amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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nate truscott + robin hartwell
right now, I'm gonna go sleep and dream of you again. I'll dream of the first time I saw you, like really saw you. you were standing in your yard, and your hair was up and you were yelling at your sister and then you caught my eye and you smiled. and I smiled back. that's how I want to remember you, always smiling. - nate in his first letter to robin 
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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nathan “nate” truscott  ( brief overview )
tw: panic attacks, ptsd, war violence, and depression.  cw: drug & alcohol abuse, cancer
the son of real estate tycoon adrian truscott and socialite moira truscott, nate was born on a blustery rain swept april day at the middle of the pack. while his older sister & his younger sister often stole the spotlight by being boisterous and rebellious, nate shrunk away to the background. adrian however, already had his life planned out for him. he was going to take over the truscott real estate empire when the time came. nate however, wanted to build create and explore. he had an ardent passion for science & engineering from a young age and the passion to follow it through. while his sisters defied their parents by sneaking out to parties and with drug & alcohol abuse, nate defied his parents by sparking up a friendship with jamison hartwell at the age of six ( who happened to be from a family his parents disapproved of ). in his teens, he fell in love with jamison’s younger sister robin, a romance that would continue into his early adulthood. unfortunately, fate intervened and when jamison told nate he was going to enlist for the army, nate ruefully enlisted as well, and left without saying goodbye to robin. unbeknownst to him she was pregnant with his son charlie. 
during his course in the army, nate changed quite a bit. he went from being a bright eyed, optimistic young man armed with an engineering degree to take on the world to a beated down shell of a person barely able to function on a day to day basis. he never forgot robin and wrote to her every day for five years eventually giving up figuring she’d moved on. losing jamison too took it’s toll on him and he became sequestered and guarded. six months ago he was involved in an incident where he lost an entire classroom of children to a bomber. this caused a severe episode of ptsd and he’s currently on leave till he recovers. in all honesty, he doesn’t want to return especially now that he’s discovered he has a son. while he’s been in vancouver he’s been fixing up his grandmother’s estate ( she passed away from cancer three months ago ), she’s left her entire fortune and the house to him.
old vintage cars, plaid, cheap beer, graph paper, blues, weatherbeaten wood, old records, tailored suits, messy writing on crumpled hotel paper, old wool blankets, ice water, the smell of the ocean, meditation books, model airplanes and faded blue jeans.
his older & younger sister ( I’ll post details soon ), old childhood friends, old rivals, old teenage exes ( they would be before he started dating robin when he was fifteen ), fellow army people, flings & such he had whilst in the army, his therapist, friends he’s reconnecting with now that he’s back, gimme everything !!!
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
alias: amara
age & pronouns: 25 + she/her
favorite canadian: ryan reynolds
what are you hoping to see on btyrp?: longevity and a community of great people !!
any plots you’d like to have?:  angst, group plot of complicated friends, anything involving family dynamics
a gif/graphic/vid to describe you:
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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2x10 | 3x15
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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[001] the face of any products
sadie is the current face of louis vitton she also has a partnership with covergirl for their all day every day natural finish foundation.
[002] open about their private life
to some extent, she doesn’t hide her relationship with matt matson, however she does prefer to keep some things close to the cuff. she’s very protective of her sisters ( and family in general ), matt, and her friends. so when the press does go after them she does get annoyed.
[003] an advocate for any charities
since her mother passed away from breast cancer, sadie is very much involved with several charities focused around breast cancer research she tries to do the run for the cure every year. she’s also a goodwill ambassador for unicef and a huge advocate for the #metoo & timesup movements.
[004] involved in a relationship for publicity
she’s luckily never had to have been.
[005] where they are because of dishonest / shady moves
sadie’s parents were very very adamant of preserving her integrity and although there were some “casting couch” opportunities sadie declined all of them. her career ( as she will admit ) is built upon sheer dumb luck and some hard work. 
[006] @ / retweet regularly
twilight meme accounts, cute dog pics, charities she’s involved with & her sisters
[007] mention most in interviews
her sisters/family & matt
[008] go to when they need some help
her sister for like general life advice and matt when she needs to feel better in general.
[009] idolize / adore more than life itself
her mother
[010] want to end up with (in their dreams)
honestly, ever since matt came into her life three years ago she hasn’t really thought of anyone else. but sixteen year old sadie would say leonardo dicaprio ( cliche she knows )
[011] the first thing they tweeted
@sadiedunne am I allowed to be here if I’m terrified of birds? that hitchcock movie still has me scarred, #crowsbegone
[012] the first event they got invited to
kids choice awards
[013] the last (non work related) vacation they took
she went to mexico with matt for their three year anniversary
[014] the first thing published about them on lounge
a few years ago when sadie did her very first indie film that garnered massive critical acclaim, she played a lesbian. lounge did an “expose” on this which sadie never commented on. she feels as though her sexuality is no one’s business and she’d rather just celebrate the people she loves.
[015] the project that made them want to act / write / sing / etc.
she grew up on musicals like sound of music & wizard of oz and all of shirley temple’s movies. as a child star,  she aspired to be like shirley temple and groomed herself to be a triple threat.
[016] do they put up with all of the bs that comes with the business
to some extent, she’s been in the business since she was six. so she knows being a public figure, people will ultimately be curious about her. however she draws the line and calls people out on bs. she has zero filter.
[017] did they pursue the career they’re currently in
since she was a kid, she just loved entertaining people. she’s so full of energy this career really suits her because she’s an energizer bunny but also has just a great deal of empathy.
[018] did they choose the media persona they did
sadie’s not even sure she has a “media persona” her M.O. is just being awkward and loud and for some reason people like it.
[019] do they hate gossip magazines so much
she could honestly care less on what gossip mags have to say, she’s proven them wrong through her actions.
[020] would they ever make a sex tape
I mean.... there’s probably one floating around there somewhere. if it ever went public she’d laugh and say that she feels sorry for anyone that had to view it because she feels she looks awkward having sex.
[021] did they hear their first song on the radio
she actually heard an irish radio play in her mom’s study in their home in dublin when she was four. that’s the oldest memory she has of hearing something on the radio
[022] did they find out they’d landed their first project
at her sixth birthday party, she was thrilled because she’d booked a sitcom in the states.
[023] did they go on vacation after their first big project
yes, her parents took her to disneyland, it was no pun intended magical.
[024] do they live when they want to get away from it all
sadie goes back home to dublin
[025] was their first big press conference
in toronto, one of her indie films debuted there as a part of the toronto film festival.
[026] project embarrassing
her first “project” was a chocolate bar commercial for an irish brand of sweets and sadie got to eat chocolate for the whole day she’ll say to this day it was one of the best jobs she’s ever had. 
[027] talk show appearance a wreck
no, sadie is unbashedly honest and people find that endearing. she told a story about how she befriended a squirrel that lived by the set of the movie she was working on. 
[028] public relationship heavily followed
not really, she dated one of her fellow disney alums. the relationship lasted a year but never garnered too much press as neither of them were “big names”
[029] fan encounter awkward / nice / sweet / etc.
it was kind of awkward because she was thirteen and a middle aged man wanted her autograph. her mother allowed it but she and sadie were a little uncomfortable even though the guy was fairly nice.
[030] relationship (while famous) talked about at all
not particularly, she was never a household disney name, she played the best friend so it was reported on briefly.
[031] they ever open any sort of business
sadie has recently started dabbling in executive producing and she loves it. so in the future, she’d love to open her own production house.
[032] they ever win a major, prestigious award
she’s won a golden globe, a few BAFTAs, and was nominated for an oscar last year. midnight city’s already getting a ton of critical buzz so hopefully next year will be her year *fingers crossed*
[033] they ever host the smn version of saturday night live
she did last year just before the oscars. she’d love to do it again.
[034] they ever work tirelessly for years to get a project going
she has for midnight city, and now that she’s a little more settled in her career she would love to be a champion for female led and diverse/inclusive projects because she feels she has a voice.
[035] they take pictures with fans who approach them on their off time
absolutely ! she’s happy to do it as long as they’re polite
[036] invest their money wisely
I mean sadie’s fairly frivolous with her spending habits, but she’s not spending her money on designer handbags it’s on twilight collectibles, candy, and random tidbits she likes to collect.
[037] work only on projects they love
since her career’s taken off and she’s being taken seriously as an actress, yes.
[038] care more about the fame than anything
no, fame isn’t something she’s concerned with. she’d be acting even if it was in a community theatre setting she just loves entertaining people.
[039] often find they’ve put their foot in their mouth
absolutely, she’s a rambler and she says stuff without thinking so she’s constantly doing this
[040] hide things from the public because they are afraid / ashamed of what the reaction could be
no she’s fairly open about who she is and feels no need to hide anything
[041] is a good person
objectively yes, I think she tries to be at least.
[042] will have career longevity
I think so, she’s wise about the projects she chooses and is committed to never doing the same thing twice.
[043] deserves the career they have
yes, she’s worked so hard for it
[044] can remain unjaded by hollywood
she’s managed for the last twenty four years so I hope so !
[045] will spend the rest of their life with the person they marry
depends on who she marries, because that person will require a lot of patience
[046] date / marry a fan
she would date a fan, sure. just as long as they tried to get to know who she is with all her complexities
[047] star on any type of reality show
no, she’s not a fan of reality shows
[048] donate to charity / do good deeds without publicity
yes, she doesn’t engage with charity for the publicity. she would do it even if she weren’t famous
[049] say exactly what they think about the ins/outs of fame
yes she’s fairly candid about this and will throw shade where shade needs to be thrown
[050] walk comic con without any security (in or out of disguise)
yes, she’d love it !! she’s a huge fangirl herself. however, she’s never had the chance to go to fan conventions.
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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TW: MENTIONS OF BREAST CANCER  so the dunnes are originally from dublin, the parents: aidan & ophelia are kind of new-age hippies. both are college professors ( aidan teaches english literature while ophelia teaches gaelic history ) and they met when ophelia came to ireland following her phD to do a fellowship and fell madly in love. they both were HUGE beatles fans so all three of their daughters are named after a beatles song ( sadie is named after sexy sadie you can find inspo for names here ). sadie is the oldest, they planned for her and after a long arduous effort had her in the summer of  1987. the second oldest was the result of a reunion after ophelia left briefly to go on sabbatical, and the youngest was a complete accident. the three were inseparable however, even when sadie started her acting career at the age of six ( it can be up to you when they started their career, if they’re famous etc. I would like at least one of the younger ones to be famous in some capacity ). aidan and ophelia wanted to keep their kids humble so no matter where they were in the world they were expected to come home at least once a year ( a rule they mandate even today ) about five years ago, ophelia was diagnosed with breast cancer. she was the picture of health so it came to a huge shock to everyone. she passed four months after her diagnosis as the cancer had reached it’s most aggressive phases. the loss was very hard on the family especially the girls who idolized their mother. and they’re still reeling from the loss. aidan has recently started seeing another woman and it can be up to you how your character is taking it, but sadie is not taking it well. she’s been very standoffish towards this new person in their lives and it’s going to cause some more drama because sadie’s expecting herself ( she doesn’t know it yet )  the three sisters are extremely close. when they’re not together, they text, skype, snap chat, and find ways to talk to each other. they can’t go a couple of days without contact. they are each others biggest cheerleaders. I’m thinking if they’re also actresses they could have done a project together as well. all I ask is that the girls look somewhat like melissa benoist, be around the ages I recommended, and have beatles inspired names ( of course they can have a different last name if they’re married etc ). either hit me up here, reply to this, or hit me up on discord amara #0987 if you’d like one of these babes. sadie dunne, 30, melissa benoist, played by amara ( @amararoleplays ) --- dunne, 27-29, open face claim, played by open --- dunne, 23-26, open face claim, played by open
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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midnight city is loosely based on la la land and follows aspiring british model mia dolan ( saide dunne ) as she navigates the trials and tribulations of paris fashion houses for the first time.along the way she meets struggling jazz musician sebastian meursault ( matt matson ) and the two find themselves in a world wind romance. as societal pressures, cultural differences, and their own ambitions try to separate them they try to hold onto each other through it all. question is, what is more important? their individual dreams or the candle they hold for each other?
mia dolan, a young british model from the wrong side of the tracks - sadie dunne sebastian meursault, an aspiring jazz musician whose greatest barrier is his own arrogance - matt matson keith ( must be a POC ), an american jazz producer looking to open a club in paris - open genevieve meursault, sebastian’s siter who believes he needs to pick a different career - open jean-luc champlain ( must be a POC ) - mia’s previous boyfriend an arrogant photographer - open emilie ( must be a POC ) - mia’s best friend & roommate, also an aspiring model - open brigitta - mia’s other roommate, an opera singer - open bill - sebastian’s writing partner & conscience - open madam cabaret - the owner of paris’s biggest fashion house that takes a liking to sebastian - open giles bourdain - a rival jazz muscian  - open “chatty” kathy dolan - mia’s mother- open clyde st. clair - mia’s husband - open
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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[008] geeking out about their favorite movie / tv show / etc. on camera
SM: now we had your sister on the show recently, and she said one of the most embarrassing things about you is that your favorite movie series is twilight. I thought she was kidding but when my producers did some research, they found out you are a twilight fanatic 
SD: [laughs] she would say that, but yeah I’m a twihard is that what the kids call it now? and it’s not really a secret either I’m very obvious about it. SM: I would never have pegged you for one. how did you get into it? were you a fan of the books ? SD: no, it’s actually kind of a funny story. I had just finished filming a movie in melbourne and I was flying back to LA. and it’s a twenty something hour flight. so I was going through the inflight entertainment and I came upon the first movie and just the premise kind of blew me away. my dad’s a english literature professor at a college in Dublin so we grew up with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Dracula, all these really amazing horror stories. but Twilight was listed as a romance. so I binged like all four movies and I was just kind of...blown away. It was the first time I was genuinely like americans are so strange because isabella wanted to eat ward and he was just turned on by it? if it were me I’d be running for the hills. so obviously because it confused me, I had to watch it again. and over the next few years I watched it like at least eh..give or take seventy times. [ audience laughs ]
SM: seventy times? what made you coming back to it?
SD: it’s just like the most bizarre love story ever. like it’s the equivalent of me being in love with a roast chicken innit? [laughs] it’s the movie I watch when I’m having a bad day and need a pick me up. it always puts a smile on my face. it’s like my messed up version of the wizard of oz. I know all the lines by heart, I have close to a hundred twilight memes saved, I put the soundtrack on repeat when I’m at the gym, I just got some collectibles I bought off amazon & I was lucky enough to get an autographed movie poster. SM: now your boyfriend, Matt Matson, he was the lead in Twilight, wasn’t he? how does he feel about all this?
SD: it’s funny you mention that because the first time I met him I was starstruck. I was having dinner with a friend in new york and matt was sitting a few tables down. and my friend knew him and was like ‘let me introduce you to to matt’ and I literally squealed and was like “you know the hot guy from twilight no way !” and I’m pretty sure he heard me. we literally had to be kicked out of the restaurant because we spent the entire evening talking and then I spent the next week after sending him twilight memes featuring his character. when he didn’t block me, I knew he was a keeper. SM: [ laughs ] have you watched the movies with him? SD: oh yeah, we host a monthly movie night for a few close friends and twilight is definitely a regular feature and like I said I know all the lines so I loudly and obnoxiously “act along” he does get his revenge though, like he also screens my old sitcom appearances so everyone sees me in my goosy goosy stage. 
SM: you two seem like you have a blast together, so I got you a little present to entertain you when he’s not nearby [ hands her a edward swan doll that says little catch phrases ]
SD: oh my god ! you just made my evening. wait til, I show matt this [ pulls the little string as one of the catch phrases ] it even sounds like him!
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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sadie dunne once disney “best friend” & perpetual guest star turned indie movie darling turned critically acclaimed leading lady.
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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agnes lewis ronan moore / 29 / kindergarten teacher / fox hollow resident / melissa benoist
LIKES: adult coloring books, knitting, scrapbooking, baking, cooking, reading, going to church, going on hikes, book clubs, dressing girly, romance novels, earl grey tea, rain, sketching for hours on end, & being there for her students DISLIKES: waking up early, loud noises, small spaces, talking about her past, having photographs taken of her, when people make assumptions, intimacy, cruelty towards animals & children, pop music, social media, social situations, clubs, oatmeal, cheap wine, getting lost, dealing with her anxiety, & grocery shopping. TRAITS: + compassionate, intelligent, prudent, punctual, organized, artistic, & caring. - distant, anxious, apathetic, clumsy, needy, oversensitive, paranoid, & self-deprecating.
BLURB: TW MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT, POLYGAMY, PTSD, & UNDERAGE MARRIAGE.  born agnes lewis, ronan belonged to a religious community of which her family was devout members of for generations. she refused to be called agnes from a young age and went simply by ronan her middle name. sheltered off from the outside world, ronan thought what was going on in the compound was all normal but as a teenager she couldn’t help but be attracted to a fellow member of the community. he was cast out, and the prophet picked ronan to be his wife at the tender age of sixteen. on the eve of their wedding, he tried to force himself on her and ronan’s mother helped her escape wanting a better life for her daughter getting her a new identity in the form of “ronan moore” ( moore being her mother’s maiden name ) . ronan was on her own since then eventually being thrown into the foster system. the assault she’d faced left it’s scars and she was nervous, skittish, and uncomfortable making her the ire of her foster parents. the only solace she had were her books and she retreated into her world in order to escape all her emotional troubles. when ronan turned 18, she was given a small government stipend and she used that and a student loan to attend teaching college. she was teaching at a school in tenneesee when her friend told her about a position in juniper falls. it’s been roughly a month since she moved here. 
NEEDS: roommates, friends, book club buddies, art lover friends all the things !!
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
name: amara pronouns: she/her. timezone: est. what is one thing that you’d like to see out of the rp?: celeb roleplays are lowkey my favorite genre so I’d love to see all sorts of things. maybe a gossip / tmz type entity, big lavish events & periodic development challenges based around interviews and such if you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?: I’d like a dog, sadly half my family is allergic. what is one fictional world you would want to be in?: definitely the DC comics universe or harry potter’s magical world. what are a few plots you’ve always wanted to do?: british brat pack, a childstar gone awry, a mickey mouse club trash posse  what is your favorite celebrity scandal or rumor?: I love reading trivial things like so and so went to the grocery store they always make me chuckle because who cares really? on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for smnrp?: do you mean 400000000???? throw a gif at us that describes you!:
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
alias: amara
pronouns: she/her
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
what you’d like to see out of selfish: involved family plots, fun friends plots, & angst
anything else: I’d love to see development challenges!
gif that represents you:
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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I won’t be the reason this planet suffers. (4/∞)
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
I already have reed and eara all figured out but I’m thinking of making a third ( most likely a guy ) so if anyone needs hit me up
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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character basics
eara aobh imogen mcalister  / twenty nine / alice / human rights activist / wellshade returnee.
physical attributes
eye color green / hair color red / height 5′3″ / weight 122 lbs / body type curvy in some places but mostly slim / scars one on her temple from when she was captured by terrorists in bosnia during an unhcr mission / tattoos one, two. / allergies strawberries / scents lavender, old spices, & jasmine tea /
season summer / holiday thanksgiving / movie three billboards outside ebbing, missouri / tv show stranger things / food pizza / alcohol vodka / book milk and honey by rupi kaur / genre of music pop / musical artist beyonce / pastime photography, writing, & reading / perfume nirvana black by elizabeth and james / “highs” completing a successful assignment for unhcr / favorite tea blend white tea
general aesthetics
social justice warrior, patched jean jackets, empty airport lounges, carrying the world on her weak shoulders, apathy should be a crime t-shirts, cup of grey tea, the smell of rain after a heavy thunderstorm, scrapbooks filled to the brim with vestiges of adventures, living out of a suitcase, frustrated with bureaucracy, & wandering empty streets
started trick or treating for unicef as long as she was old enough to understand that there were people less fortunate than her / once tied herself to a tree because they were going to bulldoze it over to build a new strip mall, she was fourteen / frequently attended marches for a variety of different causes  / always felt trapped in wellshade and as soon as she was old enough packed a bag and left as far away as possible. / took a year off before college to do an year with the peace corps / the day she got married was the second worst day of her life because she felt so claustrophobic, the worst day of her life was when she found out her husband had passed away / her dog is her best friend, she misses her when she’s in areas where she can’t bring her along / definitely has a drinking problem and it’s gotten worse since her husband passed / refused to change her maiden name for professional reasons / has been writing a book for the last five years and has yet to finish / became a vegan when she was fourteen and considers it the best decision she ever made. 
growing up with the last name “mcalister”, eara knew a lot was expected of her. she was always proactive in trying to figure out the best way to make the world a better place. whether that be trick or treating for unicef or helping the local food bank, or volunteering at the animal shelter. she always had this overwhelmingly generous spirit but also the guilt that went along with it because she felt she had so much when others had so little. as adolescence dawned this guilt quickly turned into anger and she found herself angry at the world and the inaction of governments to create positive change. especially, when she was trapped in a town like wellshade. when she turned eighteen she deferred her acceptance into sarah lawrence and joined the peace corps for a year. when she came back, she was more motivated than ever to become an activist. she did her degree in social work from sarah lawrence and then joined unhcr as a caseworker. she was adamant on distancing herself from the mcalister name. when she realized people responded to her name and her family’s name she decided to use it to her advantage. with her mother being a lawyer with the UN, it gave her the perfect platform to sort of use her connections in a positive way. three years ago, she surprised everyone by marrying her boyfriend of three months. it was a wedding of convenience because eara just wanted to get married as it was a part of her “five year plan”. there were problems in the marriage for awhile with eara constantly travelling for her work. a month ago, he passed away in a car accident and since, eara has returned to wellshade to grieve, but here’s the real awful part of her story. her husband’s brother is her assistant and she has been sleeping with him for the last six months so the guilt has been overwhelming
her assistant/lover ( I’ll have a request up later on but if someone’s interested hit me up ), friends, fellow activists/lobbyists, enemies, just all the things. 
tiny ginger out saving the world but really bad at normal things like emotions and dealing with life.
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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reed cavanaugh & edie beaumont
“ you didn’t believe in love, not really you’d seen your whole family fall apart to know better. you figure it’s santa claus or the easter bunny, just something people make up to make the world less lonely and miserable. that was until she came into your life. and you didn’t just fall for her, you tumbled for her. it started with juvenile fights that turned into passionate makeouts that turned into spurious sex. okay, somewhere along the lines sex turned into making love even before you realized what that meant. then your world turned upside down when you both created a tiny precious life that needed protecting. and just like that you’re happy, settled, and in love. sure, you haven’t made things official...yet but you’re just waiting for the perfect moment right? “
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amararoleplays-blog ¡ 6 years
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character basics
reed cavanaugh / thirty / cheshire / pediatric surgical resident / wellshade native.
physical attributes
eye color grey / hair color brown / height 6′0″ / weight 175 lbs / body type athletic / muscular / scars facial scars from a motorcycle crash when he was eighteen & a scar at the nape of his neck from an exploding firework from the fourth of july when he was nine / tattoos one, two, three, a little heartbeat on his peck with the initials e.b., his daughter victoria’s birthdate on his ribs. / allergies shellfish / scents soap, woodsy notes, coffee /
season spring / holiday christmas / movie men in black / tv show the good doctor or house / food whatever edie bakes that day kale & tofu salad / alcohol jack daniels / book vital signs by robin cook / genre of music jazz or classical / musical artist james brown / pastime spending time with his family, reading, or exercising / hobby cooking or hiking / cologne anything by burberry / “highs” surgery, sex, or watching his daughter succeed / coffee blend ethiopian coffees
general aesthetics
closeted genius, trench coats, black coffee, leather bound books, embarrassingly proud dad, lots of mommy issues, avid health nut, old vinyl records, harley davidson classic motorcycles, leather jackets, rum, tough but fair, papa bear. 
never believed in santa claus, easter bunny etc growing up only started believing in love after edie came into his life / tried out for musicals in high school to meet girls / has an extensive collection of first edition sherlock holmes novels / likes fixing things it reminds him of projects he did with his dad as a kid / loves nature, hiking & fishing are some of his favorite things to do / bought a wedding ring five years ago...but still has yet to propose. / secretly loves disney movies his favorite is aladdin / secretly also likes his interns even though he’s very hard on them. / learned to braid hair for his daughter, he knows several types of braids now / learned to knit in his med school days to improve dexterity, now he stress knits / most likely to get into fights with the ref at his daughter’s soccer games / pretends he hates sweets but loves them / loves toys r’ us and is sad it’s closing down.
reed is a wellshade native and the oldest of the middle line of the cavanaughs. his mom was MIA from the moment he was born and he was raised predominantly by his father, ayden who owns a small “mom and pop” (minus the mom) hardware store in town. from a young age he was taught the value of hard work, but he couldn’t help but notice some things (like school work)…came ridiculously easy to him. he was eight when the teacher called ayden and told him that his son had tested well above the genius level on a mensa test and his IQ was in the 160s rivalling that of einstein and hawking. opportunities came for reed to go to special schools, but ayden who had failed in his pursuit of a professional career of basketball didn’t want to set his son up for failure. reed was kept in regular schools and grew up with a relatively normal upbringing ( if you exclude his crazy family dynamics ). he played basketball in high school and voted prom king in his senior year no one would have known he was a genius because he never really advertised it ( although the test scores boasted otherwise ). he didn’t even want to make the valedictorian speech at graduation and pawned it off to someone else. reed really started owning his smarts when he got to college and kind of got addicted to the praise and accomplishments. he was in his last year of med school when he got his first reality check when he got edith beaumont his on again off again bed buddy pregnant. being a father really changed reed, he had always kept everything close to the vest but because of his daughter victoria he started opening up more and becoming more emotionally mature. he had gained a bit of an hubris in his early days of his surgical residency because he was doing high level procedures as a second or third year because the pediatric attending basically let him do whatever he wanted. after he lost a young patient he made sure to re evaluate his mistakes and check his ego at the door when it wasn’t needed. he’s especially hard on his surgical interns because of this reason.
request ( friends group ), request ( family ) needs: friends, professional rivals, bitter exes he ditched for edie, fellow dads, poker club people, pta friends??? idk I’m open to anything tbh.
a blunt conscientious hardass 80% of the time 20% of the time a cocky sob but 100% of the time soft for his girlfriend, baby girl & family members.
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