amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
Divorce in India - Everything You Wanted To Know
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Divorce in India is pretty commonplace and certainly not unheard of these days. When classy celebrities get divorced or the run-up to their divorce is speculative and even predictive in nature at times. Their divorces are the talk of the town in India, however, the reality is that ordinary couples getting divorced aren’t comparable with divorcing celebrities. Complex socio-cultural aspects and legal system and divorce process, and the conservative social mindset make divorce in India a very long-drawn and complex procedure indeed. As a matter of fact, it can be as much confusing and downright scary to go through a divorce in India.
Although there are hardly any official numbers on divorce, it's a well-known fact that the divorce rate in India is comparatively lower than in the UK. India is yet to adopt a central registry of divorce data however the data compiled from family court magistrates imply that the divorce  Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, and Lucknow. As a matter of fact, it was necessary to open three additional family courts in Bangalore to handle the burgeoning divorce cases.
Reasons for the increase in divorce in India
The astounding increase in the number of divorce cases in India is an indication of the socio-cultural bedrock of the country. The four crucial reasons for this trend are as follows:
1. The joint family is relatively less influential
The concept of the joint family essentially is typified in a large family with many family members all under one roof in a spirit of appeasement respecting the family’s needs. Marriages, in particular, were made in heaven so to speak as there were unbreakable bonds between couples further strengthening their marital relationship year after year regardless of rough patches and tough times in between.
Owing to a nuclear family, conversely, couples are at liberty to be self-centered resulting in couples more than likely to divorce. Nuclear families lack the support system, to sail through a crisis, unlike a joint family. The option of mediation is available in a joint family and peer pressure is imposed as well so as to ensure that the marriage is successful.
2. Women tend to be increasingly independent
Yet another contributing factor to divorce cases in increasing numbers in India is the reality that women are more independent both psychologically and financially now more than ever before which has caused their breaking free from the shackles of a marriage on the rocks. Women in India have already begun putting forth terms and conditions prior to marriage as there is a noticeable improvement in their economic and educational background. Similar trends can be seen in post-marriage decisions. Erudite professional women may be short of the time required to put their minds on running the household and in the process the family is stressed out and the upshot is divorce.
3. Later marriages mean resistance to lifestyle changes
Late marriages are characterized by partners entering wedlock with unchanging behavioral patterns and lifestyle, which makes it even more difficult adjusting to one another. Partners in India frequently discover that both are incompatible only after they get married. They are unable to get along, have unresolved issues, and are disagreeable on almost anything.
4. Divorce- no big deal!
Earlier property disputes, domestic violence, and family issues were the typical reasons behind divorces. Couples in this day and age want to get divorced due to emotional and lifestyle incompatibilities, and disenchantment with one another.
Data compiled from psychotherapists and marriage counselors alike indicate that couples would much rather call it quits than seek a resolution to their troubled marriage. As a matter of fact, attending counseling or therapy sessions transcends fixing relationships. In most cases, families are counselled about whether or not the decision to get a divorce ought to be seconded or not.
Call 7604047601 for consultation with a registered expert divorce lawyer on Vidhikarya.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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The government levies property tax on all real estate owned by an individual. These real estate assets are inclusive of residential homes, office buildings and third-party rented premises.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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At this point, the developer/builder may be asked by the homeowner to clarify matters. Once the seemingly lackadaisical attitude of the developer is noticeable heated arguments may ensue followed by threats of a possible lawsuit by the homebuyer.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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In India, working mothers-to-be are far better-of than most of their peers in the developed world, however, the country’s maternity laws are archaic.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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The appellant-husband may submit that the wife who is the respondent was disrespectful towards his parents and told his mother that meals were to be prepared according to what's on her menu.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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In order to ensure that the rights and interests of both landlords and tenants are balanced and also ensure that there is adequate rental housing in India, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has formulated the Model Tenancy Act, 2019.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Some prevalent concepts like the 'Complainant' will include Central Consumer Protection Authority which the Bill aims at establishing, and the parent or legal guardianship in regards to a minor consumer.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
Property is The Cause of All Evil - Settlement is the solution.
To consult expert property lawyer in India click on https://www.vidhikarya.com/property-lawyers
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Consult with expert Child Custody Lawyer in Delhi Easy connect, quick phone consultation & get free legal advice on Vidhikarya from best lawyers in Delhi.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Consult with expert Divorce Lawyer in Bangalore Easy connect, quick phone consultation & get free legal advice on Vidhikarya from best lawyers in Bangalore.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
What can be done about the new wave of air pollution crises?
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In the past couple of months, serial incidents of air pollution were recorded as unprecedented throughout Asia. In an earlier incident, teeming hundreds were dislodged, and schools had to be shut down owing to air pollution so much so that the skies up above turn into a red hue. These days, the worsening condition of the levels or standards of air quality has exacerbated the situation resulting in public outrage with grave consequences for large sections of society. The fines spiked resulting in school shutdowns, the state government declaring health emergency, demonstrations of the civil society at large and widespread media coverage.
These recurring incidents yearly occur precisely when winter is around the corner, with the festive season aggravating the worsening conditions. In India, air pollution which is a season in itself is at its highest levels during the months of October to February.  A major cause of air pollution is the pollutants that are in the intended incineration clearing agricultural waste and the forests in the neighboring states of Haryana, Punjab, UP and Rajasthan, along with cooking and heating resulting in household fires. The poor air quality levels are further worsened by pollutants from emissions and industrial waste.
The highest levels of air pollution incidents affect teeming millions in areas where the population density is at its highest. The entire population of these areas is at risk of being exposed to thick and toxic smog for weeks or even months at a time. Local health experts speculative predictions are that school-bound kids are particularly at risk as they are exposed to toxic air and the toxicity is as harmful as smoking 50 to 60 cigarettes daily in the NCR region. Equally, vulnerable sections of society are disproportionately exposed to this environmental hazard.
Dense and acrid smog constitutes particles of the size of microns circulating in the air that we breathe. These sorts of pollutants have a negative upshot to human health causing millions of untimely deaths globally every year. The repercussions for countries affected by the after-effects of high levels of air pollution are monumental in the years to come.
Call 7604047601 for consultation with a registered expert Human Rights Lawyers on Vidhikarya.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Domestic violence essentially is violent acts that a family or household is guilty of committing or it could be a solo act by a family member or a household against each other.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Employment agreement detailing the employment terms and conditions including compensation, place of work, designation, work hours, and so on is mandatory.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Indeed the only thing constant in this world is change. The lifestyle of Indian society at large has drastically changed in the past couple of years. People are slowly but surely accepting the notion of pre-marital conjugal and live-in relationships.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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The common law position of the Act originally provided for specific performance as relief granted at the discretion of the Courts once the inadequacy test results are satisfactory which means that the damages would not adequately compensate the breach.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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The entire process is time-consuming and that time could be dedicated to pursuing and closing newer business deals. The control over the contract workflow beginning with drafting and finalizing the proposal to signing the contract can be done in no time at all.
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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A Cheque is a mode of payment that is widely used for transactions including loan re-payment, payment of salary, bills, fees, and so on. Banks on a daily basis process and clear the vast majority of cheques.
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