ambassador313 · 9 months
Changing values ​​changes ideology
The values ​​of a society are like the blood in the body, the healthy the blood is, the healthy the body is. The values ​​of society are like blood in the body. If the values ​​of a society are good and operational, the society will grow as well.The values ​​of a society are very important because the culture, life, thinking, etc. depend on the drawn values ​​and the change of values ​​changes the ideology. As much as the values ​​change in the society, the ideology, thinking and beliefs of people change as much
We should mention the topics of William Gardner's book and he said: The enemy has focused on the collapse of the family in order to collapse the Islamic society, and because the woman is the main pillar of the family, women are the target.
Today's women should close the gap between the generations or bring them closer together so that they can have a close relationship with the future generation.
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