amaranta-author · 1 year
wei wuxian: i died and came back sluttier
wen ning: you died and came back and immediately got monogamously married monogamously
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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This is the Great Pyramid of King Khufu.  Everybody knows the Great Pyramid of King Khufu, but you probably don’t know about the Shit Pyramids of his father, King Sneferu.  This is a shame, because they are amazing.
When King Sneferu came to the throne of Egypt, the cool thing that all the pharaohs had was a Step Pyramid, like the original one built by King Djoser and designed by Imhotep (not the mummy).  King Sneferu could easily have had one one because his predecessor King Huni had died before his could be finished. All Sneferu had to do was step in and put the last few blocks on.
But King Sneferu had a vision.  He didn’t want any old Step Pyramid.  He was going to build Egypt’s first smooth-sided pyramid, and make King Huni’s pyramid way taller in the bargain.  It didn’t work.  The core of Huni’s pyramid couldn’t handle the modifications and nowadays the Step Pyramid at Meidum looks like this:
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It’s not on a hill - that’s the outer layers of the pyramid that have fallen down all around it.  The name of the structure in Arabic is Heram el-Kaddaab, which means something like The Sort-Of Pyramid.
Anyway, King Sneferu was understandably disappointed and made his pyramid-builders start over from scratch at a different site.  Apparently having learned nothing about the Big Fat Nowhere that hubristic pyramid ambition was going to get him, this pyramid was designed to be even taller and pointier than the last effort!  Too tall and pointy, in fact - the bedrock proved to be less stable than he might have hoped, and by the time the pyramid was half-finished stuff was already moving and cracking inside of it.  There are ceilings in this pyramid that are to this day partially held up by wooden beams.
The builders seem to have panicked and decided that the only way to finish the pyramid without another disaster was to make the top half lighter than the bottom half.  They did this by changing the angle of the slope, ending up with a pyramid that looks like this:
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Egyptologists call this one the Bent Pyramid for fairly obvious reasons.  Uniquely among Egyptian Pyramids, it has most of its smooth outer blocks intact, rather than having them all stolen to build other stuff (most of medieval Cairo is built from the skin of the Giza pyramids).  I’m guessing this is because nobody dared touch the thing for fear the whole structure would come down like a giant limestone game of Jenga.
I’m sure the pyramid-builders were very proud of this solution.  Sneferu appears to have been less so.  He had them move over about half a mile and start over.  Again.  Why only half a mile when he had them move 34 miles between the Sort-of Pyramid and the Bent Pyramid is a mystery.  I think he wanted to keep them in sight of the Bent Pyramid so they could look at it and feel ashamed every once in a while.
And there they built Sneferu’s third pyramid, which is called the Red Pyramid.  As pyramids go, it’s a very cautious one - it’s got the shallowest slope rise of any Egyptian pyramid, and while it’s the same height as the Bent Pyramid it spreads its weight over a much greater base area, making it far more stable.  Sneferu seems to have been happy with this one, because he was buried in it.  Either that, or after a forty-eight-year reign he just finally died and that was the pyramid they used because it was the nicest of the three.
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These three pyramids together actually contain substantially more stone than the Great Pyramid of Sneferu’s son Khufu.  By the time Sneferu died, his workforce had honed themselves into a lean, mean pyramid-building machine.  They had already made every possible pyramid mistake.  So when Khufu announced that he didn’t just want a great pyramid, but The Great Pyramid, these guys built him a pyramid so fucking great that we now think aliens must have done it.
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It was as true in Ancient Egypt as it is now.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
wei wuxian: i had a fight with lan zhan yesterday, i told him to grab his stuff and leave
nie huaisang: well, what did he do?
wei wuxian: ....he picked me up and left
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amaranta-author · 3 years
Me when my OTP does something cute
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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Throw yourself into the unknown
With pace and a fury defiant
Clothe yourself in beauty untold
And see life as a means to a triumph
Today of all days
How the most dangerous thing is to love
How you will heal and you'll rise above
Crowned by an overture bold and beyond
Ah, it's more courageous to overcome
I love when something is so good it inspires me to draw, which I don't do a lot so this is special.
My interpretation of Achilles. Inspired by the book The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. Lyrics are from the song Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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yalitmeme: otps [1/8] → Achilles x Patroclus
The sorrow was so large it threatened to tear through my skin. When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
And then he killed Patroclus and everything went to shit.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
Love triangles—overused and boring trope, right?
Wrong, you just need to get more creative. So buckle up fandom members and tired writers, let’s talk love triangle alternatives.
The Classic Love Triangle, aka the Love V
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This is your Bella/Edward/Jacob, your Katniss/Peeta/Gale. It’s been done and overdone. Person A has two people interested in them, and they have to pick which one they like best. Boring!! Let’s spice it up.
The True Love Triangle
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To make a REAL love triangle, we need to close the last side. Now all 3 people involved are part of their own classic love triangle. If two people end up together, the third will be double crushed because they just lost both of their potential love interests to each other. Now we’re talking.
This is like Harry/Cedric/Cho, Luna/Neville/Ginny (although not quite since it’s not all at the same time)
The Rivalry Turned Romance
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Person A is just minding their own business, uninterested in both person B and person C. Person B and C both like person A though, and somewhere along the way, their rivalry turns into a romance. Think about when Alya and Nino got trapped in the panther cage and fell for each other because they had so much (their mutual crush on Marinette) in common. This is the superior love triangle, tbh.
The Double Love Triangle
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We’re back to classic love triangle land, but we’re spicing it up by adding another one!! One of the people in the classic love triangle is in another classic love triangle. Percy has to choose between Annabeth and Rachel, Annabeth has to choose between Percy and Luke (*gags at mention of luke*). This can end in two couples or in one couple and two lonely people.
The True Double Love Triangle
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Ooh what’s this? It’s Miraculous Ladybug, of course. Person A (Marinette) likes Person C (Adrien), but she also likes Person B (Luka). Person C (Adrien) likes Person A (Marinette) and D (Kagami). BUT!! If we add in Marigami and Lukadrien, there’s our true love triangles coming out. Of course this chaos is in Miraculous because not a single character in this show this love triangle is straight.
The Bachelor
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I honestly can’t think of a good example in any fandoms I’m in for this scenario, but it’s pretty simple: person A has a plethora of potential love interests to choose between.
The Bachelor With Internal Love Triangles
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The love interests got tired of waiting for person A to choose one of them and started showing interest in each other.
The Bi Panic/Irene Adler/I am just overall frustrated that these two people are dating or into each other
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Person B and C are into each other, maybe already in a relationship, and person A likes both of them (unreciprocated). This is kind of like Irene Adler having an affair with both people in a marriage, except they would have both been into her too. A better example is when my crush in 7th grade started dating the girl that I didn’t know I had a crush on because I still thought I was straight.
The Plus One, aka the Johnlock
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Person A and B are in a confirmed and committed relationship (John & Mary Watson), but one of them is not so secretly in love with Person C (Sherlock).
The Awkward Plus One
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This is a similar situation to the plus one, but it’s just person C having an unrequited crush on someone in a relationship. For example, Nico having a crush on Percy, who is with Annabeth. Briseis loving Patroclus who is with his soulmate Achilles.
I was going to include the Marinette/Adrien/Ladybug/Chat Noir love square but honestly wtf is that mess and how did those fools manage to have a love triangle between two people?
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amaranta-author · 3 years
*screams in fangirl*
MDZS Donghua: “2 DAYS! August 7th, 12 o'clock!” Source: https://m.weibo.cn/5406119222/4666901069042997
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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Amé escribir todo esto. Amo lo que creé para ellas. No puedo esperar a contarlo por ahí.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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Esta historia me tiene emocionada.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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Princesa Myrati.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
I am obsessed with this MDZS fic on AO3 called “江山如有待 | It Seems the Hills and Rivers Have Been Waiting” by ScarlettStorm (I should look up if she’s here) and MY GOODNESS I LOVE THE PROTAGONIST. Fan Zhu’er is my role model and I don’t accept anything but good things for her. This is my mental breakdown of the day, thank you and goodbye.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
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I always wanted to read about a Princess of color with agency and thoughts and a personality not based in which white handsome man is going to rescue her/change her life. So I created one for myself (and you, if you like her!) she is Myrati, a princess of color who discovers great things about herself during her journey.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
“You’re so quiet, what’s wrong?” I’m creating my own fantasy world to escape from reality so shut up.
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amaranta-author · 3 years
how is this supposed to work?
someone help me D: 
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