amethyst-teddybears · 3 years
Princess Dress-Up
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Link here.
Let’s have fun with Princess Dress-Up games. Create a glamorous fairytale Barbie Princess with dresses, hairstyles, jewelry and accessories.
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amethyst-teddybears · 3 years
Please help. I hate doing things like this so much, but I don't know where else to turn. My power bill is due in three days, I already got an extension on it, and can't get another one. I've been trying so hard to get the money for it, but I've been extended ill for the past month I've been having horrible anxiety flair upset where I puke shake violently and can't really move at all. I got put on an anxiety medication but it makes me extremely drowsy and my job requires me to drive all day. I need $140 in total my cashapp is $ClayceeAlston. Any bit can help I really really need help. Thank you
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amethyst-teddybears · 3 years
Guys! I have a request with regards to rating your food delivery drivers ...
A lot of companies like DoorDash have a five star rating system. In our minds, that might mean that five stars is perfect, four stars is very good (maybe they were a wee bit late, but no harm, no foul), three stars is good (maybe you didn’t get napkins or whatnot), and then two and one star is just the worst. THIS IS NOT THE CASE! Food delivery drivers are only deemed good if they get anything between a 4.5 and a 5. That’s it! If they rate below a 4, they might be deactivated from the service and then there goes their livelihood! Food delivery drivers do not have easy jobs, and they are blamed for other people’s mistakes! That means, if they hit traffic, still their mistake. If the restaurant is running behind on orders, still their mistake. If the food service app goes buggy, still their mistake. This is not the time to be nit-picky. Unless your food delivery driver throws your food at your feet, calls you a foul name, and then pukes on you, please give them a five. And make sure you rate them! It’s just like voting. If your delivery was perfect and you don’t rate them, and then someone else who’s having an off day gives them a three for no reason, then they get a three. Just, appreciate your delivery drivers, guys! If they’re bringing you a Big Mac, extra pickles, no onion, with half caff ketchup on a de-seeded bun at two a.m. cuz you’re too stoned and too lazy to get out of bed, just give them five stars!!
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
Moved my blog
Now at xamethyst-teddybears.
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
What do you call a sick noodle?
Mac ‘n’ Sneeze
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
for littles who get migraines
migraines can be a lot of pain. they can make you cry and not be able to function, even make you pass out or throw up. it’s defiantly not fun having them, but sometimes we don’t have a clue on what’ll help us! i have chronic migraines so i’m going to share a few things i’ve learned that helps!!
🍼 try to have some caffeine (coffee, soda, tea) just don’t have too much caffeine
🍼 make sure you’ve eaten and had enough water!! even if you have, water and food may help
🍼 if you can, take some headache medicine
🍼 get in a dark room with no noise (if you need to watch something, watch something calm with not a lot of screaming or anything)
🍼 try to nap! sometimes your head will hurt too much that you can’t nap, so try to watch something or read or color if you’d like
🍼 stay away from blue light!!! that includes your phone and computer. it’ll just make your migraine worse!!
🍼 cuddle with your stuffies and animals so you feel safe
🍼 take a warm bath in the dark! maybe light a candle or turn on a night light in the bathroom. just stay in your bath in the dark, it really helps me!
🍼 if someone is around, have them massage your neck if your neck is hurting
🍼 reminder that if you have migraines a lot, you should only take medicine for them TWICE a week. if you take headache medicine more than that (unless you have prescribed medicine that tells you how often to take it) then you can get rebound headaches!!
🍼 know that the migraine will pass. it’s an awful experience and it’s very painful. but it’ll go away and you’ll be back to your happy self soon!
🍼 try drinking something bubbly! sprite always helps me even though there’s no caffeine! something about the bubbles just helps me
🍼 if you’re able to, get all the things that make you happy and just relax (stuffies, coloring book, favorite sippy cup, etc).
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
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Fluttershy coloring pages !!
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
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Treasure Planet coloring pages!!
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
Important footage
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
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Here’s a picture of my own bed! Its not aesthetic or anything, but its definitely comfy! I spend half my whole day here (=´∇`=)
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
Christmas Season 🎄🎁🎅
The time where caregivers can use Santa as a persuasion for littles to be good !
Little: *Acts out in the store*
CG: You better be good because Santa 🎅 is watching and you don’t want to be on the Naughty List!
Little: I’ll be good I promise I promise!!!
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
🍏 DO treat them with respect,
🍏 DO text them if you’re going to be gone for a while,
🍏 DO make sure that they eat three meals a day,
🍏 DO remind them how much you love them everyday,
🍏 DO make sure they take their meds if they need to,
🍏 DO encourage them to shower, brush their teeth and get dressed in the morning,
🍏 DO remember to tell them you’re proud of them in everything they do,
🍏 DO try to make time for them,
🍏 DO make sure they’re in a safe place when they regress, and they know they’re loved,
🍏 DO encourage them to eat healthy foods,
🍏 DO remember boundaries and how to not overstep them,
🍏 DO tell them if you’re not in the mood to baby them, but be gentle and respect about it.
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🍎 DONT yell at them when they’re regressing,
🍎 DONT laugh at them or make fun of anything they do in little space,
🍎 DONT take away stuffies, pacis, blankets or comfort items as a punishment,
🍎 DONT point out flaws whatsoever,
🍎 DONT continue doing something that makes them uncomfortable,
🍎 DONT yell at them for regressing because you’re busy/not in the mood,
🍎 DONT call them immature for regressing,
🍎 DONT force them to do anything they don’t want to do,
🍎 DONT ignore them as a punishment,
🍎 DONT make fun of cartoons or movies they watch when regressing,
🍎 DONT make them feel stupid for regressing,
🍎 DONT make them feel sad or bad because they didn’t do what you asked.
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
for littles who get migraines
migraines can be a lot of pain. they can make you cry and not be able to function, even make you pass out or throw up. it’s defiantly not fun having them, but sometimes we don’t have a clue on what’ll help us! i have chronic migraines so i’m going to share a few things i’ve learned that helps!!
🍼 try to have some caffeine (coffee, soda, tea) just don’t have too much caffeine
🍼 make sure you’ve eaten and had enough water!! even if you have, water and food may help
🍼 if you can, take some headache medicine
🍼 get in a dark room with no noise (if you need to watch something, watch something calm with not a lot of screaming or anything)
🍼 try to nap! sometimes your head will hurt too much that you can’t nap, so try to watch something or read or color if you’d like
🍼 stay away from blue light!!! that includes your phone and computer. it’ll just make your migraine worse!!
🍼 cuddle with your stuffies and animals so you feel safe
🍼 take a warm bath in the dark! maybe light a candle or turn on a night light in the bathroom. just stay in your bath in the dark, it really helps me!
🍼 if someone is around, have them massage your neck if your neck is hurting
🍼 reminder that if you have migraines a lot, you should only take medicine for them TWICE a week. if you take headache medicine more than that (unless you have prescribed medicine that tells you how often to take it) then you can get rebound headaches!!
🍼 know that the migraine will pass. it’s an awful experience and it’s very painful. but it’ll go away and you’ll be back to your happy self soon!
🍼 try drinking something bubbly! sprite always helps me even though there’s no caffeine! something about the bubbles just helps me
🍼 if you’re able to, get all the things that make you happy and just relax (stuffies, coloring book, favorite sippy cup, etc).
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
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Little One/Witch lockscreens requested by anon 🎃🧙🏻‍♀️
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
In depth explanation about cglre’s name change, the issue between cglre and tumblr, and the future of this community
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Let me start by saying: this community is going nowhere. We are still very much the same community we have always been, we will just be under a new name and have a new start. Below I will explain in depth to the best of my ability why this is happening.
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Reason 1: Tumblr took our tag
If you were unaware, the main reason for this name change is so that we can continue as a community here on tumblr. With the purge happening right now on this site because of tumblr’s nsfw mess, they have been mass deleting anything to do with nsfw even in the slightest. It’s unclear whether or not we will be getting our tag back, because the replies from tumblr have been mediocre at best and completely automated and unhelpful at worst. They have not given any true explanation to us and a lot of people including myself have emailed tumblr staff about this issue. There was also a post started that quickly gained momentum with over 500+ notes full of regressors in cglre tagging tumblr staff and support with their stories and essentially begging for our tag back, to which staff did nothing. It seems unclear how long tags will be gone or if they will ever even come back, which is one reason why having a new main tag keeps us off tumblr’s radar. If tumblr continues deleting, its possible cglre could be under more fire and blogs could be punished for using the term. While to me this seems unlikely, with the deletion of our tag as a whole we can never be too safe.
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Quick Q&A:
What about cglre on other sites? Instagram? Twitter? Etc etc.?
They can still most certainly use cglre as a tag if it isn’t an issue on those sites. But cglre will no longer be the official name of the community. Tumblr may not be the only place cglre exists, BUT it is the place it was founded, and is the place where it is modded, so the entire community is expected to follow suit. Our new name is welcome to be tagged alongside cglre on other sites that allow cglre, but this change is community-wide.
What if tumblr gives the tag back?
If tumblr gives the tag back, we will take a community vote on whether we return to cglre as our name or keep the new name.
What about the other tags you have that haven’t been purged? Babyzspace? Littlexspace? Kidzspace? Etc etc?
Those tags are going to remain exactly how they are and will still be subset tags of this community! That isn’t changing.
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Reason 2: K1nk association
Taking a more in depth look on why cglre was deleted in general makes it clear to us and to many in this community. The name cg1 doesn’t look good on us. That’s why we were deleted. K1nksters were never really sure if cglre was a subset on cg1 or something entirely different, so they always crosstagged. Not to mention because of our name we have been shunned by other agere communities and labeled as inherently k1nk. Tumblr registered us just like we were dd1g or cg1 and wiped us out because of our relation to k1nk by our name and crosstagging. Now, does this mean caregiver and little are bad terms? Absolutely not! And this community is still 100% welcome to use those terms no matter what our name is. However, the acronym of those terms cg1 is a k1nk name in itself unfortunately and we must change this so we are not seen as a subset of k1nk anymore. Cglre used to be a subset of cg1 in its early days, which makes matters worse. All of this k1nk association has tumblr (staff and users outside of our community alike) unsure about whether our community is safe or not. No matter how hard we’ve fought for our name, it doesn’t make a difference on how the outside world will view us based on our name. It’s an unfortunate circumstance, but now is the time for us to finally be recognized for what we are and have it be clear for everyone else to understand what we are and our boundaries. Picking a new name will minimize crosstagging with k1nk by an enormous amount because we were mainly tagged alongside cg1. That was due to our name being so similar. Changing the name will finally give us the recognition we deserve as an agere community. Especially considering “cg1” is the first part of our name, people outside of us who never took time to know our community judged us right away by our name and lumped us in with cg1 as a k1nk community. This gave our community an unfair advantage because the first thing they saw was our name: and from that they usually blocked us and that was the end of it. Nobody took the time to understand us because it wasn’t clear that we aren’t the same as cg1 by our name.
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Reason 3: A more clear community with an agreed upon DNI
With cglre being so confusing to so many people outside of our community, not to mention senior members who weren’t sure about the DNI change or members who never got the word that cglre’s DNI changed, nobody was sure what our DNI was and who had to follow it. Because of our roots and how long we’ve been around as a community, people really just assumed we’ve always stayed the same and allowed cg1. Not many people understood that our policies changed, which caused so much confusion and made this community so much more unclear for people. K1nksters kept interacting and using our tags because the DNI wasn’t made clear by every member. By starting this community over with a new name and a bit of a revamp, we can make a clean, clear cut DNI that’s expected to be followed without any bit of confusion, right from the start.
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Reason 4: The majority agrees
Many members of cglre are supporting this name change due to the reasons above. The majority understands that this change is scary, yes, but it is important. And with time, members will adjust and find safety and solace in the new name of cglre. The new name may give us much better relations with the communities around us and harassment and hatred could finally stop or at least become minimized. Our regression space will be that much more peaceful without the crosstagging and k1nk association and constant attack from all sides. We have also seen k1nksters and even some people from other agere communities saying this name change is a good thing and has been a long time coming for us.
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Reason 5: Community rebuild, stronger connections
With the community as big as it is, starting over together with member contribution is an amazing thing. All cglre members are having a voice and opinion on the changes in this community and we are going solely on member’s suggestions and opinions to build this community. Members are finally getting a say in what happens to their community: name, rules, DNI, even members got to pick whether or not we stay on this blog or start over with the new name. Members are rebuilding this community together. This experience has brought this community even closer together, creating an even closer community bond. These strong connections are so beneficial for a community of people to have because it helps in making friends, finding a place, feeling accepted and supported, and being able to share content with people like yourself. Not to mention a new name, new blog and new tag can make the community so much more interactive. I know we definitely have some new plans for the blog when we get there such as activities and possibly an official Discord server. Out of this change has come so many support groups and that post we mentioned with over 500 notes? All of it is cglre members loving and supporting this community. Over 700 votes on our poll tells us that over 700 members in this community love and care about it and want to participate. All of us coming together is something amazing. The closeness of this community and the kindness, love and compassion that runs through it can never be beaten. We know we are like a family. Sometimes we must make changes but that doesn’t always mean those changes are bad. Our community is being brought together on such a large scale, which is great for all of us. Even personally we’ve met some amazing people who are either joining this family now or have wanted to help us keep this family going and that is honestly the best reason for this name change and community revamp. Because this community will be built by the voices of members and it will reflect everything we have made it together. A new start made by all of us. To me that’s just… it’s great.
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The future of cglre
The future is uncertain but one thing’s for sure: this community is not going away. By changing our name we are fighting to continue to stay here on this site where our community was started. The place where we’ve all grown close and posted so much content that some of us spent hours of our lives creating just to make others happy. This name change is saying “we will not be erased! If we must change, then we will, but we refuse to let our community be erased.”
We know that with all of your help and support, cglre will remain an amazing place for regressors, caregivers, middles and everyone else. This community is our home and just because we have to move… that doesn’t mean we’re not family. Trust us on this, kiddos. We love you all.
The future of this community could definitely be an exciting start for all of us. New things are coming. We need to make this a positive experience. Though we will miss our old name..it will always exist, we will always know where we came from, we will always fight for the terms that make us comfortable, we will not forget it. I promise you that.
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
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That’s a loooot of hair..
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amethyst-teddybears · 6 years
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