ambi12 · 4 years
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ambi12 · 4 years
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based on @souths-armpit-hair‘s post
also i imagine that wash’s tone of voice is like in this vine
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ambi12 · 5 years
Jaime Reyes: Bart, is that your hand on my ass?
Bart Allen: It was an accident.
Jaime Reyes: Your hand is still on my ass.
Bart Allen: It’s STILL an accident!
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ambi12 · 6 years
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Sleeping beauty Stony XD
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ambi12 · 6 years
now I’m scared to watch s16...
First friendly reminder that the first episode of Season 16 that Wash appeared in was called “Recovery”
Second friendly reminder that Wash was still Recovery One when Maine was the Meta.
Third friendly reminder that that’s not the first time the Meta theme has played while the main focus of the scene is on Agent Washington.
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ambi12 · 6 years
im noticing you didn’t answer the question. SUSPICIOUSSSS... jk but I see that sneaky sneaky and I hope it is *slides out*
Okay, so we know that Tony and Peggy’s conversation when they first meet gets paralleled to when he’s growing up... Sooo does that mean Peggy finds out/puts two and two together about Tony in the 40s/the present day, or is that conversation just a “happy accident”? Because I’m honestly thriving off of it. Also- Tony getting to give up his grudges and preconceptions of Steve now that he sees /Steve/ and giving him a forehead smooch? Steve looking down at their hands?? My h e a r t .
The forehead smooch had me melting lol especially since it’s something Pepper and Rhodey do for Tony when he’s all exhausted?? SO CUTE
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ambi12 · 6 years
"when pigs fly" I say, throwing bacon in the air everywhere I go. I am unstoppable
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ambi12 · 6 years
One of the scariest experiences you can have playing sports is losing a ball in the sunlight and knowing it’s coming down somewhere in the vicinity of your face.
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ambi12 · 6 years
The Scrabble Game Next To Me...
The scrabble game happening right next to me:
-"Do we allow Pokémon names?"
-"Is OG a word?"
-"I'm not surviving I'm just procrastinating death"
-"Why do I need to know the nineteenth letter in the Greek alphabet?"
-"Is cows plural?"
-"Kale is disgusting and so are you"
-"If you're going to use a political figure at least do one with better hair"
-Supervisor walking in: "do you guys have second period?"
"Uh yeah?" Looks at clock "Nevermind it's already third."
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ambi12 · 6 years
Tony: When I was small-
Rhodey: [snorts]
Rhodey: “was”
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ambi12 · 6 years
finals sucks bec like you just want school to be done but you can't think about school being done bec then you'll give up on finals. but like regular school is at a standstill so you're in this weird limbo and like it's weird dude
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ambi12 · 6 years
oh yeah on that note the waiter also joked about getting me tequila instead of a Shirley temple (don't judge my life choices) and he legit brought out a margarita and put it in front of me and I was like wtf but then he just took it away and laughed and said "not today seniorita. maybe when you get bigger, although you may not grow because you are short"
like ouch that hurt. savage
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ambi12 · 6 years
the waiter at the mexican restaurant i went to earlier came by and i was on the end and he accidentally stood on the toe of my shoe but they're big on me like usual so it wasn't on my toes and i wasn't gonna say anything but he noticed and laughed and it was awkward
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ambi12 · 6 years
@ those people who start binging ur story and leave tons of lil comments so u can track their progress: you rock
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ambi12 · 6 years
why do tacos exist? like, all i do is make it a burrito
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ambi12 · 6 years
whenever I listen to the radio and hear Mike Shinoda, I just say his name to the beat of "My Sharona"
"m-m-m-Mike shinodaa"
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ambi12 · 6 years
"If anybody is gonna make a WMD it's gonna be you. You gonna bomb Putin outta spite. Good think you've already bombed the homeless"
so today one of my friends said this out of context quote in front of the teacher and my teacher was like wtf
(it was tenth grade, it was a project)
but like. that made me realize that apparently my friends think I'm most likely to put the world into nuclear winter???? idk if I should feel betrayed or flattered
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