amaryllidae · 3 days
sometimes i think about all she lost on the way
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amaryllidae · 4 days
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big daddy — character insight
matteo cadabra | he/him | 228,000 | default wand/cufflink wand
youngest son, only one that inherited their mom's leadership skills
bossy as hell, but far more genuine than his mother
was one of them mean kids at school (he would fold you into a pretzel)
used to being top dog. people who challenged him were either respected or hated
bullied tf outta jorgen in school (he was a bad bitch fr)
several attempts on his life, primarily the years when nonna gave him the reins
plays it off, but the longlasting effect is he always has to be diligent- he only ever feels truly safe in his bed, in his house. until someone ruined that too. hates being vulnerable.
family man like his dad, fiercely loyal, adores his girls but nobody is perfect and he's got a lot to juggle. sometimes the idea of getting away is appealing..
tends to verbally brush off things that sit with him and bother him, must appear untouchable
knew that amaris was seducing him. let her (he's in control.)
loved her spunk + proposed to her, spoiled her
also incorrectly assumed amaris would take a break from her singing to raise their daughters
didnt want to be primary caretaker of his girls- hed either be forced to take a step back from the mafia (terrible idea) or put his daughters in danger by continuing activities
hid his pregnancy for as long as physically possible due to the weakened state it put him in. wanted to hide the girls too for a few years
nana cadabra was an intelligent, tactical force of nature. matteo being in charge makes him look like a meathead in comparison, and while he's no genius he's wise. the business stresses him out but he's gotta do what he's gotta do, and he loves his family.
spoils his daughters and is overprotective (with good reason)
DOES care about willa. he just doesn't know how to approach her since she's so.. different. she doesn't seem to want anything to do with the mafia. it's disappointing, but also he gets it. he hopes she's happy.
good grandpa. loves peri. has a way different idea of fun though.
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amaryllidae · 10 days
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the cadabra boys — a brief look
booker cadabra | piero cadabra | carmine cadabra | astro cadabra
booker cadabra (asterisco)
big family man, extremely loyal. raised very traditionally
the asterisco family was protected by the mob, he really looked up to and appreciated it for that (which is how he met celestine)
no braincells but a very big core (heart)
excessive pet names
wholeheartedly supported his wife in every endeavor, could not fathom her as anything but judicious and kind (sometimes, a lady's just gotta do stuff for the greater good)
chain smoker (chronic worrier, put all his faith in his wife)
def cried at his own wedding
when he sees good in people, that's all he sees
never got to meet his grandkids
piero cadabra
the talker between him and carmine
oldest son, booker's favorite
catastrophizes a lot
likes to be told what to do. does not like being given choices
tends to ramble
lots of nervous tics when he's not in "game mode"
like a whole different person when he's got orders. cool, reserved, collected. until the game plan changes
loves his nieces wanda and willa (blonda) so much
carmine cadabra
second eldest, he was conceived not long after piero was born
cousin guido's dad
really good at math, handles most of the money that comes through
very jaded. prides himself on being "the smart one"
tends to express his thoughts through piero, who's better at talking than he is
holds grudges for centuries
gets queasy at the sight of core magic
thinks blonda is lazy
lowkey thinks big daddy is a meathead (he loves his little brother anyway)
astro cadabra
teeny boy, second youngest (big daddys big brother)
really good with yo-yo tricks
frequently wandered, dad had to keep him on a leash
had a staring problem
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amaryllidae · 14 days
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amaris fairywinkle — character insight
amaris fairywinkle | she/her | 220,000
her primary concern is herself at the end of the day
likes bad boys. finds danger cool as long as shes not in actual danger
grew up woefully sheltered
2 older sisters. she is the spoiled youngest
popular singer in her youth, met big daddy by performing at a cabaret he frequented. she didn't care much for money but the moment she found out he was the head of the cadabra crime family she was all over him
very stubborn and opinionated. assumes first and doesn't ask questions. baaad communicator.
not mean- just terribly misunderstands other people and their needs
heavily romanticized the mob. did not realize the gravity of being part of a crime family, even if she wasn't very involved in the business
enjoyed the luxuries of being a mob wife. especially the bodyguards
constantly butted heads with her husband, but both of them also enjoyed it. their fights were legendary (nonna sighs dramatically) but the make ups even more so. matteo loved an opinionated woman
incorrectly assumed matteo would drop his job to raise their kids. what do you mean you can't take a little break /genq
sees her daughters as more of a novelty thing. she has a preference for little willa (blonda), she's so much like her!
refused to leave her singing career (she worked so hard for this!)
commence the butting heads pt 2 electric boogaloo
was more of a tertiary figure in the girls' lives, she was frequently busy so they spent most of their time shadowing their father or being taken care of by their nonna
got freaked out when it turned out being in the mafia was actually dangerous. for realsies
divorced big daddy when the girls were teens. sorry huckleberry the spark just aint there no more :(
now that the girls are grown she's largely unavailable and extremely busy. her and big daddy don't hate each other but man they will toss half joking insults
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amaryllidae · 16 days
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nonna cadabra — character insight
celestine cadabra | she/her | 500,000
nonna cadabra is a force to be reckoned with. she is manipulative and highly intelligent, and a skilled actress. she does her research.
overuses pet names
constantly offering other people her cooking. makes it less suspicious if she were to offer someone something that was perhaps.. not safe for consumption.
chronic hair ruffler and cheek pincher despite her short stature
really plays up the confused but sweet grandma role. no longer considered a threat by rivals; "it's a damn shame celeste faded like that", but this is a facade to collect information and keep an eye out for any danger that might come for her dear boys.
born into the cadabra crime family. eldest daughter of 6.
natural leader and strategist, using her rising rivals' messy fights and takeovers to offer help to the fairies hit by crossfire in the form of paid protection. momma would treat you right.*
*terms and conditions may apply.
the death of jorgen's parents opened up for a lot of power struggle in outer fairy world, as the leader of the militia and law enforcement administrator had abruptly been disposed of with two young sons unable to fill her shoes.
celestine's family business had already run a few generations back, but seeing this fleeting business opportunity, she quickly swooped in and expanded before nana von strangle could take back over.
as nana congregated her officers closer to the capitol buildings, this left outer fairy world unprotected
fairies saw local law enforcement as failed, enabling celestine to really dig her claws in amidst the chaos
also decided to go in the direction of a garbage company for a front. their primary, non-public services besides protection were smuggling and money laundering.
settled late, mothering four sons with her husband, booker. she worked hard to balance her business and instill useful values in her boys- matteo (big daddy) was momma's favorite despite being the youngest
when she got older and her husband passed, she wisely gave the physically stronger and younger matteo the reins, pretending to have gone somewhat senile in her older age from grief (while still giving advice to her son and acting as backline support, sniffing out rats gone unnoticed by others and giving info on people). she chose to keep the boss position in her blood family instead of giving it to someone else.
this action had consequences.
partially helped raise wanda and willa (blonda). wanda is her favorite.
knows big daddy has plenty of time but would like to see an heir to the family business named since he's got grandkids now.
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amaryllidae · 18 days
small note but HP and nana von strangle are bitter exes btw
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amaryllidae · 18 days
a brief look at pixie biology
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goofy guys. i like these ones. sillies.
most pixies are very short and stocky, with square builds. they're the smallest of the seelie
body hair is infrequent, near non-existent
males are ever-so slightly larger than females on average, though it hardly matters
pixies function very similar to fairies, they have near identical anatomies and also get inebriated from sugar
primarily eat fantastical beasts along with magic supplements
pixies grow up a little faster due to less time needed maturing their core systems. takes them about 1300 years.
pixies take very few genes from their non-pixie parent- a hint of eye color here, a darker skin color there..
despite their funky core systems, pixies, once given the magic-using tools they need, are just as adept with magic as fairies
they all speak with the same flat tone, but tend to have difficulty masking their expressions
they have an inborn talent for numbers and repetitive behaviors- they flourish in a group where everyone has a set role that they do over and over again.
each pixie is given a set role after their rearing period has ended. some pixies show the rare ambition to climb some ranks but most are generally comfortable with where Head Pixie puts them.
all fairy-based seelie buzz their wings but pixies are especially guilty of buzzing when agitated
pixies used to be quite rare, with small mixed families, usually employed by fairy companies to deal with paperwork and other tasks- librarians, attorneys, secretaries, etc
honorable mention: the curious case of Head Pixie
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so many people cannot stand this guy.
this guy is weird. the council does not like weird. he is like, biologically, the biggest outlier for the pixie species ever
side note: my HP doesn't look as old as canon due to the way my fairies age (and pixies generally live longer anyway since they consume magic rather than produce it) but he is still, in fact, very old
fey dad, pixie mom. HP's pixie status was debated hotly for a long time due to the main factor that he had a functional central core- in fact, it was too functional; HP produces too much magic for his system to handle on a regular basis.
HP handles this in two ways; lots of offspring and lots of using his magic to power things. man, building a business empire is easy.
he's larger than the average pixie as well, by 7 inches (this makes him look huge)
all of HP's kids are normal pixies (barring the handful of fairy children)
HP is old. really old. he's about to hit a million. he's older than jorgen's nana. he's showing his age but he looks pretty good. his fey lineage and magic overproduction are the primary reasons for this, but he just likes to say he lives off black coffee and pure spite. he is staying around forever, baby.
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amaryllidae · 19 days
a brief look at anti-fairies
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anti-fairy post incoming.
anti-fairies are the tallest with generally lean bodies
body hair is generous, males tend to be a little hairier. fuzz is much more prevalent
females tend to be larger than males, and are long and muscular. the species has rougher, sharper features. they are primarily carnivorous and some have prey drives.
they usually have large claws that can cut through glass and in some cases metal
their tongues are long and they have sharp teeth. their pupils are slitted and function much like a cat's
they do not see so good in bright light. their pupils help but most are so used to the darkness of their plane they squint in sunlight
their magic levels are tied to the expelled raw magic of their counterpart
anti-fairies were spawned originally as shadows from fairies filtering raw magic, embodying the castoffs and things their counterparts are not. they are not perfect opposites.
as creatures made of shadows, they don't technically need food. they persist as long as their fairy produces castoff magic. food is however important for them to keep their physical strength up
anti-fairies are plagued by rule compulsions due to the high levels of raw magic. this primarily manifests in them responding to "bad luck" (walking under ladders, broken mirrors, etc) with mischief- except for them it's impossible to resist the urge
anti-fairies also unconsciously seek out mirroring relationships to their counterparts.
anti-fairies are considered dangerous due to the power of their magic. while they still need a wand to utilize it they can perform many tasks under a familiar godchild that a fairy cannot.
when anti-fairies soulbond with another anti-fairy their eyes will gain a bit of the color of their mate's
grey and white hairs on anti-fairies aren't necessarily an indicator of age but typically show up after their cores were nearly fully depleted or being forced to regenerate
honestly if it weren't for anti-fairies constantly infighting or squabbling over positions of power they probably would've taken over fairy world by now
or. yk. if they didn't have anti-cosmo in charge
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amaryllidae · 21 days
a look at magic and the core system
the core system explanation and my loose idea of what magic is. this uh. this got long. this is a longass post.
my thoughts on magic
i have this idea that mother nature, while creating her earlier lifeforms, used magic as a sort of bind-all, something modeled after the overarching powers of time and creation, etc- giving them extra powers and extending their life (like a kid making their first ocs). most of her older creatures are on planes higher up and function on magic. as she got better with her craft she began to appreciate the complexity of making all those bits and pieces stuff on earth has, and the faster ebb and flow of life AND death. humans are one of her favorite creations.
magic is inherently chaotic. it exists in multiple forms, on multiple planes. it's something that touches things in a biological way and yet obeys physical laws set before it. it can be stored and used up. it can create more of itself. it can corrupt things. when mother nature realized it was a bad idea to give near-unlimited power to beings when she was creating ones of lower ability on the planes below, she changed magic and the creatures that used it- gave them weaknesses, sometimes bordering on the ridiculous, compulsions too. things to keep them in check.
i also like to think you can't entirely 1:1 seelie to humans on even a biological cell-scale. they just fundamentally are different.
magic's function
the more pure magic is, the more powerful it is- magic comes in all colors of the rainbow, but different colors have slightly different attributes. one can never truly filter one color out of magic entirely, as it needs all its components to function.
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with the True Fey nearly extinct, the only beings that can use raw magic without the assistance of a device or sigil are genies, and i'd argue they got quite the short end of the stick considering their compulsion.
fairies, fey and their subspecies primarily function on purple magic. this stuff is filtered, diluted, as "neutral" as one can get. if you create magic rather than consume it, and your species functions on filtered magic, you cannot handle it raw. like, your body can't handle the extra energy. physically.
magical backup is when a fairy has so much magic in their system they cannot filter the chaotic energy that magic produces and explode.
filtered magic is also, simply, on paper, easiest to use. as a third party, non-seelie magic user- use raw magic while unprepared and get evaporated while changing the laws of physics. use overfiltered magic without the correct sigils and nothing happens except maybe a bitter taste in your mouth.
onto the core system.
the core system
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the neural core is where magic flows freely up towards- the filter strains clean, purple magic from the magic produced by the central core. conscious wishes are also made from the brain connected to the core here.
the central core is where magic is generated. the central core takes calories and nutrients from ingested food (fairies have a stomach that is right next to their core) and converts it into magic. the core membrane acts as a storage for filtered magic in both areas.
the core pools are located at the base of the wrists of a fairy, which are where excess magic flows and stays in anticipation of use. when a fairy exhausts the magic from their pools, they must wait until they begin to refill from the reserves in the core membranes.
the inner cores are the most important part of the system; if this part of a fairy is damaged they will die. this part also holds the data for the rest of the body- if worse comes to worse, the inner cores will maintain the body parts left and rebuild the core system before completing the rest of the body. this is in part why fairies are so gd resilient. no inner core, no regeneration.
magic threads are what magic travels along throughout the body. they are thick, wide tubes that extend through the torso and extremities. the central thread is also called a nervous thread. during pregnancy, the body creates a sixth thread (and sometimes seventh) to deliver magic to the developing child's core.
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fairies produce raw magic in their central cores. they have two cores- a central and neural core, which are connected to each other through the nervous thread and extend to their magic pools and flow magic through the body by the four magic threads.
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anti-fairies are where all that excess magic goes when fairies filter it out. anti fairies don't need to generate magic or filter it- they can handle it just fine. they have a simpler core layout- a thick core membrane to hold their magic and the excess chaotic magic swirling about in their inner core. this enables anti-fairies to grant powerful rule-free wishes. anti-fairies tend to have strange colored magic threads, generally aligning with the color of their counterparts' eyes.
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pixies are quirky things. pixies have the same amount of cores as their fairy cousins but do not produce raw magic. they instead need to feed on magical creatures (or take their magic supplements, as provided by pixies INC) to keep their core systems afloat. another issue is that most pixies' core filters still work- which would be fine if they produced magic. pixies overfilter their magic, leading them to use a highly complicated wand (along with several binding contracts) to utilize the magic still delivered to their core pools. (it's also a phone. why not toss that in for free? Head Pixie was feeling really nice when he made that decision.)
pixies have a very large core filter and membrane in their neural core, with a small central core and large magic pools. their magic threads are thin.
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amaryllidae · 23 days
a brief look at fairy biology
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here they are. the ogs. the fairies and their core systems. there will be a dedicated core system post soon.
mentioning death in an informative way btw.
all seelie are short, commonly about 3-5 feet tall with notable exceptions. fairies are, on average, the second tallest species of their group
body hair is usually sparce and seen in nearly equal distribution between females and males
males tend to be larger and broader than females. the species has softer, rounder attributes, boasting wide hips and bright, colorful eyes and hair.
while female fairies regenerate magic faster (and have a larger neural core), male fairies have a larger central core membrane, enabling them to retain more magic than their female counterparts
fairies have 2 magic cores and 2 magic pools. the central core in the chest (where magic is created), the neural core in the head (this enables conscious, refined magic usage through filtering) and a core pool in both wrists (this enables the fairy to use magic).
fairies do not bleed. their mouths and tongues are purple, and also flush purple.
as an early creation of mother nature's, fairies have a very simple body layout. most of their body is composed of magical essence and the few organs they have are dedicated to reproduction or converting calories and nutrients to magic
less organs also lowers their weight so they can fly better. fairies burn a lot of calories and food and sleep are extremely important to a healthy individual
they take thousands of years to mature. fairies experience pooferty at age 2, where their core pools open up and they become cranky and uncomfortable as their bodies adjust to the magical balance shift. this is also considered the terrible twos.
they experience mental and developmental milestones at different paces than humans. their body first prioritizes developing their core system before getting physically larger and cognitively developing.
fairies experience puberty and begin to develop into their adult bodies at the age of 700. they mature at 1,500 but are not considered adults until they're 2,000 and reach their peak magic performance.
fairies get drunk and high on sugars, namely pure sugars. the higher and purer the sugar content, the more effective it is. they are unaffected largely by most fruits.
fairies are notoriously stretchy, adaptable and immune to or resilient against a lot of damage. a fairy can be injured by nonmagic items, namely iron. they are also susceptible to acid and fire, especially if their cores are damaged.
butterfly nets are also still a weakness. prolonged entrapment in a butterfly net is. Not Good.
their regenerative abilities are incredible and they can heal life-threatening injuries within a few days. magical backup will kill a fairy.
magical backup is when a fairy has so much magic in their system they cannot filter the inherent chaotic energy that magic produces and explode.
fairies have three stages where they aren't immortal and have no regenerative abilities; before and for ten years after birth, during pregnancy and near the end of their lives.
fairies turn to sparkling purple dust when they die.
on the topic of aging
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a fairy's physical appearance is representative of their health. they do not visibly age past adulthood until their body begins to produce less magic.
a fairy lives for 400,000-600,000 years, depending on their magic levels. note: time passes differently in fairy world.
as a fairy gets older, it takes longer to regenerate magic and injuries. they get tired faster and require more calories.
fairies do not look elderly until their cores can no longer keep up with their bodies. they lose their immortality and begin to visibly age, their eyes and hair losing color and vibrancy. if a fairy doesn't use any more magic after this period, they'll last about 100 years.
honorable mention: the True Fey
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fairies are descended from one of mother nature's first sentient creations; True Fey. these creatures did not need to filter the magic they created, and were inherently chaotic like the magic that composed them. these fey were tricksters and incredibly powerful. they did not have anti-fey.
unfortunately, they had a bit of a superiority complex and tended to terrorize the creatures in other planes, swapping children, kidnapping individuals and turning people into creatures. they had constant power struggles.
mother nature countered this by shrinking down and forcing their future children to filter the chaotic rainbow magic (eventually spawning anti-fairies to hold this energy.) True Fey have nearly died out (primarily killed in wars and power struggles), but their legacy remains in the form of unusually tall individuals and incredible magic prowess.
the von strangle line has been selectively bred for generations- they pair for raw power and boast a clear family line back to True Fey royalty. they are able to use unfiltered magic and can unwish alterations caused by pure magic with the assistance of a specially-made wand (like Jorgen's).
the fairy council are all recently descended from or are True Fey
fairies with recent True Fey heritage are referred to as fey, and have bright, magnificent crowns.
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amaryllidae · 25 days
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side note the first thing hp does when he has a child is slap them in the pixies inc suit onesie complete with their name tag (this is customary for all pixie kids now)
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amaryllidae · 25 days
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touching on the fey — newborns and babies
reproduction/childhood, biology and social hierarchy/dynamics i think are the most changed aspects of my au. here are some notes on newborns (anti-wanda, juandissimo, and sanderson pictured)
anti-fairies are born after just 3 months, small with large wings and ears- not cubed but foop/irep has a genetic mutation. they all have pointed ears and claws. they instinctively grab, cling and latch and have poor eyesight, capable of loosely mimicking parents' speech. it is not uncommon for them to have teeth.
they rapidly become more independent over the following months, and go from teeny helpless little bundles wrapped up in their own wings to scrabbly, hungry, vocal little creatures. they're curious little buggers and inherent lovers of chaos.
common mutations are ear shapes, devil tails, horns and hooves (hooves are cherub descent). anti-wanda was born with black hair that lightened with age.
fairies are born after several years(still not sure just how long)- large with small wings and only their primary and neural cores active. i will write about the core system later. they are not round but are chubby little guys, having drained a lot of magic to develop and be able to function independently. they're big in proportion to their parents, definitely two arms needed to carry for the average small fairy. there are several subspecies and fairies are from the branch of True Fey.
they are open-eyed and more cognizant than human newborns, able to lift their heads, grab for things (poorly) and follow movement. they make noises but no words, and are capable of smiling. they will learn to scoot around rather quickly, but their magic cores develop first, so while they might be able to move around and interact/understand their parents their speech and mental growth is extremely delayed. it is not uncommon for them to have full heads of hair.
common mutations are cherubism, four wings, butterfly wings and pointed ears.
pixies are additionally born after several years (though not as long as a fairy), large, open-eyed and more cognizant than a fairy baby. while they're sleepy and non-emotive, they are very good with motor functions and enjoy repetitive behaviors.
like fairies, they only have their primary and neural cores active, but pick up learning language and physical advancement far faster than their fairy cousins- pixies take longer to pick up magic instead. they're intelligent, dexterous and quickly become independent- i want you to imagine a toddler in a suit calmly making themself a bowl of cereal, utilizing a stool.
pixies do not show much genetic diversity. most pixies reproduce extremely rarely (with the exception of One) due to biological and social limits. all pixies are born with straight black hair and unusually dull eyes for a magic being- a pixie and a fairy will almost always make another pixie; their genes are very dominant.
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amaryllidae · 1 month
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devil woman
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amaryllidae · 2 months
hi its @amaryllidae. refer to me as eri please! so since i like a more tidy art station and i wanna infodump on my FOP stuff without clogging my main art blog with a buncha text posts ive decided to put my fopAU here for the most part. i won't stop posting over there, but if i've got a lot of lore to post about or lore related doodles it's gonna go here.
FAQ coming if I need it | tag masterpost when decided
my asks are open, but just for my FOP stuff. i've got notes on damn near every single fairy/magic being (my focus IS on fairies, but i have human notes too) so if anyone is particularly curious about a certain individual or my personal design of them feel free to send an ask requesting to see them! i've been working on this au since 2015 lol.
also, side note, you can ask me on my opinions/thoughts on a particular episode/character/etc. don't be afraid to ask!
my content is subject to be altered if i really like stuff in ANW, but obviously this universe was made originally when the first series was out. i never watched fairly odder (and not for lack of trying, i just couldn't do it. torture) and i only watched the live action movies when i was really young. i try to toe the line of canon whenever i can, but there's a lot of stuff incorporated into FOP and sometimes i just gotta take a new interpretation and run.
things you'll see here: fairy/seelie biology, worldbuilding, mapping family trees, expanded relationships. things you've seen in canon FOP you'll see drawn or mentioned here.
not nsfw obviously.
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amaryllidae · 2 months
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still trying to get them to a style that's more comfortable for me
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amaryllidae · 2 months
quite liked this fit of hers. let her act
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amaryllidae · 2 months
oh my god its so nice to be able to watch fop again
broke down and am watching FOP ANW (i hardly ever watch full series) it was never over
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