hmmmm... i think you should grind against my boot until you start crying, pent up frustration looks so good on you, my pretty little bitch.
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Enjoy this set focused on our body hair. We enjoyed our hair till we didn't, ya know?
179 notes · View notes
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18K notes · View notes
doesn’t matter if you technically agreed or not. Consent can be revoked at any time. You said he practically forced you into arrived at his house. You said multiple times that you weren’t ready, wanted to stop, and that he was going too far. Anyone who doesnt respect those simple boundaries doesn’t deserve to have a partner. But ig that’s my opinion
Y'Know Trenton? Dude I keep posting about today?
(Probably go look at my posts about what happened today)
I wanted to know if I could just dump the whole story of what happened with that in your ask box 🤪🤪🤪
sure go ahead
but like why did you ask my horny blog?
9 notes · View notes
you just completely forgave him after he completely broke your boundaries and raped you?
Y'Know Trenton? Dude I keep posting about today?
(Probably go look at my posts about what happened today)
I wanted to know if I could just dump the whole story of what happened with that in your ask box 🤪🤪🤪
sure go ahead
but like why did you ask my horny blog?
9 notes · View notes
I read it
are you okay?
did you consent to it
like was that in scene or did you get raped?
bc if that wasn't consensual you need to talk with him and maybe break up with him bc that's not ok
Y'Know Trenton? Dude I keep posting about today?
(Probably go look at my posts about what happened today)
I wanted to know if I could just dump the whole story of what happened with that in your ask box 🤪🤪🤪
sure go ahead
but like why did you ask my horny blog?
9 notes · View notes
also I don't know trenton
but now I'm curious lol
Y'Know Trenton? Dude I keep posting about today?
(Probably go look at my posts about what happened today)
I wanted to know if I could just dump the whole story of what happened with that in your ask box 🤪🤪🤪
sure go ahead
but like why did you ask my horny blog?
9 notes · View notes
Y'Know Trenton? Dude I keep posting about today?
(Probably go look at my posts about what happened today)
I wanted to know if I could just dump the whole story of what happened with that in your ask box 🤪🤪🤪
sure go ahead
but like why did you ask my horny blog?
9 notes · View notes
thinking about how absolutely feral I would go if I had her in front of me
the way I would grab her waist, kissing her neck and her perfect lips while my hands cup her pretty tits and caress her ass
the way I would undress her without skipping a beat
how I would lean over her and kiss her tummy
how I'd lick her hard nipples snd suck on them
and then how she'd beg for more and more
1K notes · View notes
Having a cute puppy strapped down to a fucking machine. Watching as they get dumber, making a filthy mess of themself as they cum over and over again until all they can think about is how good it feels to be a filthy mutt and how good the machine feels
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No One's Around to Judge Me
College parties, they were your least favorite thing to do. And yet, here you are, your best friend ditched you, and the person you want to talk to the least shows up.
A/N: Seb is kinda a creep, Kate is off in La-La land. AU, frenemies sorta deal. Fingering, smutty stuff. Have fun, y'all!
3.7K Word Count
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Will Never Let You Go This Time
Bodies were pressed against bodies, music blared, and the air was thick with the heady scent of sweat, jungle juice, and cheap beer. There was a cacophony of voices as people talked and yelled all over the room. Currently hiding yourself in the corner of a large living room, you watched the mass of people in various states of intoxication interact. Kate, your best friend, had long since left your side, and she was now dancing with Clint, to try and make her love interest jealous. You looked down at the liquid in your plastic cup, swirling the offensive liquor around what remained of the ice. The party scene was far from your thing, but Kate insisted you needed a break and to meet someone. 
Part of the reason you didn't want to come, was because you knew that Natasha Romanoff would certainly be present. You had been the best of friends growing up, but something changed towards the end of middle school, and by the time you were both attending high school, she made your life hell. You simply could not stand Natasha; clearly, the feelings were mutual.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone moving through the crowd, their figure familiar even from behind. Your stomach clenched as you recognized her long, lean legs and how she moved with such confidence and grace. It was her. Natasha. You briefly considered making a run for it, but the thought of leaving a very inebriated Kate behind, and possibly causing a scene, made you hesitate. Unfortunately, Natasha caught your gaze - the devilish smirk on her face made your gut drop.
She made her way over to you, weaving expertly between the people on the floor and the couches. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun, revealing her delicate, pale neck, and her sharp cheekbones. Her eyes were a piercing shade of green, surrounded by smoky makeup. She looked you up and down, an amused smile curving her lips. "Well, well, well," she drawled, her raspy voice like cutting through the air. "Look who's here."
You forced yourself to keep your expression neutral, even though you wanted to cross your arms defensively. "Natasha," you replied, tilting your head to the side. "I wish I could say I'm surprised."
She raised an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side as well. "And why is that?" she asked.
You shrugged, feigning indifference. "I guess I thought you'd have better things to do on a Friday night than come to parties where the only reason people even know who you are is because your daddy's rich."
Natasha's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, really?" she drawled. "And what about you, Y/N? What do you do for fun? Hide in your little corner over here, nursing that disgusting concoction?" She gestured dismissively at your drink. "Or do you just spend your nights wishing you were someone else?" She held her finger to her chin, mocking you in a fake contemplation pose. "Oh! I know, you just want to spend your Friday night wallowing in self-pity and wondering why no one loves you?"
Her words stung, but you refused to let her see that. You forced a derisive laugh, shaking your head. "Oh, Natasha," you said, rolling your eyes. "You're really not that clever. But I guess I should thank you for reminding me why I hated having you around in the first place."
She leaned in closer, her face mere inches from yours. You could feel her breath on your cheek, and it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. "You know, Y/N," she purred, her voice a low purr, "I've always wondered why we ever called you 'Little Miss Perfect' in school." She smiled, her teeth a sharp white line against her dark lips. "I mean, you were always so..." She paused, seeming to search for the right word. "...insignificant."
The venom in her voice was unmistakable, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You forced yourself to keep your expression neutral, to not let her see the hurt in your eyes. "Well, Natasha," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, "I guess some people just aren't cut out for the spotlight."
Her smile widened, and she leaned even closer, her lips almost brushing against your ear. "Oh, really?" she hissed. "And what about you, Y/N? Do you think you could handle it?" She paused, her breath hot against your skin. "I mean, you could always try to be more like me. You know, do something with your life besides sit around and wait for people to notice you." With that, Natasha turned and walked away, the crowd of pulsing bodies swallowing her as you caught your breath.
You glanced down, noticing that your cup was almost empty. You needed another drink.
As you made your way back to the makeshift bar, you couldn't help but overhear a group of girls talking about you. "Oh my God, did you see the way she was looking at her?" one of them whispered. "I swear, those two should just fuck and get it over with." You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore them.
You had just reached the bar when you felt a familiar presence behind you. "Y/N," a deep voice rumbled, and you turned to find yourself face-to-face with Sebastian. His dark hair was disheveled, his eyes hooded with lids, and he was wearing a tight black t-shirt that showed off his toned arms and chest. "I've been looking for you," he said, his lips curving into a cocky smile. "I thought we could dance, maybe?"
You hesitated for a moment, glancing around to make sure no one else was nearby. "Sure," you said, deciding to play along. "Why not?" Sebastian led you onto the dance floor, his strong arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you close. The music throbbed against your skin, and the crowd around you blurred into a sea of moving bodies. You were slowly losing yourself in the music and the feeling of the party around you. 
The familiar feeling of someone's gaze brought you from your slightly drunken haze. Sebastian was still behind you, his arm wrapped around your waist, his other hand clinging to his cheap beer. You scanned the room, trying to find the source. You finally found it, Natasha glaring at you from across the room. You sent her a wry smirk, grinding yourself further onto Seb, just to prove a point.
He groaned into your ear, the sound making your stomach churn. "Oh, you like that, huh?" he growled, his lips moving against your ear. "You want more?" He pulled you closer, his hips grinding against yours as he expertly mimicked your movements. The feel of him pressed against you, the heat of his skin, made you instantly regret this decision. You glanced back over at Natasha, hoping to catch her reaction. She looked...disgusted. Maybe a little jealous. It was hard to tell with her expression. But it didn't matter. You had nothing to prove to her. Nothing at all.
Finally, Tony stood in the middle of the room, teetering on the back of the sofa, cupping his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder.
"Alright, everyone! Time for a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven! If you want to ‘press your luck’, meet me upstairs!”
The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, the thrill of the unknown clearly getting to them. You exchanged a glance with Sebastian, both of you seeming to share the same thought. "I... I'm gonna get a drink," you said, trying to slip away so you wouldn't have to be upstairs. You thought you had slipped away successfully, but a firm grip directed you back towards the stairs. 
"Nuh-uh, Y/N, we go upstairs!" a very, very drunk Kate signals towards the direction that a few partygoers were heading.
You roll your eyes, trying to think of a way out of this as you trail after them. The second floor of the house is dimly lit, with only a few scattered lights to guide the way. The floorboards creak underfoot as you and the others make your way down the hall. You hear the sound of laughter and muffled moaning coming from one of the rooms, and your stomach does a flip. Great. This is just what you need. You pause outside a closed door, apparently waiting for an invitation inside.
Kate barges in, the intrusion causing everyone to look at you. Sebastian grins at you, his lips curving into a wolfish smile as you enter the room with Kate. Natasha rolls her eyes, Clint seems to be the only somewhat sober person here.
"Rules are simple, people!" Tony started.
"Oh, fuck the rules!" a drunk guy yelled out, and everyone laughed.
"Ah ah!" Tony shushed the roar quickly, clearing his throat before he continued. "We are going to mix this up a little bit." He smirked as he looked around. "Let's make this interesting. I'll be blindfolding all of you. You will all put your name in the bowl, so you'll be paired up randomly. I will guide you into one of the closets around the room with your partner. The catch? You'll have to rely on nothing but your senses and instincts to explore each other. No talking, no peeking! I will sound an air horn to start the clock!"
As the crowd cheered and the bowl began to fill with folded paper, you felt a sudden hand on your shoulder. It was Clint. "Hey, if you get paired up with Sebastian..." he trailed off, glancing at you meaningfully, "just remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
You nodded, trying to muster up a smile. "I know," you said, more confidently than you felt. Inside, your stomach was in knots. You couldn't believe you'd come up here for this. You scribbled your name onto a piece of paper, and as you stepped back from the bowl, a black cloth was placed over your eyes. A pair of hands pushed you towards another part of the room. You could hear the rustling of the paper as Tony picked the first pairing, ushering them into a closet.
All you could hear was more rustling, grunting, and shuffling as more people were ushered into various rooms and closets upstairs. Finally, a rough pair of hands guided you into the room where you were about to waste 7 minutes of your life. You could hear someone else shuffling around, but you couldn't tell who it was. 
Tony's muffled voice rang out, reminding everyone that they could not remove the blindfold and not talk.
You could feel the heat emanating from your partner beside you, as they shuffled closer. the air horn sounded, and they were pressed up against you. Their deft hands feel around you, once they find your body, they begin to feel around you, grasping at your hips, before drifting upwards. They were soft, gentle, but firm. They were most definitely sure of what they were doing. You soon felt thier hot breath on your neck as they leaned into you.
They placed their hands on your chest and began to slide them upwards. The feel of their skin against yours was electric. They gently traced the line of your jaw, and up to your ear, where they nibbled on it gently. You shivered at the sensation and leaned into their touch. They continued their exploration, their hands moving lower, cupping your bottom before sliding up between your legs. Their fingers were so warm, so soft. You were thankful when you could tell that this wasn't Sebastian. The lack of overly musky cologne made you sure of that. Your senses were soon overtaken by the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. 
You gasped as a hand grasped at your breast, tweaking the nipple as the feeling of a pierced tongue was dragged across your neck, gently nipping and sucking at it as you let out a breathy, raspy exhale.
As your partner continued their exploration, their hands gliding over your stomach and lower, you couldn't help but wonder who it was. The heat from their body was intoxicating, their touch was sending shivers throughout your bodies. You felt a tug at the waistband of your pants, and then a warm hand sliding between your legs, teasing at your folds.
With a gasp, you arched your back, pressing closer to them as their fingers found their way inside you. The sensation was overwhelmingly good, and you found yourself quietly moaning into the darkness that surrounded you. The warmth of their breath on your neck and the feel of their lips against your skin sent shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arms around thier neck, feeling the hair that was down past thier shoulders. Of the guys that were up here, there was only one person who had hair long enough, but this person was definitely NOT Thor.
Their touch was expert, their fingers knowing just how to stroke you, tease you. They slipped a finger inside you, finding your entrance and pressing against it, before slowly, carefully, beginning to thrust. The sensation was incredible, and you could feel your body beginning to respond, your hips beginning to move in time with theirs. You could feel your orgasm building, a tightening deep inside you, as your partner continued to touch you, their lips moving lower, sucking and teasing at your nipple. You cried out, wanting to release. Your partner continued to move, their fingers still inside you, their mouth finding yours in a hot, hungry kiss. They pulled away, finally, and you could feel them smiling against your cheek.
"I've always wondered what it would be like to kiss you," they whispered, their voice so close that you could feel the breath against your ear. "You taste so good." You could hear them sucking off thier fingers, a groan leaving you that was quickly muffled by thier mouth. The hand that had been inside you slid down, finding your entrance once more, and slowly pushed back in. It was so slick, so warm, and it felt so good. You arched your back, moaning into the kiss as your hips began to move in time with theirs. The sensation was overwhelming, your body on fire with desire. They continued to kiss you, their tongue dancing with yours, their teeth nipping gently at your lower lip.
The feeling was incredible, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. You could feel the tension building deep inside you, your muscles tensing, your breath coming in short gasps. Your partner seemed to sense this too, as they began to thrust harder, faster, their hand gripping you tightly. You cried out, your body shuddering as the release finally came, wracking through you in waves. They held you close, their body pressed against yours, their lips still moving against yours as you came down from the high.
"I know you're not allowed to see, but I want you to look at me." They whispered, their voice husky and low. You could feel the heat from their breath against your neck. You hesitated for a moment, but when they gently pushed your head to the side, you felt their fingers slip free of you. You reached up, feeling blindly for their face as thier hands found yours. You could feel that they were smiling, and you both began to slide the blindfolds off. Of course, the room was dark, but with the tiniest bit of light creeping from under the door.
As your eyes adjusted to the new level of light, your eyes shifted to the person, the woman before you. Your stomach dropped when you realized it was Natasha.
"I knew it," she said, her voice laced with amusement. "I could tell it was you, even though I couldn't see." She leaned in, her lips brushing against yours in a soft, gentle kiss. "I've wanted this for so long."
You felt a mixture of emotions as you kissed her back. Part of you was surprised and confused, while another part felt a strange sense of rightness. Despite the circumstances, you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of her body pressed against yours. Her fingers tangled in your hair, pulling you closer, and you let out a small moan into her mouth.
As you continued to kiss, you became aware of the weight of her breasts against your chest. She shifted her hips, grinding against you, and you felt a familiar stirring in your own sex. It had been so long since you'd been intimate with anyone, and the desire was overwhelming. You reached down, cupping her through her pants, feeling her warmth and causing her to moan. She arched her back, pressing herself against your hand, and a shudder ran through her body.
You broke the kiss, breathing heavily. "I can't believe this is happening," you whispered, your fingers still exploring her body.
She smiled, running her hands up and down your back. "Believe it," she said, her voice low and husky. "I've wanted this for so long."
Her words sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but wonder what had changed. Had she always felt this way about you, or was it simply the confined situation that had brought them to this point? You didn't care. All that mattered was the way she made you feel, the heat that seemed to radiate from her body whenever she was close.
"N...Nat?" you whispered, tilting your head towards her. "How? How long, I mean?"
She smiled, running her fingers through your hair. "It's been building for a while," she admitted. "But I think it started when our parents sent us both to that summer camp in middle school."
You felt a pang of memory at that. It had been a terrible time for both of you. The other kids had teased you relentlessly, calling you names and making fun of your differences. But it had been worse for Natasha. She'd been the only other kid there who was as... unique as you. You'd spent a lot of time together, talking and confiding in each other. Even then, you'd felt a connection with her.
"Yeah?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "What happened then?"
She laughed softly, the sound musical and inviting. "Oh, you know, the usual teenage hormones. I just... started noticing you differently, I guess." She paused, her eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. "And then, then I got scared." she continued. "I was scared of my parents, scared what Yelena would think, what you would think. So I decided it would be better to cut you out. Distance myself, make you hate me. Clearly, that worked." she chuckled, leaning down and nudging you with her nose.
You felt your cheeks flush at her words, the weight of what she was saying settling heavily in your chest. "I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you," you confessed, your voice barely more than a whisper. "I never meant to hurt you."
Natasha's eyes searched yours, and for a moment, you thought she might cry. But then she smiled, shaking her head. "It's okay," she said, her voice steady. "I was pretty nasty to you too." She leaned in, pressing her lips against yours again, her tongue dancing with yours in a newfound intimacy.
You wrapped your arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. The kiss deepened, and you could feel the desire growing between you. You slid your hands down her back, cupping her bottom, and she moaned into your mouth. Her hips moved against yours, grinding against you. The air horn sounded, and you groaned at the interruption.
"We'll have to continue this later," she whispered, breaking the kiss and breathing heavily. "There's still so much I want to do with you." Her fingers traced circles on your chest, and you could feel yourself blush. Suddenly, the door was ripped open, drowning the space you were just occupying in light. You both squinted, turning your faces away from the light.
"What the hell is going on in here?" Tony quipped a cocky smirk etched on his face as he eyed you wrapped around Natasha, your sworn enemy.
You gulped nervously, trying to find the words to explain yourself. "Uh... We, uh... we were just, you know..." You trailed off, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Natasha cleared her throat, trying to sound casual. "We were just having a friendly conversation, that's all." She shot you a sidelong glance, her expression a mixture of amusement and worry.
"Uh huh, sure..." Tony started. "You were having a friendly conversation, and I'm a virgin."
You cringed at his bluntness, but Natasha seemed to take it in stride. "Well, we were just having fun," she said, her tone defensive. "There's no harm in that." With that, Tony nodded, walking away. Nat turned and looked at you, her eyes holding a glint you could no longer hate.
"Look, I know it was... unexpected," she started, running her fingers through her hair. "But I've been feeling this way for a while now, and I just... I couldn't hold it back any longer." She paused, her lips parting as she let out a shaky breath. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, or if I hurt you in any way. That was never my intention."
You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You knew she was telling the truth; you could see it in her eyes. "I'm sorry too," you said, finally finding the courage to speak. "I've always felt some sort of way about you, Natty," you whispered, and a shy smile shot across her face at the use of her childhood nickname. "I'm glad this happened."
She leaned forward, her lips meeting yours once more. The kiss was soft and tender, a far cry from their earlier passion. You could feel the weight of the past few minutes lifting from your shoulders as you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close. As the others filed back into the room, you didn't care who saw you or what they thought.
153 notes · View notes
Sometimes I can't believe I'm talking to a pretty girl on here and I'm making her feel good.
Her being so horny and desperate that she'd call me mommy or miss and be eagerly waiting for instructions, whining whenever I tell her to stop and thanking me whenever I let her cum
Being so turned on by them following my orders so well that I slowly touch myself and eventually end up cumming along with them
And sometimes I'm lucky and find a pretty girl who sends me pretty pictures of whatever I ask :)
And I know I hit the jackpot when I ask if they could film themselves and they do :))
432 notes · View notes
I need lesbian porn where the girls just want to make each other cum or use each other's body, ones where the girls clearly want pleasure from each other, not the ones catered for male fantasies
I need girls that whimper instead of moan from the first touch. Want bottoms that would fuck themselves on their top's fingers just to feel good.
I want to see the girls cum and overstimulate the other. I want the clits rubbed, nipples sucked, and just devouring each other.
I would even love girls just touching themselves, showing off their pretty cunt and body, showing everyone how much of a slut they are
Please send me links. I'm desperate.
3K notes · View notes
Grip a girl's ankles and raise them up
Play with her sandwiched cunt, spank it, spit on it ...
Spread her open and watch as it closes back up. Make her cry and beg for more, keep testing her
And once you're satisfied stick two fingers in go deep, slow, rough, whatever you want.. make her cum or edge her, whatever it is she'll want it
Won't you, baby? :)
496 notes · View notes
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amethyst-of-shadows · 10 days
thinking about being bound not with ropes but hands. a group of hungry doms holding my legs, hips, arms in place while one or more use me- then taking turns and switching spots. pulling against my restraints but being met with strong hands that squeeze me into stillness while I take what I’m given
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