ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"pssst, you, come here, i love pearl" strange guy
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"Hello there. How are you?"
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"Really great! I've had a sugar rush for 3 hours! But anyway who the heck are you?"
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
Garnet, Pearl, and Steven out out on some mission while you eat and relax. The door is knocked and you answer it. But who would it be on a rainy day at the mįddłę øf thę ñįght?! You answer the door and it is a fairly tall horned human. "H-hello..."
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"Oh uh, hey. It's kinda rainy out don't ya think? And It's pretty late.. i think I dunno I lost track of time like 4 hours ago."
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"Yeah, pretty much.. but she'll never trap the purple puma!"
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"But its still kind of saddening that I can't really be myself.."
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"I… huh. Wow, I guess I never… Pearl trapped you too?"
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"Well it was more of a "I don't feel like trapping someone" kind of thing but yeah I mean.. being trapped is awful.. I would know because I can't be free to do what I want because of SOMEONE"
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"Someone being Pearl.."
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"… Wait, seriously?"
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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"It's not like it was my idea.. Personally I didn't want to trap you."
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"I’m not here to fight, I was visiting Steven. But, since he isn’t here, I’m gonna wait. Try not to trap me in a mirror or anything while I’m here, ok?"
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"and that I am way more attractive than you."
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"attractive rock coming thru" [Ametxyst]
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((💧)) “Can you please stay away from the ocean?             I don’t want it to become polluted with                                trash.” 
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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"uh oh shes back"
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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"You're just jealous because you can't do THIS"
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"attractive rock coming thru" [Ametxyst]
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((💧)) “Can you please stay away from the ocean?             I don’t want it to become polluted with                                trash.” 
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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"I swear your house had a rock in the side of it before i got here."
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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"Don't freak out but the fridge fell over. It wasn't me I swear."
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
like this for a starter
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"Those greyfaces told me one of my best friends died.. it had me worried.. they're seriously the worst."
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"Oh, I'm Amethyst. I was on a snack run when I well.. ran into a talking turtle."
Open | Turtle Ryuko
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
"It is really talking."
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"uhh.. Hi. Say, you're not actually a talking turtle are you? Cause I can shapeshift too."
Open | Turtle Ryuko
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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so if you pretty i sign titties
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
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"Woah, its a turtle. and its talkin' to me."
Open | Turtle Ryuko
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"Of all the things I have to get stuck as, it had to be a fucking turtle?!"
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ametxyst-blog · 10 years
Garnet...has passed the way.
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"...W-What? You can't be serious. This is GARNET.. This isn't funny, stop messing around!"
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