holding myself accountable has always been something i have constantly worked towards in my everlong battle to fight who i am and improve my faults. i have chosen to be dishonest, private, and secretive in the last two years, and this inner turmoil and bottling has left me feeling empty, as if i’m carrying around a shell of my former self. at the same time, i feel like i’m carrying around a dead body, a corpse of who i used to be, making me feel a million pounds and as if i could float away all at once. i have done many things in these last couple of years, most of which were huge accomplishments in my personal and professional life, relationships, and goals. attending ryerson is a constant tool i use to better myself as i am surrounded by amazing peers and professors who inspire me in more ways than they can ever think possible. to those reading, thank you.
my hands are trembling as i type this on my computer at residence. it’s 4:38pm and i just finished my second last day of training to be a residence advisor. my “sad” spotify playlist is blaring through my small room. i am anxious, and my throat is dry. i have put on this front for everyone around me in these last two years to try and have my friends, family, peers, and otherwise perceive me as anything but broken, damaged, and misconstrued. i have always strived to be that person who turned heads when she walked into a room, someone who was envied and respected by all – because i have always been the one to play the underdog, even in my own stories. for once, i wanted to switch the narrative and be a figurehead on a pedestal – untouchable. i decided when i entered university the amanda who was so everpresent in my previous years was dead. from the ages of 12 to 18, i was placed in two schools with specific figures who consistently and deterministically tried to drag me down by any means necessary. in grade 8, i reached a boiling point where my lashing out on others became only self directed, and i had started to hurt myself. i isolated myself from friends and family and took to sleeping all hours of the day, and wandering off at night to local parks and bridges i could romanticize horrible things on. in high school, i rolled with a crowd when i was sixteen to seventeen that was incredibly toxic, abusive, and manipulative to me, having a leader who methodically and mechanically broke me down day by day. by the time i was eighteen and desperately searching for my own identity, i was shattered into pieces by the people i trusted and reflecting obsessively on the bullying i have endured during my late elementary school days. when i decided to create goals, i.e. getting into university and moving to toronto, i retrieved the little parts of me that were left cracked on the floor, but i still found myself anxious and depressed about the past i have been through. i told myself the only way to get past my past was to become anew, and try to be everything i wanted to be in university. when i got to ryerson, my life was akin to a dream. i had met tons of new, amazing, hilarious, and intelligent like minded people who i consider my dearest friends, and strolled through the brightly lit streets of toronto with a beaming grin that rivalled the neon lights. for my entire first semester, i felt whole – happier than i had been in years. when i returned for my second semester, for some reason, my brain decided to torment me with visualizations of my past, my insecurities, and my most painful memories and moments. this bout of depression, which lasted for two months, nearly straight – was easily the worst i had ever experienced, mostly because there was nothing in my life at the time directly causing it. my depression, anger, and manic episodes were drawn out from my past and purely my past, and i ripped out my hair trying to figure out why, when my life was everything i wanted it to be, was it falling apart at the seams due to my weak mentality and fragile state? i checked into crisis counselling, meaning i was put on watch by the university in case i would hurt myself or the others around me. the therapy helped a bit, but i still found myself late at night covering my mouth to conceal the cries i choked out from my roommate and my floor. i went home and tried to explain to my parents what was wrong, but i didn’t have an explanation – nothing was inherently wrong, but nothing felt right. i have since battled similar episodes through the summer of 2017, and the late winter and early spring that has just passed. both occasions, i suffered silently. in late 2017, i bit the bullet and went to see a psychiatrist. after a lengthy discussion, she theorized that i was on the bipolar spectrum, looking like a diagnosis for bipolar II. she told me to track my mood for a month and come back – but i never did. initially believing the diagnosis would help me, i ended up being too afraid to follow through, as i am terrified of taking medication for a problem i shouldn’t even fucking have. i told myself to be silent and work through it – to immerse myself in achieving my goals of a 4.0 gpa and thinner waistline. i have no reason to be manic or depressive – i have everything i could ever want. if this letter is ever posted, it means that i finally gave up on the facade i have portrayed to everyone these last two years – the highly studious girl who was always smiling, striving, cracking jokes, and obtaining a level of selflessness to those around me – and wanted to actually display who i am. i am not an angel, i am not perfect, and as much as admitting that kills me inside, it is the truth. i am the same amanda i was two years ago when i graduated high school, who exhaled uncertainty and inhaled doubt; i am the same amanda at sixteen who latched onto an abusive, sick man begging for someone to fix me; and i am the same amanda eight years ago who cried in the field of her elementary school at recess wondering why none of my classmates liked me. and even though i am still the same girl i was in my past, i cannot deny the progress i have made in addressing my mental illness. one of my friends made an observation about me the other day while we ate dinner; he stated “you try to be so much; a badass who is sweet, an idiot who is smart, and someone who doesn’t care but actually cares too much”. this small, probably mindless observation from my humorous, caring friend, made me realize that i can be everything at once. i can be sad, but still be successful. i can be hurt by the things that were done to me in my past, but still be gracious for what i have in my present. i can be angry and lash out at those who have wronged me, while also forgiving them in the process. i can be studious and witty and smart while also making the idiotic decision of getting drunk and sobbing in a bathroom at 12am. i can be amanda from the past, while also being amanda from the present. i can have a mental illness and survive. i am not writing this to help anyone, because i still don’t really know how to help myself. i am not writing this for praise, or attention, or pity. i am writing this because i am sick of being someone who is ashamed of her mental illness. i am sick of pretending everything is perfect when it is anything but. i still have a ton of progress to make. i need to go back to therapy, and i need to look at my options for treating my mental illness, whether it’s depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or all of them (or none). i need to hold myself accountable so i don’t end up hurting myself and the directly hurting the people i love. i need to get better. whether posting an online confessional to thousands of people is the first step, i don’t know. but it does make me feel better to get all of this off my chest.
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I’m currently sitting at my computer desk, just getting over a nasty cold that took me out for the majority of the weekend. A sore throat, stuffy nose, and a headache plagued my senses – and made it near impossible to get anything efficient done in the three day span I had allotted myself.
As someone with a weak and shitty immune system, I have been sick in university a total of three times, one of which was a flu that rendered me nearly bed ridden for upwards of five or six days during my exams. Everything I did hurt – including breathing – yet, I still made it to my exams and didn’t fare too poorly.
You will get sick in post secondary – there’s no doubt about that. But as someone with a lot of sickly experiences herself, I figured I should let you know what I did to recuperate and get back in the game while away at school.
1. Rest, rest, rest
This is the most important tip in this entire article. I am someone who absolutely loathes getting sick because it renders me useless and unable to go out and get things done. It drives me crazy sitting in bed, missing banger after weekend banger because my immune system gave me a swift kick to the head, or not being able to finish my readings or assignments. But rest – whether you deem it as sleeping for sixteen hours straight or relaxing at home on the couch – is essential to heal. There will be other social outings for you to go to; don’t screw your immune system more by downing a litre of Breezer in five minutes.
2. Go to a local walk in clinic and get some medicine.
If you’re suffering more than just a minor cold, check out yours local walk in clinic. I know most universities have their own; but if your doesn’t, just go to a local one to speak to a doctor. They will determine what’s going on with you and may prescribe something to help get rid of it, fast. If you’re too down to pick up your medication, get a friend or family member to do so for you.
3. Go home.
If you don’t live at home already and live close enough to travel back, then go home for a couple days. Your parents will take care of you in a way you just wouldn’t be able to. In addition, going home and seeing your family is a definite mood booster that will help you feel better, even if it’s just mentally.
4. Skip unnecessary lectures.
I usually don’t recommend skipping lectures, but if you’re really ill, take a look at your schedule and make a plan to miss the unimportant lectures, like review classes, guest lectures, and basic topics you have an understanding of already. You need as much time as possible to rest. Make sure you let your professors know that you’re sick, ask friends for notes, and take a look over the slides afterwards when you start feeling better to catch up on what you’ve missed.
5. Drink water and eat healthy food.
Drinking pop and eating McDonald’s is not going to improve your health!! It’s obvious, but make you sure you stay hydrated with water and sugar free juices and feed your body with good foods like veggies and lean meat to get your energy back. It seems trivial, but it makes a difference in the time it takes to recover.
6. Take precautions prior to getting sick to prevent it.
Sicknesses like the flu, STI’s, and common colds can be prevented through taking some steps prior, like sanitizing, washing your hands, sheets, and clothes regularly, and in the case of STI’s, using protection! Make sure that your vaccinations are up to date with your doctor to prevent bigger illnesses, like HPV, chicken pox, measles, etc, so that you’re not down and out with something you simply just forgot to get a leg up on it prior.
7. Remind yourself that it’s not your fault you got sick.
Even though I stated some preventive measures above, you can be as sanitary and take the best care of yourself as possible, but it doesn’t mean you’re magically immune to sickness. I am someone who is highly critical of herself, so when I get sick, it makes me feel down and depressed that I am missing out on important things, whether they’re school or social related. It’s important to take a step back and remind yourself that getting sick wasn’t something you gave yourself; it’s just a shitty occurrence that happened. Take the time while ill to rest and reflect, and come back from your sickness swinging.
Have anything else you do when you get sick to feel better? Shoot me a comment telling me down below so I can use it in my sickness arsenal the next time my immune system gives me the finger.
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Goodbye summer; hello fall! While the weather gets colder and the leaves become brighter, I take the time to look back on the eventful month I had, and all of the things that made the constant rushing and running around tolerable. August has been an incredibly hectic month for me, as I had to move, quit my job, find another job, and prepare myself for the back to school season. While exciting, the month has left me exhausted, and I can’t wait to relax these next couple of days with these favourites from the past thirty days.
1.       My new house!
I just moved into a new house with my three good friends. This is the first house I've ever rented and it marks my official 'moving out' from my parent’s house. I'm absolutely in love with it, and every time I look at it, I just smile (post picture here)
I'm also very much enamored with my room, and it's everything I've ever wanted my bedroom to be. It's not completely finished yet, but with some plant additions and maybe a rug, it'll be perfect. Here’s a sneak peak:
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2.       Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara
Okay, so, this mascara is absolutely amazing. I've been using it on and off for two years and I don't really know why I stopped to be honest! It gives your lashes incredible length and volume, and the best part is, is that they're currently being sold at Winners for only $4. Crazy! It's also a waterproof, dark black formula which is mandatory for a crier like me.
3.       CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser
This summer, my skin basically renegaded against me. With the stress of my job and scrounging up enough money to pay for my rent, my face basically pulled a 'nope!' and stopped trying to look decent acne wise. I had zits, cysts, and my skin was so oily you could probably cook a steak on it during a blistering summer day. I was using the Neutrogena Foaming Cleanser, and while it's fine, it doesn't do much except for clean my skin. However, I picked up the CeraVe Cleanser for a replacement from the advice of users utilizing Reddit's r/SkincareAdditction board, and found that it not only cleans my skin, but helps diminish my acne as well. I got it on sale for $10 as well, and I'm quite happy with my decision to switch to something more effective.
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4.       My new IKEA desk!
My father bought me this desk as a moving out present and I couldn't be happier. I adore it so much!
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5.       Broadside - Paradise
While not just an August favourite, but a summer favourite too; Broadside's album Paradise is sure to get you hyped for the warmest season of the year. With catchy hooks, dueling vocals, upbeat drums, and the occasional soft spoken acoustic track, Paradise has been my favourite release of the year so far. I ended up seeing Broadside in June with Real Friends and Tiny Moving Parts and knew their first album, but seeing them live really made me a much more passionate fan of theirs. Paradise is a cut above many typical pop punk albums, and while Ollie Baxxter's signature croon is part of the reason why, the lyricism and tightness of the instrumentation puts this record at the top of the pop punk peak.
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6.       Paramore - After Laughter
Paramore, you sly dogs, you. This album is an amazing leap for the band, an alternative indie pop dream for fans like me. The instrumentation on this album is fucking amazing; you can listen to any song on this album on repeat, and each time you find something new in the music. The lyrics are pessimistic, but induce real, heartfelt content and emotions. From upbeat singles to moody anger tirades, After Laughter has something for everyone.
7.       Tartelette In Bloom Palette
While I got this two years ago, this palette is still excellent. I've recently hit pan on my favourite shade ('Rebel') and find that this selection of eyeshadows is easy, natural, and incredibly buttery. While I gravitate to the warm reddish tones in this palette, the cooler toned browns are perfect for crease colours and face contouring when you're in a rush.
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8.       Toronto's West Side
I love my quirky, eccentric neighbourhood. From plant shops, to record stores, to a million different cafes, taking a walk down Dundas on a summer day feels unreal. The street art plastered on every corner, nook, and cranny brightens the atmosphere considerably, making my new neighbourhood a glowing, happy place to reside. I cannot wait to explore it more!
9.       MyFitnessPal
I'm on a weight loss journey right now after gaining twenty pounds last year in uni, and I owe my fifteen lost pounds to MyFitnessPal. Tracking what you eat is the easiest way to lose weight, and makes the method my favourite because I don't have to cut out my favourite snacks; I just have to budget my calories for them. The app has not only assisted me in losing weight, but also helped me learn portion control and how damaging processed foods are to a body. Fifteen pounds down; fifty to go!
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Monthly favourites are now a thing on my blog, so keep a look out for next month’s list of my favourite things. I’m so excited for everything to come; with school, a new job, and big changes coming to AA, I’m smiling as I look forward to the crisp autumn to come.
What were you favourites this month? Let me know down below!
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SEPTEMBER GOALS — 08.21.2017
As August leaves us behind in a mere ten days, my mind jumps to the excitement September brings. With university starting up again, a new house to reside in, and a possible job opportunity on the horizon, anticipation fills my head and a big wide smile crosses my face. I’m so excited for what’s to come!
However, with September rolling in, as does a list of things I hope to achieve while going through the month. What’s ambition without setting goals?
Without a due, here are my September goals!
1.       Start the school year off strong.
With five new classes coming up, I am invested in the subject matter they pertain to, but also invested in starting off the semester right. I have always been quite the keener, and expect myself to manage in the A percentile for my first few assignments this September. I am particularly excited to show off my graphic design and Photoshop skills in my CRI300 class (Digital Design) and anticipate high grades awarded for my creativity, while I fear my marketing class due to disinterest, which could lead to a less than stellar grade. However, when I set a goal, I always expect myself to hit it, so I will work my brain off to be able to get straight A’s once more.
2.       Start going to the gym once a week.
While I haven’t mentioned this on my blog yet, I am currently in the process of losing weight (I’m ten pounds down; only 30 more to go to hit my goal weight for this year!). While healthy eating is helping me shed the pounds, I do need to tone certain parts of my body (see: stomach, arms, and thighs) and going to the gym will aid in that prospect. While I don’t particularly like the gym, I think starting to go once a week will allow me to test new exercises and machines out, while also getting over my embarrassment of being there to begin with. Not to mention, it’s good for you. Duh.
3.       Only eat out once a week; start cooking for yourself!
I have this bad habit of buying food out that I absolutely don’t need. As I settle into my new, expensive place, and look at my university expenses for the year, I realized I need to start budgeting much more effectively. Not eating out as much will save me a heaping amount of money, while also ensuring my healthy eating plans. Furthermore, I would like to learn how to cook more effectively and possibly even start meal prepping for myself, which this goal will aid me in.
4.       Lose seven pounds.
If I stick to my MyFitnessPal caloric deficit, I should be able to hit this no problem in September. I’m making this goal a priority because while I am losing weight, I am allowing myself far too many cheat days. By eliminating them almost completely, I should be able to lose seven pounds without an issue by the time October rolls in.
5.       Start on some big projects regarding the blog…
While I’m not going to announce this now, I have a plan to begin something special in line with this blog. Keep a look out!
6.       Keep my room consistently clean everyday.
Having a clean workspace for myself to reside is key for me successfully getting things done at home, so this goal is a necessary one if I want to do well and reach my academic goals for the month. Besides, having a clean room also demotes stress and promotes mindfulness, so I better get tidying!
7.       Take 7,000 steps a day.
In addition to eating right and starting to workout this month, it is a priority for me to get in my daily steps. This may be my biggest challenge of all, as I take public transit to school, so making this goal will literally force me to get up and get active in order to reach my steps goal for each day. Hopefully, it goes well!
As I work towards my goals this month, I will make an update post before the month is finished to let you all know whether I achieved them or not — another sneaky incentive to make myself accountable for these seven goals.
Have any goals you’re working towards this month? Let me know what they are down below, and as always, thank you for reading.
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As the summer descends into the excitement and dread encapsulating returning students, I sit in my room and think of all I need to do before my first day back for classes. I’m stressed, I’m broke, and frankly, I’m a little bit lost on what I need to do; first year was so easy because everything was planned out for me. My program gave us an orientation with everything we needed to know and do; and now, as a second year, I’m going through the motions of what I should and shouldn’t be doing, and if I’m doing them at the right time in the right place. Safe to say, in typical Amanda fashion, it’s time to sit down, take a deep breath, do some research, and plan for my first week back.
As I create my own checklist of things I need to accomplish before the school year commences, I thought I would share it with you guys, as a lot of my readers can expect the same rush and unease as September approaches. Continue reading on for a simple guide on how to prepare for your first week back at university…
1.       Make use of your syllabus; it’s your best planning tool to have for your first week back!
Syllabi’s are great, because they literally tell you everything you need to know about your upcoming course. Most syllabi’s will have class time, room number, required textbooks, and important assignments on it, making your planning process a million times easier. Make sure to keep your syllabus saved on your computer or printed out in a binder for easy access and reference purposes.
2.       Check your syllabus for any textbook readings you may need to accomplish prior to your first day of class.
A mistake I made last year was misunderstanding how the reading schedule on my syllabus worked, and assuming my first week readings were actually for the following week. I was obviously wrong, and had to catch up on two weeks worth of reading instead. Make sure you check your syllabus to see if you have any upcoming, prior to class readings you need to do to prepare you for your first lecture or lab in the course.
3.       Buy the textbooks you need; hold off on the ones that you’re unsure of.
If you have an incident like above, where your syllabus clearly states your reading schedule, buy your textbooks early so you can stay on track and not fall behind in your first week. If your syllabus does not have a reading schedule, hold off until your first day of class — the professor will usually tell you whether you actually need the book or not. I usually hold off purchasing the textbook until it is actually used in the class, and if it isn’t, then I ended up saving myself a good chunk of cash due to my caution.
4.       Gather up all the supplies you need!
Checking the syllabus (a common theme in this article) will let you know if you need any extra supplies for class, like a calculator, computer, building materials, etc. In addition, pick up some notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, and highlighters while you’re out gathering up your materials, as these are basic back to school items you can’t really go wrong with.
5.       Find where your classes are and time how long it takes to get to each one.
If you have just received your schedule like me and have no idea where any of your classes are, go into your school a couple days before your first day and locate your classrooms. This will make it less stressful trying to find them on your first day back and also diminishes the chance that you could be late. In addition, I would also recommend timing how long it takes to get to school from where you’re living, and then, measure the amount of time it takes to get to each class from one another, if you have back to back course timeslots like I do.
6.       Connect with other students in your course, online or in person.
As you begin to go to your classes during your first week, it is pivotal that you connect with your fellow peers. The reason why I stress this so much is because 1. making connections is never a bad thing and 2. you want to have people to do group projects with, and 3. you want to have someone to ask for notes in case you miss a class. You can connect with students in your course by simply introducing yourself in person or messaging them online on Facebook.
7.       Get some rest and don’t stress it.
Going back to school is stressful, as you’ve just spent four months lounging around or working a menial job, and now you have to go back to university and learn stuff. The most important tip I can give in this guide is to take diligent care of yourself before you go back, by getting a good amount of rest, eating healthy, energizing foods, and relaxing once everything you need to do is done. Whether you’re going into first year or fourth, there is nothing beneficial about freaking out about your upcoming classes; just take a deep breath, and remind yourself that school is just that; school, and you’ve done it before. You can easily do it again.
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…and there you have it! A nice simple guide to your first week back at school. Are you excited or dreading the upcoming school year? Let me know down below, and as always, thanks for reading!
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Hello August, and hello back to school time! I am absolutely radiating with excitement about the commence of the new school year, feeling like this year, I will achieve everything I set my mind to and become undoubtedly unstoppable. As I move stuff into my new house, organize my schedule, read ahead in past textbooks, and apply for on campus jobs, the thrill of going back to university and learning about what I love is driving me euphoric.
But with schoolwork, part time jobs, bills to pay, and an effervescent social life, I myself expect to repeat bad habits I had last year — a big one including pulling all nighters, freaking myself out and running on energy drinks and McDonalds to get me through the tireless process of catching up on missed assignments or neglected studying.
While my first piece of advice would be not to allow yourself to pull an all nighter to begin with by staying on top of your work, I understand that it happens, and it has happened to me quite a bit first semester of university! If you would like to learn how to pull an all nighter the right way, read on for some tips and tricks I learned through sleepy eyes and an exhausted brain.
1.       Set alarms throughout the night, in case you doze off.
Look, I get it. It’s three in the morning and the paper you’re writing about Edgar Allen Poe that’s due at 8AM tomorrow is boring you not only to sleep, but to tears. All too often when students set off to attempt all nighters, they break the most important rule of them — actually staying up through the night! In case you fall asleep (which you probably will), set some alarms every hour on your phone to make sure you’re awake and ready to finish up what you have to do.
2.       You can still take a small nap, however…
If you can’t keep yourself awake for the life of you, take a short nap and set your alarm to ring 30 to 45 minutes later. Naps that last shorter than an hour tend to be energizing, as compared to naps that last over sixty minutes, which will render you even more sleepy than prior to your nap. But make sure you set an alarm!
3.       Make a plan and stick to it!
Often when I would pull all nighters, I would become so overwhelmed with everything I had to do that it would prevent me from actually starting. It’s crucial to create a plan and follow it to prevent burn out and discouragement. Make a small list of tasks you need to accomplish — for example, if you’re starting an essay from scratch (by the way, please don’t leave essays to the night before. You’ll want to die), make a to do list like so: read the rubric, do research, jot down your main ideas, write your intro paragraph, etc etc. Completing smaller tasks allows your brain to digest everything you’re accomplishing, along with everything else you need to do. It will make your assignment or study session far less daunting than it seems.
4.       Take breaks.
Whether it’s five minutes or fifteen, taking a break allows your brain to re-energize itself and lets you step back and relax for a little while, which removes some built-up stress you may have been feeling during your late night cramming session.
5.       Turn off your Wi-Fi if you can.
Most times you can’t, but if you’re writing an essay based off of a book, or just studying your class notes before your exam, often times the internet being turned on is not only unnecessary, but distracting. Far too often do sleep deprived students wander to unrelated depths of the internet and waste their entire night on Tumblr or YouTube, laughing at a meme instead of doing their work that’s gonna be due in the morning!
6.       Sit at a table or a desk; study in a public place if you can.
I write about this tip all the time, but if you’re studying in your bed or on a couch, especially during an all nighter, I have no doubt that you will doze off and wake up with nothing done. Sit at a desk or table to do your work, as it’s more difficult, and not to mention, far more uncomfortable to pass out there; furthermore, if you can go to a library or even an all-night café to study, the public setting might even turn you off to sleeping all together, allowing you to finish up what you have to do.
7.       Drink water and eat energizing foods.
You’re thinking as you begin to pull your all nighter, “Ok, time to down two energy drinks and a coffee and get my shit done!”. And I’m sitting here thinking you’re setting yourself up for a disaster! Energy drinks, coffee, and junk food will make you crash eventually, and often during the most important stretch of the night when you’re actually starting to get some stuff done! Instead, drink ice cold water to wake you up, and eat energizing, healthier foods like bananas, peanut butter, oatmeal, and almonds to successfully replenish your energy sans crash.
8.       Keep your lights on and keep them bright!
A simple tip, but make sure you don’t turn off your lights or lower your laptop’s brightness during the night, as these processes trick your brain into thinking it’s time to go to bed.
9.       Listen to music that makes you feel revitalised.
Put on your most lit playlist and blare the music in your headphones, as the loud crashing cymbals and riveting sounds will keep you excited, happy, and most of all, awake.
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10.   Lastly, don’t make yourself pull an all nighter to begin with.
As I stated earlier, the best way to get through an all nighter is to not have to go through with one to start! Plan ahead and stop procrastinating; just do it. I know going out with friends or watching four seasons of Shameless seems wonderful while you’re doing it, but remember that getting your schoolwork done sometimes takes the priority over these indulgent practices. If you want to know how to stay head while in school and help yourself fight off the all-night curse, you can read my post here that will help you bounce back and get a handle on your school work.
So, now that you know how to pull an all-nighter the right way, gain some confidence in yourself and know when the time comes, you’re prepared.
Leave me your thoughts down below!
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As a university student, I can confidentially say that I am basically flat fucking broke. I am currently working a full-time job to save up some money for my rent this year, and have very little wiggle room once I have paid off my expenses, leaving my grocery bill to have to get slashed down. While last year was much easier regarding food — I had a meal plan, albeit it ran out a month early —I taught myself some tricks to help me save a bunch of cash on groceries. From using some handy apps, to shopping no name brands, and everything in between, this is a simple guide I wrote for you guys on how to save a ton of money on your grocery bill.
1.       Look through your local flyers for great deals.
Grab a newspaper and look through the flyers of your local grocery stores to spot any good deals that are on for the week. Flyers are great because while you might have to go to different stores to get different deals, they can save you several dollars on your favourite goods. Bonus points if you have a grocery store around you that price matches flyers to decrease excess travel time.
2.       Avoid higher end grocery stores like the plague.
Whole Foods, Loblaws, Zehrs, and even Sobey’s can run your wallet dry due to their expensive pricing on basic items. Skip the fancier places and visit your local NoFrills, FreshCo, Food Basics, or Walmart, as the pricing will be cheaper and much more budget friendly; which not only puts a smile on your face, but makes your wallet happy as well. In addition, also give your local markets a try as they often have some produce and meat for much cheaper than a franchised grocery store.
3.       Speaking of, go to the Dollar store!
I know it sounds a little off, but the Dollar store has great non-perishables and other staples like bread, chips, and beverages for incredibly discounted prices. Go do some grocery shopping there and you may be surprised at their wonderful selection of tasty food for even better prices.
4.       Shop the discounted carts if you see items you need on them.
Every grocery store has discounted carts lying around the store with items that are damaged or approaching their best before date, and I implore you to take advantage of these sneaky deals. As long as the carts have items you actually need on them and they aren’t moldy or obviously off, feel free to ditch your fear and receive an enormously great deal. You can often find loaves of bread, pastries, and non-perishable items on these racks.
5.       Buy the no name stuff!
What’s in a name? Nothing; why do people even care? While good branding and marketing often tricks us into favouring the name brand items, no name food often has the same ingredients and taste for a fraction of the cost, and can be found in any grocery store.
6.       Use Checkout 51 to get some cash back on your grocery bill.
Checkout 51 is a nifty app that I use to get cash back on my groceries. How it works is you find a deal they’re putting on (for example, like $0.25 cents back on citrus fruit) and all you must do is scan your receipt with that item on it to receive a part of your money back. Some amounts run as high as $5 back on your purchase! With the low cash threshold amount of $20, using Checkout 51 will be giving you money back in your pocket in a snap. Sign up for the app here.
7.       Get a Costco membership.
If you have pantry staples like I do (rice, oatmeal, pasta), then it’s worth getting a Costco membership to buy items for cheap and in bulk quantities. The membership is worth investing in as everything there is wholesale inexpensive, and there is more at Costco than just groceries, which allows you to save in other parts of your life as well. There are Costco’s near every major city so take the plunge and start saving large!
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8.       Use coupons!
I’m not telling you to go to “Extreme Couponing” length, but using some coupons here and there can help you save a little bit of coin on your everyday purchases. Just make sure you’re using them for items you need instead of being corralled into buying crap you don’t even use! Coupons on produce, canned foods, toothpaste, pantry staples, and dairy products are always a safe bet.
9.       Make a grocery list and stick to it.
Like other aspects in life, making lists can also help you efficiently grocery shop as well! When you go into the grocery store without a list, you often will grab things you don’t need and may even forget some of the stuff you do! Making a list will also give you a promising idea of what budget you have for the week, so if you have a little bit left over, indulging in a pint of ice cream or a chocolate bar won’t kill your wallet because you’ve already planned ahead.
10.   Don’t ever go grocery shopping while hungry.
Ever have a hankering for a specific, expensive, and probably unhealthy food? Do you feel like you’re starving? Now is not the time to go to the grocery store. Going to the grocery store while hungry increases the chances of you purchasing snacks you don’t need. Eat something before you go to save yourself the regret later.
11.   Only buy produce that’s in season.
This tip is crucial. While you might want to buy strawberries all year round, there are times when they are significantly cheaper and that’s when you should be buying them. Indulge in seasonal produce according to the time of the year you’re in to save some serious cash. Also, in season produce always taste better than out of season produce, so don’t waste your money buying mushy, sour strawberries when you can easily wait and get delicious ones a few months later. If you have a serious need for an out of season fruit or veggie, buy it frozen instead of fresh.
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While this guide was simple, it is incredibly effective in helping you save the most you can while buying your food. I have other tips currently floating in my brain, so maybe you guys can look forward to a part two in the near future?
Thanks for reading, and as always, feel free to leave me a comment down below letting me know what you thought.
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HOW I STARTED MY BLOG — 07.20.2017  
There is one question that usually always gets asked during a conversation about my blog — and that question is “how did you start?”.
Starting a blog takes a lot of time, energy, commitment, and passion, so I knew when I started mine that I wanted to do it for the long run. There are still things I want to change, and things I would like to add, but as of right now, my blog is doing me good. Here’s how I started my blog, and how you can start your own, too!
1.       I bought a domain. I got mine at Web Hosting Canada, but you can buy a domain anywhere.
2.       I chose a hosting service. To start my blog, I picked Tumblr because I was already very familiar with it, but I recommend you pay a little bit to host on Bluehost through Wordpress instead for more customization and monetization options.
3.       Picked a theme, and then coded it to my liking. Most themes for Tumblr, Weebly, Wix, and Wordpress are easy to install and don’t require any difficult coding.
4.       I created logos, backgrounds, and promotional materials. I did these all myself on Photoshop but if you have no idea where to start, Piktochart and Canva are good places to create logos, backgrounds, and other things for free and simply.
5.       I set up my pages and tested the links. This step is incredibly important to ensuring your audience can navigate your blog smoothly and easily. These pages included an About Me page, a contact page, and categories for my content, like university, money, and lifestyle based posts.
6.       I took promotional pictures for a consistent theme. My friend Sophie took professional photos of me a while back, so I used those. This isn’t a necessary step.
7.       Created a mailing list. I used Privy, because not only is it free, it’s also customizable.
8.       Got a social media sidebar, for easy sharing and engagement. A great option to use is GetSiteControl.
9.       Enabled an archive, for ease of access to past posts.
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10.   Started on Google Analytics, to monitor the statistics of my blog, like current users, returning readers, individual page views, and so much more. I installed this through pasting a HTML code into my theme.
11.   I installed Disqus comments on my blog to allow my readers to comment and engage more.
12.   I created a Facebook page, which involved filling in links, about sections, and other info; making a cover photo; adding website and contact buttons; and inviting all of my friends to like the page.
13.   I linked my blog into my social medias, including Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube.
14.   I wrote a post (or a couple) and posted them to the blog. When I make posts, I often make cover pictures to go along with them, like the one you see above.
15.   I posted the posts!
16.   After my first posts were published, I shared all of them on my social medias, and created my first Facebook page post linking to my posts.
17.   I joined Facebook blogging groups and Pinterest group boards for maximum promotional reach.
18.   I posted consistently twice a week. Whether you would like to post everyday, every week, or even every month, ensure that you are consistent so your readers know what to expect.
…and that’s how I got started! It’s a couple of steps, sure, but it’s a simple and sure-fire way to get started and begin to grow your audience.
Let me know how you started your blog down below!
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There are a zillion different note taking methods out there right there — mind mapping, Cornell style, just copying straight out from the textbook — and millions of different people who decide on one or several. As I create this post, I’m not guaranteeing that my methods will work for you — but they sure as hell worked for me!
University is challenging and trying to copy down notes from your fast talkin’ professor can always be a challenge when you’re stressed about a number of other things — assignments, being able to afford to eat, paying your rent, relationships, even what you’re going to drink at the bar that night — taking great notes is probably the last thing on your cluttered mind. I decided to share the way that I take notes — a method that engrains your themes and notes in your head, with a little bit of determination and writing. Continue on reading to learn the way I take notes in university!
Primarily in class, I will type up my notes on a Google Notes document (you can read more on how I utilize Google Drive to it’s most effective here), copying and abbreviating notes from my professor’s lesson; whether he/she is speaking, reading off slides, or writing on the board. I have had professors who do all three at the same time; so make sure to listen and watch carefully!
Usually, when the lesson is done, my typed up notes will look like this:
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Professors will often give you breaks or elaborate upon a single topic for a bit, so during that time if I understand the concept, I will go through and edit my notes. If I don’t have time in class, I will edit my typed up notes at home.
However, some classes, like English or Communication classes, require you to handwrite out your notes. I like handwriting because of its retentive purpose, but I get more anxious about missing key points if I have a speedy speaking professor. Abbreviations and side notes while handwriting are CRUCIAL to handwriting notes.
As for the formatting I use, I separate it first by lesson, then theme, then topic. You can see what I mean down below.
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If handwriting notes or even if I just feel the need to when my computer is handy, I will take out a sheet of paper and doodle a diagram, formula, or equation if need be. I often don’t have math in my program, but I occasionally have business classes that require me to do basic functions. I find for me personally, to even have a chance of understanding any math, I must write it down and doodle arrows for assistance in how to do things.
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Finally, while this is rare, sometimes professors don’t have an issue if you record their lesson with a voice recorder on your phone. You can also take this step to the next level and have a speech-to-text program on your computer to write out your notes, though I would still recommend typing them out yourself and referring to the speech-to-text document to see if you miss anything. However, this is an incredibly unlikely option, as most professors and universities copyright their lessons and prohibit recording for personal usage. You can always ask, but don’t depend on this method!
When I am out of class, I will usually take five minutes to read through the note I just took just to kind of “lock in” the information. While I’m reading through my notes, whether typed or written, I will take the time to mark places that need editing and revision. After that I will simply revise!
I like to revise by elaborating on topics or themes I didn’t get to in class, cutting down sections that are too long, editing grammar and simplifying my notes to make them easier to remember. When my notes are on a computer, I will also make a table of contents for easy access to certain sections. If you would like me to do a whole post on revision for notes and essays, you can let me know down below in the comments!
At home, I also do my textbook readings and will take notes on those as well, usually by computer. I will typically do this by marking each page with a sticky tab, and underlining the importing info with a pencil, and then copy the notes down in my own words.
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Usually during midterm and exam time, I will then take the time to step up my notes a notch by taking one medium of notes (like typed or written) and putting it into another medium. I will often copy out my typed-up class notes by hand into a moleskin for aided retention, easy to carry study guides, and nicer to look at material and vice versa. Sometimes, if both mediums mentioned are covered, I will also mind map them down to really drill it into my brain with a visual aid instead of a bunch of writing on a screen or sheet of paper.
I will also make practice questions for myself and answer them to the best of my ability, making sure to be elaborative and thorough.
After all of that is done, I will upload my Google Drive doc and make it available for my peers to view and edit. Doing this allows others to impute any information I missed, answer my practice questions in a unique perspective, ask their own, and also correct me if anything I put down was incorrect.
After that, I read through my notes, taking 45 minutes to study and 15 minutes to break.
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So that’s my method of taking notes in university! What methods do you guys use? Let me know down below because I always love to try out new ways to do my notes!
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In two of my previous posts, 20 Things to Sell for Some Quick Cash and Fifteen Ways To Make Easy Cash This Summer (Without a Part Time Job!), I often mentioned selling your old items for profit online, using sites like Kijiji, Craigslist, Depop, and LetGo. While I elaborated what to sell here, I never actually let you guys know how to do it!
I decided to write this very simple guide that can be used across selling platforms, from Facebook Marketplace to Depop, for maximum engagement on the items that you’re selling. From taking good pictures to simply typing correctly, these tips I’m about to lay out will make your online sale experience much more efficient, and most of all, effective.
1.       List anything and everything!
My first step to do is to simply find items to list online! From scrap metal to brand new video game systems, you can find more ideas by reading my article 20 Things to Sell for Some Quick Cash here. You can even sell broken items as well, but make sure to disclose what condition each item you’re selling is in so you don’t mislead your customers.
2.       Post your ad on several sites to increase maximum viewership.
When I sell items online, I will often post them on at least four different websites; Kijiji, Craigslist, Depop, and LetGo. Occasionally, I will also post my ads in Facebook Buy and Sell groups as well. Posting your ad in more than one place allows it to be seen by many more people, leaving the buyer pool much larger than what it would have been if you had only used one website. Just make sure when you sell an item on one site to mark it as sold on other sites as well to disallow any instant purchases or inquires after the product is sold.
3.       Post your items on social media!
As previously mentioned, posting items to sell on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram can also have a profound effect on your viewership. Each site has a different way to sell, but if you have a good number of followers on a platform, it can be a good way to promote your items.
4.       Follow other sellers and like their products.
On sites like Etsy, Depop, and LetGo, you can follow sellers and “like” their products. Doing this will help you build connections with other sellers while also giving yourself free promotion on their profiles due to your activity.
5.       Take high quality pictures in natural light.
You don’t need a DSLR to take acceptable pictures for sale. Using your iPhone or point and click camera will suffice, as long as the pictures are discernable and in good lighting. I like to use natural light for the easiest and often, nicest looking option. If you’re selling clothes, it is also important to have someone model the clothes for a higher chance of said item being sold.
6.       Use proper grammar and be polite.
It is shocking to see how terrible an ad looks when nothing is capitalized, punctuated, or grammar checked. Be professional and take the time to type properly; it can make a world of difference regarding your engagement!
7.       Only accept cash or PayPal.
Scammers exist. Unless you’re exclusively selling on eBay or Etsy, make sure you’re only accepting PayPal or cold hard cash for your purchases. PayPal is reputable for being simple to use while also having great customer support if you ever need to make a claim against a customer who sleazed you out of money.
8.       If meeting in person, always meet in a public place!
More of a safety tip than anything, but always ensure that you’re meeting your customer in a public place, like a shopping centre or park. It is not unheard of that assaults or robberies happen due to poor location selection while selling items, so be careful!
9.       Ship wisely.
When you’re selling online, it is often you will have to ship items out to your customers, which can be expensive! Take the time to research local shipping options in your area, like UPS, FedEx, or the local post, to see who has the most reasonable and reliable rates. It is also a clever idea to always pay the extra dollar or so to get tracking on your item so the customer can’t scam you and attempt to say the product never came in!
10.   Price right!
I know we’re all looking to make money, but no one is going to buy your stuff is you’re pricing it through the roof! A general rule of thumb is that once something has been purchased from the store, it instantly depreciates in value by half. Most customers think of that rule as well; so if they’re haggling, understand where they’re coming from and consider pricing some items cheaper than maybe you would have previously considered.
…and those are my ten tips for selling online! As a special bonus for my lovely readers, here’s a checklist for you to have while you begin to sell your stuff on the internet. Thank you guys so much for 2000 views!
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What do you want to sell this summer? Let me know down below!
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It’s so cool that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! I never really thought my blog would get any kind of recognition, much less an award. I would like to thank Gabrielle from Food Drinks Life for nominating me! For my foodie friends, Gabrielle has a great blog detailing wonderful recipes from entrees to drinks, and a nice helping of lifestyle content as well! You can check out her excellent posts here.
Now, onto my acceptance! With the Liebster Award comes a set of questions for me to answer that allow my readers to get to know me and my content a little bit better. Continue reading on for my nominations as well! Enjoy.
1.       Tell us about your blog.
Ambitiously, Amanda is simply my personal place to post things I’m ambitious about, whether it’s excelling in school, personal growth, budgeting, or anything in between. I made this blog back in May just to share tips and tricks for ambition regarding school and money, but it’s growing to be more than that now with lifestyle posts making their way into my archive of content. I really just wanted a place to help others out, and this is where I’m passionately doing so.
If you want me to be honest, I didn’t think anyone would really read my blog when it first started, but I have garnered great support from classmates, friends, and online followers from Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr. I can’t wait to see where this project leads me in the future.
2.       What has been the most rewarding experience your blog has brought you?
I think in general, the process of blogging in itself is rewarding. Having people read and appreciate your content is something that personally drives and inspires me to continue with this little project! However, I must say being able to help others and dish out advice is rewarding, seeing the praise and assistance I allocate to my readers who like to follow my guides, tips, and tricks.
3.       What is the best piece of advice you can give your readers?
Never ever give up on what you want to achieve. Kind of cheesy, but considering my entire blog is based off of the premise of ambition, it’s something I try to get everyone to realize. It’s ok to fail, but never, ever, stop chasing your dreams. There are many days where I feel like what I’m doing is for nothing and that I should immediately give up, but I always remind myself that it’s detrimental to always stay hungry to achieve your goals and prove the disbelievers wrong.
4.       What is your favourite travel destination and why?
New York City! I loved being able to visit this enchanting megalopolis back in 2015 and remember the distinct feeling of wonderment radiating off of my body. I have always loved cities and being able to explore the alleys, neighborhoods, nooks, and crannies of one of the most populous cities in the world was an absolute dream come true. I ended up being able to go because of a school trip, so we got to do a lot of things, like see two Broadway shows, go to Times Square, be trained by a Broadway singer, go to the top of the Rockefeller Centre, among many other amazing, unforgettable experiences. I think about going back everyday. It truly made an impression on me!
5.       Where would you love to go in the world?
I would personally love to visit the United Kingdom, along with places like Scotland, Iceland, Denmark, and France. Europe absolutely captivates me and being able to go over the Eastern Sea and visit these places that are dripping with culture and tradition enthralls me to no end. I hope to travel in my mid twenties and visit these places, before I’m trapped up in full time work and relationships. Considering I have only been to the majority of the Canadian provinces and to the States once for NYC, going to another continent sounds remarkable!
6.       If someone were visiting your city or town, what would you suggest they do?
Leave. Welland isn’t very fun if you’re someone who’s in their teens or early twenties. If you’re older, there may be some stuff to do around here, like rowing, biking down to Merritt Island, or exploring our local art pieces. I would suggest going to St. Catharines or Niagara Falls, as there are more attractions there, like the falls, Clifton Hill, the Pen Centre, theatre shows, concert halls, and a vast array of bars, clubs, and restaurants.
7.       What makes you deliriously happy?
Music. It’s my passion, driving my life forward everyday, since I was a kid. Just going to see shows and feel the beat of the bass in your chest, the rush of euphoria in your head as you shout the words to your favourite songs is a joy that has been unmatched in my life. Even performing music is a delirium that makes me dizzy — whether it’s singing, playing ukulele, or alto sax — the shaking of my hands is welcomed as I stare out into the crowd. The feeling you get to experience when tuning out the world and listening to the intricacies of your favourite compositions is indiscernibly wonderful.
8.       What is your guilty pleasure?
Taylor Swift; even though I’m not ashamed I listen to her, she still gets some backlash nowadays. Also, any junk food or “drunk” food like poutine, fries, chips, cheesecake, and sour gummy worms. I am awful at keeping on track while I attempt to eat healthier.
9.       What is a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome?
Going to eight schools over the course of my nineteen years of life has definitely done a doozy on my mental state. Being the new kid constantly was something that drove me to near insanity several times. However, the constant moving my family did during the childhood made me incredibly resilient, someone who can handle most anything with strength and solitude.
Change use to terrify me. Now, I thrive off of it.
10.   What are you most grateful in your life?
The fact that I can go and chase my dream every day because of the place in which I live is something I’m incredibly gracious about; but my family and friends help to push me to reach those hopes and dreams. They are my support system, my backbone; I would be nothing without them.
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Thanks for reading the ten questions that came along with my Liebster nomination! I hope these answers allowed you to get to know me a little bit better. With my nomination, I would like to nominate the following five blogs…
1.       Mexicana en Toronto
2.       Sunburnt Aloe
3.       Bedtime Blabber
4.       Adulting Mama
5.       Ask Diran
Check out these lovely blogs above and leave me some below, if you would like.
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Hello everyone! I have graciously been nominated for the Liebster Award by Gem at Food Drinks Life and am looking for new blogs to nominate in my post this time around! If you don’t know what the Liebster Award is about, it’s a great initiative to allow bloggers to network with one another and discover new blogs. 
If you are interested in being nominated for this lovely award, please leave your blog link and a short description of what you write about in the comment section down below.
Can’t wait to nominate some incredible blogs soon!
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Self care; often slated with tips of "putting on a face mask" or "getting a massage" or "going on a road trip!". However for someone who deals with anxiety and other mental anguish everyday, these stereotypical suggestions don't do me any good.
This post is for the people who can't get out of bed in the morning and face the world due to their mental disorder; for the people who are too emotionally exhausted to put on a face mask or get their nails done. This is my practical self care routine, one that really helps me feel better in the long run.
Hopefully it might make you feel better, too.
1. I sleep.
When I'm feeling absolutely awful, I will push everything aside and lie down. Sleeping is a regenerative process that honestly makes me feel so much better knowing that for a few dreamy hours, I can effectively put my problems on the sidelines. Even taking a nap of 30 minutes can be beneficial to clearing your head during an incredibly stressful week. Who doesn't want to relax and drift off in a warm blanket, alone in their room? No one, that's who.
2. I take a bath.
Baths are nice, because they make you get out of bed to go relax somewhere else while also getting clean; making you feel like you achieved something. Taking a bath with essential oils, cooling salts, or even just bubbles can make you feel a little bit better, emotionally and physically.
3. I take the train home to be with my family.
When things are hard in Toronto, I will take the train home to be with my parents, who always know how to make me feel better and put things in a greater perspective. Being back with my loving family and pets is nice, and instills a sense of familiarity and comfort in my mood. Going home and eating my Mom's cooking and watching wrestling with my Dad is the ultimate comfort for me to dispel my anxiety and distract myself from everything else going on.
4. I talk to really close friends.
I don't really like talking about my problems. Two years ago, I had someone I really trusted disregard all of my issues for "attention" and "teen angst" and ever since then I've been pretty private about my mental shortcomings. However, this year, I knew if I kept everything inside, I would eventually explode, so I told my close friends about what was going on. While it was hard admitting my problems to people, it did make me feel lighter afterwards and helped my friends understand why I was acting out and withdrawing during that time. Getting the feelings out is scary, but something that, at least for me, had to be done to start recovering properly.
5. I schedule an appointment with my therapist.
Previously this year as well, one of my friends suggested I go to therapy. I took his suggestion with reluctance and went, but it made me feel so much better. Talking to a person who you barely know and spilling everything out is so liberating: so if you aren't comfortable talking to your friends or family about stuff, a therapist is a great option. I was lucky enough to get mine for free because of my university's health plan. Make sure to check your local options.
6. I journal.
I love my moleskin. I write about everything in it, whether my words are filled with anger and sorrow, or positivism and hopefulness. When I'm depressed and withdrawn from verbally speaking, writing it out is the next best thing. If I let everything well up inside of me, I will have a serious breakdown; so releasing my emotions somewhere is 100% necessary. I also like journaling for self care because it helps me take my mind off of everything when I start painting pages and drawing things as well.
7. I go for long walks alone.
Putting in my headphones and strutting down the street has always been my favourite way to practice self care. Inhaling the fresh air of the city and marveling at the skyscrapers and buildings is pivotal for helping me focus on something other than my current issues. With a good playlist and a heavy stride, it's easy to daydream and think of better places to be.
8. I make to do lists of minuscule tasks to feel like I did something.
On days where I'm really out of it -- like "don't want to get out of bed at all" out of it -- I make a list of small tasks to try to do so it makes me feel like I did something. For me personally, sitting around all day and not achieving anything makes me feel worse -- so even if it's just cleaning my room or walking the dogs, it puts me in a brighter mode and a more readied stance to continue on with recovery.
9. I listen to depressing music.
I have a "dull" playlist on Spotify for a reason -- and it's for the days where I feel, specifically, dull. Sad music exists for a reason. So if you're sad, don't listen to happier music if you don't want -- listen to the saddest, most miserable songs you have. Connect with the lyrics and the melancholy sound and realize tons of other people feel this way too.
10. I cry.
You can bet if I had a bad day at school or work, afterwards when I'm home, I'm probably going to be a crying heap on my floor. But that's okay! It took me a long time of trying to be "strong" to realize that crying and sobbing is fine. It's something I have to do to get everything out or else it builds up and makes me feel worse. Faking a smile only works for so long; you are human. You're allowed to cry. You're allowed to feel.
As I wrote out this list, I felt nervous and afraid to be admitting some of the things that I do to the internet, but at this point, I realize that there is nothing for me to be ashamed about.
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If you practice self care, I would love to hear your suggestions down below.
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As a student of fifteen years and counting, I know my way around studying considering during the school months I do it nearly everyday. While a lot of us know how to study -- not all of us know how not to study. It seems strange, but certain studying techniques, tactics, environments, and habits are doing much more harm than good. Read on for ten things not to do while studying, as noticed by me over my studying, exam taking, homework completeing lifetime.
1. Studying in a comfortable, private space.
Your bedroom is awesome; it's comfy, has your own flair, contains your favourite things -- but it often is NOT the place to study. While some study in their bedroom just fine, I often notice that while trying to study in my room, I get distracted easier, take more breaks, and lose focus. Not to mention, there is a bed in your bedroom, which proves major temptation to take a nap break that turns into an intended 15 minute snooze to a four hour affair with your comforter.
2. Not taking any breaks, or conversely, taking too many.
There are often two types of students -- the ones who rarely take breaks so they can get the work done efficiently as possible -- or take too many because doing the work bores them out of their minds! Not taking any breaks may not seem like a huge deal, but in reality, in foregoing your resting periods, you are losing focus more often, not replenishing energy, and depriving yourself of important studying helpers like eating, sleeping, or relaxing. Conversely, taking too many breaks doesn't allow you to get on a steady pace of work and makes you lose precious time as you screw around. It's important to find a balance when studying, and to take a break every 45 minutes to an hour to replenish your energy and regain focus without losing your train of thought to Facebook or chatting with friends on the phone.
3. Eating junk.
Eating is important while you're studying because it helps you feel more alert and awake; but if what you're eating is crap, you're not going to feel better at all! Eating processed foods like chips, candy bars, or fast food will not give you back the valuable energy you need to continue studying -- it will just make you feel even worse. In addition, drinking energy drinks and caffeinated beverages are also detrimental to your studying success, as the crash you will later receive from them will put you into a nap rather than the dean's list. Eat healthier snacks like fruit, veggies, and granola bars, and drink water to feel the best while cramming in school.
4. Neglecting to revise or practice retention methods.
Revising your notes is incredibly important to making sure that you're studying effectively and efficiently, while also ensuring you're studying the right things to begin with! Revising also allows you to read through your notes again, aiding with retention. As I mentioned in my other posts, using retention methods like rewriting notes or having them in two different sources (like a computer/notebook scenario) helps you remember everything not only better, but faster than simply reading what you typed out in class.
5. Leaving your wifi on.
Unless you need it, turn it off! Wifi will only allow you to feed into the urge to check social media. If it isn't a must, don't leave it on.
6. Deciding to forego study groups and workshops.
Listen, I get it. Often times, you don't want to go study with someone else; you just want to get it over with, by yourself. But don't discredit this tactic; studying with others allows you to see information from a different point of view, ask and answer questions, and receive notes you might of missed. Even if it's just for an hour, a group study session can help tremendously! In addition, students will often neglect to go to studying workshops or office hours out of fear or laziness, but take all the resources you can get! These things will only help you in the long run to study in the best way possible.
7. Not asking for help.
If you don't understand something, you're frustrated, and feel like you can't do this, ask for help from your professor or TA. It's their job, after all. There is no shame in needing assistance sometimes, and receiving it will help raise your grade in the course.
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8. Studying last minute.
Everyone is guilty for this, but studying last minute is a recipe for disaster. Studying takes time and diligence; and deciding to cram last minute will not help you retain any information, and ultimately, stress you out to extreme levels. Try to study for tests and exams at least a week before, though the earlier you do so, the better your mark will be.
There's eight things to avoid while studying! Do you have any bad habits you have while you study? Let me know down below!
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University; stressful, exciting, filled with hard work, and above all, absolutely busy. With parties to go to, cities to explore, clubs to join, and friends to make, it's hard to find the time to really zero in and focus on what you're in school for; doing your assignments! Staying ahead in university may seem entirely impossible to some who have a million other things going on, but it is achievable with discipline and determination. Read on for my tips on staying ahead while in university... 
1. Make a schedule and stick to it. 
While making a schedule sounds downright boring and abysmal to some, planning out your day, week, or month has extreme benefits in aiding you in your quest to stay ahead while at school. Whether it's just putting things in your phone calendar, writing a daily spread in a journal, or actually getting a calendar and hanging it on your wall to scrawl on, scheduling your life will give you so much more free time to get ahead on assignments, papers, and studying. An example of my daily schedule included my classes, my studying times, naps (for real), work,  and any social events or gatherings I planned on going to. 
 2. Create to do lists! 
I mentioned my love of lists in other posts before, but making a To Do list is my personal favourite way to stay ahead while at school. It's a nice visual reminder of what needs to get done, and scratching those off of a list is oh so rewarding! Whether it's writing one out or using your phone to put them down, they're my favourite tool to ensure I'm getting things done before they're due so that I can have time to do other stuff. Put them in your planner or on your wall so you actually look at them during the day! 
3. Don't do extra stuff if it's not necessary. 
I don't recommend during first year getting a job or joining a million clubs because of how much time these activities consume. If you have a handle on your schoolwork, feel free to go out and join some clubs or get a part time job, but remember that staying ahead with these commitments under your belt is much more difficult to do than without.  Remember; school should come first! 
4. Start your assignments the day you receive them. 
When you get your outline and rubric for your assignment, start working on it then and there. The deadline may be two months away, but you'll be thanking your past self when you don't have to them the day before they're due! 
5. Work in chunks rather than long periods of time; study effectively. 
An essential to staying ahead in school is to actually do your homework and studying ahead of time; but you're not going to stay ahead for very long if you're not studying effectively! I prefer working in chunks and taking fifteen minute breaks to ensure great studying that keeps me on track. You can read my posts about how I maintained a near straight A average and my studying essentials here and here for tips and tricks on effective studying. 
6. Prioritize. 
Wrapping up this post is a point to make sure you're focusing on the important things first. To stay ahead, you must know what is the most important thing to be doing; a paper, study guide, or a presentation are all important, but it's useful to focus on the assignments that are worth more in the end. Starting early and prioritizing these assignments will not only get you ahead, it will also get you better grades in the long run. 
So there are a couple tips about staying ahead in university! Have any tricks you know? Share them with me down below! 
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Even though the school year is well over for us university students, I was absolutely implored to make this post highlighting my studying essentials. Going to one of the biggest schools in Canada has shown me many instances of students who study completely unprepared, setting themselves up for complete retentional failure. If you want to prepare yourself for the next semester and guarantee success with your next study sesh, read on for my studying essentials that lead to success. 
1. A quiet, non distracting place to study.
The first and most important tip is to find your study place; somewhere that's quiet, bright, open, and free of distractions. For example, I can't study very effectively in my room because I get distracted by various things pretty easily (like my instruments strewn about or fixing my makeup) so instead I go to the Student Learning Center to really get stuff done. Some other great study places include a cafe, the library, your school's green space, or a bookstore. 
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2. Water 
I don't like coffee, so my drink of choice when studying is water. Water is a good pick me up and helps me feel more awake and able to calculate things easier. It's also free and easy to refill. 
3. Headphones + a calming playlist. 
I cannot study for the life of me without headphones. I find listening to a calming playlist (like this one) is most effective for focusing in on what you're doing as compared to a playlist that might hype you up instead. It's important to listen to music you don't pay much attention to so your focus can remain on studying and getting some work done. 
4. Steadtler pens.
 If you like to write out your notes occasionally like I do, Steadtler pens are going to be your best friend. They are fine tipped 0.3mm pens that write smooth and skinny for great, declarable notes. If you want something less expensive, check out your local dollar store for some OK dupes, but I highly recommend getting the Steadtler set! 
 5. Moleskin notebooks.
This is specific and picky, but I like being able to write my notes in a small, simple notebook with no lines, so I can write as small as I want while also being able to mindmap and doodle. Moleskins are perfect for that, but Muji also has amazing selections for cheaper as well. 
6. Laptop. 
This is pretty obvious, but if you handwrite your notes you may not feel it necessary to bring your laptop to study. I like having it around because I type my notes on it to aid retention, and also research and type while writing essays and papers for class. It's also nice to have to review your slides from class if your prof posts them. 
7. Chargers. For everything. 
Another obvious one, but it's forgotten about all the time. Bring your computer and phone chargers with you so you won't have to break up your study sesh and train of thought to go grab them. You don't want your laptop to die in the middle of you writing an amazing paragraph for your essay, do you? 
8. Healthy snacks.
I find that when studying, I get sleepy really fast because 1. I'm bored as shit and 2. I probably haven't slept in 20 hours. Other than drinking some ice cold water, I find that the best pick me up is eating! Healthy snacks like fruit and granola bars will give you some great energy so you can persevere and continue on with your schoolwork. 
9. Spotify.
I stated earlier that I like listening to music when studying; but I don't like using just any app. I like using Spotify because they have great premade playlists for any feeling imaginable. These two playlists (1, 2) are my personal favourites. 
10. A good mindset. 
Let's drive this home; if you don't want to study, you're probably not going to. It's a fact. Try to get yourself in a more positive mindset to study by doing things earlier in the day like writing to do lists, getting a good night's rest, eating proper meals, and preparing yourself for the sometimes grueling experience to come. I like to remind myself to do it sooner rather than later so I have more time at night to relax or go out with friends, which motivates me. Find what motivates you and stick to it. 
So those are my essentials; what are yours? Let me know in the comments down below as I would love more ideas. 
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As Spring is on it’s tail end, it’s finally time to do some Spring cleaning; cleaning the gutters, throwing out things you don’t need, and tending to the garden — but instead of the usual ritual of throwing things to the side of the road, let’s try to sell them for some extra, easy cash. Not only will this declutter your place, but also make you some good money to save or spend on something you’ve always wanted. Not sure what to sell? Read on for a list of 20 Things to Sell for Some Quick Cash…
1.       Last year’s textbooks
Have textbooks you no longer need for the present school year? Don’t let those suckers collect dust — sell them to younger students in your program for some quick, easy money. Join textbook selling groups on Facebook, advertise on Kijiji or Craigslist, or post on your social media pages to get the job done.
2.       Scrap materials.
In my post, Fifteen Ways To Make Money This Summer Without a Part Time Job, I stated that I had made $50 selling old bike frames and a skateboard. People everywhere are looking for scrap materials to make their own items, whether it’s bike tires or sheets of metal. Advertise your junk on Kijiji before you throw it out and let the surprise encompass you when you have some offers on your trash.
3.       Formal wear, like suits and prom dresses.
Let’s be honest — are you ever going to wear your prom dress again? If the answer was no, feel free to list it in your local buy and sell groups to get some easy cash.
4.       Video games.
Have a bunch of PS1 games you’re never going to play? Sell them. Gamers everywhere are looking for games to buy for cheap, new or old; so if you have something you haven’t played in a while, get over your nostalgia and sell it.
5.       Video game systems.
Speaking of video games, the consoles in your basement collecting dust aren’t doing much for you either. Some people shell out big cash for old systems like the NES and certain editions of the N64, so if you’re not playing them, get rid of them.
6.       Sporting goods.
If you have lightly used sporting goods that haven’t been touched in ages, list them on Kijiji for some decent cash.
7.       Vintage clothing.
Go thrifting and find some good name brands like Levis, Wrangler, Gucci, etc — and sell those items on Depop for a profit. Just make sure you know how to ship them out without getting shilled for your money.
8.       DVDs, CDs, Records, Cassettes, and VHS tapes
Collectors are everywhere, and some are scrambling to find certain CDs, VHS tapes, or records to complete their collections. Advertise these items in a collection for a quick, straightforward way to get rid of all your unused medias — or list one by one to make a bigger profit. If you have old Disney VHS tapes, search them online — some of them are worth a fortune. Always do your research!
9.       Handmade items.
If you have a penchant for creating things, why not turn your hobby into profit? Selling at local farmer’s markets, on Etsy, or local buy and sell groups can garner you a pretty penny from interested customers. Make jewellery, clothing, cool computer hard drives — whatever! Someone will probably love what you’re selling.
10.   Old computers or computer materials.
Lots of people are now into making their own motherboards by using different drives and materials than what their original computers came with. Some people are even working from the ground up and making computers from scratch! List these products on Craigslist to reach lots of people and allow the money to pour in for something you weren’t going to use anyway.
11.   Comic books!
Another collectors item, comic books are a popular sell on local sites like LetGo and Kijiji. Go through your old collection and sell the most valuable issues for some quick coin.
12.   Musical instruments.
Have a guitar in the corner of your room just gathering dust? Sell it. If you haven’t learned it after all this time, you’re probably not going to pick it up again, so you might as well sell it to someone who will actually use it.
13.   Cars or car related things.
Have a bunch of spare tires? Or an old hunk of junk car you’re never going to fix or drive again? Sell these items for a reasonable price and I’m sure someone will be more than happy to take it off your hands.
14.   Old electronics, like cell phones, DVD players, and stereos.
People are often enamoured with the past — especially past technology — so don’t be afraid to list these items in fear of no one buying them. Someone will take interest.
15.   Baby stuff, like clothing, strollers, and toys.
I don’t think any parent wants to pay full price for a shirt their kid is going to grow out of in a month — so don’t be wary of putting lightly used baby items online! Strollers, toys, car seats, shoes, and bottles can all sell for a decent price, garnering some extra cash in your pocket.
16.   Furniture.
If you’ve recently purchased a new couch or dining room table, sell the old one! If they’re in good condition, I’ve noticed these are the kind of things that sell quickly online and for fantastic prices. You can also thrift furniture pieces for cheap and sell them for a higher profit, if you don’t have any of your own furniture to spare.
17.   Power tools or building equipment.
Tools like hammers, saws, and drills are also big sellers on Kijiji and Craigslist. If you’re not in need of these items or have extras, sell them and use the money you make for things you’ll will use instead.
18.   Books.
Have books you’ve read a million times or some you’ll never read again? Sell them in a yard sale or online for some quick cash. Children’s books sell especially well.
19.   Sell your clothes!
Before you run off and donate them to your local thrift store, you can always try to sell them on apps like LetGo, Depop, and Etsy. What once was your favorite shirt may just be someone’s dream tee — so at least try to sell your clothes before running off to the Salvation Army to get rid of them.
20.   Glassware, dishes, picture frames, and other household things.
If you’re like my mom and have way too many dishes, sell them! The same goes for picture frames, vases, pots, pans, and glasses.
Excited to start making money this summer? Let me know down below what you’re planning on selling in the comments, and as always, thank you for reading.
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