Things Better Left Unsaid
There was a moment
Where I could have saved it all
With a few simple words,
A handful of glances and
A single movement.
Instead, I bit my tongue
And turned away
So I could vanish
Into the abyss of life.
But if I could take it back,
Turn myself around
So I could find my way
From the darkness
Back to you,
You can bet the words would flow free
And I'd make that single movement count;
I'd risk ruining everything between us
Just to see you one last time
Without that look of hurt
You were trying so hard to conceal.
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Quiet Country Road
I miss the lonely serenity
Of a quiet country road
In the dead of night.
I miss the moonlit pine trees
And the shine of deer eyes
Watching from the ditch
As we speed by.
I miss warm, muggy air
Flowing through the cab;
It smells of rain
And fresh cut hay.
I miss the chirping of crickets
And the croaking toads;
The sound of coyotes laughing
As they run through the hills.
I miss watching my ancestors
Dance across the midnight sky
With only stars to guide their steps.
I miss the peace and quiet
Of a farm just down the road,
This home away from home.
Our ancestors still dance
And the coyotes still laugh there,
I'm sure of it.
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Her eyes were dark with desire
As we tumbled through the door.
My heart was set afire
I wanted her and nothing more.
A moment of pause found us
Staring into each other's souls;
They were burning up with lust
And craving to feel whole.
We were meant to be here,
Tangled up in one another.
In the dark, we show no fear,
Her touch made the Earth shudder.
And in the stars above,
Our fate was clearly written;
We were meant to fall in love,
From the very start, we were smitten.
Out in the raging streets,
Where riots threaten our slumber,
We find solstice beneath the sheets
And protection from the thunder.
Here in this little paradise
That we've carved, just us two,
We can ignore the hate on the rise
And love as the gods intended us to.
I love her like I've loved no other,
To stop would mean my death.
And on my way to six feet under,
I'll love her with my dying breath.
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Be Kind
It's always
Be kind to others
Unless others don't fit
Your perception of
How the world should be.
Be kind to others
Unless they disagree
With the views you hold.
Be kind to others
Unless they look
A little different than you.
Be kind to others
Unless they speak
A different language than you.
It's always be kind to others
But only if they're just like you.
Why can't it be
Be kind to others
Who are in need
Of your helping hand.
Be kind to others
Who are learning to speak
A different language.
Be kind to others
Who diversify the world.
Be kind to others
Out of the kindness
Of your own heart.
One day I hope it will be
Be kind to others
Just because those others
Exist along side you.
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I just wanted to feel something,
To feel alive,
To feel whole;
To feel love.
If I knew then
What I know now,
I wouldn't have asked
To be granted
This ability to feel.
Because now
My thoughts race
With images of you
And with those images
Comes a hollow feeling,
Deep in my chest;
My heart aches
The same way that
A freshly made gash might;
I'm beginning to hate the things
That I used to love.
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You say I broke your trust
But darling,
You broke mine first.
You took me for a fool,
Had me all wrapped up
In your little lies;
Those crocodile tears
Sure are blinding
When the moon is bright.
I wanted to protect you,
Be a knight in tarnished armor
But found out instead
That I was just the jester
In your court of deceit.
I shouldn't be surprised
By the way it all turned out.
A loyal heart is easy prey
For the leopard
Obscured by their own insincerity.
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To my forlorn angel
With broken skin
And bloodshot eyes
Remember how love felt
And how it led
To your demise?
My battered beauty,
With skin just like
The snow you sniff,
When the high
Wears thin
Is it me you miss?
Am I in your prayers,
Your thoughts,
Your dreams?
Am I hiding in
The darkest parts,
Waiting to make you scream?
Do you crave
My caress or
Miss my fragile touch?
Are you waiting for me
To take you home?
Is this life just too much?
Sweet, forsaken angel,
With track marks
On her skin,
Tonight will be the night
That you finally
Let me in.
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A Moment
We were falling through eternity
When everything stopped
Just for a moment
But in that moment
I found that I had a heart
And I knew that you,
With your spirited eyes,
Your charming smile
And your insouciant disposition,
Would be the one
To shatter it completely.
Time stops for no one;
Heartache is like that too.
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Sleep Remedy
It occurred to me recently,
That the number of instances
On which I’ve been accused
Of sleeping far too much
Has steadily increased over the years.
But you'd sleep more often, too,
If you heard that voice
Deep in the dim pit of your mind,
Cackling sadistically
And screaming out those painful names.
If you felt that itch
Just below the skin
Asking to be relieved,
Begging for the opportunity
To leave you numb and wanting;
To leave you
Craving for it desperately.
If you could understand as I do
That sleep is like death;
So peaceful,
So freeing,
Minus the promise
Of a permanent darkness,
Maybe you'd see why I sleep
Much more frequently these days.
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For the Taking
You can steal my heart
If you want to,
I'll leave the door open wide.
Just waltz right in,
Like a shadow
Through the darkness
And take it in your hands;
I won't make a sound,
Won't even move a muscle
As you leave me heartless.
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The deep burn of her kiss
Lingered on my lips,
Her gentle fingers
Stained my throat,
And her warm eyes
Caught hold of my soul.
But I could not give in;
I could not love her.
How unfair it would have been
To let her fall deeper in love
With my rapidly decaying heart.
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She reminded me of a phoenix,
The way she died each night
Only to rise from the ashes
More vibrant and beautiful
And more determined than ever.
And the way that,
No matter how hard I tried
I could never cage her
Who would want to?
Such beauty,
Such confidence
Should be kept free.
I could never make her mine
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Good Friday
Her heart swelled with passion
As a sigh left her lips;
Her eyelids fluttered
Like butterfly wings
And her fingers twisted in the sheets.
I loved her like she deserved
But damned her in the process.
How unfortunate for her
To fall for my wicked charms
And give up her soul to me
For a good time on a Friday night.
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Jigsaw Puzzle
I needed you to understand
That somethings
Are better left
That my heart,
Broken as it may have been,
Wasn't worth the suffering
Of putting it back together;
Those little jagged edges
Could wreak havoc
On one's soul.
You needed me to know
That sometimes,
Love can be enough
To protect oneself
From those broken pieces;
That we would put
The puzzle of my heart
Back together again.
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Lately I've been reminiscing
About long nights spent
Wandering our city.
About playful shoves
In school hallways;
About long glances
And lowered lashes.
I've been remembering
Gentle touches,
Embraces that lingered
Slightly too long.
All that time we wasted
On petty arguments
And cheap booze;
Laws we broke
And chances we took.
Every day we gambled
With our lives
Or with our hearts.
It's a wonder
We ever survived it all.
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Black Widow
She knew my sins
Before we met,
Could taste my vices
On my breath
We clung to each other,
A mere step from death.
With the sun rise
Also comes the regret.
I needed to feel
Her heartbeat with mine,
To have her nails rake
Against my skin; purely divine.
A midnight serenade,
A ballad with no rhyme.
By the end of the night,
Our lust leaves us high.
And when the morning light
Did finally come,
I looked at her in its glow,
My heart knew it was done;
She looked so serene,
Still sleeping in the sun,
After our night before,
I'm no longer on the run.
I love this feeling
Of being caught in her web,
Of holding her close
When the pleasure ebbs.
Her venomous words
Completely fill my head;
She says she'll love me
Until the bitter end.
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The Anguished Soul
She stared out at the moon,
It's pale glow shimmering
And blurry to her teary eyes.
The cold words echoed
In her thoughts,
Thorny vines twisting
And enveloping her heart.
The love he offered
Wasn't meant for you.
You were just
The first lonely soul he saw.
She wished she could be
As far away from these memories
As the moon was from the earth.
You'll always be alone
The voice repeated over and over.
Here in this home full of friends,
Of family, and of lovers,
She finally knew what it meant
To feel all alone
In a crowded room.
Tonight, she thought,
Watching lovers kiss
And friends embrace
And family laugh together,
Tonight is the night
That I join the moon.
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