the-bar-sinister · 3 days
That fic you wrote?
The one about the ship no one else cares about, or the deeply unpopular character, or the extremely unusual AU?
The fic that got no comments or kudos when you posted it?
Months or years from now, that fic might be exactly what someone is looking for in the sea of fics about all the popular characters, ships, and AUs.
Your fic might be the only fic out there that has what someone is looking for. The only fic that scratches the itch that it turns out you and that reader share.
And that's awesome.
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dear-ao3 · 11 hours
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hjbender · 3 days
I keep getting comments on WIPs from readers—some who are registered AO3 users—expressing some form of “I like this story and check regularly for updates”. I don’t know if this is a permutation of “I can’t wait for an update” or if people genuinely don’t know about AO3’s Subscribe button.
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Subscribing to a story automatically sends an email notification to the subscriber whenever the story is updated.
I don’t want to seem patronizing by mentioning subscriptions, but I also don’t want readers to be working so hard keeping up with a fic when there’s an easier solution. Or am I taking a compliment too literally?
(Please reblog for farther reach)
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marvelousmoony · 2 days
fanfiction is so beautiful because what do you mean i can read the same characters falling in love 92737389 times in different scenarios and not get tired of it.
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visualisation of neighbours AU
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sadslay · 1 day
- NEED YOU ⋆☆ 𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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warnings - inspired by, mentions of scars & blood, nsfw content, this is short im so sorry
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the first time you saw abby was when her and her people came to the seattle claiming to be fireflies. you had only heard whispers about the group, but no more then a week later abby was sitting in your waiting room with a bloodied face and fists. when you called her in she sat down quietly with her hands gripping onto the bed. the first thing abbys eyes stared at was the scar sitting in the base of your neck.
“abigail right?” you asked, beginning to gather what supplies you needed to clean her cuts.
“just abby.” she corrected, watching you closely as you spun back around with some clean water and a rag.
you knew exactly what brought abby here. an hour or so earlier there was an altercation with one of the young soldiers and it resulted in them getting up on medical leave while abby only came out with a few cuts and some bloodied knuckles. although you didn’t know the exact reason as to why abby lashed out, you were able to put together the pieces. from what you had read on her file and what you had heard around the base, abby was a fifteen year old ex-firefly that had recently just lost her father. you knew what headspace abby was in right now and it was not something that could be ignored.
“how long have you been at the base for?” you asked, fully knowing she had been here for nine days.
abby sat in silence as you cleaned the sticky drying blood from her left eyebrow before quietly replying, “just over a week.”
once you had cleaned the blood you were able to see the small cut running through the end of her eyebrow. lucky for her, it didn’t need stitches only a bit of medical tape to prevent infection. the silence between you and abby was heavy but surprisingly not awkward.
as you taped up her eyebrow, she asked, “i don’t need stitches?”
you shook your hear as you grabbed a near by cloth to begin cleaning the cut on top of her cheek. “no.” you spoke softly. “but your cheek’ll need stitches.
the rest of her visit she didn’t talk. you told her that the stitches were not dissolvable so she would have to come in a weeks time to get them removed and at the end of it all, she quietly thanks you and left swiftly.
carefully removing her stitches with a pair of tweezers and surgical pliers, you put all your focus into making the whole process as pain free as possible. you had noticed abby fiddling with her hands, most likely to keep herself distracted, and you could feel her eyes lingering on the base of your neck. no doubt she was intrigued by your scar, just about everyone was, but abby was different. abby hadn't once asked about your scar or looked at it in a disgruntled or disgusted way, in fact she rarely looked at it, but when abby did, she looked at it with intrigue.
"did you pick a job yet?" you asked quietly, managing to pull her eyes away from your neck.
"no." she replied quietly. "the job i wanted was taken." she added, the disappointment in her voice was so clearly evident.
you removed the last stitch, allowing abby to take in a deep breath as you put your tools down on a near by table. "n'what job was that?" you questioned.
“anythin’ in medical.” she shrugged as you began to clean your station. you let out a soft chuckle as you peeled off your rubber gloves making abbys eyebrows furrow. “whats so funny?”
you weakly shrugged as you turned back to abby, subtly assessing her face to see if she needed a cover while it continued to heal. “just didn’t expect that from you.” you mumbled, beginning to gather a small amount of medical tape to cover the cut on her cheek. “thought you’d wanna be a solider.”
abby scoffed. “just cause i’ve gotten into a few fights?” she asked as a smirk began to ghost over her lips.
gently applying the medical tape to her - mostly - healed cut you tried your hardest not to smile. “well yeah, ‘nd from the looks of it you can throw a good punch.” abby grinned, clearly proud of herself. “i treated her ya know?”
“you put her medical leave?” abby asked, raising an eyebrow as she watched you closely while you began to pack up your station.
“god no.” you chuffed. “i’ve sent worse injuries back into the field, it was issac that put her on medical leave.” you explained, beginning to take off your green medical apron and hanging it on the back of your office door. “it’s ‘cause he realized that if she couldn’t handle a civilian then she shouldn’t be a solider.”
abby thought for a moment, eyeing you up and down as this was the first time she had seen you out of uniform. “he’s got a point.” she mumbled nonchalantly as she remained completely focused on you.
“i could put in a good word for you ya know?” you mumbled, leaving up against your desk. “he owes me a favour.” you added as a soft smirk began to creep onto your lips.
“you think i’d be a good solider?” abby asked, pushing herself away from the medical bed to stand opposite to you.
you nodded, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “i think if you got into gym and really trained you’d be one of our best.” you admitted. “then you get some good benefits around the base.” you added. abby folded her arms across her chest and thought for a moment. “maybe you can tag along with me one time.” you shyly suggested.
“i like the sound of that.”
as seasons passed you and abby grew incredibly close. first it started as weekly catch ups at the gym and the odd visit to your office after hours as she’d refuse to have her medical done by anyone else, and then it became more frequent. abby would stop by your office before she would get sent out to do a run for issac and any chance she got she would invite you to lunch in the food hall or even drop off lunch right to your office.
with all of abby’s attention you quickly become infatuated. abby had a way of making the simplest things give you butterflies. you quickly realized that your feelings towards abby were not just platonic and after years of fighting you had come to terms with the fact that you had fallen in love with her. so when she asked you to travel halfway across the country - on a limb that the man that you had only heard stories about- to hunt down the man had killed her father you had to go with her.
while the group had stopped in butte for a few days, you found yourself scavenging around the rundown motel when you overheard abby talking to owen. you stopped in your tracks, quietly listening as the pair hadn’t spoken in months.
“‘cause she’s fuckin’ useless.” owen muttered in a hushed whisper.
you heard abby let out a sigh causing your eyebrows to furrow. “we needed her hear incase we got into trouble. she’s a good nurse.”
were they talking about you?
“what about mel?” owen asked. “just cause you wanna fuck her-”
“watch it!” abby snapped. “i brought her along because your fucking girlfriend can barely do her fucking job.” abby quipped her voice was stern as she grew more frustrated at own. “i bought her along because shes fucking useful, no other fuckin’ reason.” she spat.
after that owen stormed off, walking out into the hall were you stood opposite to each other. he gave you a pathetic smile before walking straight past you. slowly you began to fill with frustration as you march towards the door own had just walked out of.
“you know if you wanted a fucking medic to come on this fucking scouting mission then i would have sent one of my students with you.” you snapped bitterly as you slammed the door behind you.
abby frowned as she realized you had heard her conversation with owen. “come on,” abby groaned. “you know i didn’t mean it like that.” she mumbled, looking down at you as she inched closer to you.
you rolled your eyes at the blonde, coming to your wits end with her as she had been distant from you for weeks. “how’d you mean it then?” you quipped.
“it means i like you dumbass.” she smirked, taking that final step to bring the two of you together.
scoffing at the idea you tried to step back, “if you like me so much, how come you’ve been avoiding me?” you asked, bumping into the door behind you.
abby smiled at your naivety as her arm rose, boxing you in against the wall. “because i can’t control myself around you anymore.” she spoke barely above a whisper.
chocking on your words only made abby’s smile grow. “shhh,” she coed. “i know you like me too baby.” abby hummed, her nonchalant cockiness about the whole situation made your cheeks flush pink.
“do not.” you tried to protest, even you could hear the bullshit making abby chuckle under her breath. “fuck off.” you spat, barely louder then a whisper.
“you really want me to go?” abby asked, her head dipping slightly to be at your eye level, only for you to avoid her eye contact all together. her hand parted from the wall before shortly reconnecting her hand with the the bottom of your chin. “look at me.”
only abby could make a demand sound so soft you thought. you hesitated for a moment, knowing what would happen if you did look at her, but you were weak at the knees and desperate for any attention from abby. your eyes finally met abby’s turning your stomach into knots.
“you really want me to leave baby?” she asked again, her breath kissing your ear.
looking up at her, you began to feel light headed as something you had dreamed about for months, maybe even years was finally beginning to come true.
“please don’t make me say it.” you shamefully whispered, as abby slowly combed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“oh baby.” she snickered, her soft seductive chuckle gave you goosebumps. “but i want to hear you say it.” abby smirked.
there was no point in fighting it anymore, abby knew you liked her, there was no more denying it. “i want you to stay.” you spoke ever so softly. abby grinned as you took in a shallow breath before continuing to whisper, “i want you.”
that was all the confirmation that abby needed, to hastily press her lips against yours. it was so messy and polarizing to anything you had ever experienced before. abby’s hands grabbed firmly onto your hips as she pulled you against her, her touch alone was enough to make your knees buckle. your hand grasped onto the base of abbys neck as you almost felt light headed. the whole experience was so euphoric but ethereal at the same time.
“so needy baby.” abby breathed into your neck almost making you audibly moan.
desperate for some friction, you pulled yourself even closer to abby. “shut up.” you breathed, barely able to have a coherent thought as you began to rub against her thigh.
abby let out a breathy chuckle as her hands dipped down to your thighs before hoisting you up to sit around her waist. her hands held onto your ass firmly, relentlessly squeezing as she slowly lowered herself to the ground. as she sat down with her back pressed up against the door your legs knelt on either side of hers.
her hands roamed up and under your thin singlet, scratching at your skin before her hands returned to your ass. you rolled your hips against hers making your core tighten as your hand snaked up her arms to her neck. you slowly pulled away, leaning in close to abbys ear as she continued kissing the soft spot of your neck. your breathing was heavy and everything that abby was going made you feel so, so good.
as you leant up against abbys ear, your finger tips scratching the back of her neck you whispered, “i need you.”
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busy-baker · 2 days
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to @mooreaux for the commission of Tav and Astarion from my fic Thicker Than Water! I don’t have the words to say how beautiful they are
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"Sorry, I have *plans that night."
*fanfics to write
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erinwantstowrite · 23 hours
Have you drawn Peter’s jacket that he stitched together? Wanna make sure I get the base right before adding my spin on it AND I wanna make that jacket. Like my life depends on it..
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i did!! i'd love to see what you do with it!!
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sherriesherbet · 1 day
Konig Headcanons
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The bullshit of this man being all sensitive and UWU and terrified of things - it's ridiculous. He's a colonel.
He's got social anxiety, sure, but he's been in the military since before he was an adult. He doesn't enjoy social interactions, no. He doesn't like crowds, no. But can he tolerate them? Yes. Of course.
He just doesn't waste his time talking unless necessary. Doesn't greet people or engage in conversation outside of orders.
Isn't fond of eye contact and will have something covering his face as often as possible, even when not working.
Definitely drinks his coffee black, no sugar. Prefers a cup of tea tbh.
Would definitely take you back to his home town - despite not so fond memories - Puchberg am Schneeberg.
Would also take you to Wiener Neustadt, where he first joined the military. He'd take you around the city, ignoring everyone except you.
He would, however, be very proud and silently eager to share his culture. He'd eagerly await your reaction to his favourite food or place.
Would see how you like Apfelradln, a safe bet - explaining how e would eat them in the afternoon as a snack, and also letting you know he knows how to make them himself with rum, for added flavour and kick.
Speaking of food - this man isn't fussy. He will eat anything, like most soldiers, but he loathes American cuisine and food. "Too much everything. European food is much better."
He knows how to cook, 100%. Well, too. Could've been a chef in another life.
Acts of service is one of his love languages, so he does cook a good meal to speak the words he can't say.
Listens to either heavy metal or folk - no in between.
Will talk to himself in quiet grunts and murmurs - usually in his mother tongue.
Snores like a foghorn.
Bites his nails and picks at his skin - bad habit.
Smokes cigarettes.
Enjoys wine. Good wine.
Has a good sense of humour, always making his partner or himself laugh.
Silently jealous type. Silently seething, clenching his jaw and fidgeting with his fingers, I can see him flipping a coin whilst he gives others what can only be described as the death glare.
Gives me asexual vibes tbh
Will never harm you or insult you in any way shape or form. During arguments or disagreements he would simply be quiet and take a break.
A tough man who had a tough life but has a good soul deep down.
Just not some little weakling lol
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the-bar-sinister · 3 days
I just think people write out of obligation too often.
"How do I motivate myself to write through the boring part of my story?"
"How do I make this boring scene not boring?"
Don't write it.
Don't write boring things just because you think the structure of the story demands it. I promise it doesn't need to be there.
If your characters need to have gone shopping for a later part of the story to make sense you can just have a sentence about how they went shopping and move on.
You are not obligated to write the boring parts. No matter what those parts are.
You are not obligated to make the parts of your story that you're not excited to write interesting somehow.
You can just write the fun and interesting parts and gloss over and summarize boring things.
Your audience will thank you and you will thank yourself.
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dear-ao3 · 19 hours
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In the AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 - an unofficial demographics survey of 16,131 AO3 users - 44% of respondents used AO3 to consume art or comics, and 17% used the site to read essays or meta.
To see more analysis, including transcripts of all the data shown on the graphs, please view the full results on AO3.
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 5 months
“Is it okay if I draw fanart of your fanfic?👉🏼👈🏼”
My brother in Christ we shall have a spring wedding
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