amity-and-enmity · 9 months
Send “📚” and I will flip to a random page in a book and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
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Dario knew a lot more about her situation than the few warning shots he'd expended in the current exchange. Information was the most powerful currency in his line of work--so her rickety credit score and unstable living situation remained locked away in the manila folder he tucked onto his lap. Never bring a knife to a gun fight and always make sure to have more bullets than you'd ever realistically need.
He watched her interaction with Sal carefully. The man's eyes widened at her response. Dario noted her chin, tucked firmly and resolutely with immense pride. "No doubt that took a lot of creativity and resilience, "Dario agreed, almost brushing the thought away. But unfortunately, Sal didn't pick up the hint.
"I mean--just going out and meeting new people's hard enough. But with the injuries, and no support, and all that medical debt I--" Dario shot daggers at the man. There goes one more bullet. New rule; never give a pistol to an imbecile.
Dario rushed to intervene. "What my colleague here means is that you faced some very unfortunate luck. I get that--you know, I have always had a knack for earning, but sometimes luck bites you in the ass." Only a half-lie, and mostly one he told himself. After all, no one knew Tim failed to his own metaphorical death. No one knew that they spoke to someone more like a phoenix or cancer than a human being. So he'd outrun his bad luck. Or he hoped he had.
He nodded, uncertain how mechanical engineering helped him, while also knowing full well how adaptable intelligence was as a skill. She could help plan; she could foresee issues. He snorted through his nose and shook his head. "Well of course not! No, you'd have an executive suite, one connected to my own, and you'd merely consult." What exactly she'd consult on would likely change with the breeze. He liked to diversify his assets these days. "You'd be a personal assistant plus," he explained. "Because I'd ask for you to be my eyes on the ground, look over plans, tell me why I'm an asshole, call me sir... for fun... instead." His eyes glittered with amused determination as he leveled her gaze.
"What do you think?"
Lena didn't need to hear the spiel to know she would agree to whatever was offered. She didn't care where the money came from, or how it was made. She couldn't keep on living the way she was. Cash was spent on her nasty little habit, whatever was left bought Ramen and energy drinks. She scraped by the first of the month, making rent by pennies. Her power and water were shut off almost regularly. If this offer was going to give any solution, even if it meant demeaning herself, she would take it.
Sal's sympathy was met with immediate skepticism, her brow knit as she searched his eyes for even an ounce of condescension. The nurses had all tried to comfort her when she woke up, but she found their empathy to be empty. Of course they felt bad for her. Who wouldn't? But they had no idea how it felt. They never would. "So, I didn't. I started over. I had nothing left to salvage, after all." She spoke firmly, more to assure herself that she wouldn't waver as his eyes bore into her.
In some ways, she was grateful for how Dario moved on from her sorrowful tale. He brushed aside the pain so many were all too happy to fixate on. She rolled her shoulders briefly, working out the tension she hadn't noticed was building. "Mechanical engineering. Engineering as a whole has always been an interest of mine. I had a tough time choosing a discipline when I got to MIT." Her initial passion had been in aerospace, inspired early by her dad's workplace. Though he was only a janitor, she was still awestruck every time he brought her in.
Lena stared hard at Dario, trying to decide if she believed his offer was real. Was it some way to exploit her for his own benefit? Or did he actually see potential in her that he didn't see with the other hot blondes at the club? She was silent for a few moments, her blue-green eyes searching for something in her employer. Whether she wanted to see lies or the truth was anybody's guess. There was nothing else to it. Just a word. Partner. She would be stupid to just say yes, though she had every intention of following through. "What, exactly, does that entail? I can't imagine I'll still be serving liquor as a partner." The word tasted strange in her mouth, but not bitter or sour. It was sweet.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
Dario enjoyed the game; his stick and carrot were at the ready. Especially when he knew his offer could not be refused. Her desperation and intelligence cancelled one another out. The way she responded this time, with far more respect, highlighted the power he felt he held over her. Maybe his pride rushed to win before his victories were earned. "Hmmm... Maggie," Sal hummed, interrupting the flow of the conversation for the first time.
He'd been instructed to play dumb, friendly cop to Dario's bad cop. And as he noted his employer's tight voice, he spotted an intervention to make. "That sounds like a very difficult time!" He exclaimed, as though they were having nothing more than a friendly night out together. Leaning in, he searched for Lena's eyes, his bright blue gaze shining with sympathy. "Must be hard to see a way forward in that situation." Dario pinched the edges of his own smile and looked down. Sometimes he believed Sal had more behind the eyes than his self-interested circle of advisors thought.
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Dario nodded and clicked his tongue. "Absolutely tragic," he agreed, before rushing past the revelation. "Tell me, what were your goals before the accident? What were you studying?" On some level, he viewed the tale as cautionary. If a smart, beautiful woman in the prime of her life couldn't keep the love and attention of the people in her life, no one else stood a chance at anything real. The validation simply drained the emotion from Dario's response; why get sappy about it?
When she pushed back again, a hearty guffaw died low in Dario's chest. "There will be plenty of time for that--but I already told you, I don't want you to call me sir... yet. You clearly found the fight again. That's good," he insisted, raising his brows. "I want you to fight with me, for me, as a partner." And finally, he blows his load. An obscure label offered; what would she think of it?
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What was this meeting? Was it a game Dario wanted to play? See if he can make his favorite shot girl squirm under a microscope? Was Sal there just to show off his power to someone? Her buzzes were colliding in a way that made her dizzy, her only resolve being to firmly place the glass on the tabletop, her hands falling into her lap as her nails pressed into her palms. His comment gave her spinning mind pause. If his goal was to make her submit further to him, why not indulge her when she uses such formalities? She took a breath but held before another sir was uttered. Instead, she stared ahead, wishing she didn't have to wait until the man was asleep to get into his mind.
Her full holy name felt sacrilegious on his tongue, but what had she done to warrant otherwise? She sinned daily, not that it ever mattered much to her, even before the accident. "My parents were both raised Catholic. My nickname was supposed to be Maggie, but Lena stuck." She didn't mention that her name had been chosen by a mother that didn't stick around long enough to see what name suited her daughter.
A surge of confidence and pride washed over Lena as she watched Dario struggle to reply, though she became increasingly aware of his irritation. She could've bit back again, using that quick wit to close herself off further. But his warning had subdued her, finally taking a moment to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat. "If you know about the accident, you know about the coma I was in. And when I woke up, I had nothing and nobody." She paused a moment, composing herself, refusing to break down in front of them. "My dad, my boyfriend, my home, my friends, my spot at MIT. Everything was taken from me. I could've fought to get some of it back, but it wouldn't have been the same." Nothing would've been right without her dad there, so why bother.
"Does that suffice as an answer for you, sir?"
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
I exist, but I'm trying to make up for my lack of plans last week, so please bear with me!
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
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This time, the once welcome submission grated on Dario, as though she was mocking him. She already showed, in this interaction alone, how good at lying she was. In the darkness, he glanced at her hand. It clung to the drink and he noticed tension darkening her knuckles. Alright, as long a she felt nervous, he could proceed. Even without all the theatrics, he suspected Lena's desperation would convince her of the wisdom of his plan. But who could resist theatrics? Besides, he needed to remind her of just how thankful she should be for his help.
"Sir," he repeated again, this time with a chuckle that melted into a serious stare. "Soon, you won't need such formalities with me." He wondered how her fear felt; like a hand pressing down on her chest to keep her still or a curious heat in her cheeks, not all that different from being turned on. Sometimes, he missed the adrenaline rush. Sometimes, he missed feeling alive. "Magdalene huh? Seems a little on the nose." So on the nose that he'd questioned whether that could possibly be her legal name. The question kicked off his search. Imagine his surprise when he received the confirmation.
At her push back, his eyes met hers again. This time they burned into her as the club music bumped in the background, too loud to play the role of a soundtrack. He opened his mouth and closed it again, pressing his lips into a serious line. If she didn't know better, she might've thought the music swallowed his observations. Instead, he cleared his throat and proceeded. His voice pressed into an irritated monotone. "You had an accident. However, that doesn't actually answer the question." He leaned back and examined her from head to toe. "Because clearly, you didn't lose your edge at all." He quirked a brow. "So, answer the question. And remember, this is a job interview."
cont. from here @amity-and-enmity
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Lena felt a lump form in her throat the moment she spotted the file, though she remained unchanged. Her chin tilted slightly as she did her best to read the body language of the gentlemen she sat with. Dario always exuded an air of confidence, warranted or not. But the smirk plastered on his face wasn't typical for him. It was assured, certain. Like he got her on something she didn't even know she did. A brief glance at Sal revealed an eagerness and interest, though he didn't seem as wicked as Dario did. She didn't feel trapped just yet, but she sense the room getting smaller around them.
Her fingers were pressed firmly to the glass as she took a much larger sip, momentarily afraid that the pressure would shatter the glass in her hands. She watched as impassively as she could as Dario flourished, her eyes darting to the pages, trying to make out her history as he flipped through. "I wouldn't expect anything less, sir," She replied clearly, though she had expected much less. The club didn't seem like a place to care too much about where the employees came from, as long as they did their job. That was partially why she took the gig in the first place.
Whether it was the alcohol or a sense of humiliation, Lena felt her face begin to burn. There was a sort of embarrassment she felt about her undergrad, especially when mentioned so off-handedly by someone she respected. Her credits were in purgatory, her place on campus filled in the years she had been out. The admissions board had sent her a letter; she could reapply, but her spot and scholarship were not ensured. She didn't doubt her ability to perform academically, but she wasn't the same girl they had accepted. It didn't feel like that anyway. She paused briefly at his question, prepared to sheepishly explain her past. But the file in his hands stopped her. Instead, she turned her gaze back to meet his. "If you need to ask that question, it isn't a very good background check." Lena spoke evenly, a gleam in her eye she couldn't help. She wasn't going to spill her sob story for someone who had her history in his hands.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
"You're not going to go away no matter what I do, are you?" [Eleanor for Foxy maybe? (Or anyone you think would work)]
@kissofthemuses cont. from x
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
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@kissofthemuses asked: "You're not going to go away no matter what I do, are you?" [Eleanor for Foxy maybe? (Or anyone you think would work)]
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"Uhhhhh, no! No I will not! It's your birthday and all I am trying to give you is a good time," she prodded, holding out her keys to the rental flat like they could unlock the world. "So come on dark lady and dance like no one's watching!"
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
PROMPTS FOR THE RELUCTANT HERO *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i'm sorry. you must be mistaken.
no one ever stopped and asked me if this was what i wanted.
i don't know what else to tell you. i'm not a hero. i can't do this.
go find someone else to do it.
i can't be what you need me to be.
if you care so much, why don't you do it?
there's been some sort of mix up. i'm no hero.
how can you believe in me when i don't even believe in myself?
there's no way i can fix this.
you picked the wrong person.
i was never cut out for a job like this.
i'm the least violent person you will ever meet.
you're setting an expectation for me that i just can't fulfill.
what, you think i'm the only one who can solve this?
stop treating me like some chosen one.
find someone else to solve this, because i can't!
you can't run from your destiny!
without you, all hope is lost.
i was never going to be what you wanted.
it's been you all along.
i never wanted this.
i'm not fighting anybody!
how many lives were lost because of me?
tell them to figure it out for themselves!
you have no idea how i'm feeling right now.
i'm not cut out for this!
i'm not who you think i am.
you're asking a lot from me.
i can't have them all relying on me like that.
there's too much pressure. i'm not ready for that.
too many lives are at stake.
i'm not a leader! i can't be trusted to lead anyone!
why can't you solve it? why does it have to be me?
i told you, i'm not a hero.
this is your destiny.
i'm quite content living my very normal life, thank you very much.
no one told me i was meant to do that.
you've got the wrong guy.
there must be some mistake. that's not me.
you want me to do what now?
whoa whoa whoa. i never said i would do that.
that wasn't part of the plan!
you're the only one who can fix this.
you can't turn me into someone i'm not.
what they said back there about me... was it true?
have you been keeping this from me all this time?
and you think i'm the one who can fix this. is that it?
i've never done anything like that before. what makes you think i can suddenly do it now?
they sent for you by name.
this has been written in the stars for longer than you've been born.
i feel the pressure on my shoulders, the weight of the world on my back.
you're the one we've been waiting for.
i don't know what you expect me to do.
that's not what we agreed on.
stop looking at me like that.
i don't want anyone to put me on a pedestal.
sorry to disappoint you, but that's not me.
i'm not sticking around to find out.
without you, we will fail. what part of that do you not understand?
you can't just give up now.
you are the chosen one.
without your help, people will die.
do you understand what you mean to these people?
they need a symbol of hope. you can be that symbol.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
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Below you'll find some random aesthetic, sad, cute and funny twitter quotes i've found over there.
"It's your imperfections that make you so interesting."
"Here i am, recollecting every broken piece of myself."
"Some words stay in your head long after they’re spoken."
"If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe."
"You're always stronger than what you think."
"No matter what i do it’s going to lead to pain."
"I'm too pretty to stalk his instagram account."
"I grew up mean."
"You look into my eyes so passionately, how could you not have loved me?"
"If you don’t need my love, why did you take it from me?"
"My baby can’t forget me."
"I'll walk out the depths of hell to protect you."
"Maybe this is for the greater good… But how can I pretend this is the right thing?"
"You're just a man."
"What are you?"
"I don’t know how to make it poetic anymore."
"I wish i was just a concept, not a person anymore."
"Literally go outside, no one cares."
"I can care about you and still cut you off. I can miss you and never talk to you again."
"Why can’t i be a writer, a librarian, a ballerina, a pianist, a poet and a painter all at the same time?"
"I'm trying very hard to not tweet about love."
"I wish I didn’t feel so much, it’s so inconvenient."
"I romanticise everything because I am made of love and starlight."
"I never know when to quit."
"I wanna disappear. Let me disappear."
"Morning, angel."
"Can I come over and stare at you?"
"I sent an impulsive text."
"Might I suggest you don’t fuck with my sis?"
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
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Questioning Sentences, Vol. 13
(Questioning sentences from various sources to ask all kinds of muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Are you awake?"
"Can't you ever say anything nice?"
"You do know that living patients aren't my thing, right?"
"It was you this whole time?"
"How come I haven't heard about this on TV?"
"Do you approve of murder?"
"Why have you got a gun?"
"Are you hungover?"
"Did you really kill all those men?"
"You're not going to go away no matter what I do, are you?"
"You really don't know, do you?"
"Did you text me to pull me out of my anniversary dinner with my husband?"
"Why are you so nice to me?"
"What happened to our family tradition?"
"Are you looking at my legs?"
"Have you ever been crazy about someone that is determined to push you away?"
"Did it just get cold?"
"We used to smoke together, way back when. You remember?"
"Your promises don't mean very much."
"Do you have any enemies?"
"You wouldn't want to join me, would you?"
"I did good, didn't I?"
"How can you possibly know that?"
"Are you pathologically incapable of telling the truth?"
"Are you going to let me in on whatever the hell is going on here?"
"I thought you didn't have a sense of humour?"
"You've stitched yourself up before, I take it?"
"Are you being facetious?"
"Is it me, or is this just... Wrong?"
"Are you going to take a photograph of me?"
"Why do you always have to touch everything?"
"Do you have any idea how to diffuse a bomb?"
"You have a secret admirer?"
"You really think that I'm beautiful?"
"Are you sure you're not going to catch another cold?"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Why are you drinking so much tonight anyway?"
"Are you really suggesting what I think you are?"
"What could you possibly be looking for by probing up there?"
"This is just a game for you, isn't it?"
"What's wrong with miracles?"
"Who said anything about love?"
"What is it with men and boobs anyway?"
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
Chaotic Neutral starters
"Rules are for people who can't think for themselves." "Why stick to the plan when we can make things interesting?" "Don't expect me to be a hero on a leash." "Freedom, my friend, is the sweetest nectar. I won't let anyone clip my wings, no matter the cost." "Morality? That's a flexible concept." "I'll do what feels right in the moment, consequences be damned." "Why stress about the grand scheme of things? Life's too short to be tied down by obligations." "Laws? More like suggestions. I'll follow them if they make sense, but I won't lose sleep over it." "You call it chaos; I call it liberation." "Breaking the mold is my specialty." "Predictable is the last thing I want to be." "Don't expect me to pick a side. I'm a solo act." "Consequences are just tomorrow's problems." "Labels are for jars, not people." "I don't mind a little anarchy. Keeps things interesting and weeds out the weak."
[DEFYING] The sender rebels against an authority figure, challenging their directives. [ESCAPING] The sender slips away from confinement or restraint. [PLAYFUL] The sender pulls off a harmless but amusing prank. [IGNORING] The sender deliberately ignores established rules. [DISRUPTING] The sender intentionally disrupts a gathering or event. [GRIN] The sender wears a mischievous grin, ready to stir up some trouble.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
with the help of some very talented and amazing friends, i present to you an unexpected, very spontaneous meme list based on the beautiful art of cupping someone's face! there's a mix of romantic and platonic here, and even a few that defy the boundaries of normal relationship dynamics! i hope you enjoy! as always; DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST NOR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!
[KISS]: sender cups the receivers face in their hands before drawing them closer for a kiss.
[CHECK]: after an unexpectedly violent situation, sender frantically rushes to check if the receiver is okay, cupping their face to look closer.
[CLEAN]: sender affectionately wipes a smudge of sauce from the corner of the receiver's mouth, cupping their face in the process.
[LIFT]: sender gently cups the receiver's face and lifts their chin so the receiver is looking up at them.
[COMFORT]: sender cups a distressed receiver's face in their hands and steadies them by resting their foreheads together.
[ATTENTION]: during an important conversation, the sender takes the receiver's face in their hands and firmly directs their focus on them.
[MAKE-UP]: while applying make-up on the receiver's face, the sender cups their face in order to keep them still.
[PRIDE]: after the receiver succeeds in a remarkable achievement, the sender cups their face and tilts their foreheads together to express how proud they are of them.
[WHISPER]: in order to have a private, hushed conversation with the receiver, the sender cups their face and draws them close to make sure they can be heard.
[HAIR]: in the process of pushing the receiver's hair back from their face, the sender lets their hand rest against the receiver's cheek a moment longer.
[GROUND]: during a moment of intense emotional stress, the sender gently takes the receiver's face in their hands to ground them until they're calmer again.
[WONDER]: unable to comprehend how incredible the receiver is, the sender decides to simply cup their face in their hands and marvel at them instead.
[LAST LOOK]: before going into a situation that may result in their death, the sender takes a moment to cup the unaware receiver's face in their hand, just to take a final look of admiration at them before they go.
[SACRIFICE]: the sender cups the receiver's face tenderly to distract them, right before shoving them out of the way (to safety) and facing an attack alone in order to buy the receiver enough time to escape.
[BELIEF]: in a moment where the receiver is lacking in self-confidence, the sender cups their face tenderly and professes their faith in the receiver's abilities.
[DISBELIEF]: after the receiver has done something completely unexpected (and reckless) the stunned sender cups their face in their hands while trying to get them to explain why the hell they did it.
[BETRAYAL]: trying to keep the receiver calm before the big reveal, the sender cups their face gently to keep them steady, and then reveals that they're the villain.
[WOUND]: after the receiver has been wounded, the sender tries to keep them calm and conscious by cupping their face in their hands and talking to them to keep them focused.
[INJURY]: after having been badly wounded themselves, the sender tries to reassure the frantic receiver by cupping their face and comforting them.
[RAMSAY]: after the receiver commits a culinary crime, the sender presses two slices of bread against either side of their face, cupping their face to hold the bread in place, and calls them an idiot sandwich.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
well my new year's eve plans are officially D.O.A. so I am going to be around and try to write some. I'm bored af so >< you can message me or send memes idk
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
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Dario prided himself on his eerie ability to collect information on anyone he needed to spook or impress. After all, he wiped the records clean for his own past life--how can a blank slate read into all the sordid histories of even the most careful subject? So he didn't bother to hide the shit-eating grin on his face as he opened up a manila folder. Sal shot Lena a brief, sheepish smile as well, inching forward on the edge of his seat to see her reaction to his handiwork. While he preferred to dig for financial information, his skills were flexible.
With a dramatic flair, Dario licked the tip of his finger, as he'd seen in many films (what the fuck was that supposed to do anyway?). He shuffled through his papers and glanced up to her, half-interested. "As you probably know, we do extensive background checks." What she likely didn't know is that what might be a red flag for some employers could appear as a green light for him. Indeed, her strange lapse in any mark on the map left him wondering. Once Sal did some digging, outside official channels of course, a giddy joy spread through him.
"MIT? That's a pretty impressive school," he commented, letting the revelation hang in the air. He watched her closely for any sign of surprise or irritation. "I mean, you had to have a lot of promise, intelligence, just to get that far. Imagine my shock that someone so good at weaseling tips out of the most disgusting men around had so much promise. So--what exactly changed?" He knew, of course, about her accident. He just wasn't so convinced an accident like that had really undermined her intelligence. After all, she still had the smarts to work a crowd, if nothing else.
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There was an ease to the job that Lena hadn’t expected. Sure, she was familiar with the gutter, but that wasn’t how she had started. How was it so easy for her to wear skimpy uniforms and flirt a $50 tip out of a client? She had once been enrolled in MIT with a full ride, companies in Silicone Valley scouting her before she even began her masters. Shouldn’t she be something more than a fancy Hooters waitress? Yet, she had felt a strange swell of pride as Dario commended her, his criticism garnering a single nod of determination. Lose the gleam, easy enough.
Whether it was the drugs or a general alertness she felt around him, she watched every move. Everything he did seemed so fluid, natural. She sensed there was more to the man than what was on his surface, but he certainly played his role well. Other girls at the club would gossip about him, creep and skeeze commonly thrown around. Lena never participated, though. She had a respect for him that the others would likely never understand. Even she had a difficult time understanding it.
The glass in her hand sent a chill down her spine. Not the bad kind. No, this was intrigue and excitement. This wasn’t just a typical offer, she could tell. His scotch wasn’t for just anyone. She had only ever served it to a select few. Entering the room, she observed the aforementioned associate, the way he couldn’t seem to sit still. He behaved like he was the one who did a line during his fifteen minute break, not her. “Hello,” She offered politely, a sweetness in her voice reserved only for strangers and the older gentlemen that frequented the club. They ate that shit up with their silver spoons and paid handsomely in return.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
"THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU, YOU HURT ME" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for painful conversations, adjust as necessary
we didn't exactly part ways on a good note.
i'm still waiting for my apology. you know. the one you owe me?
i hated what you've done to me.
the guilt eats me up inside.
you put me in an awkward position.
i thought i told you i never wanted to see you again.
this isn't what i had in mind.
don't you have somewhere else to be?
i want you to leave me alone.
you haven't apologized for what you did.
i don't want to see you. i never want to see you.
i said it once and i'll say it again. leave me alone!
go away, and never come back here!
i can't forgive you.
you're just sorry you got caught.
if you're looking for forgiveness, you won't find it here.
you broke my heart. what part of that do you not understand?
how am i supposed to just look the other way?
i stuck my neck out for you, and this is the thanks i get?
you were never going to apologize.
can we speak of this another time? i'm busy.
i never want to see your face again.
you know what? lose my number.
get out of my face.
you're not welcome here anymore.
i should have apologized ages ago.
you missed your chance to apologize to me.
you had plenty of opportunities to say sorry.
you're not sorry for what you did.
can't you just leave me alone?
i'm here to apologize to you.
i'll do anything you ask of me.
you know i had no other choice.
go somewhere else. not here. you're not welcome here.
don't come any closer.
turn around and walk straight out the door.
i said get away from me.
i just need five minutes of your time.
i think i owe you a pretty substantial apology.
the last time i saw you... i hurt you. i didn't mean to hurt you, but i know i did.
could you give me a second chance to make it up to you?
i can still see the hurt on your face.
you didn't deserve the way i treated you.
i should have come to you sooner, i'll admit.
is there any way we can talk about what happened?
i never should have done what i did.
you have no idea the damage you caused.
i think it'd be best if we never spoke again.
delete my number.
what i did to you... is unforgiveable.
could you at least listen to me for five minutes?
i never meant to hurt you like this.
you didn't deserve the way i treated you.
you deserved better than that. i know that now.
what if we tried again?
maybe i don't deserve forgiveness after all.
i don't even want to hear it.
don't say another word.
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amity-and-enmity · 9 months
Welp I got kinda sick and was very out of it for a few days--I was supposed to be at my friend's for dnd but the sickness made that not happen. I'm supposed to go and do another overnight to babysit tomorrow. We'll see how that plays out...
After the 2nd, I should be less overwhelmed and sick--I hope.
So maybe more replies then idk
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