americanhoneyx · 2 years
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Working with the FBI wasn’t always Whitley’s dream career. She wasn’t even a little bit interested. However, after Libby had taken off the older female began to think about her future. She had heard about an internship where you’d work with the FBI doing simple stuff and learning what they did. Whitley immediately enrolled and was enthusiastic about it. Something about catching bad guys, and being undercover excited the young female. So eventually she decided to got to college for it. And the rest was history.
July 8, a few years ago
You got this Whit. He’s just like any other bad guy you’ve caught before the female told herself. She walked quickly and quietly, holding her gun straight forward. The air was cold and the stench of death filled the air. It almost made Whitley want to throw up but she stopped herself. Eyes stayed focused and she continued forward. “Come on Marcus, I know you’re in here. I’ll find you one way or another” she shouted in the air. Suddenly an eerie chill ran down Whitley’s spine. She could sense evil was lurking close. Moving around a basin of oil she sneezed and cursed herself. Way to go Whit. Just let the killer know exactly where you are. Whitley ignored her subconscious and kept her mind sharp. Turning a dark corner of the building she was hit with something sharp.
Several days later….
It smelt like rotten fruit. Rotten fruit and decayed flesh. A sick feeling developed in the pit of Whitley’s stomach. She groaned, and touched her head, ouch she thought. Where was she? Opening her eyes slowly, Whitley could tell that she was someplace hot. It felt like a hundred degrees. She winced and tried to get up but fell back down. Suddenly footsteps creaked against wooden stairs. Whitley backed herself into a corner, furiously shaking. Normally she was a tough cookie but not at the moment. All she wanted to do was survive and somehow make it back home.
“Whit, oh good you’re awake. We’re going to have some fun today” chuckled a familiar voice. Whitley immediately knew who it was and she wasn’t scared at all. “Kidnapping an FBI agent Marcus? That’s really low even for you” she replied back sharply trying to hide his terrified she was. Marcus chuckled out loud and looked at Whitley. She looked good. Better than any of the others that he had kidnapped in the past. “Whit, so quick with that tongue of yours. Be careful or I might cut it off” laughed Marcus. Enraged, Whitley lunged forward and spit in the kidnapper’s face. “You bitch!” screamed Marcus and cold cocked Whitley in the face with his hand. Which sent her flying into a pile nasty clothes. Whitley groaned, and suddenly passed out.
Whitley grinned, grabbing her gun and stalking forward. It was finally the big day. The day that TBK, aka Marcus Sliney would be caught and sent to prison forever. “I’m right behind you agent Chadwick” said Ryan McDermott, a fellow agent. Whitley grinned, as they closed in on Marcus. “Marcus Sliney, we have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up!” shouted another agent from a loudspeaker. Just then Marcus opened the door and ran towards a waiting car. “Hell no!” shouted Whitley and ran as quickly as her legs could take her. She tackled Marcus in one fell swoop. “Gotcha” sneered Whitley as the other agents grabbed Marcus. “Great job, Whit. He’s finally going to jail”. All Whitley could do was grin. All of her hard work had paid off.
You got the son of a bitch she told herself.
And just like that the good guys had won
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
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Betty cleansing herself after the TBK (devil) told her she was evil
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
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For our senior year. Our class decided to create on e giant slip in slide in the hallways of the school. My task was to help make the soapy water with some friends. This was done on a Sunday night with the help of a friend who’s father was a fireman and keys to unlock the school. Tons of soapy water filled every hall way and it took hours! The end result turned out awesome as you can see..
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
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RIVERDALE Chapter Eighty-Nine: Reservoir Dogs
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
It had been three years since Whitley had visited her father’s gravesite. Being in Charlotte and working for the FBI took a lot of free time away from the female. Her blue hues stared at the headstone and her heart just broke into pieces. It was like her heart was breaking all over again. “Why did you have to leave me?! Leave Libby too?” she yelled at the headstone. All of sudden she wasn’t so sad. Well, she was but somehow the pent-up anger that had built up over the years just finally decided to come out. Whitley wasn’t really mad at her father; her real rage was towards her mother, but Whitley hadn’t seen or spoken to her mother in years. Whitley couldn’t fathom had someone could up and leave her family just like they didn’t matter.
Letting out a breath, Whitley leaned down and placed a bouquet of flowers beside the headstone and wiped away a tear falling down her cheek. “Sorry dad, I didn’t mean to flip out. It’s not your fault”. She felt like an asshole for yelling at a dead person in the middle of a cemetery. She took one last look then walked off. Her emotions were all over the place and she didn’t feel like going home to an empty house. So, then there was only one place left to go. She walked slowly, passing other headstones and felt bad for the other families. Good people didn’t have to die. She reached the sidewalk and looked both ways. She was in the mood to feel good. And when she wanted to cheer herself up there was only one place to go.
“More shots Ken!” hollered Whitley almost falling off the barstool. A patron next to her snickered out loud. “What the fuck is your problem?” she slurred, eyeing him coldly. “Listen bitch, turn around and fuck off” the male replied back. Whitley was so pissed that when she tried to get up, she fell off the barstool and onto the hardwood floor. The male let out a bellowing laugh and Whit looked up, giving him the middle finger. “Alright, you’re caught off little lady” said a voice from behind her. Whitley turned around and saw a tall blonde-haired male looking at her. “But I’m having fun,” she pouted. The bartender motioned for the guy to help Whitley outside. The man proceeded to help Whitley up and grabbed her belongings. “I got you miss, this way” said the guy and walked her out into the cool March air. Whitley couldn’t even comprehend anything at the moment and passed out in the man’s arms. 
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
Think of the biggest event that took place in your character’s life. If that event never happened, how would life be different for your character?
What would've happened if Whitley's mother had never left when her father was dying and if he didn't die?
Whitley would've had more time to make family memories with both of her parents.
Her parents would've seen Whitley graduate college
Whitley and her sister Libby would've been raised by both of their parents instead of Whit taking care of Libby.
Whit might've never become an FBI agent
Boston would be where Whit made her permanent home
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
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[...] 丛 𝙱𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝙲𝗼𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝙸𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀 ¡ ⵦ 💬𖡎
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ᨓ 斘 ꕤᩚ⃗ʾ̷🪰𖡎ⵓ䨻 ᭣ ᥒᩚɘw) ᖘᩚ𝗼𑂙𝘁?通。˚★ᩝᐩ. ⊹🕸💭 ̫슪✿! 䵳。°˖ 𝗅𝗂𝗄ᦕᩚ ☓ 𝚁𝖾̲𝗯̲𝗹𝒐𝗴. ̄ ̄ ̄𓍊𓋼𓍊 ◟▓ꕤᩚ⃗ʾ̷䩞ໂ 𝗰𝗿ᦸᩚ𝗱!𝘁ຮ 𝕞𝗲. 䨻᯾❜🧦(๑´³`(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎)˚!﹎
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