amgas-h2s ¡ 9 years
Steve Martinson among Oilweek’s Rising Stars
CALGARY, Alta. (May 12, 2015) - AMGAS Services Inc. is pleased to announce that General Manager Steve Martinson has been recognized by Oilweek Magazine as a 2015 Rising Star.
Joining nine other young, talented minds, Steve stands out as a lively family man who strives toward business excellence with high expectations for his team. It’s these high expectations that have pushed Steve, as well as everyone at AMGAS, to achieve such an honour.
This month, Steve takes to the cover of Oilweek Magazine along with his fellow industry leaders who are making waves in the Canadian market. Steve joined the AMGAS team in 2006, after working in the U.S. and wanting to be closer to his family. Steve has made an impact at AMGAS and it is clear he has made an impact industry-wide.
“I’m very humbled to have been nominated as a Rising Star,” he says. “We have such a great team here and I give them as much credit for getting me here as I’ll take. We are now pushing ahead together and are excited to see what is coming for the industry.”
Please join us in congratulating Steve. Connect with him on LinkedIn and read the article in the May 2015 edition of Oilweek Magazine. (online here)
About AMGAS Services Inc.
AMGAS is a Canadian corporation and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s, with offices across Western Canada, the U.S. and in the Middle East. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS developed specialized services fitting the specific needs of their different locations, operating at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S treatments. For more information, please visit www.am-gas.com.
AMGAS Press Contact: Hayley Muir
403-457-1977 ext. 503
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amgas-h2s ¡ 10 years
January McKee President at AMGAS is appointed to PSAC Board of Directors 
Calgary, Alberta (November 18, 2014) On Monday November 17, 2014 January McKee, President at AMGAS Services Inc (AMGAS), was appointment to Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC)’s Board of Directors. AMGAS is a proud member of PSAC being involved with the association since 1999. PSAC is the national trade association representing the service, supply and manufacturing sectors within the upstream petroleum industry.
“I am very honored to be asked to join the Board of Directors at PSAC,” says McKee. “At AMGAS we strive to maintain relationships with associations and companies that reflect our values in industry, integrity, safety and innovation.”
 McKee joined AMGAS after leaving a promising career in the banking industry. She took over as General Manager in 2007 and was appointed President in 2011; the youngest in the company’s history. Her leadership helped move AMGAS from an Alberta focused service company to a world player in H2S and BTEX control.
 “When selecting candidates to serve as directors we look to nominate individuals who represent leadership in the sector and bring a set of skills that adds to the diversity of backgrounds of the other individuals around the boardroom table. Additionally, we aim to have a board makeup that reflects the diversity of the sectors that PSAC represents,” says Wally Dumont, PSAC’s Board Chair.  “January McKee was identified as a great fit on all fronts and we are pleased to welcome her to PSAC’s Board of Directors.”
 AMGAS operates at the intersection of equipment, chemical and on-site service to ensure optimal efficiency and tailor made solutions for H2S and other noxious emissions control to meet the needs of their different clients and locations.
 “I look forward to advocating on behalf of the Canadian service, supply and manufacturing sectors and be a voice for our members with government and on public issues related to the upstream petroleum industry,” says McKee.
 About AMGAS
 AMGAS is a corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS developed specialized services fitting the specific needs of their different locations, operating at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S treatments. For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.
 About PSAC
 The Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) is the national trade association representing the service, supply and manufacturing sectors within the upstream petroleum industry. PSAC represents a diverse range of close to 250 member companies, employing more than 70,000 people and contracting almost exclusively to oil and gas exploration and production companies.
AMGAS Media Contact: Kaili Cashin
403-453-1977 ext. 503
PSAC Media Contact: Kelly Morrison
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amgas-h2s ¡ 10 years
Press Release: New Technology CLEARs the Way in Alberta
New Technology CLEARs the Way in Alberta
AMGAS’ innovative CLEAR Process uses specialized Technology for Water Reuse in Unconventional Production
Calgary, Alberta (September 30, 2014) AMGAS Services Inc (AMGAS) launches CLEAR, a chemical free technology used to remove hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from sour crude oil, condensate and water. AMGAS is exhibiting at the Unconventional Resource Conference in Calgary and representatives from the company will be on hand at booth 512.
With dramatic increases in unconventional shale and oil sands production across Canada, access to and use of fresh water is becoming more and more difficult. This is especially true in areas where water disposal and fresh water restrictions have increased significantly over the last few years. AMGAS CLEAR introduces a chemical free sweetening process that can be used on sour water for either disposal or reuse in well servicing and production applications.
“AMGAS designed the CLEAR process to provide a chemical free way to treat sour oil in certain applications, however the process has really taken hold in areas where treating sour water is just as important”, says Sheldon McKee, Director of Business & Product Development for AMGAS. “CLEAR has shown it can reduce disposal and operational costs by as much as 50% ”. 
The AMGAS CLEAR process allows for H2S removal without introducing any chemical into the produced fluid thereby leaving no converted sulphides after treatment. The process was designed to prevent chemical overtreatment or under-treatment in sweetening operations but can be even more important when treating sour water that will be reused in oil sands or fracking operations. 
“We saw the amount of cost going into chemically treating sour oil”, says McKee. “Developing new ideas to tackle these old problems is what AMGAS has been working on since the company was founded over 25 years ago.”
In 2012 the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) released, ‘CAPP Hydraulic Fracturing Practice: Water Sourcing, Measurement and Reuse’, outline guiding principles for operational practices. One of the main guidelines mandates continued advancement, collaboration and communication of technologies and best practices to reduce environmental risk. CLEAR is the outcome of initiatives like this to improve water reuse and disposal.
AMGAS is a corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS developed specialized services fitting the specific needs of their different locations, operating at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S treatments.  For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.
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amgas-h2s ¡ 10 years
Press Release: New Technology CLEARs the Way in Texas
  New Technology CLEARs the Way in Texas
AMGAS’ innovative CLEAR Process uses specialized Technology for Water Reuse in Unconventional Production
San Antonio, Texas (September 15, 2014) AMGAS Services Inc (AMGAS) launches CLEAR, a chemical free technology used to remove hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from sour crude oil, condensate and water. AMGAS is exhibiting at the DUG Eagle Ford Conference in San Antonio Texas, September 15-17, 2014 and representatives from the company will be on hand at booth 2085.
With dramatic increases in unconventional shale production across the United States, access to and use of fresh water is becoming more and more difficult. This is especially true in areas such as the Eagle Ford in Texas where water disposal and fresh water restrictions have increased significantly over the last few years. AMGAS CLEAR introduces a chemical free sweetening process that can be used on sour water for either disposal or reuse in well servicing and production applications.
“AMGAS designed the CLEAR process to provide a chemical free way to treat sour oil in certain applications, however the process has really taken hold in areas where treating sour water is just as important”, says Sheldon McKee, Director of Business & Product Development for AMGAS. “CLEAR has shown it can reduce disposal and operational costs by as much as 50% ”.
The AMGAS CLEAR process allows for H2S removal without introducing any chemical into the produced fluid thereby leaving no converted sulphides after treatment. The process was designed to prevent chemical overtreatment or under-treatment in sweetening operations but can be even more important when treating sour water in restricted areas.
“We saw the amount of cost going into chemically treating sour oil”, says McKee. “Developing new ideas to tackle these old problems is what AMGAS has been working on since the company was founded over 25 years ago.”
AMGAS is a corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS developed specialized services fitting the specific needs of their different locations, operating at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S treatments.  For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.
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amgas-h2s ¡ 10 years
Press Release: Ready For Action
Ready for Action
AMGAS unveils “Ready Service” a self-contained Mobile H2S and Emission Control service adapted from Shutdown and Turnaround Operations at the Fort McMurray Oil Sands Trade Show
Fort McMurray, AB (September 8, 2014) Gearing up for Shutdowns season AMGAS Service Inc (AMGAS) delivers Ready Service, a mobile and fully self-contained H2S and other noxious emissions treatment service requiring no external power source, to the Northern Alberta oil patch. Ready Service takes AMGAS expertise in the service they have provided for years in turnaround applications and adapted it for day-to-day plant operations.
Ready Service utilizes a patented technology that is versatile with various applications from pressure bleed downs to vacuum truck venting. The service provides all in one emission control and management of fluid treatment for continuous plant maintenance and day-to-day emission control. AMGAS operates at the intersection of service, chemical and equipment and Ready Service maintains the same standards adding additional mobility and accessibility. AMGAS will be exhibiting at the Oil Sands Trade Show in Fort McMurray September 9-10 in Hall A at booth 1208 to showcase the technology.
 “The most important considerations during shutdowns and turnarounds when H2S is present are safety, accessibility, cost and limiting downtime,” says Steve Martinson General Manager of AMGAS. “Ready Service is designed to meet all these needs maintaining the highest level of safety demanded by industry leaders.”
Through development of a mobile, versatile and self-sufficient platform, AMGAS has created a new way to provide flexible pricing options for H2S and emission control for companies. Ready Service provides chemical optimization, waste reduction, rapid deployment and withdrawal designed to meet the challenging demands of plant shutdowns and ongoing maintenance.
Sour fluids and vapors present during shutdowns and turnarounds lead to escalating costs and increased downtime. Ready Service is a turnkey solution that is highly accessible and mobile using innovative technology and processes to enhance onsite plant treatment while ensuring worker safety.
“We see that mobilization time is so important during turnover operations and our clients need us to be ready now for operations onsite,” says Martinson. “Ready Service mobilizes our full service, 24 hours, 365 days a year expert services and allows for day-to-day service outside the turnaround season if needed.”
AMGAS is a Canadian corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS operates at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S and BTEX treatments. For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com
Press Contact
Kaili Cashin
Phone: (403) 796-2641
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amgas-h2s ¡ 11 years
Press Release: Caught in the ACT
Caught in the ACT
New Amgas Capture Technology (ACT) eliminates harmful emissions during Shutdown and Turnarounds 
Fort McMurray, AB (February 2014) AMGAS Services Inc (AMGAS) launches the AMGAS Capture Technology (ACT) line of products and services to mitigate the dangers of BTEX (Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes) and hydrocarbon emissions during shutdowns and turnarounds. With new information on the dangers of BTEX and hydrocarbon exposure to worker’s long-term and short-term health, the need to control these emissions have never been more important.
Functioning as an additional level of protection for personnel, the ACT product line joins AMGAS’s full service program to safely control hazardous emissions. BTEX and other Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) are almost always present in turnaround operations, even more common than the presence of Hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Large-scale emission control projects demand high volume BTEX and noxious odor control. The technology used in ACT products and services have the capacity to meet this demand while remaining reliable and a cost effective addition to more standard H2S removal services.
“ACT is in direct response to our client needs,” says Steve Martinson, General Manager at AMGAS. “We are fortunate that our in-house research and development department has a track record of creating innovative technologies like ACT so we can better provide solutions for our clients. ACT covers all the bases so workers know their health and safety are not being compromised”
Treating H2S during shutdowns and turnarounds to mitigate risks is the foundation of AMGAS’s business. AMGAS treats sour oil and gas at all stages of the shutdown and turnaround process. Similar to H2S, BTEX, hydrocarbon and other VOC’s can be naturally occurring and also created during production. The new technology is an enhancement of AMGAS expertise to treat BTEX emissions to increase safety, cut downtime and decrease costs.
“We are excited to add ACT to the list of service profiles for turnarounds and shutdowns,” says Martinson. “The technology has a bright future. We know down the road ACT will be a major player in all our service lines.”
AMGAS offers a wide range of services, including H2S and BTEX removal and control measures aimed at mitigating the dangers associated with processing sour oil and natural gas. AMGAS offers truck loading, fluid treatment and tank venting, which are all serviced by trained professionals.
  About AMGAS
AMGAS is a Canadian corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS operates at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S and BTEX treatments. For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com
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amgas-h2s ¡ 11 years
Diffusing a Sour Situation: Rise in H2S problems from unconventional resources creates sweet opportunity
We are very proud to be featured in New Technology Magazine's health and safety section. There is a great overview of our company and the dangers of H2S including information on our specialized training program for our employees. 
New Technology Magazine is a JuneWarren-Nickle’s Energy Group publication and reports on new and cost-saving technologies in the upstream oil and gas industry.
For the full article please click on the link and go to page 37: http://issuu.com/jwnenergy/docs/ntm_01022014?e=2473097/6543284
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amgas-h2s ¡ 11 years
AMGAS Service to Reduce Hydrogen Sulfide in Eagle Ford Shale
After attending the DUG Eagle Ford Conference we are proud to share our newest feature. Rigzone  published and produced a tremendous feature on our Eagle Ford Shale operations, H2S and mentions the Texas, Saskatchewan, Ready Service and Middle East launches. Here is a link to the full article;
Rigzone is "Your Gateway to the Oil and Gas Industry". With over 850,000 unique visitors to the site a month, Rigzone is a powerhouse among oil and gas publications. 
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amgas-h2s ¡ 11 years
Press Release: AMGAS Launches Full Service H2S Treatment Operations in Texas
AMGAS Launches Full Service H2S Treatment Operations in Texas
Increased Unconventional Shale Production Leads Company to Launch Full Service H2S Treatment Program
San Antonio, Texas (September 2013)--AMGAS Service Inc (AMGAS), a full service H2S and noxious emissions treatment company, has commenced operations in Texas in response to increases in the levels of sour shale production. AMGAS’ innovations and expertise will help ensure producers are better able to safely haul and transport crude laden with H2S by truck and rail.
AMGAS will officially launch their services at the Developing Unconventionals DUG Eagle Ford Conference in San Antonio, Texas September 17-19, 2013 and representatives from the company will be on hand at booth 2085.
Texas has over 12,000 H2S gas wells and over 190,000 oil wells with H2S creating additional challenges during production, such as increased risks to workers safety and its impact on the environment. As an industry leader, AMGAS has the equipment and expertise to remove and treat H2S while crude is in motion. Their service helps control costs and positively impacts worker safety and the environment.
“H2S is dangerous and must be handled and treated properly throughout all stages of drilling and production,” said Sheldon McKee director Business & Product Development at AMGAS. “Our aim is to proactively treat all H2S instances in the field and during transport in order to give our client the very best solutions on the market.”
 At the intersection of service, chemical and equipment, AMGAS offers full service H2S treatment with dependable innovations. AMGAS offers truck loading, fluid treatment and tank venting, which are all serviced by trained professionals.
 “What sets us apart is that we remove H2S from the well all the way to market (transport) and that allows us to be multidimensional in our approach,” said McKee. “We aim to lock down emissions at the lease and remove and treat H2S from the well to the road. We want to push the industry forward and continue to work to raise the standards of H2S treatment and removal.”
AMGAS is a corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS developed specialized services fitting the specific needs of their different locations, operating at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S treatments.  For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.
  Press Contact:
Kaili Cashin
  Company Contacts:
AMGAS Services Inc.
Sheldon McKee
Director of International Business Development
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amgas-h2s ¡ 11 years
Sour Crude Oil Recovery (SCOR)
We are proud to see our SCOR (Sour Crude Oil Recovery) process featured in Sulphur Magazine. SCOR provides multiple avenues for treating, storing, recovering or transporting sour crude oil. The process fulfills the sustainability requirements of the triple bottom line in that it protects people, environment and investment.
 Sulphur Magazine is an international bi-monthly print and online publication with circulation in over 65 countries serving the sulphur and sulphuric acid industries. See below for the clipping of our article.
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amgas-h2s ¡ 11 years
Press Release: AMGAS Full Service H2S and Other Noxious Emission Treatment Program Launches in Saskatchewan for Environmental Emission Control
Regina, SK (April 2013) AMGAS Services Inc (AMGAS), a full service H2S and noxious emissions treatment company launches Saskatchewan operations in part due to recent provincial changes in flaring, incinerating and venting regulations. AMGAS will be exhibiting at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference April 30- May 2, 2013 at booth C in the equipment display section.
 As of July 2012 Saskatchewan Upstream Flaring and Incineration Requirements (Directive S-20), declares that gases with levels of H2S greater than or equal to 10 mol/kil must be treated before being vented from a well facility, pipeline or flared. The initiative calls to enforce stricter regulation on flaring and venting emissions to ensure environmentally responsible development of the Saskatchewan oil and gas industry.
“Our mission is to proactively treat all H2S instances in the field and during transport, we aim to provide clients the very best solutions at the intersection of service, chemical and equipment,” says Steve Martinson, General Manager of AMGAS. “With the changes in Saskatchewan regulations we expect our services will be in high demand as our processes and services are designed to eliminate air contaminates at the source.”
AMGAS treats sour oil, gas and water at all stages of production. AMGAS offers vacuum truck and tank venting, fan assisted tank venting and fluid treatment, which are all serviced by their team of experts. AMGAS` scavenging and scrubbing chemicals are supported by experts with the knowledge and experience necessary to reduce costs, environmental impact and increase safety. Their scrubbing units along with specific scavenging chemicals are used to treat sour vapor prior to being vented into the atmosphere.
“Enerplus has worked in the southeast Saskatchewan area for 20 years and has sour gas facilities. We now rely on AMGAS to provide scrubber units,” says Chuck Hignett, Operations Foreman at Enerplus. “Now, in light of the changes to S-20, their complete service and equipment operations are more important than ever.”
 “Fugitive emissions during flaring/incinerating need to minimized and to do this good housekeeping must be implemented,” says Martinson. “At AMGAS this means full service, 24 hours, 365 days a year. We work in locations were H2S levels must be lower than 10 mol/kil and know what measure must be taken to control emissions”.
 About AMGAS
AMGAS is a Canadian corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS operates at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S and BTEX treatments.  For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.
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amgas-h2s ¡ 12 years
Press Release: AMGAS Services Inc Launches New Sour Oil Recovery Process in the Middle East as a Safe, Cost-Effective Alternative to Crude Oil Flaring
AMGAS Services Inc Launches New Sour Oil Recovery Process in the Middle East as a Safe, Cost-Effective Alternative to Crude Oil Flaring 
Abu Dhabi, UAE (March 24, 2013) AMGAS Services Inc. (AMGAS) today announced the launch of its new Sour Crude Oil Recovery (SCOR) process in response to the increased development of sour oil and gas in the Middle East. Sour oil and gas well intervention is difficult to handle and treat due to lack of infrastructure, technology and experience in the Middle East. As a result, those crude resources, laden with Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), have been routinely flared, leading to a loss of commercial goods as well as presenting environmental and safety hazards.
AMGAS’ SCOR process provides multiple avenues for treating, storing, recovering or transporting sour crude oil. The process fulfills the sustainability requirements of the triple bottom line in that it protects people, environment and investment.
“We have been handling and treating H2S in Canada for years. With sour crude oil now being produced in the Middle East we need to use our expertise and capabilities to handle H2S in ways that simultaneously protect people, their commercial interests and the planet,” says Sheldon McKee, Director of Business and Product Development at AMGAS. “The SCOR process is truly a sustainable solution.”
The SCOR process integrates processes, service and equipment with dependable technological innovations that meet AMGAS’s exacting standards. It is a cost effective way to manage risks to polluting emissions and other contaminations in sour oil and gas. To ensure the highest level of service AMGAS has partnered with Rutledge E&P Pte Ltd. that provides services for drilling and exploration. Rutledge is based in Singapore and has operations throughout the Middle East.   
“Our goal is to take the best practices established over the years in Canada and make them a global standard,” says McKee. “It is a win-win situation for everyone. Producers save money and time and there is protection for people and the environment.”
The SCOR process allows recovery opportunities for extended well tests, which improve well/zone evaluation and drilling plans. Extended well tests are now possible because of the elimination of burning crude and the consequences associated with it. Recovered sour crude oil is loaded, transported and treated safely in the SCOR Transport TankTM allowing commercial recovery of the oil. This also allows for extended testing parameters due to the cost savings of recovered crude oil.
AMGAS is a Canadian corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS developed specialized services fitting the specific needs of their different locations, operating at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S treatments.  For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.
About Rutledge Rutledge E&P Pte Ltd. 
Since Rutledge’s establishment in 1981, it has an unblemished record for providing H2S Safety Service for Upstream Drilling & Exploration activities. Well-known for providing quality safety services, Rutledge had been entrusted by our clients to provide safety services for Downstream Refineries & Petrochemical plants operation and construction; expanding Rutledge’s reach and operations. Rutledge had progressed from being a H2S service provider to a solution provider. We aim to be a ONE-STOP solution for all H2S and Safety needs. For more information, please go to www.rutledgeh2s.com.
 Press Contact:
Jason Warnock
+1 403.453.1977
Company Contacts:
AMGAS Services Inc.
Sheldon McKee
Director of International Business Development
+1 403.507.5499
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amgas-h2s ¡ 12 years
Press Release: Ready Set Go!
Ready Set Go!
AMGAS launches “Ready Service” self-contained Mobile H2S and Emission Control service for Shutdown and Turnaround Operations
  Fort McMurray, AB (February 25, 2013) AMGAS Service Inc (AMGAS), a full service H2S and other noxious emissions treatment company launches Ready Service, a mobile and fully self-contained service requiring no external power source.
  Ready Service utilizes a patented technology that is versatile with various applications from pressure bleed downs to vacuum truck venting. The service provides all in one emission control and management of fluid treatment for continuous plant maintenance and day-to-day emission control. AMGAS operates at the intersection of service, chemical and equipment and Ready Service maintains the same standards adding additional mobility and accessibility. Representatives of AMGAS will be attending the Shutdowns Superconference in Fort McMurray February 26 and 27 to showcase the new technology.
  “The most important considerations during Shutdowns and Turnarounds when H2S is present are safety, accessibility, cost and limiting downtime,” says Steve Martinson General Manager of AMGAS. “Ready Service is designed to meet all these needs maintaining the highest level of safety demanded by industry leaders.”
  Through development of a mobile, versatile and self-sufficient platform, AMGAS has created a new way to provide flexible pricing options for H2S and emission control for companies. Ready Service provides chemical optimization, waste reduction, rapid deployment and withdrawal designed to meet the challenging demands of plant shutdowns and ongoing maintenance.
  Sour fluids and vapors present during Shutdowns and Turnarounds lead to escalating costs and increased downtime. Ready Service is a turnkey solution that is highly accessible and mobile using innovative technology and processes to enhance onsite plant treatment while ensuring worker safety.
  “We see that mobilization time is so important during turnover operations and our clients need us to be ready now for operations onsite,” says Martinson. “Ready Service mobilizes our full service, 24 hours, 365 days a year expert services.”
      About AMGAS
AMGAS is a Canadian corporation with offices across Western Canada, the US and in the Middle East and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS operates at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S and BTEX treatments.  For more information, please go to www.am-gas.com.       
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amgas-h2s ¡ 12 years
AMGAS' H2S Service Cuts Downtime in the Oil Sands: Industry Demands Zero H2S Emissions during Fluid Handling and Transportation Operations
We are proud to see our oil sands H2S services featured in Oil & Gas Network Magazine. Our proactive treatment of variable H2S cuts downtime in the oil sands, reduces costs and increases worker safety.  
OGN is a bi-monthly print publication serving all sectors of the Canadian petroleum industry and connects readers to the industries leading technology. Click here to check out the publication and read our article on page 14. 
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amgas-h2s ¡ 12 years
Press Release: AMGAS’ H2S Service Cuts Downtime in the Oil Sands
AMGAS’ H2S Service Cuts Downtime in the Oil Sands
Industry Demands Zero H2S Emissions during Fluid Handling and Transportation Operations
Calgary, AB (July 2012) – Downtime is unacceptable for Oil and Gas companies operating in the Alberta oil sands. Variable H2S conditions in fluid handling and transportation operations are a significant cause of downtime in the industry. AMGAS Services Inc. (AMGAS) provides proactive full service treatment that ensures complete H2S emission control with no downtime.
“We know that variable H2S conditions exist throughout the oil sands and downtimes to test levels are expensive,” says January McKee, President of AMGAS. “We recognize the importance of proactively treating all occurrences of H2S to mitigate risks and guarantee worker safety with no downtime.”
The potential danger of missed production targets and compromised worker safety is frequently the result of a failure to implement H2S best practices. Sour fluids and vapors, left untreated, contribute to escalating costs and increase the downtime needed to ensure safe working conditions.
“We are fortunate to work with producers that are committed to zero H2S emissions in operations and expect their workers to be safe from H2S at all times, says McKee. “It is important for them to have our experts and equipment on site proactively treating H2S conditions.”
At the intersection of service, chemicals and equipment, built from a backbone of dependable innovation, AMGAS treats sour oil and gas at all stages of fluid handling and transportation. AMGAS offers truck loading, fluid treatment and tank venting, which are all serviced by our trained professionals.
Representatives of the company will be attending the Oil Sands Trade Show and Conference in Fort McMurray at booth 1124, September 10 through 12 to discuss the importance of local H2S servicing operations in the oil sands to reduce and eliminate downtime.
The Canadian based-company has over 25 years in providing service for fluid handling and transportation operations with sour oil and gas and is now expanding into the United States and the Middle East. AMGAS’ scavenging and scrubbing chemicals are supported by experts with the knowledge and experience necessary to increase safety, reduce costs and environmental impact.
AMGAS is based in Alberta, Canada and has been a leader in H2S treatment since the late 1980s. Safely handling H2S requires trained experts using dependable and innovative equipment, chemicals and processes. AMGAS operates at the intersection of chemicals, equipment and service. They take pride in working closely with their clients to ensure safety on site and provide expert assistance for all H2S and BTEX treatments. For more information, please go to http://www.am-gas.com/.
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amgas-h2s ¡ 12 years
Company launches full-service H2S treatment in the Middle East
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After attending the 2012 SOGAT conference to announce the launch of our full service H2S treatment program through our partnership with Rutledge Pte. Ltd in the Middle East, we are happy to see that our news was covered online by the Hydrocarbon Processing publication.
Hydrocarbon Processing is an online and print publication and a great read for engineers, construction and maintenance professionals and other trade work. The magazine is mainly read in North America but you can also find it in the Middle East and Asia.  Click here to check out the publication. 
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amgas-h2s ¡ 12 years
Safe H2S Handling, Processing
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We recently attended the 2012 SOGAT conference in the Middle East and announced the launch of our full service H2S treatment through our strategic partnership with Rutledge Pte. Ltd. We are proud that our news was covered in print and online by the OG&PE publication. Click the image and check out the article on page 6.
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