorna, and seeing their grief firsthand was more than enough motivation to figure out what was going on. “Resurrections have been made available to the public. Obviously I don’t think we’re included in that, though.”
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“You are? Lovely. We’ll consider that one win for the good guys in the midst of all these losses.” Heavens knows they needed something. It’s not as if Crystal interacts often with S.H.I.E.L.D. The Diplomatic Party doesn’t cow tail to any agencies — be them American or otherwise. Some have found the general aloofness of the Inhumans to be off-putting, but Crystalia has never cared. “Tell me, what’s your first act as Director?”
It’s at the mention of Magneto that Crystal’s eyes drift downwards. “That was my father-in-law, you know. We’re not close, but Luna adored him the little they got to see one another. Things with Pietro remain difficult, as always.” Lorna and Wanda are fine aunts at the end of the day. Crystal knows her daughter is doted on by the paternal side of her family. “I wouldn’t think so. I’m not sure how it would work with the Terrigenesis and what not. Plus, there’s always the fact that the mutants don’t like us. Not that I can blame them. We did almost attempt genocide in a time of desperation.” 
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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She’s never going to space again. No, that’s dramatic. Space will always be a part of Crystal. The Inhumans got their start on the moon, and she’ll always think of home when the night sky is clear. Her recent trip off planet had been with Luna. It marked the first time that she and her daughter had traveled intergalactically together, but Luna managed it well. Luna tends to handle most things well, Crystalia has noted. It’s been a blessing with the divorced and resulting animosity.
Getting caught up has taken some time. Crystal’s stripped off her gloves and kicked off her boots, one hand propping up her head as Daisy fills her in. She pauses once the Nuhuman is finished. “So, that’s it?” That’s it seems like an extreme oversimplification. “Reality warping, mass kidnappings, explosions and resurrections all within three months. It would almost be impressive if it wasn’t so messed up.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“Food is always a comfort during tough times. Whatever you want, it is on the house.” Frenchie poked a finger into the menu on the table and slid it over within reach.
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“If I ate every time there was a tough time, I’d have popped long ago. Still, it’s a nice offer.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“Those mutants sure know what they’re doing— I haven’t felt this good in years. Apparently all a guy’s gotta do to feel better is die. Who knew?”
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“I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t extend the same offer to an Inhuman, so I’ll have to take your word for it.” There seems to be a number of reasons why Inhuman resurrections wouldn’t work. They’re built differently than humans or mutants, and the Mists would have be reintroduced. “You really feel okay?”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“I don’t regret what I’ve done and in fact— I would do it again if it was necessary.”
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“I drew the short end of the stick.” It’s because of this that Crystal’s bothering with the mutants at all. “No talking in circle or being vague. What do you mean?”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“I don’t particularly appreciate how cryptic everyone is being.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“Yes, I am Sorcerer Supreme again. The why’s and how’s aren’t really any of your concern.”
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“And here I am, unaware that you ever weren’t the Sorcerer Supreme. I’ve been in space with Luna,” she explains. “I heard you died, or something like that? We don’t have to get into it if you don’t want to.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“You’re not the first person I’ve heard that from.” Now she had his undivided attention. By now he and Jessica knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. was possibly connected to all these disappearances, which meant that it was connected to Elektra. “Your liaison, what’s their name?”
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“It’s common, I know. She’s a difficult woman.” That can be a compliment, but it’s not here. Crystal crosses her arms. “Agent Daisy Johnson. She’s a Nuhuman, if you’re familiar with the term.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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Okay, fair. “I’m trying to decide what to bring my wife home for dinner. Talking to myself out loud.. helps, sometimes.” It wasn’t exactly a full on lie, just a half truth.
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“What are you considering? It better be pretty good if it made you run into royalty.”
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amaqvelins-archive ¡ 1 year
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“Just saying. Pot,” Rachel pointed towards Crystalia, and then back to herself. “Kettle.”
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“Don’t worry,” Crystal sniffs. “Your point has been made. We both have unusual pets.”
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