ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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SARAH CAMERON + this outfit
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
You know what’s fun? Reclaiming your femininity after years of feeling and acting like you couldn’t be “girly” because “girly” things were “bad.” Man I’ll fuck you up with red lipstick on while wearing a sun dress and drinking a wine cooler, don’t think I won’t.
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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–– (madelyn cline, twenty-four, she/her, cis-female) introducing EMMA VANITY, a PUREBLOOD former SLYTHERIN. friends say they can be ELOQUENT and INDEPENDENT, but also SELF-CENTERED and CATTY. after the war they got a job working as a REGULATIONS ANALYST FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF MAGICAL GAMES AND SPORTS, and it seems to fit them. rumor has it they were on NEUTRAL’s side during the war, but who knows if that’s true or not.
the basics ;;
Full Name: Emma Valarié Vanity Nickname: Em is acceptable to close friends, though her name is certainly short enough.    Age: 24 Birthday: June 28th   Gender & Pronouns: Cis female & she/her   Blood Status: Pureblood   Sexual Orientation: Bisexual   Relationship Status: Single   Affiliation in the War: Neutral/slight obligation to Death Eater leaning Occupation: Regulations Analyst for the Department of Magical Games and Sports   Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Italian, French, and some German     Personality type: ENTJ  
personality ;;
Likes: France, thunderstorms, Quidditch, fuzzy socks on cold nights, champagne, being right, light green, soft music playing while in a bath, cats, her job, spicy food, her family, high heels, and laying out on the beach on hot summer days.     Dislikes: Tardiness, ballroom dancing, anyone who undermines or discredits her, long lines, the smell of vanilla, rock music, two-faced people, cold weather, inexpensive sheets, and being interrupted.     Fears: Honestly? Getting pregnant, and the Appleby Arrows losing. She very much would love to have kids at some point, but currently views having children as being the end of her life being hers.     Strengths: Cunning, eloquent, independent, realistic, and curious.     Weaknesses: Self-centered, cold, catty, stubborn, and vain.  
appearance ;;
Height: 5′4′’   Eye Color: Light brown Hair Color: Blonde   Hair Style: Her hair has a natural messy wave to it, though Emma usually has her hair straight, or in more defined curls hanging down her back. She also tends to love putting her hair in intricate braids and updos, but you know the young witch is having a bad day if she throws her hair up in a messy bun and calls it good.    Scars/Distinguishing Features: Several scars over various parts of her body from many years of Quidditch. Most of them are small and couldn’t be seen unless one was looking.    Clothing Style: Lace, bold colors, high heels. She very much likes to look well dressed 100% of the time, unless she’s home.
wizarding world information ;;
Previous School/House: Slytherin   Extracurriculars at School: Slug club and Quidditch Beater and Captain    Wand Type: Vine, Unicorn hair, 11.5 inches long, and rigid   Patronus: If she could cast a patronus it would be a white peacock.   Boggart: Emma would see herself on her knees, wearing a wedding dress and in shackles unable to move. There is the cry of a baby somewhere in the background, and no matter how much she screams no sound escapes.    Amortentia: Lemon dessert, the grass just after it rained, fresh linens, salt water, and lavender.     Mirror of Erised: Emma would see herself as the head of her department. 
other information ;;
- Early on Emma learned fairy tales weren’t only made of dreams, but nightmares as well. Though her childhood was filled with expensive lace dresses, dolls brought from far away travels, and tea out on the hill that looked out over the gardens, the young Vanity quickly learned it was to distract her from other things her family her did which they didn’t want her to see. She was exceptionally good at turning a blind eye when she wanted to, but the girl was born with a curious mind.   - Hogwarts was really where the young girl flourished. She had her friends that were approved by her family--- mostly members of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, but she was also good at keeping a secret. Emma could never wrap her head around hating someone due to their blood status. Sure, she didn’t openly share that, but the thought always nagged at the back of her mind, ever since she was a kid. She also had a fair share of friends she admired, but couldn’t exactly invite home for the holidays.   - After many pushes towards a betrothal, Emma still didn’t have one by the time she graduated. It was her one bargaining chip after all--- she wasn’t going to throw it away without getting something in return. Her passion was to get a job out of school, even if she didn’t need the money; she did well in her studies, and had no desire to be a socialite and sit at home with kids in her early twenties. Many talent scouts had been after her for certain teams, and Emma did tryout to play Quidditch professionally. Every team she tried out for accepted her, but in the end she turned them all down. Though the young Vanity loved nothing more than to play the game, she believed she could help make it better. After weeks of contemplating, she finally accepted her position at the Ministry in the Department of Magical Games and Sports.    - Sometimes people wonder why Emma is so competitive when it comes to everything and everyone around her--- as if she doesn’t wake up every morning before her already early job, to run laps in her neighborhood. She competes with herself first thing in the morning every day to be better than she was the day before. While striving to be better may usually be a positive thing, Emma certainly takes it up a notch. 
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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MADELYN CLINE via instagram
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
Quidditch Stands, Wednesday
Open to all
There wasn’t much in the world which could keep Emma Vanity away from a day full of Quidditch. Sure, she packed away her own robes and put her competition days behind her when she accepted her job at the Ministry (unless she convinced someone to play against her when she was feeling particularly restless), but she was usually one of the loudest cheers in the stands when she was watching one of her favorite teams. The Appleby Arrows weren’t playing for another couple hours, but the young woman had zero intention of moving and losing her perfect spot. Cannons were playing the Harpies, and when a particular nasty hit wasn’t called the blonde shot up out of her seat. “What the hell was that?” she demanded, standing up on her tip toes Emma looked as if she was ready to climb up on her seat just to be seen. “Did somebody bribe you not to call that because they can’t actually play?” After her slight dramatics, it just occurred to her somebody had been sitting beside her and she’d been yelling in their ear. Turning her gaze towards the other, Emma merely shrugged her shoulders--- not looking all too apologetic. “It’s a new referee today.”
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
“don’t be a bitter bitch be a better bitch” haha that’s where you’re mistaken fool I can multitask and will excel at both
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
“what i like about her is that she blooms whether you water her or not. whether you give her light or not. she exists without your existence.”
— iambrillyant  (via pocmuzings)
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
“you think everyone has the same heart as you, and thats whats gonna fuck you up”
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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ofvanitixs · 2 years
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