americananomaly · 8 years
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Study medicine europe
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americananomaly · 8 years
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Colonial life
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americananomaly · 8 years
When daddys talking to other people but you want all his attention 😽❤
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americananomaly · 8 years
please support soft daddies
support daddies with depression. support daddies who want to color/play with you and not just sit and watch. support daddies who like stuffies too. support daddies who are anxious about sex. support daddies who aren’t always hyper-dominant. support daddies who can’t spoil their littles. support trans daddies. support daddies who aren’t good at enforcing strict rules even though they know it’s good for you. support daddies who need care too. support daddies who are trying their best.
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americananomaly · 8 years
Daddy: Baby girl? I'm going to the store, do you need anything?
Me: *slides in, out of breath* STUFFIES!! I NEED MORE STUFFIES!!
Daddy: But.. Baby girl.. We just got 3 new ones yesterday..
Me: More.
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americananomaly · 8 years
@cutelittleprincess599 awwwww
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americananomaly · 8 years
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americananomaly · 8 years
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bonus panel:
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americananomaly · 8 years
When you need attention
Daddy: *playing video games*
Me: *coloring on the floor*
Me: *lowkey starts scooching closer to the tv*
Me: *does the booty wiggles*
Me: *subtly raises the booty and continues the wiggles*
Daddy: *into his headset* Sorry guys gotta deal with something real quick.
Daddy: *mutes mic and drags me away from my coloring*
Me: 😊 Oh hello
Daddy: *smirks and kisses my nose*
Daddy: You. Are. Not. Subtle.
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americananomaly · 9 years
Things To Expect (Sleeping with Little)
-You are now a body pillow
-You are also a giant rice bag (Accept your fate)
-You’re most likely sleeping with a star fish
-Prepare for cold toes against your back at 2 a.m
-Grabby hands!!!
-Entire adult sized child wrapped around your bicep
-Possible drool
-Yes you need to cuddle us
-Don’t be afraid to roll onto us and squish us, a lot of us like the close contact
-Yes we need more than one stuffie in bed with us
-No 13 blankets is not enough
-Expect us to practically mold onto you
-Yes we are clingy even in our sleep
-If we are having bad dreams don’t be afraid to wake us up
-Given the blankets won’t protect us from the monsters under the bed, you will need to be our Daddy in shining armor! AKA cuddles and snuggles are always accepted
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americananomaly · 9 years
I support underage littles
I support underage people watching Winnie the Pooh.
I support underage people sleeping with stuffed animals.
I support underage people sucking their thumbs.
I support underage people coloring with crayons.
I support underage people doing completely nonsexual things that were literally made for children. 
The argument that doing little things, things designed for children, is “kinky” is completely ignorant and disgusting. For fuck’s sake, they’re watching Winnie the Fucking Pooh. Where is the kink in that?!
Come on people, get your shit together. 
If you have a problem with me supporting underage people doing things designed for underage people, please block me and do not use my content. I do not want it on your shit bag blog. Have a good day, you ignorant, perverted freak.
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americananomaly · 9 years
morning sex is the best sex because you can’t hide behind anything. your hair probably looks like shit, your makeup is smeared, morning breath, I’m sure you drooled at some point in the night….. but someone still wants to kiss your lips and in between your thighs and touch your unshowered, no longer freshly shaven skin. like, if you can be comfortable enough with someone to let them do that, then that’s way cool and that’s why morning sex is the best
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americananomaly · 9 years
@cutelittleprincess599 this is funny oh my god
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Meet the Mona Lisa of the Prado, the earliest known copy of Da Vinci’s best portrait. Similarity in the undersketch of the painting indicates that this was very likely painted concurrently with the original Mona Lisa, by a student of Da Vinci.
There is much controversy in the art world over the question of whether or not to clean the fragile Mona Lisa, but her sister has been restored and some fairly odd later alterations removed to show the original vibrant colors and lighting. Some details, such as the sheerness of her shawl and the pattern on the neckline of her dress, have become utterly obscured in the original, but in the restored copy they’re perfectly clear.
It blows my mind a little bit to look at these two sisters side-by-side and imagine how much vivid detail could be hiding in the Mona Lisa under 500 years of rotten varnish. 
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americananomaly · 9 years
Things I don't get
17 year old little day before birthday: I'm little.
Little community: YoU CAnT B LiTtLe iTS WrOnG
Day of 18th birthday: I'm little.
Little community: oh welcome uwuw were a community of love and understanding and caring uwuwuwuwu
Protect underage littles. Let them learn what little is through blogs instead of fake "daddies"
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americananomaly · 9 years
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americananomaly · 9 years
Me: -paws at master's leg-
Master: What do you need kitty?
Me: Wellll. I need attention, pets, Kisses, getting tied up and fucked hard, peeps cuddles. Did I say kisses???
Master: Lets see what we can do about everything on that list
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americananomaly · 9 years
Shopping with daddy
Me:*staring at daddy while in the store*
Daddy:*walking around grabbing things we need*
Daddy:* looks back at me* yes princess?
Me:* looks at a toy then back at daddy and shakes my head*
Daddy:* looks at toy and then me* you want something princess?
Me:* bites my lip looking down I shake my head*
Daddy:* walks over to me and raises my chin up and kisses my forehead* go get the toy you want babygirl.
Me: * smiles happily and runs over to the barbie dolls *
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