ambermade-blog · 7 years
anyone 6'0 or taller: stands near me
me: [softly] for fuck's sake
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
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if  jace  was   gold,      catching  the  light   &   the  attention,      alec  was   silver.      &   silver,      though  few  people  knew  it,      was  a   RARER  METAL  THAN  GOLD.      //      private  alexander  gideon  lightwood.      loved  by  ari.
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
STARTER  CALL  !!      probably  one  liners  bc  im  lazy
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
Drinking starters
as requested by @ambitionbled (it won’t let me tag you, sorry!)
❝How much have you had to drink?❞
❝You could have fucking alcohol poisoning!❞  
❝Easy, there. Try to sit up.❞
❝I think I might’ve overdone it on the alcohol…❞
❝We’ve got to go get your stomach pumped.❞
❝I thought you said you were clean!❞
❝Yes, it is a big deal.❞
❝Let me drive you home.❞
❝You are NOT driving like this!❞
❝You are gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.❞
❝Drinking until you puke is not normal.❞
❝Is this real life?❞ 
❝I want to go to sleep but I can’t find any sheep.❞
❝How do you show fish affection?❞
❝Taco Bell is open 24 hours, right?❞
❝Tequila is not my friend? YOU’RE not my friend.❞
❝Drunk I am not.❞
-glasses on head- ❝Where did I put my glasses?❞
❝How do I tell my parents I’m a mermaid?❞ 
❝I’m not even tired.❞
❝I should call my ex.❞
❝I’m not drunk enough for this.❞
❝Does playing Mario Kart drunk count as drunk driving?❞
-hugging the floor- ❝I’m trying to stop the floor from spinning.❞
❝Can we go out for fried chicken?❞
❝What’s the fucking point anymore?❞
❝Screw recovery. I want a drink.❞
❝I’m too sober for this shit.❞ 
❝I don’t give a shit what you think.❞
❝I seriously don’t feel too good.❞
❝I didn’t even have that much to drink.❞
❝Will you stop fucking interrogating me?❞
❝I can drive. I’m fine.❞
❝There’s a reason I drink so much.❞
❝You’re the reason I drink so much.❞
❝I’m only happy when I’m drunk.❞
❝You’re cute, you know that?❞ 
❝You wanna get wasted?❞
❝I’m bar-hopping tonight, wanna come?❞
❝What are you drinking, and why aren’t you sharing?❞
❝I’m having a party for two.❞
❝You’re so hot.❞
❝I’m usually too chicken-shit to say this, but…I really like you.❞
❝I don’t want to kiss you with your alcohol breath.❞
*kisses on forehead*
*kisses on cheek*
*kisses on lips*
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
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                             GO GO POWER RANGERS  !!
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
“This is exactly what we need–a night out. Let’s go crazy!!”
FRIENDS  WHO  GET  INTO  TROUBLE  MEME      (      accepting  !      )
with  all  the   ranger   training,      school   &   dealing  with  all  the  extra  shit  life  just  loves  to  throw  at  them  they  haven’t  exactly  had  much   free   time.      if  she  really  thinks  about  it…      yeah,  it��s  been  awhile  since  they  last  got  to  be  at  least  a  little   crazy.      it’s  something  she  definitely  needs  right  about  now.
&   it  couldn’t  hurt…      (      FAMOUS  LAST  WORDS.      )      so,  maybe,  for  once,      zack  has  a  point.      not  that  he’ll  hear  her  say  that  any  time  soon.      plus  anything  to  get  outta  the  house  is   always   a  bonus.      ❛   okay,  i’m  down.   ❜      eyes  drift  to  meet  his.
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❛   but  since  this  is  your  idea,      YOU   can  go  first.   ❜      that  way  if  he  gets  caught,      she  can  still   run   for  it.
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
❛    ——  seriously,  kim  ?   ❜      //      @hartstrings
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
STARTER  CALL  !!      probably  one  liners  bc  im  lazy
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
mstadons replied to your post: leadingred:ambermade replied to your post: ...
who’s jason
idk  but  he  dead
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
ambermade replied to your post: @silverwilled
trini @ the minion one: wow icb jason’s dead to me
)))):  jason vc: you try to love your team and this how they repay you 
sometimes  i  can  still  hear  his  voice
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
STARTER  CALL  !!      probably  one  liners  bc  im  lazy
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
halloween sentence starters
Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
at a party
“I love the decorations.”
“There are so many sexy kitties in here.”
“Am I the only one in costume?”
“I’m not sure if this room is full of strangers or if I just can’t recognize anyone because of the costumes.”
“Do I hear ‘Monster Mash’ playing?”
“Come on, let’s dance. Even the skeletons are doing it.”
“Did someone spike the punch?”
“I hate costume parties…”
at a haunted house
“This stuff’s for babies.”
“Hey, can we…go home? Not that I’m scared.”
“Wait, are you actually scared?”
“FuCK NO–”
“That makeup is so realistic.”
“I paid $40 so I better die.”
“You should hang out with me later. I’m gonna marathon a bunch of movies.”
“[text] Hey, it’s me. I heard banging noises and I’m terrified. Please save me.”
“Halloween?? With friends?? What friends?”
“[text] I just heard some weird noises. [text] No I’m being serious. [text] I need you ri”
“I’m probably just going to stay up all night so the ghosts don’t kill me.”
“I’ll just be chilling with the monsters under my bed.”
“Maybe I’ll summon a demon so I have someone to hang out with.”
“Do ghosts like Netflix?”
with kids
“Don’t eat all your candy at once!”
“Aw~ I love your costume.”
“And who are you?”
“Look, man. You can’t give toothbrushes to kids on Halloween.”
“Trick or treat!”
“Let me check those before you eat them.”
“UGH, why am I stuck with a bunch of babies?”
“I wish it was socially acceptable for me to trick or treat on my own, but it’s not, so.”
with friends
“We should egg his/her/their house.”
“Help me with my costume!”
“Are you just going to wear a T-shirt that says ‘costume’ on it?”
“Should we be drinking this much?”
“The ouija board says you’re a little shit.”
“Let’s tell ghost stories.”
“Time to join the skeleton war, bitches.”
as a flirt
“You look so hot in that.”
“After being freaks, are we gonna get freaky?”
“[jumps into __’s arms out of fear]”
“Your outfit is scary…take it off.”
“I came in here expecting a trick, but you’re a real treat.”
“If I was in a scary movie, I’d want to be trapped with you.”
“You–uh–spooked…my heart.”
“I’d let you haunt me all night long.”
“Let’s carve a pumpkin!”
“I’d be a witch in another life.”
“I wonder if I still have that ouija board…”
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
“What costume are you wearing?”
“Let’s pull a prank.”
“I hate Halloween.”
“Can you tell me why you have an actual skeleton in your closet?”
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
mstadons  &  @leadingred·   //   ZACK  &  JASON
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     ❛  it sounds BAD , but it’s not b&e if it’s ABANDONED .   —————   thaaat’s the SPIRIT , you guys  !!  knew i could count on you .  ❜
@ambermade & @mstadons were stupid enough to follow this plan
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     ❛   you guys are lucky i love you or i would turn my ass around and  WALK HOME                 are our phones charged enough to use their flashlights  ?  if we’re gonna be stupid we gotta be SMART about it.    ❜
leaving  is  almost  tempting      (      STILL  NOT  DRUNK  ENOUGH  FOR  THIS.      )      but  the  thought  of  going   home  ?      that's  not  quite  nearly  as  enticing.      far  from  it  in  fact.      ❛   flashlights  ?      maybe  you  should’ve  thought  of  that  before  we  left.      mine’s  at  eighty.   ❜
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❛   ——  but  i’m  only  using  it  to  snapchat  you  two   screaming   your  heads  off  at  the  slightest  possible  noise  so.   ❜      shoulders  shrug.
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
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Incorrect Power Rangers quotes
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
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GAY   &   STRONGER   THAN  ALL  OF  YOU,      SO   DON’T   TRY  ANY  SHIT.      //      private  trini  gomez.      written  &  loved  by  ari.      ©
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ambermade-blog · 7 years
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Bring it on!
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