amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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Dyed/painted fish is a cruel trade, This practice is still common today and many unknowing people buy them not realizing how cruel it is.
A common method of creating “painted fish” is through injection via syringe. Generally, fish are injected multiple times. Fish may also be dipped in a caustic solution to strip their outer slime coat, then dipped in dye. This method is reported to have a very high mortality rate.
Many varieties of “colour-enhancing” foods for aquarium fishes are available to the consumer. Generally, these foods contain natural dyes, such as beta carotene, and are not harmful to fish, although as with other dye methods, the effect is temporary. One source reports that harmful dyes are sometimes used by wholesalers, however.
Fish can also be tattooed using a low-intensity laser with a dye, a process developed for fisheries by scientists but this technique is now applied to ornamental fish.
Genetic modification
Aquarium fish genetically modified to fluoresce in bright colors under white or ultraviolet light are now available commercially in the United States, under the trade name GloFish. The technology was developed originally to produce a fish capable of detecting environmental pollution.[4] These zebrafish are available in several fluorescent colors, protected by a United States patent.
It is not introducing any kind of artificial color, but provoking the apparition of mating period tonalities by administering hormones. This is argued to be used for minimizing the stressful effects of transport in fish aspect. This might also be used for making females of certain fish species look more colorful, despite this can also render them infertile.”
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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Never ever buy artificially pigmented fish. This is torture.
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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This site is against the drilling of oil by the Shell company in the Arctic and needs a little less than 400,000 signatures in 1 day and 20 hours.
PLEASE sign this guys and pass it around this is important! Please! You even get your name put on a flag they’ll place there as a thank you!
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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It’s a rainbow of Discus. And it’s breathtaking.
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
Saw this on one of my fish forums this morning. So cute.
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Disabled goldfish gets harness to help her stay afloat
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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This handsome fellow is one of my new Cynotilapia Afra Jalo Reef. Only a little over an inch long but already showing who's boss. I like this little guy.
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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I have a new fish. He's a three month old HMPK named Leonardo. And he's adorable.
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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"Merlin" the male OB Peacock is always happy to have his picture taken. I would too if I were that pretty!
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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My 8 month old (today! happy birthday babies!) Ps. Acei fry are happy hanging out with the yellow labs.
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
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Whew! It's been a while! Here's Phillip, my Placidochromis Phenochilus male. He's getting lots of beautiful speckles now, and starting to show some small signs of mating behaviour with the females!
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amateuraquatics-blog · 12 years
please get back on
Awww thanks! I know, my life got hectic and I stopped blogging. I hope to get back at it! Like now!
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amateuraquatics-blog · 13 years
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amateuraquatics-blog · 13 years
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amateuraquatics-blog · 13 years
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This is Sam, my purple fire goby. Sam has recently moved into my 50 gallon reef aquarium which is to be his permanent home. He was only shy for the first few hours, but now he is out all the time and social and exploring his home. He even loves to come out for my camera!
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amateuraquatics-blog · 13 years
Please read and understand -- you probably can't keep the cast of Finding Nemo in the average home aquarium!
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Species Profile: Regal Tang, AKA Blue Tang, Hippo Tang, and much to my chagrin “Dory fish” (Paracanthurus hepatus)
Minimum Tank Size: I can’t see a Regal Tang doing well in a tank less than 80 gallons. I would recommend a tank at least 100 gallons though and I do know people that would say something in the range of 150-180 gallons is ideal.
Care Level: Relatively Easy, if fed well and kept in a well suited sized aquarium.
Water Chemistry: Tropical marine.
Max Size: 12 inches long. You read that right, that little 2in long fish will grow and do not believe that “It’ll grow to the size of the tank” crap. This fish is from the ocean. It will grow until it is full size, which averages about 8 or 9in.
Temperament: Relatively peaceful, but will be territorial with other tang species and may scare smaller fish.
Diet: Herbivore. Will accept meaty foods in the captive situation, but attempts to feed it vegetable material should be made to keep it healthy. Things like macroalgae, lettuce, and dried seaweed.
Comments: I wrote this because I got tired of people telling me they wanted to keep “Dory” in their 29 gallon tank and then telling me that it’s so small in the store’s tank. It will grow. That’s how Nature works, it grows. A good portion of marine fish go through a larvae stage. 
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amateuraquatics-blog · 13 years
Reblog if you are an aquarist!
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amateuraquatics-blog · 13 years
I see so very many "artsy" pictures of goldfish in tiny containers out in a field or some other crap. I often wonder what happens to the fish when the photoshoot is done :(
Animal Cruelty on my dash for the second time today.
Goldfish are pets too. They have certain requirements.
Not bowls.
There is nothing artsy about sticking six of them in a small 1/2 gallon fish bowl and taking a picture.
It’s animal cruelty. 
There is nothing artsy about sticking six of them in a Mason jar and taking a picture.
It’s animal cruelty.
Know your facts.
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