#whitley chadwick
americanhoneyx · 2 years
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Working with the FBI wasn’t always Whitley’s dream career. She wasn’t even a little bit interested. However, after Libby had taken off the older female began to think about her future. She had heard about an internship where you’d work with the FBI doing simple stuff and learning what they did. Whitley immediately enrolled and was enthusiastic about it. Something about catching bad guys, and being undercover excited the young female. So eventually she decided to got to college for it. And the rest was history.
July 8, a few years ago
You got this Whit. He’s just like any other bad guy you’ve caught before the female told herself. She walked quickly and quietly, holding her gun straight forward. The air was cold and the stench of death filled the air. It almost made Whitley want to throw up but she stopped herself. Eyes stayed focused and she continued forward. “Come on Marcus, I know you’re in here. I’ll find you one way or another” she shouted in the air. Suddenly an eerie chill ran down Whitley’s spine. She could sense evil was lurking close. Moving around a basin of oil she sneezed and cursed herself. Way to go Whit. Just let the killer know exactly where you are. Whitley ignored her subconscious and kept her mind sharp. Turning a dark corner of the building she was hit with something sharp.
Several days later….
It smelt like rotten fruit. Rotten fruit and decayed flesh. A sick feeling developed in the pit of Whitley’s stomach. She groaned, and touched her head, ouch she thought. Where was she? Opening her eyes slowly, Whitley could tell that she was someplace hot. It felt like a hundred degrees. She winced and tried to get up but fell back down. Suddenly footsteps creaked against wooden stairs. Whitley backed herself into a corner, furiously shaking. Normally she was a tough cookie but not at the moment. All she wanted to do was survive and somehow make it back home.
“Whit, oh good you’re awake. We’re going to have some fun today” chuckled a familiar voice. Whitley immediately knew who it was and she wasn’t scared at all. “Kidnapping an FBI agent Marcus? That’s really low even for you” she replied back sharply trying to hide his terrified she was. Marcus chuckled out loud and looked at Whitley. She looked good. Better than any of the others that he had kidnapped in the past. “Whit, so quick with that tongue of yours. Be careful or I might cut it off” laughed Marcus. Enraged, Whitley lunged forward and spit in the kidnapper’s face. “You bitch!” screamed Marcus and cold cocked Whitley in the face with his hand. Which sent her flying into a pile nasty clothes. Whitley groaned, and suddenly passed out.
Whitley grinned, grabbing her gun and stalking forward. It was finally the big day. The day that TBK, aka Marcus Sliney would be caught and sent to prison forever. “I’m right behind you agent Chadwick” said Ryan McDermott, a fellow agent. Whitley grinned, as they closed in on Marcus. “Marcus Sliney, we have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up!” shouted another agent from a loudspeaker. Just then Marcus opened the door and ran towards a waiting car. “Hell no!” shouted Whitley and ran as quickly as her legs could take her. She tackled Marcus in one fell swoop. “Gotcha” sneered Whitley as the other agents grabbed Marcus. “Great job, Whit. He’s finally going to jail”. All Whitley could do was grin. All of her hard work had paid off.
You got the son of a bitch she told herself.
And just like that the good guys had won
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Trick and Treat
A/N: The first of two Halloween one shots. Enjoy. 
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“C’mon and ease on down, ease on down, down the road! Don’t you carry nothing that might be a load…”
Songs from “The Wiz” oozed from the Bluetooth speaker positioned at the edge of your vanity as you put the finishing touches on a simple scarecrow makeup look from Pinterest. From the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of Micah attempting to mimic Michael Jackson’s iconic cross foot shuffle only to get her feet tangled before crashing to the ground with an amused giggle.
“Mommy’s sorry she passed down her two left feet to you, baby. Trust me, it gets better.”
“For her, sure. The jury is still out on you.”
You rolled your eyes with a small smirk as Chadwick rounded the corner into the closet carrying the co-star of the Halloween Night Show in his adorable costume. For months you spent time brainstorming the perfect family costume that would proudly stand next to the couple’s costumes that Chadwick planned for the adult parties. Separate events saw you and Chadwick as Dwayne Wayne and Whitley Gilbert before transitioning into outfits that resembled Michael Jackson and Iman’s ‘Remember the Time’ get up. Though your husband had set the bar high for the family costume, you knew just what to do.
Micah had been obsessed with The Wiz from the moment she heard ‘You Can’t Win,” often begging to watch it multiple times a week. So, it came as no surprise when she was firm in her decision to be Dorothy for Halloween at school. The idea carried over into the house, and with four members of the family, the idea fit like a glove.
“Hush, Tin Man. How’s my mean ol’ lion,” you cooed, allowing Chadwick to carefully place Noah in your arms.
“He’s been mean alright. He refused to take a nap while you and Mikey went out for candy, and now he’s cranky.”
“Not my baby. He’s never cranky. Can you give mommy a biiiiiig lion’s roar?” Noah stirred in your arms, peering up at you through hooded eyes before opening his mouth to let out a long yawn and whimper that let you know he was close to tears if he couldn’t go to sleep soon.
Chadwick released a hushed snicker at your expense, “Yeah, that was a huge lion’s roar. Good job, AJ. Maybe we should just, you know, stay home.” Chadwick’s suggestion came with a tug at the uncomfortable collar around his neck. He was attempting a last ditch effort to stay at home to avoid being seen in public as a six foot, dark-skinned tin man.
“I don’t care if he sleeps the entire time, we’re taking Micah Trick or Treating for at least an hour.”
“But, baby -”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me!”
“Okay, then I’ll Tasha you. Look at me. I look like a baked potato. I can’t go out like this.”
“You look shiny like a pretty diamond, Daddy,” Micah chimed in. The thought of her father not holding her hand as she pranced down the street in her custom, ruby-colored shoes forced the corners of her lips to sag into a frown. “Don’t you wanna go get candy with me?”
Chadwick looked between his twin and you, shooting you a glare when he caught you wiping a satisfied smirk from your face. He was no longer in a position to back out, and both of you knew it.
Releasing a deep breath, Chadwick kneeled down to speak to his pride and joy.
“I don’t wanna do anything else but take you to get candy, Princess. Are you excited?”
“Yes! I wanna get all the candies! Especially the chocolates!”
“Especially the chocolates,” he laughed. “Hey, how about you go grab your bag and wait downstairs for me with I talk to your Mama? Can you do that for me, Dorothy?”
“Yes, sir!” The soft click of her hard bottom ballet flats striking the hardwood floors faded with each second until only silence hung in the large walk-in closet. The sweet twinkle in his eye from seeing Micah smile was quickly replaced by a hard glare in your direction that tried to ignore.
“You can stand there and pout all you want, Coffee Can. I’m not giving you any attention,” you warned him with your back turned as you secured Noah’s noise-canceling headphones against his sensitive ears.
“It’s all good, Co. One day, you’re gonna wanna take a sip of this coffee and the answer will be no.”
“Yeah right! You know you want a little cream for your coffee!” Turning to face him, you found him ending his visual journey across your backside with a smirk.
“That’s tempting, baby, but I’m vegan. No cream in this coffee. Coconut milk only.”
“Oh so, you’re Michael now. You’re canceled. Get out of here.”
If not for the barrier covering his ears, Chadwick’s boisterous laughter would have startled Noah from his sleep.
“You can’t cancel this black man, T!”
“Micah, what are the rules for trick or treating,” Chadwick asked as the group approached the first house on the block.
“Stay close to Mommy and Daddy, don’t eat the candy until we get home, and say please and thank you every time.”
“Good job. That’s my girl.”
Your usually quiet Los Feliz neighborhood was now teeming with youth of every age dressed in a range of costumes from adorable to downright scary. 
As a child, your mother never allowed Halloween themed activities. If you and Tiana weren’t stuffed in the back of her station wagon and carted off to the nearest Hallelujah Festival, you were forced to stay at home and watch your friends return with buckets overflowing with treats. With that memory in mind, you promised yourself that you would give your children the opportunity to at least experience the cultural activity.
What you hadn’t accounted for was the type of neighborhood you would live in. Never did you imagine to be the ethnic minority on your street. The amount of full-sized candy bars casually left on doorsteps with instructions to only take one was astounding. Even more shocking were the looks you all received as one of a few black families in search of spooky treats.
You and Chadwick would’ve welcomed family photos with open arms if he meant that it would replace the occasional shocked stares from your neighbors further down the street.
Approaching the first house seemed to set the tone for the evening. With her afro puffs swinging in the wind, Micah nearly drug her father to the front porch to test her award-winning trick or treat song and smile.
“Oh, and look at you,” the older white woman gushed. “I’ve never seen a brown Dorothy before! And look at your hair. So wild!”
“Excuse me,” you blurted, earning a look from Chadwick.
Before Chadwick could offer the woman a much more civilized response to the woman’s ill-mannered remark, Micah took the lead.
“My Daddy says my hair grows to the sky like a crown made by God. This is how it’s ‘posed to look.”
All within earshot stood with their mouths agape at the class exhibited by a child that was missing most of her front teeth and not old enough to understand the ignorant undertones directed at her appearance. You, on the other hand, stood tall. All of the confidence you and Chadwick had worked to instill in her from the moment she was born had manifested into a reality tv show caliber read.
“Well...I guess your Daddy is right. Would you, um - would you like Snickers or Twix,” the woman asked, obviously flustered by Micah’s response.
The six-year-old gladly accepted the shiny gold wrapper housing two sticks of chocolate before adding a chipper thank you and grabbing her father’s hand for the journey to the next house.
Four houses down with no mishaps gave you hope that things would turn around for your first Halloween as a parent. Noah was now awake and receiving attention from every mother and grandmother on the block. Micah dazzled with the charm she inherited from her father dialed up to the highest notch. Several families provided extra candy for their cuteness while others requested pictures with the family as a whole to be thrown up on their personal social media channels.
Arriving at a beautifully decorated house swarming with underaged visitors, you noticed a few disappointed faces retreating down the long driveway to other houses. Still, you passed it off as unhappiness with the amount of candy received and followed Chadwick and Micah to the front step.
“Trick and Treat,” Micah exclaimed before she could reach the homeowner.
“A trick and a treat, huh? My kind of girl! Who are you, lovely?”
“I’m Dorothy from The Wiz! My Daddy is the Tin Man, Mommy is Michael Jackson, and my brother is a baby lion.”
The confusion on the young man’s face reminded you and Chadwick that you may have forgotten to inform your oldest that not everyone had seen The Wiz. She assumed that everyone knew Michael Jackson as a scarecrow, but judging by the blank look in his eyes, it was evident he was unaware that there was a more urban version of his childhood classic.
“What she meant to say is I’m the scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. Sorry for the confusion.”
“That’s great because I was just about to tell you that this is the worst Michael Jackson costume I’ve ever seen!” His attempt at a joke made Chadwick tense for a moment before catching your eyes pleading with him to calm down. At thirty minutes into the adventure, you both were starting to wonder if this was a good idea.
“Where are your candies,” Micah asked, craning her neck around the porch in search of the plastic bowl she’d grown accustomed to.
“No candy here, little one! Candy is bad for your teeth. But, I do have these!” Reaching into the Hello Kitty backpack that accompanied his Deadpool costume, he presented an apple to Micah with a smile. “Here you go, my friend. One Fuji apple just for you and a Koppleman Family Dentistry business card. Feel free to come by and see us for the post-Halloween cavities. Would you like one for the cub in the stroller?”
Chadwick reluctantly accepted the card and the apple meant for Noah. “Uh, thanks man. We’ll make sure check you out when we get a chance.”
“Mommy, I thought Halloween was for candy!”
“Micah Noelle! Hush!”
“But, you said-”
“Have a nice night, man! Dope costume by the way. Let’s go, Munchkin!”
Scooping Micah under his arm, Chadwick led the mad dash for the street to prevent any more comments from his daughter.
From that point, strange happenings seemed to follow that family at every stop. Word got out that Chadwick Boseman had been spotted in the area, drawing families without Halloween goodies out of their homes and into their front yards for a glimpse at the Black Panther.
A family dressed as the Justice held Chadwick on their front porch for several minutes in an attempt to convince him that he should make the switch to DC and play The Green Lantern. Two doors down, a lively bunch of mimes made Noah scream bloody murder at first contact, leading you to stand at the edge of the driveway while Micah asked questions that they would not verbally respond to.
Rounding out the night, perhaps the strangest occurrence you had ever witnessed would prove to cap a bizarre experience.
“Mommy, look, a red balloon,” Micah shouted as she pointed to the object floating in mid-air on the dimly lit porch.
A sign on the home’s mailbox read, “We’re not home, but there’s candy in the bowl. Take IT.”
“Take the whole bowl? That’s dumb as hell,” Chadwick remarked, reading the note a second time for clarity. “It must be a typo.”
“Whatever it is, make this quick. My makeup is starting to sweat off and it’s getting dark.”  
“Can I eat some candy tonight? Pleaaaaaase? Pretty please?”
“Two pieces and that’s it. C’mon so we can grab your last one and get back home for a bath.”
Micah nodded with the same level of enthusiasm that she started the evening with. Her hair bounced in the wind beside her father as they took the short trek up the driveway and to the front porch. An eerie silence greeted the pair, and the closer they got, the more Chadwick sensed something was wrong.
“Stay right here, Boop. I’ll grab the candy and bring it to you.”
Though disappointed, Micah followed her father’s instructions and remained in place.
Chadwick approached the step on the defensive, putting you on edge once you noticed his calculated movements. One step at a time, Chadwick approached the bowl to grab the desired sweet treat for his daughter.
“You’ll float too.” A voice spoke, tiny and almost too quiet for comfort.
“Oh hell nah,” Chadwick spoke to himself. “Aye, baby, let’s go. It’s some weird sh- AYE WHAT THE FUCK?”
In the darkest corner of the porch stood a terrifying version of Pennywise the Clown sporting a morbid smile and glowing yellow contacts. The figure, clearly a member of whatever family lived in the house, stepped from his shadowy hiding place to “greet” Chadwick.
“If you need help, Don, help yourself to a balloon.” The clown never dropped his smile as he walked closer to Chadwick with his hand outstretched.
“The clown is gonna get Daddy,” Micah screeched during her full sprint to find you at the edge of the driveway. “Daddy, make him stop!”
“Hey, man, she has enough candy. We’ll just go home.”
“Want a balloon?”
Without warning, the person behind the costume made a move that startled Chadwick. Quick and misplaced reflexes ended the interaction with a swift jab to the nose and a pained groan from whoever dared to use a demon clown as a welcoming committee for a neighborhood event.
“My nose! Fuck, dude, my nose!”
“Trent,” Chadwick questioned, finally recognizing the voice.
Trent, your neighbor three doors down and a respected pediatrician, slumped against the railing of his porch to allow the blood seeping from his nostrils to fall into his manicured bushes.
“Shit, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Baby,” he called out to you to get your attention. “It’s just Trent. I think I broke his nose.”
“You what?! We can’t afford a broken nose? Ask him if he wants a band-aid.”
“No, I do not want a bandaid,” Trent answered before Chadwick could ask the question. “It’s not broken, but I have a hell of a headache. You should have those hands of yours registered as weapons. I’ve never seen anybody move that fast.”
“You scared the shit outta me, man. How can we make this up to you?”
“My wife really loves Tasha’s green apple pie. You think she could make us a couple to impress the family with for Thanksgiving?”
“Baby, he says if you make them some pies he’ll forget the whole thing!”
“I got you, Trent! Sorry my husband punched you in the face!”
“Don’t mention it, Tasha! Thanks!” Standing from his slouched position, Trent pinched the bridge of his nose before heading toward the front door. “Wait until Julianna hears this. She told me it was a bad idea.”
After a final apology, Chadwick led you and the kids back to the safety of your home. Bedtime routines and a brief candy extravaganza at the kitchen counter put everyone in a good mood before the kids were tucked in for the night.
Chadwick stood on your right in the bathroom, brushing his teeth while you finished applying night cream to the area under your eyes.
“I can’t believe I punched someone in the face tonight.”
“I can’t believe you let a clown scare you like that,” you laughed.
“Co, don’t go there. You were afraid of Harry Potter.”
“Not the same! Them spells and shit were demonic. I don’t wanna hear it.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Chadwick watched you tie your head scarf around your edges before opening his arms to receive the hug you were initiating. “For the first time, it wasn’t so bad, right?”
“This was horrible, baby.”
“Good. We’re on the same page. Let’s never do this shit again.”
“I ain’t say allat, now!” Chadwick dropped his arms along to match his scowl as he followed you into the bedroom to finally get into bed. “I talked to ‘Vonne and she said that Trick or Treating is way better in her neighborhood. You know she lives around black people. We should try over there.”
“I probably don’t have a say in this, do I?”
“Of course you do, baby,” you answered, adding a kiss to his bottom lip. “You can say yes.”
A bitter chuckled left Chadwick’s mouth before he took his spot behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Good night, Michael Jackson.”
“Good night, Ali.”
Peaceful silence enveloped the house, setting the mood for quality slumber after a stressful string of events.
That was into an ear piercing scream from Micah’s room down the hallway, making you and Chadwick’s eyes shoot open. Seconds later, Micah’s fist pounded at the door before she abandoned the rule of waiting until she had permission to enter, and ran into Chadwick’s arms.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?”
“The balloon! It’s outside!”
Chadwick turned to look at you only to find you up and heading out of the door in record time. Sure enough, when both of you entered the room with Micah cowering behind Chadwick’s legs, you found a single red balloon floating past Micah’s window and to an unknown destination. Neither you or Chadwick spoke a word. A non-verbal cue to take Micah back to your bedroom answered all of your husband’s question, and a trip to retrieve Noah was swift.
Crowding into the California king, you made sure to double check the locks and the security system from your bed.
From the corner of your eye, you found Chadwick burning a hole in the side of your head with his intense stare.
“I told you we should’ve stayed home.” 
Rolling your eyes hard enough for them to cause a mild headache, you turned on your side to end the conversation before it could start. There was no way he would know he was right. There was also no way you would ever trick or treat in this neighborhood again. 
TAGS: @njadont @k-michaelis  @wakandanmoonchild  @idilly  @texasbama@afraiddreamingandloving  @inxan-ity  @daytimeheroicsonly  @onyour-right@brianabreeze  @sisterwifeudaku  @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy@90sinspiredgirl  @willowtree77785901  @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee@halfrican-heat  @purple-apricots  @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx@profilia @ljstraightnochaser  @girl-wtf-lmao  @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly@melaninmarvel  @thiccdaddy-mbaku  @lavitabella87@purplehairgawdess@unholyxcumbucket  @airis-paris14  @uhlxis@oshasimone @maliadestiny@drsunshine97  @cozyshack2 @zxddy-panther@queentearra @skysynclair19 @retro-melanin @mermaidchansons @misspooh@melanisticroyalty @babygirlofwakanda @wakanda-4evr @sarahboseman @karensraisns@blackmissmarvel @wakandankings  @kaykay4454fan@ororowrites@awkwardlyabstract @mixedmelanin @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers@sunflowerpsalms  @panthergoddessbast@justanotherloveaffair @jaeee-http @iliketowrite1996 @blackpantherismyish@thompettiedatheaux @msincognito67 @reignsxjackson @yaachtynoboat711@syreanne  @ilcb7@minim236 @yoyolovesbucky 
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bandstolookup · 3 years
post malone
taylor swift
puff daddy
the hollies
Andrew lloyd webber
Ray repp
big & rich
carter hulsey
new Greek blood
kids see ghosts
William fitzsimmons
city & colour
Chris Cornell
mighty oaks
Mumford and sons
night beds
iron & wine
bright eyes
Kurt Travis
the scene aesthetic
berlyn trilogy
John Denver
denial of service
frozen lonesome
new arcades
juno dreams
solar storm
mega drive
space purr
back to 84
silent bomber
the dream warrior
electric dragon
manie sans délire
bruce roach
zodiac free arts club
trenton chase
RR hearse
furnace miskin
the northern lights
ovter god
secret attraction
specimen #153
logan 5
vex allen
horizon 200
lonely silver machine
cities of earth
richard hanson
drug free youth
pat dennis
transit authority
pip blom
riley pearce
PD liddle
sam johnson
soham de
sons of raphael
stray light
stella donnelly
team picture
andrew leahey & the homestead
the old pink house
the snuts
tim chadwick
tony christie
ariel pink
video brothers
bastard squad
south west land division
fatal suit
al bird dirt
jonathan bree
nick drake
jon greene
doug and the slugz
Peter, Paul and Mary
leonard Cohen
buffalo Springfield
the hats of jim n' i
sam amidon
the teardrops explodes
yann tiersen
max richter
90's kids
the swinging blue jeans
dude york
good buddy
spring king
scarecrow boat
gaby moreno & Vincent jones
dj jazzy Jeff & the fresh prince
kool & the gang
earth, wind and fire
Bobby "Boris" pickett & the crypt-kickers
flo rida
benny blanco
young dreams
the paper kites
rings of saturn
tommy cash
bent knee
new york dolls
kylie minogue
leighton meester
first aid kit
nelly furtado
t pain
pimp c
jim weeks band
street dogs
forced reality
the besmirchers
swell maps
vis vires
the take
murderer's row
fear city
the blaze
barking mad
UK subs
lars frederiksen and the bastards
fickle friends
maggie rogers
rae morris
Paul wall
too short
nick offerman
Gary tesca orchestra
scissor sisters
the go-go's
flaming lips
Aaron carter
the jets
Rick astley
William shatner
George Michael
gene wilder
the radio department
maroon 5
the top notes
matt & kim
quiet luke
salt n pepa
Carly Rae jepson
ricky Martin
gregory & the hawk
ace of base
Eiffel 65
meghan trainor
iggy pop
iggy azalea
kevin macleod
sir sly
jake houlsby
john joseph brill
malena zavala
october drift
crushed butler
rev gary davis
michael nau & the mighty thread
juan solorzano
ben khan
dice soho
jimi somewhere
sea of content
mad max elliott
who boy
logan lucky
mura masa
the main level
mad mask
sleepy brown
fletcher jackson
21 savage
young thug
yung bans
bear hands
oh weatherly
taylor van cleave
set it off
the guess who
sam tinnesz
stephen day
half moon run
cook thugless
frankie avalon
sleeping lion
mikey wagner
shiloh dynasty
forever cult
freya ridings
yung heazy
ginger snaps
hey charlie
holiday oscar
holly rees
the scarecrow show
stamps vista
larry league
palaye royale
luxury elite
the human league
working for a nuclear free city
men i trust
the go gos
the meeting places
0 notes
architectnews · 3 years
MECD Manchester Engineering Campus Development
Manchester Engineering Campus Development MECD, Northwest England Higher Education Building Photos
MECD Manchester Engineering Campus Development Design
19 May 2021
Manchester Engineering Campus Development News
Design: Mecanoo with Penoyre & Prasad, and BDP
Location: Manchester, North West England, UK
Construction completed on UK’s largest engineering campus at The University of Manchester
19th of May 2021 – Construction of the largest home for engineering in any UK university has been completed. With the conclusion of the base build phase, the Manchester Engineering Campus Development (MECD) was handed over to the University of Manchester on Friday, 14 May 2021.
Delivered by a collaborative team of builders, architects and engineers, MECD represents the single largest construction project ever completed by a higher education institution in the UK. Building design was undertaken by Mecanoo with support from Penoyre & Prasad, with detailed design during the technical and construction stages by BDP, and multidisciplinary engineering services provided by Arup. The main contractor was Balfour Beatty and it was project managed by Buro Four, with Buro Happold as the Environmental Sustainability Advisor.
MECD will provide world-class sustainable research facilities, alongside flexible and innovative teaching and learning spaces that will enable students to shape their own learning environment. It will house a community of 8,000 students, researchers, academics and professional services staff. This will be the largest concentration of interdisciplinary engineering expertise in any UK university.
The development incorporates a number of existing and new buildings: the eight-storey 80,000sqm Engineering Building A; Engineering Building B and the James Chadwick Building (on Upper Brook Street); refurbished Grade II listed Oddfellows Hall; and the York Street Building. MECD is home to purpose-designed blended lecture theatres, teaching laboratories, student workshops and a range of spaces to support ambitious outreach and social engagement initiatives.
The University of Manchester is committed to Environmental Sustainability, with MECD being the first project to appoint a dedicated Environmental Sustainability Advisor to develop and drive the University’s comprehensive sustainability targets throughout the project’s life cycle, including a BREEAM Excellent rating, a new active travel hub and green roof.
MECD is part of a world-class research and innovation hub and immediately adjacent to two flagship centres of excellence – the National Graphene Institute and the Henry Royce Institute, the UK’s national institute for advanced materials research and innovation. The University of Manchester is ranked as the world number one in the THE Impact Rankings and this investment will ensure that Manchester continues to be at the forefront of delivering world-class research.
Director of Estates at The University of Manchester, Diana Hampson, said: “This is a hugely significant milestone for MECD and we are delighted that the initial construction phase is now complete. MECD will create facilities that will put the University at the forefront of engineering globally, and we are proud to provide such an exceptional space for our exceptional people. We’d also like to thank all the various partners and stakeholders in getting us this point, it really has been a hugely collaborative effort.”
Professor Martin Schröder, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering said: “MECD affords an exciting new environment for the delivery of interdisciplinary research, teaching and impact across engineering. We are eager to progress towards populating MECD with our staff and students, creating an inspiring, highly flexible first-class teaching and research environment that transforms the way in which the University educates engineers for the future.”
Francine Houben, Creative Director and Founding Partner of Mecanoo, said: “With the MECD, we are super-proud to play a big part in Manchester’s rise to become a centre for 21st century innovation. As the first city of the Industrial Revolution, it is a fantastic base for new engineering revolutions which will inevitably be born on the MECD campus. MECD is a key part of Manchester’s new urbanism, physically extending the city centre into its academic axis, and combining epic scale with connectivity, heritage and new public space for everyone.”
Paul Owen, Architect Associate at BDP, added: “The challenge for a project of this scale is to deliver a huge variety of adaptable spaces that support world-leading research, whilst encouraging cross-discipline collaboration and development in a city centre location. The result is a vibrant collaborative environment that supports multiple research methods. We are sure it will inspire future generations of engineers and material scientists to pioneer amazing discoveries.”
Mark Pearson, Balfour Beatty Project Director, said: “We’re extremely pleased to have reached this critical milestone on such an important project – one that will transform the way in which the University of Manchester educates our future workforce of engineers.
“Despite the challenges we have faced over the last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, works have progressed at pace with our expert team achieving final completion ahead of schedule. This significant achievement is truly testament to the strength of our collaborative culture and dedication as a project team.”
Eleanor Binns, Project Director at Buro Four, said: “A project of this scale with the extent of varied technical & functional requirements is complex from a project and programme management perspective and successful delivery can only be achieved through collaboration, commitment, planning and control. Through the expertise and efforts of the entire team, coupled with a strong vision from the client, we have reached this major milestone in the delivery of a world-class facility that will not only inspire the next generation of engineers, but is flexible and adaptable to accommodate the fast-paced change of research, teaching and workspace environments. A fantastic achievement and we look forward to seeing the building in its full use.”
Dr Tim Whitley, Director at Arup and Visiting Professor to The University of Manchester School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, added: “It’s been fantastic to have contributed to the design and construction of the University of Manchester’s latest flagship development. The whole team has worked together to deliver a sustainable building where over 30% of spaces are naturally ventilated as part of a low carbon, energy efficient fabric first design, with flexible accommodation for high quality research and teaching for now and into the future.”
Images: Balfour Beatty
Manchester Engineering Campus Development image courtesy of architects practice
Manchester Engineering Campus Development Team
About BDP – BDP is an international interdisciplinary practice of architects, engineers, designers and urbanists. We work closely with users, clients and the community to create special places for living, working, shopping, culture and learning across the world.
Founded in 1961, we now have studios across the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, UAE, India, China, Singapore and Canada. BDP has a leading track record in all major sectors including health, education, workplace, retail, urbanism, heritage, housing, transport and leisure and has won over 1000 awards for design quality.
In March 2016, BDP combined forces with Japan’s leading engineering practice Nippon Koei to form an integrated design group of genuine international reach. Sharing a philosophy which places an emphasis on design integration and community impact, the new group offers a unique combination of deep technical skills in engineering, architecture and the full range of design disciplines. www.bdp.com
About Balfour Beatty – Balfour Beatty is a leading international infrastructure group with 26,000 employees driving the delivery of powerful new solutions, shaping thinking, creating skylines and inspiring a new generation of talent to be the change-makers of tomorrow.  
We finance, develop, build, maintain and operate the increasingly complex and critical infrastructure that supports national economies and deliver projects at the heart of local communities. Over the last 11 years we have created iconic buildings and infrastructure all over the world including: the £1.5 billion A14 improvement scheme – Britain’s biggest road project; Hong Kong’s HK$5.5 billion world-class harbour theatre project for the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority; and the 12.5 mile $429 million North Metro Commuter Rail line in Colorado, US. balfourbeatty.com
About Arup – Arup is the creative force at the heart of many of the world’s most prominent projects in the built environment and across industry. Working in more than 140 countries, the firm’s designers, engineers, architects, planners, consultants and technical specialists work with our clients on innovative projects of the highest quality and impact. www.arup.com
About Buro Four – Buro Four is an independent, specialist provider of project management and associated services. Buro Four’s core service is project management, with a complementary suite of services including programme management, design management and strategic workplace advice. Buro Four are experts in managing projects and programmes; providing exceptional quality, tangible value and innovative solutions at any point of a project’s lifecycle, from concept to completion. https://burofour.com/
About Mecanoo Architects – Mecanoo, officially founded in Delft, the Netherlands, in 1984, is made up of a multidisciplinary staff of over 100 creative professionals from 25 countries. The team includes architects, engineers, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects and architectural technicians.
The company is led by creative director and founding partner Francine Houben. The extensive collective experience, gained over three decades, results in designs that are realised with technical expertise and great attention to detail.
Mecanoo’s projects range from single houses to complete neighbourhoods, skyscrapers, cities and polders, schools, train stations, theatres and libraries, hotels, museums, and even a chapel. Discovering unexpected solutions for the specifics of programme and context is the foremost challenge in all of our assignments.
Each design is considered in terms of its cultural setting, place and time. As such, Mecanoo treats each project as a unique design statement embedded within its context and orchestrated specifically for the people who use it.
Within the practice are knowledge centres which enable us to stay current on technological and design innovations in sustainability, eco-engineering, technology, education and learning, high-rise and mobility. Preoccupied not by a focus on form, but on process, consultation, context, urban scale and integrated sustainable design strategies, the practice creates culturally significant buildings with a human touch.
Mecanoo architecten
About Buro Happold – Buro Happold is an international, integrated consultancy of engineers, consultants and advisers. Operating in 26 locations worldwide, with 72 partners and over 1,900 employees; for over 40 years we have built a world-class reputation for delivering creative, value led solutions for an ever-challenging world. www.burohappold.com
BuroHappold Engineering
MECD Manchester Engineering Campus Development images / information received 190521
BDP Architects
Website: Manchester Engineering Campus Development
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Grafton Street Helipad Bridge Design: Sheppard Robson Architects photo : Adrian Lambert Manchester hospital corridor in sky bridge
Hulme Living Leaf Street Housing Design: Mecanoo photo : Greg Holmes Hulme Living Leaf Street Housing
The Oglesby Centre Architects: Stephenson Studio photos : Daniel Hopkinson Architectural Photography Extension to Hallé St. Peter’s, Ancoats
KAMPUS Architects: Mecanoo photo © Uniform KAMPUS Development
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supergeniusirnot · 7 years
Week ?
What can I say about Black Panther besides: WAKANDA FOREVER!
I don’t think I have ever been this excited to watch a movie before. When I first saw T’Challa (aka Chadwick Boseman) in Captain America: Civil War, I knew he was going to change my life. (Not literally, I’m just being dramatic. Which is odd, because I always wanted Idris Elba to be Black Panther and Lupita Nyong’o to be Storm but… I’m glad about what came to fruition.) T’Challa stole every scene he was in and I was actually rooting for him to kill Bucky. Yeah, I’m glad he didn’t but, I was willing to let him Bucky go. By time Civil War was over, I was beyond ready for T’Challa’s solo movie: Black Panther.
First thing about this movie: THE CAST! Chadwick Boseman is a handsome man. (That has nothing to do with his acting capabilities, I just thought I should point it out.) His love interest is Lupita Nyong’o and she’s one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. (Have you seen her?) Immediately I was amazed that a DARK SKIN woman was cast as his love interest. I was already going to see the movie, but that fact alone made me ecstatic.
Should I settle for having any shade of black people cast in the media? Sure, BUT I am getting tired of always seeing the same shade of Black women in the movies/television shows I watch. When a black actress is needed, they are almost always light skinned, or they appear to be biracial. Men do not face the same issue as there are plenty of dark skin men in the media, but when it comes to their love interest, they are considerably lighter than the men. Or, if a show needs a token Black person, the woman will most likely be of the lighter hue. It varies for men, but they are usually dark skin. Here are some examples:
Dre and Rainbow in Black-ish
Uncle Phil and the new Aunt Vivian in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Both Storms in the X-Men franchises (Even though Storm is darker in comics)
Dwayne and Whitley in A Different World
Martin and Gina in Martin
Oscar and Trudy in The Proud Family
Cliff and Clair in The Cosby Show
Squirrel Girl Show (Coming soon) Dwayne Taylor (Dark skin), Deborah Fields (fair skin)
 Anyway, I’m getting off subject. There are, of course, exceptions to those examples. I said all the above just to put in perspective of how excited I was to see Lupita as a leading lady. She was brave, determined, and ready to risk everything for what SHE believed in.
 And we’re BACK!
The women in this movie are amazing. (Mostly dark skin women) Danai as the general Okoye was spectacular. She was commanding, powerful, and still beautiful! There was a scene in the movie where Okoye and Nakia were chasing after the bad guys in Busan when Nakia mentions that T’Challa was not with them. Okoye simply says that he can take care of himself and went on with her mission. She was not there to save or babysit T’Challa, but there to assist him with the mission. Okoye was never questioned, and she was free to speak her mind. As general, she took an oath to defend the throne and when T’Challa was M.I.A she stayed strong and performed her duties without hesitation even though it hurt her to do so. And she was willing to kill the man she loved for her country! Yes, my girl!
Another amazing actress was Letitia Wright aka Shuri. Shuri was T’Challa’s younger sister and princess of Wakanda. (Again, another dark skin woman portraying someone important.) At 16 years old, she was responsible for designing the Black Panther suit and developing new technology for the nation. 16. Woman. AND IN CHARGE! Nobody questioned (well, except for M’Baku) her abilities and trusted that she could perform incredible feats without much assistance. There were no, “But, you’re just a girl,” moments for Shuri. She was free to excel and to be taken seriously.
And last but not least, no woman in this movie compromised their ideals or identity for a man! How refreshing is that?? The women are just as fierce as the men and I enjoyed seeing them in action scenes without being objectified.
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
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For our senior year. Our class decided to create on e giant slip in slide in the hallways of the school. My task was to help make the soapy water with some friends. This was done on a Sunday night with the help of a friend who’s father was a fireman and keys to unlock the school. Tons of soapy water filled every hall way and it took hours! The end result turned out awesome as you can see..
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
It had been three years since Whitley had visited her father’s gravesite. Being in Charlotte and working for the FBI took a lot of free time away from the female. Her blue hues stared at the headstone and her heart just broke into pieces. It was like her heart was breaking all over again. “Why did you have to leave me?! Leave Libby too?” she yelled at the headstone. All of sudden she wasn’t so sad. Well, she was but somehow the pent-up anger that had built up over the years just finally decided to come out. Whitley wasn’t really mad at her father; her real rage was towards her mother, but Whitley hadn’t seen or spoken to her mother in years. Whitley couldn’t fathom had someone could up and leave her family just like they didn’t matter.
Letting out a breath, Whitley leaned down and placed a bouquet of flowers beside the headstone and wiped away a tear falling down her cheek. “Sorry dad, I didn’t mean to flip out. It’s not your fault”. She felt like an asshole for yelling at a dead person in the middle of a cemetery. She took one last look then walked off. Her emotions were all over the place and she didn’t feel like going home to an empty house. So, then there was only one place left to go. She walked slowly, passing other headstones and felt bad for the other families. Good people didn’t have to die. She reached the sidewalk and looked both ways. She was in the mood to feel good. And when she wanted to cheer herself up there was only one place to go.
“More shots Ken!” hollered Whitley almost falling off the barstool. A patron next to her snickered out loud. “What the fuck is your problem?” she slurred, eyeing him coldly. “Listen bitch, turn around and fuck off” the male replied back. Whitley was so pissed that when she tried to get up, she fell off the barstool and onto the hardwood floor. The male let out a bellowing laugh and Whit looked up, giving him the middle finger. “Alright, you’re caught off little lady” said a voice from behind her. Whitley turned around and saw a tall blonde-haired male looking at her. “But I’m having fun,” she pouted. The bartender motioned for the guy to help Whitley outside. The man proceeded to help Whitley up and grabbed her belongings. “I got you miss, this way” said the guy and walked her out into the cool March air. Whitley couldn’t even comprehend anything at the moment and passed out in the man’s arms. 
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americanhoneyx · 2 years
Think of the biggest event that took place in your character’s life. If that event never happened, how would life be different for your character?
What would've happened if Whitley's mother had never left when her father was dying and if he didn't die?
Whitley would've had more time to make family memories with both of her parents.
Her parents would've seen Whitley graduate college
Whitley and her sister Libby would've been raised by both of their parents instead of Whit taking care of Libby.
Whit might've never become an FBI agent
Boston would be where Whit made her permanent home
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