amelie-shimada · 2 years
I'm back! I'm alive! I'm writing again!
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amelie-shimada · 3 years
reblog if you’re pretending ben solo isn’t dead
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
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Gency sketch 💛💚
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
In case anyone needs to hear this today:
Drawing fanart DOESN’T make you any less of an artist.
Writing fanfiction DOESN’T make you any less of a writer.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Your work is important.
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
Kylo: I’d prefer it if you addressed me as My Most Highest Supreme Leader Kylo Ren
Rey: I’m going to call you Ben
Kylo: *voice crack* that’s fine
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
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Binary stars.
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
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Talon Sombra 💀 patreon . twitter
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
Well, well, well.
Guess who finally set up and Ao3 account.
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
So Star Wars: TROS made me a Reylo shipper.  I wanted to write my own fix it fic.  Here goes.
“And WE are all the Jedi.”
Rey could feel Ben's approval, as sure as if it came from her own heart. The bond was so much stronger in person.  Or maybe it was because he had finally stepped into the Light with her.  They stood, sabers crossed, this time in unity against a common enemy.  
The lightning tried to overpower them, tried to take them.  But they were together. They could do this.  But not without cost.  Rey felt her very life slipping away to almost nothing, but she pressed on.  They've come to far to give up now. The lightning finally turned on its master, destroying him and itself.  She didn't strike her grandfather down; his own hunger for power had consumed him.  He wouldn't haunt her now.  The thought crossed her mind as a surge of energy carried her back.
The stone floor rushed up to meet her, but she was too tired to fight it.  Too...nearly dead to fight it. Dazed, she looked around for Ben.  She had been vaguely aware of him flying off in another direction, away from her.  Suddenly all she wanted was to see him alive.  It didn't matter if she was barely holding on, if she couldn't muster the strength to sit up.  She just needed him to be alright.
She saw him, on his knees and elbows, dragging himself in her direction.  She breathed a sigh of relief. They had won, but the thought was merely an echo in the distance. She couldn't comprehend the world beyond Ben right now.  It was just him and her.
Finally he reached her.  He reached out his hand, and she took it firmly, like a lifeline.  The contact told him what she had been trying to ignore: she was almost gone. She wanted to say something to him.  Something wise and comforting. Something that would linger after she left him.  But no words came. It all seemed like too much.  All except one word.
“Shhhh,” he whispered.  “Just rest.”  He adjusted his grip on her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers.  Lowering himself down next to her, she was able to get a better view of his face.  Still bloodied, definitely exhausted, but at peace.  And absolutely beautiful.
Something glowed to life within her. She realized it was coming from their hands.  More specifically, from Ben's hand to hers.  The life was returning to her, but with it came fear.
“Don't,” she said, tears threatening to overflow.
“It's okay,” he said.  “There's enough for both of us.”
The Force did it's work, and she took a deep breath.  She was still wounded and worn, but she was definitely alive.  She sat up and looked over at Ben.  His eyes were closed, and he looked a little too serene.
“Ben!” she shouted, shaking his shoulder.
And then she saw it.  The toothy, most beautiful smile she'd ever seen.  A raspy sound quietly rose from him. Was that...laughter?
“I just saved your life, sweetheart,” he said, “What else do you want?”
A jolt of electricity shot through her.  He had just been joking, but his expression was as serious as hers.
“One more thing,” she said.  And before she lost her nerve she leaned down and captured his lips with her own.
She didn't have to wait long for his reaction.  He slipped his arms around her, answering her kiss with equal hunger and reverence.  When they pulled apart slightly, she was graced with another of his beautiful smiles.  Then, with a rakish gleam in his eye, he flipped them over, his injuries seemingly forgotten.  He smiled down at her.
Her new vantage point gave her a view of the ships still above them, and she sobered up a little.  Ben caught her train of thought.  Gently, he helped her sit up.
Where did they go from here? More specifically, where did Ben go from here?  She knew he was a changed man, but she also knew there was a trail of destruction in the wake of Kylo Ren.  
“I'll face them,” he said, as if reading her thoughts.  “I'll face whatever comes next.”
She reached up and caressed his face. He closed his eyes as if to savor the touch.
Rey wished they could just stay like this forever, but after a few moments, Ben got up and held out his hand for her.  The bond was a comforting connection between them as their hands met again.  Rey would never tired of the sensation.  She started to walk forward, but stopped abruptly.
The throne.  The same one from her visions.  In them, it had been her and Ben claiming it.  As Kylo Ren and the darkest version of herself.  She wondered if that had been from her grandfather.  Meant to intimidate or entice her, she wasn't sure.  
“Did you have the vision, too?” Ben asked quietly.
“Yes,” she said, and shuddered.  
“Well, that won't do,” he said, scooping her into his arms.
“I can walk -”
“I know,” he said, but made no move to put her down.  Instead he carried her toward the throne.
“You know I carried you like this that first time, the day we met,” he said.
“I wish I could remember that part,” she said.  
“I'm kind of glad you can't,” he said.  “There's a lot a wish you hadn't seen.”
She reached up to move some of his hair from his eyes.  
“I'm not afraid of who you were.”
He pressed his lips into a grim line. She kissed his cheek, just to see him smile again.
They reached the throne, and Ben sat down, setting Rey beside him.  She turned so her back was to one arm of the chair, her legs draped over Ben's.  He wrapped his arms around her tightly.
“See?” he said into her hair, “It's not that scary.”
“Not with you here,” she said.
“I'll try to stay with you,” he said.  “Always. But I-”
“We'll make it work,” she said, leaning back to look at him.  “We'll make them see reason.”
“After everything-”
“Yes, after everything, including charging headfirst into Exegol to save me and defeat the emperor. That has to count for something.  I say its at least time served.”
He smiled a little, but she could tell he was still uneasy.
“Hey, she said, making sure to catch his gaze again.  “Kylo Ren died on Endor, didn't he?”
“Yes,” he said, “You killed him.”
“I'm so sorry about wounding you, I-”
“It wasn't that.  It was what you said after, about wanting to take my hand.  I finally realized that you wanted to be with me – just me, not the force user, or the supreme leader, just me.  That I was worth that.”
The tears were falling for real this time.  First Rey, then Ben's eyes misted over a little when he saw her tears.
Shouting could be heard in the distance.  It seemed her rescue party had arrived.  Little did they know that role had already been filled.  Ben turned worried eyes her way.
“We'll make them see,” she said, taking his hand.  The bond sizzled between them.  “We will do it. Together.”
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
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 a school theme skin design fanart! 
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
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amelie-shimada · 4 years
Widowmaker’s Christmas, Pt. 1
Hanzo enjoyed the days he was assigned armory duty.   He enjoyed inspecting each piece, making sure all was in order.  He enjoyed the quiet.
As he was nearing the end of his chores, he heard soft footsteps in the hall.  A quiet smile was on his lips before Amelie reached the door. 
“Nearly finished here,” he said, his mind already thinking ahead to the rest of the afternoon.  Maybe a walk?  They could head into town for a bit, get away from the base.
“Take your time,” she said quietly.  Something subtle in her tone caught his attention.  She was looking down, brow furrowed.
He put down the magazines he had been organizing and moved toward her.  
“What’s wrong?”
She shook her head a little, but it did nothing to ease the concern on her face. All these subtle signs of emotion that wouldn’t have been there a few months ago.  
“It’s nothing…” she said, “at least, I…it’s nothing of importance.”
Gently, Hanzo lifted her chin.  He wanted her to see that he meant it when he said, “If it concerns you, my darling, it is something of importance to me.”
“The tree.”
She stepped out of his grasp, shaking her head again, a hand to her face.  Was that…embarrassment?
“I didn’t realize…what time of year it was.  Jack, Ana, Torbjorn… they went to pick out a tree.  Apparently, they will be celebrating Christmas on base.”
Understanding dawned for Hanzo.  As much as she had improved, so many things were still a struggle.  Learning to carry and express emotion again was both a rewarding and tiring process.  He’d seen the effects firsthand, on evenings when she was too drained to do much of anything.  It didn’t bother him, beyond wanting to make sure she was all right.  After all the tumult in his early life, he was happy to spend restful evenings with Amelie.
But Christmas…that would be a lot for her.
“Is that something you want to participate in?”
She gave a tiny smirk.  “Do I have a choice?”
“You always do,” he said.  “And anyone who doesn’t understand that will have to answer to me.”
“Calm down, dragon lord,” she said with a chuckle, wrapping her arms around his neck.  “I don’t think there are any monsters for you to slay just yet.”
He smiled at that, leaning his forehead to hers.  Small, private signs of affection had become normal for them now.  Another development in recent months.
She huffed out a little sigh.  “I used to love Christmas.  But that was a lifetime ago.  A different person.  I don’t know if I can do it all.  Be what’s expected of me at these gatherings.”
“You don’t have to be anything you are not,” he said. “The friends you’ve made here don’t expect you to pretend to be or feel something you aren’t ready to.  Christmas season doesn’t change that.  Even if everything seems a little more…”
“…Bright? Loud? Chaotic?” Another little smirk.  
“Yes, that,” he said.  “But there are also moments of peace to be found.  Of beauty.”
“I remember that,” she said wistfully.  “I’d like to find that again.”
“As would I,” he said, “Especially if Hana and Lena make good on their threat of holiday karaoke.”
Her laughter was soft, like a shadow of the real thing.  But it was there, and he treasured the sound.  He wrapped his arms tightly around her, kissing her hair.
“It will be a great season,” he said.
“I hope so,” she replied.”
“It will be,” he said.  “Because we will be spending it together.”
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amelie-shimada · 5 years
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i hope genji’s clothes on hanzo look like they’re straining and hanzo’s clothes on genji look like they’re a little baggy, i think genji’s taller but hanzo’s thiccer
(please dont tag as ship)
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amelie-shimada · 5 years
Recovery Day
It was ever so subtle, but it was there.  A spring in his step.  Of all people, the fact that he, Hanzo Shimada, should have reason to be in a good mood was still a wonder. But then again, why shouldn't he feel this way?  He was repairing his relationship with Genji.  He had found purpose in his work with the newly recalled Overwatch.  And he was on his way to see another new agent.  One of particular significance to him.  
Hanzo looked down at the small drive in his hand.  Inside the device were files upon files of intel for some future mission.  He had almost literally jumped at the opportunity when Winston asked for a volunteer to run it over to Amelie's quarters.  He had tried to play it off casually, but he suspected that he had failed.  He couldn't help it.  He wanted to take any opportunity to see her.
Normally he wouldn't have seen her at all today.  Whenever she had a treatment day, Amelie kept mostly to herself.  He had offered to stop by before to cook and maybe watch a movie with her, but she had insisted that what she really needed was rest.  The infusions she took on these days really tired her out.  
Hanzo checked his phone for the 4th time since he started his trek from the command center.  Still no response to his text.  Strange.  Even if she had been napping, she was normally a light sleeper.  
The phone buzzed just as he approached her quarters.  No words, no assurance it was fine to stop by.  Just numbers.  Four digits.  The code to her room.
Interesting.  It was the Watchpoint equivalent of making him a spare key.  They hadn't spoken much about their relationship since it began.  They both knew that they needed to take things extremely slow.  They hadn't even been on a real date yet.  But they knew there was something special between them. Something fragile and beautiful that neither of them wanted to ruin. So the door code was...odd.
It wasn't until the door unlatched that he realized he hadn't fully expected it to work – surely those numbers were a mistype, or they meant something else entirely.  But the door softly whooshed open, revealing the dim room beyond.
His eyes went directly to the bed, but as he adjusted to the light, he realized she was not there.  Just rumpled blankets and pillows.
Adrenaline kicked in.  “Amelie?” he called, quickly shifting into fight mode.  Who would have -
“...Hanzo?” came the weak reply.
He rushed to where she lay on the floor.
“Amelie,” he said her name urgently, willing this all to be a bad dream.  “What happened?”
“I...” she said, struggling.  “I wanted some water.”
What?  He looked to the counter, then around on the floor.  He saw the glass, resting upright on the floor, half full.  Not spilled.  As if it was carefully set down...
“I couldn't make it back,” she whispered.  He followed her eyes to the bed.
Hanzo snapped into action, gathering her in his arms.  He began to carry her to the door.
“Where...?” she asked weakly.
“To Medical.  You're having a bad reaction to your treatment.”
Hanzo stopped at the force of her tone. It was the most like her she had sounded since he arrived.  
“This...this is normal.”  She squeezed her eyes shut.  
Hanzo couldn't move.  She had been suffering like this every time, and he hadn't had a clue.  “Why didn't you tell me?” The words were out before he could check them.
“I...burden...” she pressed her head to his chest, too tired to go on.
He moved towards the bed and slowly lowered her onto the mattress.  He touched the side of her face to get her attention.  When her yellow eyes were on him, he started again.  
“You are not, nor will you ever be, a burden.”
She placed a hand over his.  The faintest smile tried to peek through.  He retrieved the glass of water and brought it to her, placing it on the side table while he helped her sit up.  She took a long drink.  How had she survived the other days without help?  Some reasonable part of his brain, part that suspiciously had Zenyatta's voice, told him it wasn't his fault for not knowing her struggle before.  He wasn't sure about that, but he agreed with the next thought wholeheartedly.  Now that he knew, she would not have to face this alone.
“Are you hungry?”
“A little,” she said, nodding slightly.
He stood up.  “Will you be okay while I go to the mess hall to get us food?”
“Hanzo, you don't have to-”
“I know.  I want to, I-”
“You aren't...you aren't honor bound to me.”she said.  
He sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, gauging his next words.
“What if I want to be?”  It was like exposing a raw nerve.  But he wanted to.  He didn't want to be the oblivious person he was a few minutes ago, separate from Amelie's inner world and struggles.
She squeezed his hand, and he thought he detected some moisture in her lovely eyes.  It was all the answer he needed.  He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Rest now.  I'll be back soon.”
He exited her quarters, releasing a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.  And started off toward the mess hall, hope and determination in his gait.
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amelie-shimada · 5 years
I have a "Writing" playlist
It serves for both VenomousArrow and my own original project I'm trying to write. My fave song that reminds me of Amelie and Hanzo?
"i believe" by Christina Perri
So many good WidowHanzo lyrics, including
"I believe that you fell so that you would land next to me..."
Give it a listen! Do you have any songs that remind you of these two?
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amelie-shimada · 5 years
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Hanzo won the bet, he gets another kiss.
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amelie-shimada · 5 years
tag 5 people who you hope have a good day: @pumpkin-demon
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