#site: smnrp
amararoleplays-blog · 6 years
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[001] the face of any products
sadie is the current face of louis vitton she also has a partnership with covergirl for their all day every day natural finish foundation.
[002] open about their private life
to some extent, she doesn’t hide her relationship with matt matson, however she does prefer to keep some things close to the cuff. she’s very protective of her sisters ( and family in general ), matt, and her friends. so when the press does go after them she does get annoyed.
[003] an advocate for any charities
since her mother passed away from breast cancer, sadie is very much involved with several charities focused around breast cancer research she tries to do the run for the cure every year. she’s also a goodwill ambassador for unicef and a huge advocate for the #metoo & timesup movements.
[004] involved in a relationship for publicity
she’s luckily never had to have been.
[005] where they are because of dishonest / shady moves
sadie’s parents were very very adamant of preserving her integrity and although there were some “casting couch” opportunities sadie declined all of them. her career ( as she will admit ) is built upon sheer dumb luck and some hard work. 
[006] @ / retweet regularly
twilight meme accounts, cute dog pics, charities she’s involved with & her sisters
[007] mention most in interviews
her sisters/family & matt
[008] go to when they need some help
her sister for like general life advice and matt when she needs to feel better in general.
[009] idolize / adore more than life itself
her mother
[010] want to end up with (in their dreams)
honestly, ever since matt came into her life three years ago she hasn’t really thought of anyone else. but sixteen year old sadie would say leonardo dicaprio ( cliche she knows )
[011] the first thing they tweeted
@sadiedunne am I allowed to be here if I’m terrified of birds? that hitchcock movie still has me scarred, #crowsbegone
[012] the first event they got invited to
kids choice awards
[013] the last (non work related) vacation they took
she went to mexico with matt for their three year anniversary
[014] the first thing published about them on lounge
a few years ago when sadie did her very first indie film that garnered massive critical acclaim, she played a lesbian. lounge did an “expose” on this which sadie never commented on. she feels as though her sexuality is no one’s business and she’d rather just celebrate the people she loves.
[015] the project that made them want to act / write / sing / etc.
she grew up on musicals like sound of music & wizard of oz and all of shirley temple’s movies. as a child star,  she aspired to be like shirley temple and groomed herself to be a triple threat.
[016] do they put up with all of the bs that comes with the business
to some extent, she’s been in the business since she was six. so she knows being a public figure, people will ultimately be curious about her. however she draws the line and calls people out on bs. she has zero filter.
[017] did they pursue the career they’re currently in
since she was a kid, she just loved entertaining people. she’s so full of energy this career really suits her because she’s an energizer bunny but also has just a great deal of empathy.
[018] did they choose the media persona they did
sadie’s not even sure she has a “media persona” her M.O. is just being awkward and loud and for some reason people like it.
[019] do they hate gossip magazines so much
she could honestly care less on what gossip mags have to say, she’s proven them wrong through her actions.
[020] would they ever make a sex tape
I mean.... there’s probably one floating around there somewhere. if it ever went public she’d laugh and say that she feels sorry for anyone that had to view it because she feels she looks awkward having sex.
[021] did they hear their first song on the radio
she actually heard an irish radio play in her mom’s study in their home in dublin when she was four. that’s the oldest memory she has of hearing something on the radio
[022] did they find out they’d landed their first project
at her sixth birthday party, she was thrilled because she’d booked a sitcom in the states.
[023] did they go on vacation after their first big project
yes, her parents took her to disneyland, it was no pun intended magical.
[024] do they live when they want to get away from it all
sadie goes back home to dublin
[025] was their first big press conference
in toronto, one of her indie films debuted there as a part of the toronto film festival.
[026] project embarrassing
her first “project” was a chocolate bar commercial for an irish brand of sweets and sadie got to eat chocolate for the whole day she’ll say to this day it was one of the best jobs she’s ever had. 
[027] talk show appearance a wreck
no, sadie is unbashedly honest and people find that endearing. she told a story about how she befriended a squirrel that lived by the set of the movie she was working on. 
[028] public relationship heavily followed
not really, she dated one of her fellow disney alums. the relationship lasted a year but never garnered too much press as neither of them were “big names”
[029] fan encounter awkward / nice / sweet / etc.
it was kind of awkward because she was thirteen and a middle aged man wanted her autograph. her mother allowed it but she and sadie were a little uncomfortable even though the guy was fairly nice.
[030] relationship (while famous) talked about at all
not particularly, she was never a household disney name, she played the best friend so it was reported on briefly.
[031] they ever open any sort of business
sadie has recently started dabbling in executive producing and she loves it. so in the future, she’d love to open her own production house.
[032] they ever win a major, prestigious award
she’s won a golden globe, a few BAFTAs, and was nominated for an oscar last year. midnight city’s already getting a ton of critical buzz so hopefully next year will be her year *fingers crossed*
[033] they ever host the smn version of saturday night live
she did last year just before the oscars. she’d love to do it again.
[034] they ever work tirelessly for years to get a project going
she has for midnight city, and now that she’s a little more settled in her career she would love to be a champion for female led and diverse/inclusive projects because she feels she has a voice.
[035] they take pictures with fans who approach them on their off time
absolutely ! she’s happy to do it as long as they’re polite
[036] invest their money wisely
I mean sadie’s fairly frivolous with her spending habits, but she’s not spending her money on designer handbags it’s on twilight collectibles, candy, and random tidbits she likes to collect.
[037] work only on projects they love
since her career’s taken off and she’s being taken seriously as an actress, yes.
[038] care more about the fame than anything
no, fame isn’t something she’s concerned with. she’d be acting even if it was in a community theatre setting she just loves entertaining people.
[039] often find they’ve put their foot in their mouth
absolutely, she’s a rambler and she says stuff without thinking so she’s constantly doing this
[040] hide things from the public because they are afraid / ashamed of what the reaction could be
no she’s fairly open about who she is and feels no need to hide anything
[041] is a good person
objectively yes, I think she tries to be at least.
[042] will have career longevity
I think so, she’s wise about the projects she chooses and is committed to never doing the same thing twice.
[043] deserves the career they have
yes, she’s worked so hard for it
[044] can remain unjaded by hollywood
she’s managed for the last twenty four years so I hope so !
[045] will spend the rest of their life with the person they marry
depends on who she marries, because that person will require a lot of patience
[046] date / marry a fan
she would date a fan, sure. just as long as they tried to get to know who she is with all her complexities
[047] star on any type of reality show
no, she’s not a fan of reality shows
[048] donate to charity / do good deeds without publicity
yes, she doesn’t engage with charity for the publicity. she would do it even if she weren’t famous
[049] say exactly what they think about the ins/outs of fame
yes she’s fairly candid about this and will throw shade where shade needs to be thrown
[050] walk comic con without any security (in or out of disguise)
yes, she’d love it !! she’s a huge fangirl herself. however, she’s never had the chance to go to fan conventions.
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smnrp · 6 years
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smnrp opening date
it’s the moment you all have been waiting for! smnrp will be officially opening it’s doors on saturday, april 28th at 3pm cst/9pm gmt. the winners of our current prejoiner contest will have access to the site one day prior on friday, april 27th. as we’ve mentioned before, we will be releasing all the codes you need prior to opening; we’ve released our application template and we’re going to release the imdb codes, discography codes, lounge and sonder profile codes, etc. all of those goodies so you’ll literally be 5000% ready to post and join when the site opens.
the staff also wanted to send out a huge thank you. this site buzz has expanded into something larger than any of us could have anticipated. there are so many amazing people in this tag and discord and we’re just totally floored with your creativity and dedication to our project. we know that things have taken a tad bit longer than anticipated originally for a multitude of reasons, but we want the site to be completely ready for you; this is going to be a site that lasts, and we can’t wait to share it with you all! in the meantime, continue participating in the contest and being your amazing-selves because we are so excited for you all to be here.
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harrisgolightly · 6 years
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               ‘ i’m a reformed fuckboy with a decent career. it happens. ’
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darthnellie · 6 years
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Brent Rodolfo Sato. 29. Celebrity Chef. Social Media Mogul. Badboy (read: dumbass).
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kathleenrps · 6 years
name: kathleen
pronouns: she/her
timezone: cst
what is one thing that you’d like to see out of the rp?: awesome projects, fun interactions, celebrity gossip
if you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?: an otter fo sho
what is one fictional world you would want to be in?: harry potter so i can hex someone i’m annoyed at but also fly
what are a few plots you’ve always wanted to do?: nonceleb/celeb, sleeping with the director to get better scenes, you know the usual
what is your favorite celebrity scandal or rumor?: tupac’s still out there chilling in cuba with elvis
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for smnrp?: 11
throw a gif at us that describes you!:
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allthingsroleplay · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more! 
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briezy-rps · 6 years
name: brie
pronouns: she/her
timezone: central
what is one thing that you’d like to see out of the rp?: a lot of plotting, some awesome site events. 
if you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?: fennec fox
what is one fictional world you would want to be in?: harry potter
what are a few plots you’ve always wanted to do?: a character based on member of little mix. 
what is your favorite celebrity scandal or rumor?:  la la land accidentally announced as best picture & kathy griffin poses with trump’s head
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you for smnrp?: 10!
throw a gif at us that describes you!:
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jcinknetwork · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more! 
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amararoleplays-blog · 6 years
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[008] geeking out about their favorite movie / tv show / etc. on camera
SM: now we had your sister on the show recently, and she said one of the most embarrassing things about you is that your favorite movie series is twilight. I thought she was kidding but when my producers did some research, they found out you are a twilight fanatic 
SD: [laughs] she would say that, but yeah I’m a twihard is that what the kids call it now? and it’s not really a secret either I’m very obvious about it. SM: I would never have pegged you for one. how did you get into it? were you a fan of the books ? SD: no, it’s actually kind of a funny story. I had just finished filming a movie in melbourne and I was flying back to LA. and it’s a twenty something hour flight. so I was going through the inflight entertainment and I came upon the first movie and just the premise kind of blew me away. my dad’s a english literature professor at a college in Dublin so we grew up with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Dracula, all these really amazing horror stories. but Twilight was listed as a romance. so I binged like all four movies and I was just kind of...blown away. It was the first time I was genuinely like americans are so strange because isabella wanted to eat ward and he was just turned on by it? if it were me I’d be running for the hills. so obviously because it confused me, I had to watch it again. and over the next few years I watched it like at least eh..give or take seventy times. [ audience laughs ]
SM: seventy times? what made you coming back to it?
SD: it’s just like the most bizarre love story ever. like it’s the equivalent of me being in love with a roast chicken innit? [laughs] it’s the movie I watch when I’m having a bad day and need a pick me up. it always puts a smile on my face. it’s like my messed up version of the wizard of oz. I know all the lines by heart, I have close to a hundred twilight memes saved, I put the soundtrack on repeat when I’m at the gym, I just got some collectibles I bought off amazon & I was lucky enough to get an autographed movie poster. SM: now your boyfriend, Matt Matson, he was the lead in Twilight, wasn’t he? how does he feel about all this?
SD: it’s funny you mention that because the first time I met him I was starstruck. I was having dinner with a friend in new york and matt was sitting a few tables down. and my friend knew him and was like ‘let me introduce you to to matt’ and I literally squealed and was like “you know the hot guy from twilight no way !” and I’m pretty sure he heard me. we literally had to be kicked out of the restaurant because we spent the entire evening talking and then I spent the next week after sending him twilight memes featuring his character. when he didn’t block me, I knew he was a keeper. SM: [ laughs ] have you watched the movies with him? SD: oh yeah, we host a monthly movie night for a few close friends and twilight is definitely a regular feature and like I said I know all the lines so I loudly and obnoxiously “act along” he does get his revenge though, like he also screens my old sitcom appearances so everyone sees me in my goosy goosy stage. 
SM: you two seem like you have a blast together, so I got you a little present to entertain you when he’s not nearby [ hands her a edward swan doll that says little catch phrases ]
SD: oh my god ! you just made my evening. wait til, I show matt this [ pulls the little string as one of the catch phrases ] it even sounds like him!
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smnrp · 6 years
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hey everyone, remember us?! 
guess what...we’re SO close to launching our site buzz. we’ve been hard at work over the past few weeks gearing up to bring you an amazing jcink celebrity roleplay, and it’s almost time. we wanted to post a quick message, letting you all know that yes, we’re still here, and YES, you better believe that we are going to a screen near you very soon.
that being said, real life comes up and we have found ourselves looking to add 1-2 more staff members to our team. if you’re interested, send us a message via our submit box (click) with the following info: 
ACTIVITY LEVEL: (1-10, any explanations you deem necessary) 
SKILLS: (graphics, coding, advertising, etc)
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: (links included please!)
SITE IDEAS: (let us any ideas you might have!) 
ABOUT YOU:  (hogwarts house, mbti, anything that you want us to know!) 
CONTACT: (discord mandatory!) 
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harrisgolightly · 6 years
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on her eighteenth birthday, polly melendez leaves her small neveda town behind. raised by a drug addicted single mother with a slew of creepy boyfriends, polly always dreamed of a better life. that better life never really happened. settling on the outskirts of las vegas, polly gets a job working at a strip club run by martin polastco, a charasmatic and charming on the surface with a wicked streak under the surface. martin runs the strip club with an iron fist, controlling the girls lives and making it near impossible for any of them to leave. while working at the club, polly meets and befriends luna hudson, a woman a few years older than her. the two begin a passionate but secret affair and begin to plot their better life. as martin discovers the relationship, he becomes volitale towards luna - whom he believes he is in love with. luna breaks off the relationship when martin threatens polly’s life. giving the money she had been saving to escape herself to polly, luna tells her to leave and find her way to that better. refusing to leave luna or the other women who have become her family, polly decides enough is enough and murders martin. the women of the club come together to dispose of his body and make a vow to reestablish the club, run by them and a place they can all make a better life.
so this is the film that launched my girl mia queen into the spotlight. her father is a fairly well known producer originally he wanted the film idea but she wanted to prove herself outside of the name and asked him to introduce her to others. That’s where Polly meets the woman she co-wrote the script with. It can be an actress or director, whatever but they partner for the script. eventually the film got an oscar nomination for best original screenplay and maybe others.
polly needs her costars and creative team. if anyone wants in on the project, hit me up here or on discord at heroicvalor#7438. i’ll list the open roles below so just let me know if you wanna join! the film was pitched and filmed in 2012 and released in 2013.
director - open producer -open writer - mia queen (fc pending) - harris writer - selene moore (amber heard) - tee
polly melendez - mia queen (fc pending) - harris luna hudson - selene moore (amber heard) - tee martin polastco - open - male various employees (strippers/bartenders/bouncer) - open - female/male carla brees - open - female; polly’s mother
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rpings · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more!
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therpsource · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more!
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allthingsroleplay · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more!
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captains-ads · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more! 
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rockinroleplay · 6 years
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☆*  say my name  *☆
say my name is an upcoming celebrity roleplay hosted on the jcink platform. set in los angeles, vancouver, atlanta, and london. we are looking to build up a relaxed and fun atmosphere for the site with a low pressure environment and understanding staff members. coming to jcink april 2018. follow us today for updates, early reserves, and more!
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