calihlove75 · 10 days
My name is Cheryl and I really need help, whether it’s by donating or sharing my story. My circle is very small - I don’t have friends and the only family I have left our my children and four dogs, one with epilepsy . I recently lost my mom to aggressive metastasized cancer very abruptly who I had not talked to in years, my credit and and my mental health is suffering . I am trying to repair my house for my child who still lives with me and four dogs I love. I have worked so hard for everything I have , especially over the last 15 years and I’m losing it all . I have always been a fighter, I have survived unimaginable abuse, hardships and challenges during my life. I’m battling a severe panic disorder for the third time in my life. I’m under the care of a psychiatrist and see a therapist once a week for my panic disorder, depression and hypochondriasis. This is very embarrassing and humiliating for me to reach out to strangers. I have led a pretty secluded life focused only on work ( less idle time ) to protect my heart. If family hurts you then who can you trust ? During my plea for help , I’ve been a target for scams - more hurt and distrust . The fear of being displaced again is very scary for me . I cannot lose my house too. Please read my story. Any help or shares is appreciated.
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nando161mando · 11 months
FBI Targets Muslims and Palestinians in Wake of Hamas Attack, Civil Rights Advocates Warn
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ashleylife · 4 months
my personality type is: infj-a (advocate)
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This is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. We tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Our inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide us in all things.
infjs (advocates) you may know: Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Catherine Paiz, Nicole Kidman, Rose Bukater, Lady Gaga, Galadriel, Aragorn, Morgan Freeman, Goethe.
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gorgugplushie · 1 year
advocates blease and thank u
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Itty bitty kitty
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scotianostra · 2 years
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March 1st 1682 saw the Advocate’s Library opened by its founder, Sir George Mackenzie, the Lord Advocate.
The Advocates Library, is the law library of the Faculty of Advocates, in Edinburgh. It served as the national deposit library of Scotland until 1925, at which time through an Act of Parliament was created the National Library of Scotland. All the non-legal collections were given to the National Library. Today, it alone of the Scottish libraries still holds the privilege of receiving a copy of every law book entered at Stationers’ Hall.
The Advocates Library is the library of the Faculty of Advocates. It is widely regarded as the finest working law library in the British Isles. It contains a comprehensive range of materials built up over more than three hundred years. The present library, seen in the picture,was designed by William Henry Playfair in 1830, and is a category A listed building.The library forms part of the complex that includes Parliament House, including the High Courts, located on the Royal Mile behind St Giles.
Famous keepers of the library down the years has included David Hume, Adam Ferguson, and Margaret Kidd, the first and only female, who held the post from 1956 till 1970.
You can read more about the history and the workings of the library buy Stephen O’Rourke who was Keeper of the Advocate’s Library for a short time in 2021  before hi sudden death that same year.
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hedgewitchgarden · 2 years
TWH – Religious freedom for minority faiths remains challenging around the world; but despite constitutional protections against discrimination, the challenge remains in the USA as well. An employee allegedly being fired for being “Pagan,��� the proposed removal of books from state-funded schools, and public book burnings held by a right-wing evangelical pastor due to the book’s content of alleged witchcraft and sorcery, have all been in the news in the past year.
These tread on the threshold of violating the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as well as the separation of church and state, and they have become increasingly common. Even within the legal system, there is at least one Bible in every courtroom in America for swearing in witnesses.
Advocacy for Paganism is no easy feat. Discrimination through housing, job security, and community retaliation are only some of the potential pressures that advocates for minority religions face in the fight for equality in the eyes of Freedom of Religion.
Last month, Grady Newsource published an article about a Pagan group in Athens, Georgia that is continuing its work in advocating for religious freedom. TWH reached out to the group and two other Witches that have made religious freedom and Pagan rights a cornerstone of their practices.
The advocacy of simply existing
“We advocate for religious freedom by simply existing,” said Jim Grimes, a founding member of the Athens Area Pagans.
The Athens Area Pagans group, now a nonprofit organization and religious organization, started in 2005 in Athens, Georgia, and has become a source of freedom and comfort for its members and aims to help local Pagans obtain the resources they need, whatever their path.
“We met at the botanical gardens in 2005, and we have met every Saturday at 5 p.m. since,” said Grimes.
Grimes, former lawyer, and journalist described himself as an “eclectic Pagan” who has traversed the religious spectrum from Baptist to atheist but found resonance within the Pagan community.
Grimes describes the Pagan community as more of a “Broadened term”  as many different belief systems fit under the term and the group welcomes Pagans of all Paths in the area.
The group also is responsible for Athens Pagan Pride Day, a part of the Pagan Pride Project, in which “Activism, Charity, Education, and Community” is the mission focus, fostering pride in Pagan identity.
According to the group the Pagan Pride Project also promotes tolerance and understanding between different belief systems, helps present a clearer understanding of Pagan practice, as well as dispelling misconceptions, and draws political attention to Paganism.
As the group’s focus is visibility and pride in identity, in order to participate in the Pagan Pride Day three requirements must be met.
Must be ok with Public Ritual – as three will be held.
Participate in the food drive, which will be donated to a local organization.
Must be ok with Press, social media, and local news.
“Being there and being in the public is important,” said Grimes. “It’s about refusing to hide and being out there in the public.”
Grimes also spoke of the group experiencing discrimination when the group tried to rent out a space for a retail store. The retail location, formerly a strip club, was deemed “inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood” according to Grimes, after the word Pagan was used.
“It’s subtle things they do,” said Grimes. “It’s hard to prove that anything is wrong.”
Grimes also said that the Athens community is welcoming overall, despite a few protestors at a Pride Day event once.
The group has purchased around 49 acres of land in Clarke County for a proposed intentional community named AllWays, with hopes to provide religious infrastructure and support to Pagans in the area. The group is also raising money to apply for permits, build structures add infrastructure, and personal dwellings onsite.
A Lifetime of Advocacy
As the advocacy for freedom of religion has once again gained traction, there are those that have never given up. Those that choose creative ways to ensure this right and those who fight by simply just embracing their Pagan community.
“In 1974, I founded Circle Sanctuary, and it became one of the first Pagan communities to obtain state and federal legal status as a non-profit religious organization in the USA. Taking this institutional approach has aided us in Pagan religious freedom work.”
Reverend Selena Fox, Executive Director of Lady Liberty League, and High Priestess of the Circle Sanctuary has been a staunch advocate for paganism and religious freedom for almost 50 years.
Throughout her career, through both the Circle Sanctuary and Lady Liberty League, founded in 1985, the group successfully defeated, through protest and action, the anti-Wiccan amendment (amendment 705) to the Postal Appropriations Bill (HR 3036) presented by Senator Jesse Helms.
According to congressional records, the amendment to the Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Bill, of 1986, proposed by Helms, would guarantee that funds appropriated under the Act would not be used to grant, maintain, or allow tax exemptions to any cult, organization, or group that has any interest in, the promoting of satanism or witchcraft.
Fortunately, the legislation and two other proposed legislations at the time ultimately did not pass but most Wiccan and Pagan groups today obtain exempt status by applying for non-profit 501(c)(3) status, instead of the formal religious exemption status as the process is extremely difficult to obtain and navigate and contains many obstacles via the Internal Revenue Service.
The Circle Sanctuary has been a major player in the advocacy for religious freedom since the organization’s founding in 1974. Fox, has played a major role herself, not only advocating for religious freedom but also taking on civil rights and advocating for the LGBTQI community.
“Circle Sanctuary and I also have been involved in interfaith social justice work since our beginnings, and allyship with organizations, communities, and individuals of many beliefs also has helped in our work for Pagan civil rights and religious freedom.”
The fight for religious freedom has also come with costs. Issues of safety, acts of humiliation, ridicule, and judgment are just a few of the barriers groups like Fox’s deal with to practice their religion in peace.
Fox spoke of an event in the early 90s that was fraught with backlash but ultimately opened a door so that the community and other organizations could get a better understanding of the Pagan community and diverse practices.
“In 1992, Circle Sanctuary and I had to take action to protect our Samhain events in Madison, Wisconsin, and at our land which were being targeted by an anti-Pagan televangelist,” said Fox. “I got restraining orders from judges in two counties and worked with five area police departments for protection. We succeeded in holding all our Samhain observances without interference, and the publicity connected with this won us multifaith support in the local area as well as helped dispel, misinformation about Paganism.”
Fox continues her work fighting against religious discrimination and intolerance today and is considered by many to be one of the founders of the modern Pagan movement, specifically in the fight to allow the pentagram on Veterans’ tombstones in which, she and the Lady Liberty League triumphed in 2007 after a ten-year-long battle with Veterans Affairs.
Interfaith Work and Visibility
H. Byron Ballard of Asheville, North Carolina advocates for religious freedom through interfaith works and community outreach. Ballard, a Witch, writer, avid gardener, community advocate, and founding member and ritualist for Mother Grove Goddess Temple chooses to advocate by being visible to the community by reaching out to media members, and public speaking.
“I advocate for Pagans in the community, through interfaith work and other visibility. Creating public rituals and other events to make a space for practitioners of alternative spiritualities, and speaking to media locally, regionally, nationally,” said Ballard.
Ballard also advocates not only for her community of Pagans but all Pagans and the rights guaranteed to all U.S. citizens under the Constitution. Founding a Pagan community in Asheville many years ago, she has fought to bring hope to those who practice Pagan beliefs while also walking the line of visibility and safety in a dominant Christian region of the country.
“I want all US citizens to enjoy all the rights that our Constitution and Bill of Rights provide us. I want my co-religionists (and myself) to be safe in our places of worship and in our lives. I want people to understand that there are alternatives to the Abrahamic religions that dominate much of the planet,” said Ballard.
Ballard understands that navigating the waters of religious freedom can be difficult as many stereotypes exist concerning Pagans, especially in the Bible Belt of America.
“As a Pagan, a witch, and an Appalachian woman I am tired of stereotypes that belittle and disrespect people who are just trying to live an authentic spiritual life,” said Ballard.
Ballard continues with education for and with her community in Asheville and hopes to ultimately strengthen the community with other like-minded people.
“What I expect our work to do is strengthen our community and make us more resilient, to keep us safe under the weight of the dominant (and dominating) culture, and to allow us to express the joy of an Earth-centered animistic path without fear of retribution from the ignorant and violent,” said Ballard.
Though strength is often found in numbers, Ballard understands that education against stereotypes and being labeled “others” will take time. “I expect that all of this is an ongoing process and I hope that our work will encourage others, especially the next generations,” said Ballard.
Ballard hopes the next generation will “continue our work and add their own vision to what it means to walk a Pagan path.”
The road is still long and winding in the fight for religious freedom, and advocacy plays an important part. No matter the form of advocacy, visibility, education, community, and activism still play a major role in the fight for recognition in a world dominated by those religions of the Abrahamic Law Code. Though Pagans seem speckled amongst the landscape, there has been a rise in numbers in the past decade which open new doorways and paths in the fight for religious freedom here in the United States.
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>Join a union
>Hear people constantly complaining that the current union leadership is super corrupt, it's all just the same ten guys making all the decisions in secret and nobody else in the union ever gets to know what's going on
>Go to the monthly union meetings that are completely open to all 1200 union members
>The only attendees are the same ten guys every month, giving detailed reports about everything that's going on
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calihlove75 · 13 days
I am in need of shares and/help. I edited my campaign to hopefully better explain why saving my house is so important to me, what I have went through, and why the fear of displacement runs so deep . I’m sorry it’s so long.
Please read my story and help if you can . If you cannot donate , can you please share? I’m new to this site so I don’t really understand how it works but I have been on Facebook, Postmark, LinkedIn and Ebay for years.
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jhasravi · 15 days
Government issues Revised list of Tyres exempted from QCO & BIS in India
Government issues Revised list of Tyres exempted from QCO & BIS in India
“Indirect Tax I Customs I Arbitration I Advisory I Central Licensing support” Dated: 06.09.2024 Government issues Revised list of Tyres exempted from QCO & BIS in India The L&R section of DPIIT has issued an Office Memorandum (OM) clarifying that 960 Nos of different tyre sizes are now exempted from the mandatory QCO & BIS registration in India. The said committee has decided the…
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thomasatlaw · 26 days
Family law is a vital area of legal practice that addresses some of the most sensitive and personal issues people face, including divorce, child custody, spousal support, and property division. These matters can be emotionally charged and legally complex, making the role of a family law attorney crucial in guiding individuals through the process with expertise and compassion.
A family law attorney is an advocate for their clients during some of life’s most challenging moments. They provide essential legal advice, help clients understand their rights, and represent their interests in negotiations, mediations, and court proceedings. Whether dealing with a contentious divorce, a custody battle, or the division of marital assets, a skilled family law attorney can help ensure that their client’s needs are met and that the legal process proceeds as smoothly as possible.
Divorce is one of the most common issues in family law, often involving complex decisions about dividing assets, determining alimony, and arranging custody for children. The emotional and financial stakes are high, and the legal procedures can be daunting. A family law attorney plays a critical role in helping clients navigate this process, from filing the initial paperwork to negotiating settlements or representing clients in court. They work to protect their client’s interests and strive for outcomes that are fair and just, considering both legal and personal factors.
Child custody is another significant area within family law. Determining who will have custody of the children and under what terms is often the most emotionally charged part of a divorce or separation. Family law attorneys advocate for their clients’ parental rights and work towards arrangements that serve the best interests of the children. This can involve creating detailed custody agreements, handling modifications to existing arrangements, and addressing any disputes that arise.
In addition to divorce and child custody, family law attorneys also handle issues such as spousal support (alimony), property division, and prenuptial agreements. Each of these areas requires a deep understanding of both the law and the individual circumstances of each case. Attorneys in this field must balance legal expertise with empathy, as they support clients through often painful transitions.
Choosing the right family law attorney is essential for anyone facing these kinds of legal challenges. An experienced attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case, providing the guidance, advocacy, and support needed to navigate the complexities of family law. Whether you’re dealing with a divorce, a custody dispute, or another family-related legal matter, a dedicated family law attorney is your best ally in achieving a favorable resolution.
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advabhisheksinha · 29 days
A bit late post where Lawonesty Legal Consultants was invited by a Law College. So I, along with one of my colleagues AOR Pramit Saxena, had a wonderful time visiting the College and interviewing talented law students for placements and internships. It was a pleasure to guide these bright minds on navigating a career in law and the importance of generating their own work in this competitive field.
Since I started my legal career, unfortunately I never got any guidance from anyone on how to generate work in the legal field. In the initial years, because of entering litigation a bit late at age with lack of practical experience of the Court processes, I didn't try for any mentorship also. Yes, gradually moving forward I got associations of experienced advocates as I could generate my own work because of my previous experience and networking.
The knowledge gained by me while working with corporates in different industries, by serving the society, by being actively involved with NGOs, local politicians etc were of great help theoritically, though as a first generation lawyer, I passionately kept moving forward, struggled with clerks, procedures, bare acts and learnt the practical court processes by myself from the basics with my own generated work.
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But with time, I have realised that my transition from the Corporate world to pure litigation was still smooth because of my past experience and networking but it would be very difficult for the freshers and the first generation lawyers to learn the basics of the Court processes without having their own work and proper mentorship.
I therefore personally feel that it is extremely important for experienced settled advocates to genuinely guide the young law aspirants and help them come up to achieve their dreams in this noble profession.
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jacarooster813 · 2 months
JOSHUA 1.9 HAVE I NOT COMMANDED YOU? BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS. DO NOT BE AFRAID; DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED, FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD WILL BE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO.” Hi all I am back! So if you read the subject line than you already know what most of this article is going to be about🤪 I was in the ER again! Thankfully I was not admitted though, thank you Jesus🙏.on Monday, July 8th, I woke up totally…
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devulove-blog · 2 months
ಕಿರಿಯ ವಕೀಲರ ಕಠಿಣ ಪರಿಶ್ರಮಕ್ಕೆ ಅನುಗುಣವಾಗಿ ಗೌರವಾನ್ವಿತ ಮೊತ್ತ ನೀಡಿ: ಹಿರಿಯ ವಕೀಲರಿಗೆ ಸುಪ್ರೀಂ ಕೋರ್ಟ್‌ ಸಿಜೆ ಚಂದ್ರಚೂಡ್ ಕಿವಿ ಮಾತು
ಮಧುರೈ: ಕಿರಿಯವ ಕೀಲರು ವೃತ್ತಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕಲಿಕೆಗಾಗಿ, ಅನುಭವ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಮತ್ತು ಮಾನ್ಯತೆ ಪಡೆಯಲು ಹಿರಿಯ ವಕೀಲರ ಬಳಿ ಬರುತ್ತಾರೆ. ಹೀಗಾಗಿ ಅವರ ಮೇಲೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹಕ್ಕು ಚಲಾಯಿಸುವ ಮನೋಭಾವನೆಯನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟು ಮಾರ್ಗದರ್ಶನ ನೀಡಿ ಎಂದು ಸುಪ್ರೀಂ ಕೋರ್ಟ್‌ ಮುಖ್ಯ ನ್ಯಾಯಮೂರ್ತಿ ಡಿ.ವೈ. ಚಂದ್ರಚೂಡ್ ಕಿವಿ ಮಾತು ಹೇಳಿದರು. ಮಧುರೈನಲ್ಲಿ ಮದ್ರಾಸ್‌ ಉಚ್ಚನ್ಯಾಯಾಲಯದ ಪೀಠ ಸ್ಥಾಪನೆಯ 20ನೇ ವಾರ್ಷಿಕೋತ್ಸವದ ಸಮಾರಂಭ ಉದ್ಘಾಟಿಸಿ ಮಾತನಾಡಿದ ಅವರು, ಹಿರಿಯ ವಕೀಲರು ತಮ್ಮ ಕಿರಿಯ ವೃತ್ತಿ…
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findinjurylaw · 3 months
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Been in a Car Accident That Wasn't Your Fault? Don't Go It Alone.
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primusfamilylaw · 3 months
How to Choose the Best Divorce Lawyer in San Diego
Selecting the best divorce lawyer in San Diego is a critical decision when facing family law challenges. Your attorney should possess a deep understanding of local court dynamics and a compassionate approach to your unique circumstances. Look for a seasoned professional with a history of achieving favorable outcomes for their clients. By choosing wisely, you can navigate your divorce with confidence, knowing your interests are in capable hands. Find peace of mind during this difficult time by partnering with the best divorce lawyer in San Diego who prioritizes your needs and advocates for your future.
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msxfoster82 · 3 months
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