amazingike-archive · 6 years
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
“I think the only reason you like me is because you’re not supposed to.”
Ike let out a deep sigh in response, scooting closer to Kenny, before laying down across his lap, looking up at the roof.
“Do you actually think that’s the reason I like you so much? You don’t think I have any other reason why?” He asked with a bit of a frown.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
“Sounds like a good plan to me. Lead the way to your car.” he said. He didn’t know where Gregory’s car was, obviously. So he was simply going to follow him. “So, tell me about you and Kyle.”
"So. I've noticed you and Kyle have been getting rather 'cosy' with each other."
Gregory glanced over at Ike, raising an eyebrow. “Beg pardon?” He didn’t quite know what to make of the look the other was giving him, but he didn’t like it much.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
Ike could tell that Mike was leaning on him, pretty badly actually. He definitely needed an uber to get Mike back to his place. “It’s going to be hard to get you home like this, especially if it’s ten minutes away while walking sober. We’ll just get an uber back. I’ll pay for it.” he said, before pulling out his phone, opening the app on it.
“So, what’s your address?” he asked, looking from his phone to the drunk older male. “
Mike started nuzzling the younger male’s shoulder as they walked. His drunken state definitely made getting outside harder than it should have been. The guy could barely keep himself up as his legs were practically jello and every step his took had him wobbling.
He stared back at Ike, for once that evening just quietly looking the other over. Up close like this he was even better looking. Man he sorta wished he wasn’t so drunk so he could actually talk to this guy… “Hm? Oh! Uhhhh…it’s like….ten minute walk but we can Uber. I’ve got money still.” He said, bobbing his head.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
Usually, Ike wouldn’t have been bothered by any of this. But tonight, he didn’t have anything on him that he could use in self defence. And this had been going on for a while. So this was frightening. 
“Why does it matter to you?” he asked, changing his tone a bit, trying to sound more confident. Maybe if he could act like he wasn’t affected, this guy would back off a bit. “Of course I am. Night time is usually more dangerous. Darker especially.” he said. “So…What do you want? You still haven’t told me.”
“Please, leave me alone!” (Any character)
“Oh come now, that would ruin my fun.” The males voice echoed over to him as he began to step forward out of the shadows. His blond hair and arrogant expression showed he was there for more than just a pleasure visit. There was more to this meeting, more to him following the young Canadian around.
The footsteps stopped short as he looked over Ike. “I am surprised that you figured out I was nearby so quickly.”
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
“You can try, but you’ll never succeed in beating me. You know that.” he said, sitting up properly and getting off of Kenny’s lap, walking over to the console, kneeling down to turn it on and grab the controllers, walking back over to Kenny and handing him one, sitting down next to him. “You know you have no chance right?” he asked, looking at him with a grin. “You never do.”
“I think the only reason you like me is because you’re not supposed to.”
Ike let out a deep sigh in response, scooting closer to Kenny, before laying down across his lap, looking up at the roof.
“Do you actually think that’s the reason I like you so much? You don’t think I have any other reason why?” He asked with a bit of a frown.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
That wasn’t the first sentence he was expecting to hear after bringing Firkle into his room. He was expecting some sort of comment on how conformist his room was. Something like ‘I’d never be caught dead in this room.’. But no matter.
“Really?” he asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down on it. “What’d he do?”
Now explain.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
“I’m not blushing.” he protested, though there was really no use denying it. As soon as Leo said that they could be friends with benefits, his face went red. It was one of the results he was hoping for. Before he could say anything else, he was pulled into the kiss. He instantly relaxed against Leo, and moved his hand into his hair. 
“Mmm...” he hummed, keeping the kiss going for a few more moments before breaking it off. “...Leo, can I go home with you later?” he asked, looking the older male in the eyes. “Or are you too tired to keep me around~?”
"...Leo, what are you doing?" (For bottom bitch Leo)
“What? Y'think I have a normal job?” He asked, still grinding, spinning, and dancing on his pole. Leo had barely blinked an eye when he saw the other walk into the strip club, figuring everyone in town knew what he did for a living. Dancing, and then some for the right amount. “How’d y'get in here anyway?” He asked as he walked forward to a stranger who stuffed dollar bills into his G-string, giving him a wink and a little shake of his ass.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
@kenimmortal (via taco-donovan)
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
Is your country polluted with rats because i haven't been here 2 days and i found 5 dead rats.
5 dead rats? We're not polluted, you're just in a bad area. Watch out for Dire Wolves and Dire Bears.@kidgoths
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
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this is canon tbh
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
Ike wasn’t expecting Mike to throw himself on him like that, but...He wasn’t going to complain. He had already got the okay from Kyle somehow. “Alright, let’s go then.” he said, walking towards the door with Mike still practically attached to him.
As he left the bar, he looked at Mike, giving him another look over. “So. Is your house close enough to walk to? Or do we need to get an uber?” he asked. 
His face seemed to light up as the other spoke. “Ou thin ‘m prehty?” He giggled. “Go ome? Buh….buh…I wan to spen time wif ou….” Mikey pouted. “At leazt walk meh there?” He asked, batting his lashes in a last attempt to sway him. Maybe on the walk home he could convince Ike go come in.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
“That’s true.” he said, nodding at Kenny’s last comment. “The most gorgeous person I’ve ever laid eyes on.” he said, adding another wink.
Ike sighed and looked up at the roof again, still laying over Kenny’s lap. He hadn’t moved. They had an unusual dynamic, but Ike honestly really enjoyed his company. But he often wondered if they were actually anything. He didn’t think so, but he didn’t know what Kenny thought. 
“Kenny, want to play Mortal Kombat?” he asked, sitting up slightly. “Or do you want to do something else? What exactly, I’ll let you choose.
“I think the only reason you like me is because you’re not supposed to.”
Ike let out a deep sigh in response, scooting closer to Kenny, before laying down across his lap, looking up at the roof.
“Do you actually think that’s the reason I like you so much? You don’t think I have any other reason why?” He asked with a bit of a frown.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
Ike let Tweek lead him to the back, before taking the cloth from him, putting it over his eye. “Don’t worry about it Tweek. And just so you know, Kyle won’t kill you. I’ll just tell him that it you weren’t involved in it in any sort of way.” he said. “So everything will be okay.”.
“So. What was her deal anyway? Does she come here often just to snort cocaine in the bathroom?” he asked. “Or was it just a one time thing?”
There’s a girl snorting cocaine off the counter in the bathroom. Just thought you’d wanna know.
“I-I told her to get out, t-thats the third time!” He pulled at his hair, he was sweeping the floors when the other came in. Some junkies came in because they knew about the coffee but hated they would get high in the bathroom “I-I’ll go kick her out, hopefully she doesn’t take my eye out.”
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
“I don’t think she’ll say yes...But, she doesn’t have to find out.” he said. “I really want you to stay. So, I’m willing to take the risk of getting in trouble.”  He looked at the stairs, before looking at the kitchen. His mother wasn’t there yet. It was safe. “Come upstairs.” he said, walking over the to stairs. “We won’t get bothered up there.”
Now explain.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
Ike smirked, and proceeded to scoot a bit closer to him, adjusting the arm he had draped over him a moment before. “Cuddling you is nice...” he said softly, as he also stared into the older males eyes, letting out a sigh as Leo asked if he liked him more than just a fuck. “...Do you want me to answer that honestly?” he asked. “Because...You know what, fuck it.”  “Yes. I do. I’ve been crushing on you for a while and I know I shouldn’t since...You don’t seem like the kind of person for relationships or anything like that, and I don’t know if you’d do a friends with benefits thing with me.” he said, before sighing once again, glancing away from Leo. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything...” he muttered. Not often he doubted decisions, but this was made in the spur of the moment.
"...Leo, what are you doing?" (For bottom bitch Leo)
“What? Y'think I have a normal job?” He asked, still grinding, spinning, and dancing on his pole. Leo had barely blinked an eye when he saw the other walk into the strip club, figuring everyone in town knew what he did for a living. Dancing, and then some for the right amount. “How’d y'get in here anyway?” He asked as he walked forward to a stranger who stuffed dollar bills into his G-string, giving him a wink and a little shake of his ass.
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amazingike-archive · 6 years
dirty levels .
001 . ————- flirting .
“hey gorgeous… is this seat taken?”
“your body looks s o good in this light”
“care to dance? i’ll teach you how hips work”
“how about i get you a drink and you tell me about yourself?”
“here i dreaded going out… and i was lucky enough to meet an angel”
“come closer baby”
“want to come and join me?”
“oh you got a little something there… let me fix it for you”
“your eyes are gorgeous”
“your lips are so beautiful”
“do you come here often?”
“your place or mine?”
002 . ————— behind closed doors.
“oh baby… you’re so hard/wet.”
“kiss me… harder.”
“kiss me — there…”
“please… i need you”
“shut the door — quickly… i can’t wait to fuck you”
“your breasts so beautiful”
“unzip me ~ slowly…”
“hurry up… i’m getting impatient ~”
“how about… i pour champagne down your stomach… and get a little naughty”
“are you a naughty girl/boy?”
“that’s right baby, spread open for me”
“how does it feel? ~ you like that?”
“you’re driving me crazy… ! ”
“keep them on… i like it that way”
“You really know how to make a girl wet…“
“Tell me where you want to touch me first.“
“I can’t wait for you to put it in me.“
003 . ————— in the act .
“Bite my neck and fuck me harder.”
“I want you to cum all over my face.“
“Don’t stop.“
“Fill me up.“
“You like how I fuck you?“
“Cum for me.“
“That’s… s o good —”
“Mmm… please… ”
“G—god, more… more!”
“That’s it — that’s the spot baby!”
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