americasweek-blog · 5 years
Las mamás más bellas del mundo | ANGELINA JOLIE
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  La actriz de 43 años comparte Maddox, 17, Pax, 15, Zahara, 14, Shiloh, 12, y los gemelos Knox y Vivienne de 10 años con su ex marido Brad Pitt. Los dos, que lo abandonaron en 2016, establecieron su batalla por la custodia en noviembre de 2018.     Casi toda la pandilla estaba reunida para esta foto, tomada en el estreno de "Primero mataron a mi padre" en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto en septiembre de 2017. Posando sin Zahara, Angelina está rodeada de izquierda a derecha, Maddox, Pax, las gemelas Vivienne y Knox, y por último pero no menos importante, Shiloh. Foto: VALERIE MACON / AFP / Getty Images     "Los niños parecían estar realmente educados ... y felices de estar juntos, simplemente hablando en voz baja entre ellos y terminando su comida", dijo un testigo ocular de la pre-fiesta del 11 de marzo en el salón de baile Dolby en Los Ángeles.     En Instagram, Ramos mencionó que las golosinas beneficiaron al rescate de animales Hope for Paws en Los Ángeles. Este esfuerzo, aunque indudablemente conmovedor, también plantea la pregunta: cuando Jolie y sus hijos se establecieron en el parque para perros, ¿tenían un perro con ellos? No parece haber un cachorro con ellos en la foto, lo que significa que la familia acaba de tener la información privilegiada sobre dónde obtener algunos dólares para la causa.     "Todos los niños están aprendiendo diferentes idiomas", dijo Jolie. "Les pregunté qué idiomas querían aprender y Shi está aprendiendo Khmai, que es un idioma camboyano, Pax se está enfocando en vietnamita, Mad se ha llevado al alemán y al ruso, Z habla francés, Vivienne realmente quería aprender árabe y Knox. es aprender el lenguaje de señas ".             Jolie también habló sobre la paternidad y sus relaciones con sus seis hijos. "Es gracioso, los niños pueden hacer dos cosas. "Ellos pueden hacer que crezcas, y tú también, y también añaden un sentido de salvaje", dijo. "No quiero que se comporten perfectamente como personas pequeñas que solo dicen lo que es absolutamente apropiado porque yo lo digo, tienen que encontrarse".     "De hecho, me siento más mujer porque siento que soy inteligente con respecto a mis elecciones, y estoy poniendo a mi familia en primer lugar, y estoy a cargo de mi vida y mi salud. Creo que eso es lo que hace que una mujer esté completa ", agregó sobre su vida ahora.     Tweets by joliestweet Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 5 years
Las mamás más bellas del mundo | Shakira
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  ¿Cuándo debo retirarme? Esa fue la pregunta inesperada que Shakira se hizo hace unos años, después de convertirse en madre y formar la familia que "había soñado desde que era una niña". La sorprendente confesión de la cantante es parte de la portada de la edición de septiembre. de HOLA! USA.     "Soy una de esas madres tigre, que está todo el tiempo buscando ayuda e información en línea e investigando y leyendo. No es fácil ser madre. Es una de las cosas más difíciles que he hecho en mi vida. He estado en los escenarios más desafiantes actuando frente a audiencias realmente exigentes y me he reunido con líderes mundiales que a veces te hacen sentir un poco aprensivo, pero nada me ha hecho tan tímida como ser una madre. Todos los días me pregunto si estoy haciendo lo correcto. Solo quiero mejorar en el trabajo, el trabajo más difícil en la tierra ".     Es una de las cosas más difíciles que he hecho en mi vida, he estado en los escenarios más difíciles actuando frente a audiencias realmente exigentes y me he reunido con líderes mundiales que a veces te hacen sentir un poco aprensivo, Pero nada me ha hecho tan tímida como ser mamá, agregó.     "Me encantaría tener ocho o nueve hijos con Gerard , mi propio equipo de fútbol", dijo el ícono colombiano y madre de Milan, 2, y Sasha, nacida el 29 de enero de 2015, a la revista Latina. "Llegué a comprender que nunca voy a ser la madre perfecta, pero voy a hacer lo mejor que pueda". Lo mismo ocurre con todo en mi vida. Lo que estoy persiguiendo ahora es la felicidad ".     Probablemente, la pareja comenzó a salir justo después de la actuación de Shakira, pero su relación se conformó oficialmente en enero de 2011. Gerard es 10 años más joven que Shakira, pero ambas comparten el mismo cumpleaños. Aunque la pareja no se casó oficialmente, Shakira y Gerard se prepararon para ser padres. Shakira dio a luz a un hijo, llamado Milán el 22 de enero de 2013. Dieron la bienvenida al segundo hijo, Sasha, nacido el 29 de enero de 2015.             "Estoy tratando de averiguar cómo voy a hacer mi próxima gira", dijo al periódico The Sun. "Lo extraño cuando estoy lejos y el bebé es muy pequeño. A veces me siento culpable".         Agrega el de 38 años de edad, "Esta línea de productos que he desarrollado con Fisher Price, lo hemos hecho con dos cosas en mente: una, llegar a tantas madres como podamos para proporcionarles herramientas para ayudarlas Estimular a sus hijos. Y también, el 100 por ciento de mis beneficios se destina a programas de desarrollo infantil en América Latina, lo cual es una causa por la que estoy comprometido al 100 por ciento ".     Desde que Shakira se convirtió en madre de Milan y Sasha, puedes encontrarla hablando sobre ser madre y cuánto ha cambiado su vida en una entrevista tras otra. A la cantante colombiana le gusta compartir consejos sobre cómo ser madre para dos niños pequeños y mantenerse sana al mismo tiempo que sigue un horario de trabajo muy ocupado. Tiene que ver con su compañero desde hace mucho tiempo y el padre de sus hijos, Gerard Piqué, siempre a su lado y compartir las responsabilidades de los padres.   Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 5 years
Las mamás más bellas del mundo | Gisele Bundchen
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  Ahora, mientras que todas las mujeres son definitivamente hermosas, obviamente habrá algunas que sean más hermosas que otras, y quién dirá cuáles son las más hermosas cuando todos vean las cosas de una manera diferente. Usamos nuestro propio criterio y enumeramos a algunas mamás muy hermosas de diferentes áreas del mundo, y usted puede formarse sus propias opiniones al leer el artículo.     "Cuando me convertí en madre, me perdí a mí misma. Era como si una parte de mí muriera. Había sido una persona muy independiente. Todo se trataba de mí. Pero ahora tenía este pequeño ser, y de repente sentí que no podía hacer otras cosas y eso fue muy difícil para mí. Todo lo que siempre quise era ser madre, pero cuando realmente experimentas eso, es un shock ".     Gisele comenzó temprano; a los quince años se encontraba en un "apartamento modelo" en Nueva York o en asientos de autocar de la aerolínea para ir a modelar en Italia, Francia, Japón. Hay un pequeño tatuaje de una estrella dentro de su muñeca izquierda. “Mi abuela y mis hermanas me dijeron que todos tenemos una estrella especial. Miré a mi estrella todas las noches antes de acostarme, igual que lavarme los dientes. Cuando llegué a Nueva York y abrí la ventana del apartamento del piso treinta y cinco, hay contaminación lumínica y niebla, y no pude ver mi estrella. Así que lo dibujé en mi muñeca con un bolígrafo, pero siguió lavando. Luego fui a un salón de tatuajes en la Segunda Avenida y lo hice. Era algo que me había estado perdiendo, y ahora, sin importar a dónde fui, vino conmigo ".       Aunque se redujo en el trabajo para quedarse cerca de casa (se había mudado de Nueva York a Boston, donde toca Brady), “tenía toda esta culpa horrible y autoimpuesta. Pensé que era una madre terrible por dejar a mi hijo incluso por un día ”, dice. Cuando ella traía a sus hijos a un trabajo, “yo también me sentía culpable por eso. Por ejemplo, "Aquí estamos en un avión y el bebé está llorando".     Junto con el chasquido de su hijo, escribió: "Nuestro dulce Benny, hace 9 años naciste y qué bendición has sido. ¡Eres un hijo tan hermoso, cariñoso y dulce que siempre supimos que serías! Somos padres afortunados ¡para tenerte en nuestra vida y siempre tienes una sonrisa en la cara de todos cuando estás cerca! ¡El primer regalo es un par de guantes de boxeo más grandes porque ya no puedo tomar esas vacunas! "                     Tweets by giseleofficial   Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 5 years
Preciosas citas del día de la madre
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  Estas son algunas de las frases que puedes encontrar en estos interesantes articulos de las mejores publicaciones, en el mes de las MADRES. “Aceptación, tolerancia, valentía, compasión. Estas son las cosas que mi mamá me enseñó ". LADY GAGA Cantautor “Con los años, aprendí mucho de mamá. Ella me enseñó sobre la importancia del hogar y la historia y la familia y la tradición. También me enseñó que el envejecimiento no debe significar limitar el alcance de sus actividades e intereses o una disminución de los grandes placeres que se tienen en la vida diaria ". MARTHA STEWART Mujer de negocios     ¡Han pasado más de 100 años desde que Woodrow Wilson proclamó el Día de la Madre como una celebración nacional en mayo de 1914! Para celebrar la ocasión que se celebra anualmente el segundo domingo de mayo, puede regalar a mamá con flores, tarjetas u otros regalos. Pero, ¿qué hay de darle algo que no se marchite, no acumule polvo o sea desechado? Dígale a la madre lo importante que es con las palabras, específicamente citas icónicas que le recuerdan lo importante que son las madres para todos. ¿Necesitas ayuda para encontrar las palabras perfectas? Hemos redondeado 100 citas en movimiento sobre la dama más importante en todas nuestras vidas: mamá.       ¿Sabes cuál es el vínculo más fuerte en este universo? El de una madre con sus hijos. Te refieres al mundo para tu madre. Todo lo que ella pide es que expreses tu amor por ella un poco más, porque nunca puedes decir lo suficiente. Ella es una persona que estará a tu lado incluso si eso significa ir en contra de todo el mundo. Aquí hay 19 razones por las que ella es la persona más hermosa que jamás conocerás.       La relación entre madre e hija es única, principalmente cuando las hijas crecen para ser madres. La relación madre e hija es como una mejor amiga. Comparten sus preocupaciones de felicidad y problemas que no pueden compartir con nadie más. Y esta relación es crítica para el desarrollo general y la salud emocional del niño. Los estudios demuestran que los niños que no tienen un vínculo saludable con sus madres en la primera infancia podrían ser agresivos en sus últimos años.       Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
COME ALIVE - HUGH JACKMAN, GREATEST SHOWMAN | We could put it all down to Hugh Jackman’s irresistible pop-star prowess, or we could look to the creative team behind the music, songwriters Benj Pasek and Justin Paul and producer Greg Wells.
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No one expected the greatest show on earth to translate into the biggest-selling album on earth. Yet the “Greatest Showman” soundtrack hasn’t faced anything remotely competitive when it comes to the mantle for 2018’s top album, at the midway point… even if Drake is soon poised to overtake it. It’s sold about 1.1 million copies this year, more than twice as many as the No. 2 contender, Justin Timberlake’s “Man of the Woods.” Seven months into its run, the soundtrack shows no signs of slowing, continuing week after week to sit in the top two or three on the iTunes and Amazon sales charts. Overseas, it’s no less a juggernaut; the ”Showman” just reached the pinnacle of the British sales chart for the 21st non-consecutive week. You stumble through your days Got your head hung low Your skies' a shade of grey Like a zombie in a maze You're asleep inside But you can shake awake 'Cause you're just a dead man walking Thinking that's your only option But you can flip the switch and brighten up your darkest day Sun is up and the color's blinding Take the world and redefine it Leave behind your narrow mind You'll never be the same   Hugh Jackman   Come alive, come alive Go and light your light Let it burn so bright Reaching up To the sky And it's open wide You're electrified When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And you know you can't go back again To the world that you were living in 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open So, come alive! I see it in your eyes You believe that lie That you need to hide your face Afraid to step outside So you lock the door But don't you stay that way No more living in those shadows You and me, we know how that goes 'Cause once you see it, oh you'll never, never be the same We will be the light that's turning Bottle up but keep on shining You can prove there's more to you You cannot be afraid Come alive, come alive Go and light your light Let it burn so bright Reaching up To the sky And it's open wide You're electrified When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And we know we can't be go back again To the world that we were living in 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open So, come alive! Come one! Come all! Come in! Come on! To anyone who's bursting with a dream Come one! Come all! You hear The call To anyone who's searching for a way to break free Break free! Break free! When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And we know we can't be go back again To the world that we were living in 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open (Hey!) When the world becomes a fantasy And you're more than you could ever be 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open And we know we can't be go back again To the world that we were living in 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open So come alive! (Come alive!) Tweets by RealHughJackman Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
BEST LIFE - HARDY CAPRIO FT ONE ACEN | Hardy has pioneered resurgence of old school instrumentals..
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It hasn’t even been a month since Hardy Caprio and One Acen dropped their summer anthem “E I O” and the pair are already back with a new banger entitled “Best Life”. As the title suggests, “Best Life” is a high-spirited track which sees Hardy Caprio come through with some slick bars while One Acen provides the track with a catchy hook. Similarly to “E I O”, the new single contains a distinctive summer vibe and the track will definitely continue to grow as we make our way through the sunny season. Alongside Hardy Caprio, with whom he regularly collaborates, One Acen is among the Afro-trap artists reaping the benefits of J Hus’s breakout success in the U.K. His blend of party-starting energy and earworm melodies will appeal to anyone who has had Common Sense on repeat this year. I've been looking at her Thinking about we Running up cheques Bloody on feet Money like jay Looking like me I know he want you, but he nothing like me I've been looking at her Thinking about we Running up cheques Bloody on feet Money like jay Dun nun nun dun nun nun I've been living lavish That's what i'm trying to say like   Hardy Caprio   Fuck what you heard I I've been out here living by best life You know what it gets like I've been out here living by best life Fuck what you heard I I've been out here living by best life You know what it gets like I've been out here living by best life     C L A G L A Beamers, coupes So many tings I can't chose Rockstar, I hit 21 savage My yard, the bumberclart mood Man said I would never be a baller They should have said I will never be an athlete Because if you heard what I made last quarter You little fuckboys won't @ me Yats want to come through so they don't freeze Put them in a cab they don't squeeze Hit them one time then both leave Girls move Kway till we show keys, ahh I use to do holidays in Now its Hilton, seasons, Holidays in Last year I was bussing all of the mandem This year it's a holiday ting Fuck what you heard I I've been out here living by best life You know what it gets like I've been out here living by best life Fuck what you heard I I've been out here living by best life You know what it gets like I've been out here living by best life Yes i'm faded, faded (faded) I've been on the wave i'm sailing (I've been on the wave) Faded, faded (now were going to make it rain on you, yes i'm) Yes i'm faded, faded (faded) I've been on the wave i'm sailing Like da da da da da (da da da da da, da da) Monday I never had a licence Thursday I hopped in the Merc' Five hundred miles on the weekend Now we are doing skr, skr, skr All my niggas do dirt, dirt, dirt Might get a Ri Ri so I can work, work, work What we saying? Black men don't cheat So I put it on a shirt, shirt, shirt Rah, Now its hoods up when I want to get past Girls come Croydon, I make em trek far Caught brain first, that what? Head start Left her man, that's foul, red card Thinking about we Running up cheques Bloody on feet Money like jay Dun-du-du dun-du-du day I've been doing numbers That's what i'm trying to say like Fuck what you heard I I've been out here living by best life You know what it gets like I've been out here living by best life Fuck what you heard I I've been out here living by best life You know what it gets like I've been out here living by best life Yes i'm faded, faded (faded) I've been on the wave i'm sailing (I've been on the waves) Faded, faded (now were going to make it rain on you, yes i'm) Yes im faded, faded (faded) I've been on the wave i'm sailing Like da da da da da (da da da da da, da da) Tweets by HardyCaprio Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
FEELS LIKE HOME - SIGALA, SEAN PAUL, FUSE ODG 1 It was written by Sigala, Jones, Fuse ODG, Paul and Janée Bennett, with the song's production handled by Sigala.
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British artist, DJ and Producer SIGALA recently released his brand new single "Feels Like Home" with, Fuse ODG, Sean Paul and Kent Jones (6/14) via Ministry of Sound. The single is the follow up to this year's Top 10 hit "Lullaby" that featured Brit Award-winning singer Paloma Faith. With hints of Jamaican dancehall, the soca-esque track comes complete with festival-style horns and calypso synth beats and is another blistering summer anthem from Sigala following on from previous hits 'Came Here For Love' and 'Give Me Your Love.' Sigala released his new single "Feels Like Home" on Friday, June 15, 2018, which is part of the new album "Brighter Days", scheduled for release on September 21, 2018. On board, the Brit has the rapper Kent Jones as a feature and Sean Paul and Fuse ODG brought in the boat to provide a decent mood. It's Fuse, ayy! Yeah It's a worldwide movement Sigala-la, ayy! Sean-a-Paul Bida bang bang bang Let's go If there's life in the east, that's where I will go Born in the streets, I know where I'm from If you're asking for me, you already know Turn up Where the vibe is, I call my home   SIGALA   The air that I breathe Is the same everywhere So where's the party? (we on the street) 'Cause I'm gonna be there The air that we breathe Is the same everywhere It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like home It feels like home It feels like home It feels like home It feels like home It feels like home It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like (hey!) It feels like It feels like It feels like home (bida bang bang bang) It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like home   Fuse ODG   Tell dem We can't bother with the lame ting, tell dem No, no, no, no Tell dem Turn up the bass well loud And make the gyal dem go low, low Tell dem We can't bother with the waitin', tell dem Go go go go Anywhere mi lay mi hat, ah deh so me ah call home Well you feel this love escalating Tell dem Just make it grow And you know we live our lives celebrating Mad people thing, they should know Well you know we view this life as a great ting Just let jah jah love a glow Any step, mi step, mi step   Kent Jones   Wherever the good vibe is It feels like home (Fuse tell dem again) It feels like home It feels like home (live it up till the end) It feels like home It feels like home (with me and my friends) It feels like home It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like It feels like It feels like It feels like home It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like Home It feels like Home It feels like It feels like Home Home, is here, yeah I live a life of a Rollin' Stone Wherever I lay my hat's my home Tell me where you are and girl I'm gone Meet me at LAX, won't be long I'll be right there you won't have to search Dollars I left, my Uber don't work Don't feel special 'cause I let you know I'm good everywhere, I go Wherever the good vibe is It feels like home (Fuse tell dem again) It feels like home It feels like home (live it up to the end) It feels like home It feels like home (with me and my friends) It feels like home It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like Home (turn up) Home It feels like Home It ain't where I live But wherever the good vibe is It feels like home Tweets by SigalaMusic Music video by Sigala, Fuse ODG, Sean Paul performing Feels Like Home (Lyric Video). (C) 2018 Ministry of Sound Recordings Limited / B1 Recordings GmbH, a Sony Music Entertainment Company Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
BIG GOD - FLORENCE & THE MACHINE | on Florence + The Machine's upcoming album High as Hope, out on June 29.
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She described “Big God” as a “very physical song” that conjured a “dance piece” in her head as she wrote it. “To co-choreograph something with Akram Khan was a huge honour,” she said. “Autumn de Wilde fully understood what I was trying to do. The power of the desire within the void, left with yourself to rage and wonder and really it is yourself you are raging against. Not the ghost.” You need a big god Big enough to hold your love You need a big god Big enough to fill you up You keep me up at night To my messages, you do not reply You know I still like you the most The best of the best and the worst of the worst Well, you can never know The places that I go I still like you the most You'll always be my favourite ghost   Florence + The Machine   You need a big god Big enough to hold your love You need a big god Big enough to fill you up Sometimes I think it's gettin' better And then it gets much worse Is it just part of the process? Well, Jesus Christ, it hurts Though I know I should know better Well, I can make this worse Is it just part of the process? Well, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, it hurts Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, it hurts     You need a big god Big enough to hold your love You need a big god Big enough to fill you up Shower your affection, let it rain on me And pull down the mountain, drag your cities to the sea Shower your affection, let it rain on me Don't leave me on this white cliff Let it slide down to the, slide down to the sea Slide down to the, slide down to the sea Tweets by flo_tweet Songwriters: Florence Welsh / Jamie Thomas Smith / Peter Cox / Simon Benson Big God lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
PATRICIA - FLORENCE & THE MACHINE | Florence Welch said the song was special and a “tribute to one of my favourite artists.”
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Florence Welch, the celestial talent behind Florence + The Machine, returned in April with “Sky Full Of Song” and last week with “Hunger” from her forthcoming album High As Hope. Last night Florence + The Machine debuted two new songs in Halifax during their first 2018 concert. The new songs are called “Patricia” and “100 Years.” Welch described the former as a “special song” and a “tribute to one of favorite artists.” Watch the performances below, plus Welch’s performance of “Hunger” on BBC One’s Sounds Like Friday Night from the night before. Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star And I have to tell you something I'm still afraid of the dark But you take my hand in your hand From you the flowers grow And do you understand with every seed you sow You make this cold world beautiful? You told me all doors are open to the believer I believe her, I believe her, I believe her You told me all doors are open to the believer I believe her, I believe her, I believe her Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star, oh Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star, oh You're a 'real man', and you do what you can You only take as much as you can grab with two hands With your big heart, you praise God above But how's that working out for you, honey? Do you feel loved?   Florence + The Machine   She told me all doors are open to the believer I believe her, I believe her, I believe her Do you feel loved? Do you feel loved? She told me all doors are open to the believer I believe her, I believe her, I believe her Do you feel loved? Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star, oh Oh Patricia, you've always been my North Star, oh I drink too much coffee and think of you often In a city where reality has long been forgotten And are you afraid? 'Cause I'm terrified But you remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing to love It's such a wonderful thing     Tweets by flo_tweet ℗ A Virgin EMI Records recording; ℗ 2018 Universal Music Operations Limited Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
CHEQUE - ASCO & LOSKI | The 18 year old South Londoner rides the beat well with his braggadocious lyrics...
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Still riding high on a lengthy run of successful singles and collabs, Harlem Spartan Loski is back, this time with Asco of Mulli Gang for a brand new joint effort called "Cheque". As you might expect, it's a get-your-money anthem that sees both rappers bring their unique flows and one-two punchlines over a bouncy rap instrumental. Given the content of the track, it's only right they came through with some flashy visuals from Kaylum Dennis. In it, we see Loski and Asco decked out in Versace and icy chains while they kick back in even more expensive cars. Put the sunroof down and play this one loud. I step in Margiela, my barbie look better Ayy I'm Loose are you buzzing? Ching you in designer Italian cutting Bluffing, I know them boy are on nuttin' How many times have they dashed? Splash and brag, gyaldem love it Cool kid block hot, oohh can't touch him Drop on the pagans, we start bussing Can't chat for the kid 18 with more bags than my age, are you taking the piss? Pole on me still taking a risk I'll boot at your camera, no Hood Politic vids And I ain't ever on a gossiping ting Ayy talk on my name, get touched I'm round a whole load of things Them man are brass go manage your figs Fendi or D Squared, don't care or it's Gucci the print   Asco x Loski - Cheque | GRM Daily https://t.co/xqIA6uNNZK via @YouTube— . (@monldn) June 30, 2018   Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set It's like Asc and Losk on a track that's waves Seasick you can't take man for a eediat Violate, gunshots ringing out immediate Light your whole block like a weed spliff Made a 10 racks on a week shift Put another 5 down on the weekend Moretime she be saying that she hate me, I hit her with the pipe then she saying she don't mean it AP buss down on my Meek shit VS clean cut on my clean drip Youngen nine fifth back from a mean whip Broke it all down, 9 of each up on each strip And none of them man there live what they chat, dem man dere just rap Me, I be really in the trap, see my trapline bangs and I cop hella straps for the gang     Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Niggas talk wass on tracks, man cop big jewels and tope this smoke Move a HP in 2 weeks that's trips on trips nigga, going up so I ain't beefing you if you ain't seeing over 50 I'm shooting niggas my age like some pickney Naa they won't come to the link cah that's risky Roofe garn bang it, no lacking when he tipsy I ain't a rapper doe, I just trap a lot I came in the game with more P's than all these rappers got So don't mix me with no mediness I drop a 5 bills on quick pair of Adidas' 9 on my Valentino jacket, my Lui game spazzing She would've thought I'm sponsored in Harrods Big man B-Eazy, we splash easy For the set all my bros be attacking Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Babygirl I run up a cheque, and I don't take checks I tell them boy mind where you step She like that I go through bands, and smoke on man I told her that it's all for the set Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
Talk To Me - Tory Lanez & Rich The Kid | Now, the Canadian crooner is back with another summery single, this time recruiting Rich the Kid for the bouncy
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Earlier this week, Tory Lanez took to his Instagram page to share a long list of upcoming collaborations he had on the way, including records with Meek Mill, Ty Dolla $ign, Trey Songz, Bryson Tiller, Nicky Jam, J Balvin, & Trippie Redd to name a few. Fast forward to yesterday, and the Toronto crooner decided to give us a taste of whats to come when he shared a snippet of his upcoming song with A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie presumably titled “Aint Right,” and now he’s back with another teaser. In similar fashion as yesterday’s snippet, Tory once again hopped on Instagram and previewed another upcoming song, this time with Rich The Kid called “Talk To Me.”   Got it on smash Alright, cool (Yeah) Yeah Talk to me baby (talk) You's a prissy little missy, baby I got one night for you baby (lit) And so hop out the clothes, let 'em drop to the floor I want you to talk to me baby (talk) You's a prissy little missy, baby I got one night for you baby (lit) And so hop out the clothes, let 'em drop to the floor (oh) Talk to me, baby (talk) Work it, take the shift off for me, baby (alright) I drive the whip you bought for me, baby (burr) You know I got a lotta opps on me, baby I whip around the corner in the whip (whip) Shout out Rafaello, man I love the drip, drip (drip, drip) 80 pointers on my wrist I'm hella rich and I love to talk shit so   Tory Lanez   Talk to me baby (talk) You's a prissy little missy, baby I got one night for you baby (lit) And so hop out the clothes, let 'em drop to the floor I want you to talk to me baby (talk) You's a prissy little missy, baby I got one night for you baby (lit) And so hop out the clothes, let 'em drop to the floor Let her go, go, go, go (yeah), go, go, go, go (what) Girl, I'll race you to the floor, tell her go Tell the crew, I got money, I'm the one you wanna know Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I can make that pussy talk back (what) I can spoil you wit' these big racks She got good head (head) and she eat her cornbread (cornbread) The Wraith red, Ben Frank, my friend's dead I don't wanna miss it, all of the money, I don't wanna kiss you The pussy official, I fuck her one time and her face in a pillow It's a one night ting, my diamonds fightin' This not no brightly, that pussy bitin' I tell her to talk to me, to plug and walk with me (plug) Ooh, she boujee, she busy (busy) Fuck, I might buy her a Bentley (Bentley, fuck it) Go (go), go to the floor and pick up (and pick up) She callin' my phone, might pick up (burr) She too bad, I might miss her (Rich)     Talk to me baby (talk) You's a prissy little missy, baby I got one night for you baby (lit) And so hop out the clothes, let 'em drop to the floor I want you to talk to me baby (talk) You's a prissy little missy, baby I got one night for you baby (lit) And so hop out the clothes, let 'em drop to the floor Let her go, go, go, go (yeah), go, go, go, go (what) Girl, I'll race you to the floor, tell her go Tell the crew, I got money, I'm the one you wanna know Tweets by torylanez Music video by Tory Lanez, Rich The Kid performing Talk To Me. © 2018 Mad Love/Interscope Records Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
I'm A Mess - Bebe Rexha | Bebe‘s debut LP Expectations is set to hit shelves June 22nd.
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Last week, Bebe Rexha’s “I’m A Mess” ranked as pop radio’s most added song. It earns the same distinction this week. “I’m A Mess” tops this week’s board with adds from another 30 Mediabase-monitored pop radio stations. Everything's been so messed up here lately Pretty sure he don't wanna be my baby Oh, he don't love me, he don't love me He don't love me, he don't love me, but that's OK 'Cause I love me, yeah, I love me Yeah, I love me, yeah, I love myself anyway, hey Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be OK It's gonna be a good, good life That's what my therapist say Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be just fine It's gonna be a good, good life   Bebe Rexha   I'm a mess, I'm a loser I'm a hater, I'm a user I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new I'm obsessed, I'm embarrassed I don't trust no one around us I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new Nobody shows up unless I'm paying Have a drink on me, cheers to the failing Oh, he don't love me, he don't love me He don't love me, he don't love me, but that's OK 'Cause I love me, yeah, I love me Yeah, I love me, yeah, I love myself anyway, hey Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be okay It's gonna be a good, good life That's what my therapist say Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be just fine It's gonna be a good, good life I'm a mess, I'm a loser I'm a hater, I'm a user I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new I'm obsessed, I'm embarrassed I don't trust no one around us I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new     Everything's gonna be alright, alright Everything's gonna be just fine, just fine It's gonna be a good, good life I'm a mess, I'm a loser I'm a hater, I'm a user I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new I'm obsessed (I'm obsessed), I'm embarrassed I don't trust no one around us I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new (yeah) Tweets by BebeRexha Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
Start Again - OneRepublic Featuring Logic | ‘Start Again’ is taken from the soundtrack to season two of 13 Reasons Why.
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The fittingly-titled “Start Again” features stellar vocals from OneRepublic frontman Ryan Tedder over a driving beat, with Logic coming in at the halfway mark to offer a poetic verse on suicide. “I’m feeling like I’m unappreciated, like maybe my prescience in your life has been alleviated,” he raps. Can't I just turn back the clock? Forgive my sins I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again I know that I messed it up Time and time again I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again I was switchin' up the lanes Steppin' out the frame I'm in I was pulling on the reins Sick of all the same happenin' I swear I was looking for disaster Mixed with a bottle of gin And just because I come home after Doesn't mean you'll take me in     You see my world is spinning like there's nothing below You see my world is feeling like it just might explode And yes I know it's hard to take it backwards from my mind I need to get it right, need to see some light come in Can't I just turn back the clock? Forgive my sins I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again I know that I messed it up Time and time again I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again Feelin' like maybe I'm unappreciated Like my presence in your life has been alleviated I feel like everything I've done before is different now But I can see clearer than ever from a distance now Every day I do it, I been goin' through it But you never knew it 'cause I never showed you You gave me the world, so I feel I owed you I been lookin' through the mirror and that's the old you I'ma get it right now, don't know how But I promise that we're gonna make it somehow I'm all in, it's from the heart again Open up your mind and maybe we could start again   OneRepublic   Can't I just turn back the clock? Forgive my sins I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again I know that I messed it up Time and time again I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh And yes I know it's hard to take it backwards from my mind I need to get it right, need to see some light come in Can't I just turn back the clock? Forgive my sins I just wanna roll my sleeves up And start again   Logic     Tweets by OneRepublic Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
Coming Home - Keith Urban Featuring Julia Michaels | “Coming Home” is the album opener from Urban’s 10th studio album Graffiti U, available now via Hit Red & Capitol Records.
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Directed by Andy Hines (Logic, Alessia Cara), the “Coming Home” video depicts Urban wandering a dream state, where his altered reality is never quite what it seems – and, in most cases, portals to new levels of consciousness. Windows turn out to be holes in the ground, doors appear in the middle of a field, and bedrooms bleed into city streets. Urban even comes face to face with himself singing in a honky tonk, where he shares the stage with guest vocalist and co-writer Julia Michaels.     I wake up feeling, in my soul I'm Living someone else's life I'm turnin' into concrete, harder than these city streets Where no one even cares if I'm alive I gotta get it right, mmm Get it right, mmm mmm There's a place that I know where they all know me I gotta get back now to the ones who love me Wrap myself around you, never let you go There's nothin' in the world that feels like The place that I know where they all know me I gotta get back now to the ones who love me Wrap myself around you, never let you go There's nothin' in the world that feels like Coming home, home, home, mmm Coming home     My mind's heavy and I can't sleep, not even a memory Is good enough to get me through the night, mmm I'm longin' for the real thing, people who know the real me And all the ways to love me back to life Mmm, I gotta get it right, ooh, yeah Get it right, ooh, yeah There's a place that I know where they all know me I gotta get back now to the ones who love me Wrap myself around you, never let you go There's nothin' in the world that feels like The place that I know where they all know me I gotta get back now to the ones who love me Wrap myself around you, never let you go There's nothin' in the world that feels like Coming home, home, home, mmm Coming home, home, home, mmm Coming home   Keith Urban   Yeah I know it's only one call away, but it's not the same Yeah I know it's only one call away, but it's not the same (just not the same) Yeah I know it's only one call away, but it's not the same (just not the same) Yeah I know it's only one call away, but it's not the same There's a place that I know where they all know me I gotta get back now to the ones who love me (oh, baby) Wrap myself around you, never let you go There's nothin' in the world that feels like (hey!) The place that I know where they all know me I gotta get back now to the ones who love me Wrap myself around you, never let you go (yeah!) There's nothin' in the world that feels like Coming home (Nothin' in the world) I'm feeling lost in all the madness (Nothin' in the world that feels like I'm) I need somewhere to ease my mind Coming home (comin' home) These sidewalks filled with different faces (ooh-hoo) So many places, but there's none like mine Coming home   (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.12'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Julia Michaels   Tweets by KeithUrban Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
Life Changes - Thomas Rhett | It was released to country radio on April 16, 2018 via Valory Music Group as the fourth single from his third studio album, Life Changes (2017).
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"Life Changes" is poppy, with a pounding piano-driven melody. The lyrics pull directly from Rhett's life: The first verse is about being in college and never expecting to actually make a career out of playing music; the second verse is about getting married to his wife Lauren at 22 and how she's become a celebrity herself; and the third verse talks about adopting their daughter Willa Gray while waiting on the birth of daughter Ada James. In the radio edit of "Life Changes," the the line in the third verse that says “Now Lauren’s showing, got one on the way” is changed to “Now there’s Willa, and sweet Ada James," to reflect Rhett's current family life. Waking up in my college dorm Yeah, my life, it was pretty normal Looking for a date to the spring formal Wasn't worried 'bout nothing else, no Majoring in Undecided Notebook full of bad songs I was writing Never dreamed anybody else would like them Now they're sitting on a Walmart shelf Ain't it funny how life changes You wake up, ain't nothing the same and life changes You can't stop it, just hop on the train, and You never know what's gonna happen You make your plans and you hear God laughing Life changes, and I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no And I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no     I bought a ring and she said, "I do" But everybody else said, "Man, you're twenty-two Whatcha trying to prove? Hey, why don't you wait?" 'Cause I've been waiting on her since the second grade, yeah And now she got her own set of fans She got a blue check mark by her Instagram And I wrote a little song about holding her hand And now everybody wanna die happy, man Ain't it funny how life changes You wake up ain't nothing the same and life changes You can't stop it just hop on the train, and You never know what's gonna happen You make your plans and you hear God laughing Life changes, and I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no And I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no   (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Thomas Rhett   I remember the day I told my Daddy and Mama "You're gonna have a grandkid, yep From Uganda, that's right, we're adopting And she is the cutest little girl that you've ever seen" Well I was wrapping my head around being a dad A big wrench got thrown in the plans we thought we had Now Lauren's showing, got one on the way Yeah that's two under two, hey, what can I say? Ain't it funny how life changes You wake up ain't nothing the same and life changes You can't stop it, just hop on the train, and You never know what's gonna happen You make your plans and you hear God laughing Life changes, and I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no And I wouldn't change it for the world, the world, oh no Tweets by ThomasRhett Music video by Thomas Rhett performing Life Changes. (C) 2017 Big Machine Label Group, LLC Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
The Light Is Coming - Ariana Grande Featuring Nicki Minaj | is Ariana Grande’s 27th career Hot 100 entry. It is the 92nd such hit for Nicki Minaj.
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The singer digs into how someone can find positivity after troubling times -- a similar theme to her previous Sweetener single, "No Tears Left to Cry," which comments on Grande's life after the Manchester bombing at her concert last May. The Pharrell-produced track features a repeated sample of a man's argument during a 2009 town hall meeting with Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter ("You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead—"). Senator Specter's "Wait a minute" quote, meanwhile, is repeated throughout N.E.R.D's "Lemon," which Pharrell also produced.     You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— Ay yo, trophy wife, out you won me Until you had to find out it's one me Now you benched, aww, your bum knee Now I'm the bad guy, call me Chun-Li (ooh) 'Cause you was slippin', yep, you clumsy And everything I peeped, can't just unsee Sips tea, and it's unsweet Respect bad gyal when mi done speak (now, now) Now he shooting his shot like drive-by Why you had to make me go call up my side guy? Ca-Ca-Can't let a f-boy eff up my nice vibes Yo Ariana, come let me give you a high five The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead—   Ariana Grande   What did she say? What did he say? You don't listen 'cause you know everything You don't even need dreams Tellin' everybody, "Stay woke, don't sleep" Ah, gonna break that shit down You don't wait, tell 'em wait another round Ah, guess you're way above it now And that's your way to love it now How can they tell you shit that you've been through? They are so confused, who cares about their rationale? If it ain't your view That's the bottom line Know-it-all (know-it-all) Give you a box of chances, every time you blow it all (blow it all) As if it were shade, you would just throw it all (throw it all) It's like you're trying not to glow at all (glow at all) Know-it-all (know-it-all)     The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, st-st-stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, st-st-stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— Why do we have chemistry? With a need for speed Doin' things that trouble clings to And burns off our wings Ah, gonna break that shit down You don't wait, tell 'em wait another round Ah, guess you're way above it now And that's your way to love it now     How can they tell you shit that you've been through? They are so confused, who cares about their rationale? If it ain't your view That's the bottom line Know-it-all (know-it-all) Give you a box of chances, every time you blow it all (blow it all) As if it were shade, you would just throw it all (throw it all) It's like you're trying not to glow at all (glow at all) Know-it-all (know-it-all) The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, st-st-stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole, stole, st-st-stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and instead— The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole You wouldn't let anybody speak and inst—     Tweets by ArianaGrande Music video by Ariana Grande performing the light is coming. © 2018 Republic Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Read the full article
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americasweek-blog · 6 years
Rise - Jonas Blue | The new track is set to be a summer smash,
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Do you believe in love at first sight? What about at first sound? Jonas Blue reportedly reached out to Nebraskan pop duo Jack & Jack after hearing the singers interviewed on a Los Angeles radio station. The former Vine stars had that special something Blue needed for his next summer anthem, and today, we hear the fruits of that labor on the uplifting cords of "Rise." We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall They say we got no no no no future at all They wanna ke-ke-keep us out, can't hold us down anymore We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall When we hit the bottom, nothin' gon' stop us Climb to the top with you We could be the greatest, ones who never made it Ya I could be talking to you They tryna hate hate hate But we won't change, change anything at all We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall They think we're just drop-outs Living at our mom's house Parents must be so proud They know it all No, they don't speak our language They say we're too savage, yeah No, no we don't give a... anymore Jonas Blue We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall They don't speak our language They say we're too savage, ya No, no we don't give a... anymore We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall Say we're going no-no-no-no-no-no-nowhere But we they don't know know know is we don't don't care We're gonna keepin' on, keepin' on going til' we can't go no more We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall When we hit the bottom, nothin' gon' stop us Climb to the top with you We could be the greatest, ones who never made it Yeah I could be talking to you They tryna hate hate hate But we won't change, change anything at all We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall They think we're just drop-outs Living at our mom's house Parents must be so proud They know it all No, they don't speak our language They say we're too savage, yeah No, no we don't give a... anymore We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall They don't speak our language They say we're too savage, ya No, no we don't give a- anymore We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise We're gonna ri-ri-ri-ri-rise 'til we fall Tweets by JonasBlue Read the full article
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