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this isn’t goodbye, it’s more of a see you later!
Hey guys. I’m bummed and heavy hearted to announce that we seem to have reached the end of the road for Blackest Beautiful/American Candy. It was a really great 7 going on 8 months that we spent with you guys, but neither of us seem to have the motivation or the dedication necessary to keep on with this group. Recent events have all but sucked the joy out of running this group that we used to pride ourselves on, and we genuinely think you guys deserve way more than what we can provide right now. Whether you were a member here for two days or from the very beginning, you all have a pretty special place in our modding experience, since this was the first group we ran together without the help of anyone else and it turned out to be way better than we were expecting it to be when it first took off. With that being said, we want to do right by you guys, and right now, that’s closing down, rather than running a half-assed, poorly updated group. Below, we’ve listed a few groups that we think are good choices for you to move to if you decide to do so. We wish you all the best of luck, and we thank you more than anything for making Blackest Beautiful/American Candy everything it was.  Signing off one last time, Vanessa & Raquel
Visions RP Bail Me Out RP Unlost RP Cemetery Weather RP (this is where one of us will be modding in the near future, and the other will be joining if you want to keep your eye open)
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Do me a favor and like this post if you're online, please.
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can I get one more extension on my journal? I'm done with finals on Wednesday so I'll be free then!
Don't worry about it this week! We're not doing journals this week because of finals in general. There's an announcement a few posts back on the main if you wanna brush up!
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dropping Hannah ): xx
We hope you enjoyed your time here. Everyone unfollow Hannah.
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You guys've been great mods and I'm sorry to say, but can you have everyone unfollow me, please? Thanks for having me while I was here.
Thank you. Sad to see you go, everyone unfollow Oliver.
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— Whakaio Taahi // guitarist for Tonight Alive // aim: whaataa — Alex Gaskarth // vocalist + guitarist for All Time Low // aim: futureheartsalex
TO DO: Go follow everyone, introduce yourself with the tag #ac.intro and have fun!
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Hi, we're a blog here to help anyone in search for plots find their match! Would you care to be affiliates and let your people here know about us?
Make sure to check them out!
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actually, instead of cam can you reserve kelen capener for me pls :-)))))
You got it!
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Will you reserve Louis Tomlinson for me, pretty please? :D
Of course! You have 24 hours.
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if people wanna get some plots going with whakaio while i do the app, find me on aim @ whaataa
You heard it! Go get some plots!
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— Zayn Malik // soloist // aim: lilzfromthepack
TO DO: Go follow everyone, introduce yourself with the tag #ac.intro and have fun!
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i'm still working on the whakaio thing i proMISE
That’s great! Can’t wait to have almost all of TA here!
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please reserve alex gaskarth for sam. ill try to apply sometime today
Unfortunately someone sent in a reserve for him already, but you’re welcome to apply for someone else.
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If you don't already have an app for him, can you reserve Alex Gaskarth for Ty?
No problem! You have 24 hours, Ty.
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hiiiii can you reserve cam adler for surfingparakeet and idk can ppl like this if they wanna plot back stories n stuff???
Of course! You have 24 hours.
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your rians blog is not found btw
+ also your olivia pope link is messed up
+ also, your tay jardine link. i don't know what's up with that but it doesn't link to her blog for me
Why in the world was our taken list such a mess? Rian must have deactivated without telling us, but the other two should be fixed. Sorry about that!
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hi i'm changing my fc to linabugz
Thank you for letting us know!
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