amberrosebee · 9 years
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My little superheroes girl ❤️ she designed the costume and I made it for her, her super name is "The Keeper of Love " she can heal your heart and return any super villains love and caring to them by touch,(she's kind of like Cupid.. But more bad assed especially with her faux hawk 💖) once their love has returned the super villain is no longer a villain, they are good. She also has an emergency heart shaped bottle hidden behind her belt buckle Which also heals and returns love with her magic love bubbles
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amberrosebee · 11 years
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amberrosebee · 11 years
Absolutely amazing song inside an MRI scanner
Sivu - Better Man Than He
facebook.com/sivusignals soundcloud.com/sivusignals
Directed By Adam Powell
7” available on 25th February 2013 on ASL Records.
Special thanks to our genius friends Doctors Marc E. Miquel & Andrew David Scott and Barts hospital.
Sivu went in this scanner for something like 2-3 hours….I’m not sure how much he liked it.
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amberrosebee · 11 years
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Just how real is virtual reality? A recent study on avatars in a virtual environment shows the extent that our physical selves can be fused with customized versions.
When gamers create personalized representations of themselves, the challenges and joy that their avatars encounter can have real physical and emotional effects. To find out just how important that customization factor is, communications researchers did a study with 121 college-aged participants.
Penn State Media Effects Research Laboratory co-director S. Shyam Sundar and University of Michigan doctoral student Sangseok You started by separating participants into two groups, one that had assigned avatars and another that was allowed to customize theirs, according to Penn State News. The researchers also outfitted half the avatars in each group with virtual backpacks, saying the backpacks made the backpack made the experience more lifelike. Then the avatars were put in virtual environments where they encountered three hills.
Each hill had a different height and incline, the researchers reported earlier this month at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Paris. They discovered that participants who customized their avatars perceived the hills as steeper and higher than the participants with assigned avatars (abstract). Those with custom avatars who also had virtual backpacks overestimated how many calories it would take to hike up the hill, Sundar told Penn State.
“You are your avatar when it is customized,” Sundar concluded.
(via Avatars Become Fused With Your Physical Self : Discovery News)
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amberrosebee · 11 years
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Celebs look great in magazines but they really look like THIS > http://bit.ly/13OIQEe
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