amoladiwakar-blog · 2 years
G A M E . . .
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amoladiwakar-blog · 3 years
POLITICS: Narendra Modi
Cricket: Sachin Tendulkar
Actor: Amitabh Bachchan
Actress: Madhuri Dixit Nene
Singer: Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Narender Singh Negi
AUTHOR: Chetan Bhagat
Love ... ❤️, and Respect ... 🙏
Diwakar Amola
0 notes
amoladiwakar-blog · 3 years
"The character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
"The character of a man is known from his conversation." - Menander
"One can acquire everything in solitude except character." - Marie Henri Beyle
"Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open." - Elmer G. Letterman
"Man show their character in nothing more clearly than in what they think laughable." - John Wolfgang Von Goethe
Father: Late Shree Maya Ram Amola
Mother: Shrimati Chankhi Devi
Son: Diwakar Prasad Amola
Spouse: Mrs Suman Amola
Grandsons: Anurag Amola, Atharva Amola
... ... ..., ... ... ..., ... ... ...,
... ... ..., ... ... ...,
... ... ...,
... ...,
Love ... ❤️
Diwakar Amola
0 notes
amoladiwakar-blog · 3 years
Style: What is Cataract?
Me: A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye. At first, you may not notice that you have a cataract. But over time, cataracts can make your vision blurry, hazy, or less colorful. You may have trouble reading or doing other everyday activities.
Style: What is Senile cataract?
Me: Senile cataract is an age-related, vision-impairing disease characterized by gradual progressive clouding and thickening of the lens of the eye. It is the world's leading cause of treatable blindness.
Style: How is senile cataract treated?
Me: The definitive management for senile cataract is lens extraction. Over the years, various surgical techniques have evolved from the ancient method of couching to the present-day technique of modern phacoemulsification. Phacoemulsification offers the advantage of a smaller incision size at the time of cataract surgery.
Style: What is the main cause of cataract?
Me: Most cataracts develop when aging or injury changes the tissue that makes up the eye's lens. Proteins and fibers in the lens begin to break down, causing vision to become hazy or cloudy. Some inherited genetic disorders that cause other health problems can increase your risk of cataracts.
Style: How painful is cataract surgery?
Me: Cataract surgery is not painful. While patients are awake during surgery, there is little or no discomfort involved. A mild sedative may be administered before the surgery, which calms the nerves, and eye drops are used to numb the eye.
Style: Can you see cataracts in the mirror?
Me: If left untreated, a cataract will naturally continue to progress. In some cases, the maturing cataract becomes completely white and can be seen in the mirror or by others.
Style: How long do cataract lenses last?
Me: A cataract lens will last a lifetime, and the vast majority of patients do not experience any complications with their lenses after cataract surgery. In fact, the most common post-cataract surgery issue has nothing to do with your lens in particular.
Style: What is IOL?
Me: An intraocular lens is a tiny, artificial lense for the eye. It replaces the eye's natural lense that is removed.
Style: What is the meaning of phaco?
Me: Phacoemulsification, or phaco, is method of cataract surgery in which the eye's internal lens is emulsified using ultrasonic energy and replaced with an intraocular lens implant, or IOL. Surgery is performed under a local anesthetic, which prevents movement of the eye.
Style: What does Pciol mean?
Me: Posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PCIOL) are placed within the capsular bag or less commonly anchored into the ciliary sulcus. The lens can be folded and inserted into the eye through a very small opening made during phacoemulsification.
Style: What is Phaco with Pciol?
Me: Phacoemulsification is a surgical procedure used to correct cataracts. During the procedure, an ultrasonic probe is used to break down or emulsify the built up protein of the eye lens that causes cataracts. Once the proteins are broken up, and the lens fragments are removed, an artificial lens is inserted as a replacement. An intraocular lens (IOL), which is a new and clear lens, takes the place of the old lens, and the patient’s vision improves.
Style: Is phaco surgery safe?
Me: Phacoemulsification means emulsification or liquefaction of the natural lens of the eye. It is the latest cataract surgery technique and makes cataract surgery a safe and effective surgical procedure.
Style: What is better phaco or femto?
Me: Phaco is considered a reasonably safe surgery. However, the AI LenSx Femto laser system further enhances the safety by improving the performance of a surgeon and reducing the chances of human error.
Style: How many types of Laser Eye Surgeries are available in AIIMS, New Delhi?
Me: As per my knowledge, two types are available:
(1) Femtosecond Laser Assisted LASIK Surgery (FS-LASIK)
(2) Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE)
Contoura Vision Surgery is also available.
Style: Is it better to have cataract surgery in both eyes?
Me: Cataracts generally develop in both eyes, but not always at the same rate. Although physically there is no reason why you cannot have cataracts in both eyes treated at the same time, it is generally not recommended. This is because it can take a number of weeks for the eyes to heal. During this time, your vision will still be compromised. If you have cataract in both eyes but only have surgery in one eye, your eyes won't be able to work together when you wear cataract glasses after surgery. The glasses lens for your operated eye makes things appear larger while your other eye will view images as they truly are.
Style: How soon can you have second cataract surgery?
Me: This is usually between one and three months after surgery. If you have cataracts in both eyes, your doctor usually schedules the second surgery after the first eye has healed.
Style: 😊
Love ...❤️
Diwakar Amola
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amoladiwakar-blog · 3 years
Mom's Eye Care
Date: 01 Dec, 2021, Wed
Made a visit to Dr. Kailash Behari, Ophthalmology specialist, at Mayur Vihar for Mom's eye checkup. Cataract was found in her both eyes. Dr suggested AIIMS or any other good hospital for operation. We paid him 800 Rs for consulting.
Date: 02 Dec, 2021, Thu
In morning, cooked Aaloo-Sabji to serve Mom breakfast, took e-rickshaw for local AIIMS, reached there at 9:20 AM, All 50 tokens for the day had already been allotted, guard was not letting us in, on request he accepted, told us that card we would be issued at 10:30 AM. Mom was examined for her eye vision, diabetes and BP. BP we got done from outside in 20 Rs. She was referred to AIIMS Delhi, 7th Floor of Dr Rajendra Prasad Community Center building for cataract operation in both eyes.
Date: 03 Dec, 2021, Fri
In morning, woke up early, took bath, had breakfast, at 7:10 AM took e-rickshaw to Mayur Vihar - I metro station, reached AIIMS before 8:15 AM, searched the Community Center building for room number 783 in 7th floor of it. At 8:30 AM, we were at the reception area. Soon, cards were taken from us all for numbering. Again, she was checked for eye vision, BP, etc. At 12 PM, we were given 9 AM's Monday appointment, and advised to come up with full stomach.
Date: 06 Dec, 2021, Monday
Before 8:30 AM, we were in the building again. Again, patient card was taken from us at around 8:35 AM. Now, I was a little worried, till 11:00 AM I did not get any update. I asked them the reason. I was assured not to worry about it and they kept me waiting again. Soon, nine patients were admitted in 4th floor for the surgery, Mom was one of them.
At 1:00 PM each patient was served healthy lunch. Mom had all the chapaties with daal and half of the apple, I, the remaining leftover. At 2:00 PM in the afternoon, Mom was resting on her bed no 465. I decided to sit on common visiting area of 4th floor where floor cleaning with the help of a machine was making some noise now. Eye drops were told to put into the eyes of the patient in a quick interval of every two minutes. So, we did. Meanwhile, Mom and I had some biscuits and tea which I had fetched from 6th floor canteen. Soon they were taken for required checkups before the surgery. At 4:00 PM, they were back in the ward. Another test at 4:15 PM at 3rd floor in room no 379, some more tests were taken before the dinner.
Date: 07 Dec, 2021, Tuesday
In morning, tea was served. In breakfast, milk pouch, butter and two slices of breads were served. I also managed tea, samosas, biscuits on my behalf from roadside seller near the gate. I had forgotten bringing disposal glasses, had to go for them again.
Nurse came and squeezed some drops into the eyes of the patients. Doctor instructed me at around 8:30 AM to take Mom to 136, 1st floor, near the stair, straight for ultrasound in the day time on doctor's advice. Cotton-hot-water sikai 3 to 4 times to the patient's eyes was also told to perform. For this, we went outside with a water bottle to make it hot. In late afternoon, we were given hot water with cottons. Cleaning services are good, bedsheet was also replaced with a new one by the hospitality services.
At 1:30 PM we were told for Covid-19 test of the patient. We decided to take help from an outsider, phoned him. He took samples, scanned patient's aadhaar card, charged 400 Rs each from us for the same. In evening, after having hospital dinner, I was at outside road where I took Ramladdoo to eat for Rs 20, meanwhile Covid-19 report had been received and submitted to nurse. Patients were given white uniform to wear on operation day. Before 10:PM, we switched off room light.
Date: 08 Dec, 2021, Wednesday
We woke up early, got fresh, had outside breakfast, and wore the uniform, new mask, and cap before 7:00 AM. Eye drops were told to squeeze into one eye of the patients in every 10 minutes. Hospital morning breakfast had not yet been served. At 8:45 AM on the day, the patients were in operation theatre of fifth floor. Attendants were told forcibly not to sit or stand on the stairs by the guards. After the surgery at 10:00 AM Mom was taken back to her bed by the surgeon. She was the first in the list. I was surprised seeing her dressing up there near her bed at 10:35 AM. It is 1:00 PM now, Mom and I had the lunch, also waiting for other three patients to come back with their successful surgeries. It was 5:00 PM now, they were still in operation theatre. End of the day, all had been operated. In the evening nurse removed the cotton strip from Mom's eye, washed it and instructed me to put three types of eye drops into the eye in every 3 and 4 hours. First at 5-6, then 8-9 and so on. Mom was experiencing pain on upper and lower side of the eye, problem in clear vision also. I requested her to take necessary precautions and to wait for few more hours to overcome the conditions.
Date: 09 Dec, 2021, Thursday
All patients were examined for their after the surgery vision. We were worried a little now as Mom's eye had turned reddish on right side and she still didn't have clarity in seeing distant objects. At 10:30 AM nurse came, gave the necessary treatment, medicines, precautions, next appointment date to each patient before the discharge from the ward. At 11:30 AM we were back on 7th floor visiting area. It was 12:34 PM now, no update. At 1:00 PM they let us out after delivering necessary precautions patients had to take after the surgery.
नेत्र आॅपरेशन के बाद ध्यान देने योग्य हिदायतें:
1. एक कटोरे में पानी एवं रुई को 15 मिनट उबालकर ठण्डा होने पर, साफ कपड़े या रुई का पानी निचोड़कर आँख को प्रतिदिन साफ करें व आॅपरेशन वाली आँख को रगडे़ नहीं|
2. डाॅक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार दवा का इस्तेमाल करें| दवा को ढक कर साफ एवं ठण्डी जगह पर रखें| आँख में एक बूँद दवा डालने से पहले हाथ अच्छी तरह धो लें| आँख की निचली पलक धीरे से खींचकर दवा डालें| दवा की एक ही बूंद डालें|
3. सामान्य भोजन करें, ब्लड प्रेशर व मधुमेह रोगी बताये गये परहेज व दवा का नियमित प्रयोग करें|
4. बीड़ी, सिगरेट व शराब का उपयोग न करें|
5. धूप, धूल, धुएँ व गन्दे पानी से आँखों को बचाएं, इसके लिए काले चश्में का प्रयोग करें|
6. आँखों को किसी प्रकार के चोट लगने से बचायें तथा भारी बोझ न उठायें|
7. आँख में अधिक लाली, दर्द होने अथवा नजर में अचानक कमी आने पर अपने नेत्र चिकित्सक से शीघ्र संपर्क करें|
Before Surgery
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Lunch in hospital
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At Bed No 465
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Right Eye Operation
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Wearing safety glasses at home
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Doctor's prescribed medicines
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Helping Mom in using escalator
About 90 percent of all escalator incidents involve senior citizens or small children.
Most accidents stem from carelessness while getting on and off.
I got Mom's attention paid to these helpful tips when using an escalator while traveling by Delhi Metro.
(1) Senior citizens should pay particular attention to balance while getting on and off an escalator. It is easy to lose balance because of the difference in momentum.
(2) We should check the direction of the escalator before boarding onto it, in which direction is it running upward or downward.
(3) Always to be extra careful while picking up feet and stepping on or off the escalator.
(4) We must stand in the center part of the step. We should never drag or slide our feet along the edge.
(5) We should always face forward and hold the handrail.
(6) We should not sit on the handrail.
(7) We should not lean against or reach over the sides of the escalator.
(8) We should Exit promptly from the escalator.
(9) We should never stop, stand or play at an escalator landing; this can cause a dangerous pileup.
(10) We must avoid boarding an escalator with a baby stroller, walker or packages.
(11) Loose shoe laces, drawstrings, scarves and mittens can get trapped in escalators.
(12) One must not ride an escalator if one is barefooted.
(13) To take extra precaution to avoid the sides of the escalator when wearing flip-flops or rubber-soled shoes.
(14) We should always hold children’s hands on escalators and should not permit children to sit or play on the steps.
(15) Caution signs posted on the escalator must be obeyed.
(16) We must use the emergency shutoff button if needed. The buttons are usually located at the entrances and exits of escalators.
Nothing comes free nowadays. Thank you AIIMS, you are the best, we're grateful to you, 🙏. Thank you for providing your quality services, help, time and talents in finding us improved vision for my Mom and family, making life easier and simplifying for us, 🙏.
Lots of Love ...❤️
Diwakar Amola
0 notes
amoladiwakar-blog · 3 years
Attending A Wedding Ceremony
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This time, the travelogue belongs to a different category than business. It is said that marriages are made in heaven. Recently, I had a huge opportunity to go for attending a wedding ceremony at Rani Hat, Kirtinagar, Uttarakhand. This journey was for one week. I sang, danced and enjoyed a lot throughout the journey. The excitement of going to a place other than my city, the curiosity of meeting new people, absorbing their culture and attitude, is enough for me to get going.
18-11-2021, Thu, at 10:00 PM, I started the journey. Other three members of the family, spouse and both kids, also accompanied me. We had booked a travelling vehicle at 1200 Rs per passenger. I loosened my waist belt and sat comfortably. The atmosphere was pleasant and we were not feeling much cold. The driver of the vehicle stopped it at a dining place where kids had a veg thali of Rs 110, and I with spouse had home made dinner Roti-Sabzi which was cooked by me. Now, due to the hilly road, the condition of the body had definitely deteriorated and the vomiting had started happening.
19-11-2021, Fri, in morning, arrived at Khusbu's home in Kundri village .
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It was nice meeting with Aakriti, Samridhi, their mother and grandmother. Taking care of them while attending the marriage was the best thing for me to cherish.
20-11-2021, Sat, in moning, arrival at destination, Athithi Swagat & Mahila Sangeet, at Rani Hat, Kirtinagar.
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After reaching the destination, first good thing happened to me was meeting up with relatives, second, being served lunch as I was feeling a bit hungry, third, soon after, we were taken to Maa Dhari Devi Mandir in the afternoon, simply amazing. There was also an ancient temple of Maa Raj Rajeshwari near the wedding venue. Dhari Devi Mandir is the centre of faith for the people of Garhwal. It is located at Kalyasaur between Srinagar and Rudraprayag.
Late in the evening, joined the reception party, enjoyed meeting relatives, drinking, eating and dancing with them a lot.
21-11-2021, Sun, Barat Swagat, at Rani Hat, Kirtinagar.
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And, in the evening, before the barat swagat, got an opportunity to connect with nature by being on the banks of the Alaknanda River near the village Rani Hat. What a place for gaining mental serenity! Superb!
22-11-2021, Mon, Doli Vidai, at Rani Hat, Kirtinagar and at Kumhardhar with family on same day.
I lost my sleep in the morning at around 3:30 AM, decided to become fresh for the day as bathroom was free. While coming back, I had to wait outside for more than one hour for getting the door unlocked from inside. Though, I also tried connecting some numbers but of no use as all were in deep sleep. I decided to perform some exercises. Finally, one of the relatives unlocked it to come out and let me in.😂
In morning, we were given sweets and gifts to take to our homes. In breakfast, hot Chole-bhature were offered which were very tasty to the tongues. At around 10:00 AM, Doli Vidai, the most emotional moment happened in the presence of both sides. Before 12:00 PM, we had left the wedding venue for our own ways back to our homes. At Jamnikhal, decided not to go Khastal. I downloaded my UGC-NET admit card here while waiting for Vishwanath bus to Jakhanidhar.
23-11-2021, Tue, stayed at Kumhardhar.
Spouse and kids had left for Khastal village after having breakfast and completing necessary jobs. I decided to provide Mom some help in getting banking transactions done on the day. We also cleaned and removed Peepal leaves from top floor of Jakhnidhar shop. I had morning's leftover Rice-daal at the lunch in late afternoon, so did Mom, requested Mom not to cook evening meal as I was full and wanted to sleep early, didn't forget shutting the doors today as yesterday I had forgotten closing them before 12:30 AM in the night. Thanks God, nothing wrong happened to me, the doors were wide opened.
I woke up at 1:00 AM today in midnight, checked my mobile for time, surprised seeing a miscall at 8:48 PM, wanted to find out the reason of it being there. Someone could be in emergency need or it could be a trap also.🤔
Legislative Assembly elections will be held in Uttarakhand in February 2022 to elect 70 members of the Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly. The term of current assembly elected in 2017 will expire on 23 March 2022, was also on mind.
24-11-2021, Wed, moving back to Delhi along with Mom.
We four decided to travel back to Delhi together. Unfortunately, from Khastal they could not get any transport on the day. Mom had to be in Delhi with family for next couple of months. At 1:00 PM in Jakhnidhar, we started the journey and at 11:30 PM reached Delhi. There was some difficulty in handling four more heavy bags along with Mom, otherwise, the rest of the journey was overall comfortable. Managed white chole-daal, daal-makhni, eight chapaties and salad for the dinner from a nearby Punjabi Dhaba. Enjoyed having it.
25-11-2021, Thu, reserved day, now, I was back in Delhi.
26-11-2021, Fri, UGC-NET in Second Half.
Feasibility Study:
* Economic Feasibility: Travel expenses for the Journey, Newta and Gift for the Bride, Sweets or Fruits to carry with for the family, ...
* Schedule Feasibility
* Political Feasibility
* Social Feasibility
* Operational Feasibility: Physical fitness, Atharva's PT exam, Anurag’s online school classes, arranging winter clothes, transportation, ...
And, I was also happy knowing that soon Rani Hat will have metro connectivity. Its construction work, near the wedding venue could be seen in progress easily.
My heartfelt thanks to all the people, friends, and relatives who were present in the wedding for showing their love, affection, respect and hospitality, 🙏.
LOVE, ❤️
Diwakar Amola
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Please Stay!
Dear Style,
You've always been a great help
In finding me my better self
Everything done has been good and right
Which helped me make my future bright
Without you what would I do
I can just admire you
And I don't want you to go
Just with you I want to grow
Please don't go I love to say
With me I want you to stay
Wooh me, myself and I
Don't bid goodbye
Let me feel free
Please stay with me
Please stay!
(01-04-2017, Morning, One last kiss, on the forehead, from his beloved son, for my dear Dad,💋. Thank you for giving me everything, 😊😊. May your soul rest in peace! 🙏)
Love ...❤️
Diwakar Amola
0 notes
amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Style may make or mar a book. The true test of a good style is whether it is suited to the subject-matter, whether it makes its points forcefully, and whether it conveys to the reader Information, feelings or view attractively and meaningfully.
We have numerous self help books. The author cannot be the best judge of his own book. Writing a book is like giving birth to a baby. No parent can think rationally about his own child, least of all, about why the child should be there at all. The book is, after all, the author's brain child in an important sense.
I'm not a well known writer. A writer must have good vocabulary and strong knowledge of grammar. I began with thought collection and writing them into the blog. How to? began on my mind and I started exploring words.
It is essential that the Character/Model must grow, and seem to grow. That is, his/her personality must unfold itself in the process of his thoughts and actions so that he/she reveals himself/herself fully, and often surprisingly at the end.
Consistent as he/she may be on the whole, as a character/model distinguished from an average man/woman-in the street, we should subject him/her to the pains of growing up, and make him/her go through a measure of inconsistencies, anxieties, contradictions, et al, revealing new facets of his/her character each time he/she deals with a situation.
Checklist to see whether the book will be relevant:
the age-group of the reader
the purchasing power of the reader
newness of subject-matter
the geographical, political, and social constants of the readership
the topicality of the theme
Evaluative judgement: Contribution to knowledge in the concerned area?🤔☺️
Love ...❤️
Diwakar Amola
0 notes
amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Knowledge decides what to say, Attitude decides how to say, Skill decides how much to say and Wisdom decides whether to say or not.
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
You may not be perfect in many things, But many things cannot be perfect without you. Stay special in your own little ways.
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Alphabet ‘O’ stands for ‘Opportunity’, which is absent in Yesterday, available in Today and thrice in Tomorrow, Never lose Hope. 
Every Sunrise delivers opportunities while every sunset asks what we did with the opportunities.
When you focus on problems, you get more problems, when you focus on possibilities, you have more opportunities.
"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Sir Francis Bacon
"Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind. " - Bulgarian Proverb
"Change brings opportunity." - Nido Qubein
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas A. Edison
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.
Life is not qualified by fluent English, branded clothes or a rich lifestyle. It is measured by the number of faces who smile when they hear your name. 
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
The more you recover your authentic self, the more your destiny will unfold before your eyes.
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Courage isn’t always a lion’s roar, it’s also the silence of ants working patiently, persistently and never giving up.
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Time is still the best answer, forgiveness is still the best painkiller and God is still the best healer.
Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say sorry and even stronger person to forgive.
Life goes by too quickly. So laugh, love and try new things. Forgive, forget and don’t hold grudges. Choose to be happy.
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amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
😊 🙏
The prayer of your parents is that invisible hand which saves you daily. 
Always pray to have eyes that see the best, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith.
Nothing belongs to us, even the air we breathe must be exhaled.
Sunday of 14 Mar 2021, 5:13 AM, commitment for studying IGNOU DCE ... UGC-NET ... and some domestic issues to be solved out ...
Lots of Love ... ❤️
Diwakar Amola
0 notes
amoladiwakar-blog · 4 years
Day: Sat 13 March, Place: Hrishikesh (06:22 AM), Chamba (08:52 AM), Tipri (09:45 AM), Kumhardhar (05:12 PM)
Yesterday, late in the evening at around 10:50 PM caught the metro to Kashmiri Gate. After reaching Hrishikesh, I had a cream biscuit with tea, paid 15 Rs for both. At 6:00 AM today, bought the ticket from ticket counter in Hrishikesh. For Rs 170 ticket upto Tipri, I gave him 1 one hundred Rs note and 2 fifty Rs notes. One hundred Rs note, which was not in good condition, he returned. While in bus from Delhi, the bus conductor gave this note to me in paying balance amount out of 500. Person, who was sitting next to me in the bus also got my attention to it and wanted me to change it. But, I refused doing so, as I see some exchange possibility, and put the note in my wallet. I hope by 01 PM, wiil reach my village Kumhardhar to have my lunch. Yesterday, in the evening, I had already informed Mom on the same. Feeling sleepy now ... And now in Chamba, just enjoyed having two samosas with tea, this time, the note worked, feeling fit, back in my seat, bus is about to leave ...😀From Tipri to Jakhnidhar commander fare is forty Rs.
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And, at 10:45 AM sharp, I'm at home, touched Mom's feet for her blessings. Having daal-roti in lunch with Mom around 12:30 PM, decide to take rest till 5 PM. And, just finished evening tea with two chapatis, now feeling relaxed, Mom wants to talk on different topics, requests her to fix a time for it. 😀 Sweet voices of village people reaching into the ears, chirping of birds, flowers laden trees, slowly blowing wind, kids playing in their courtyards, Mom's presence, Dad in memories ... 🌞😊🇮🇳 ... buying some potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage from village shop for today's evening meal, ... in the evening, seeing village boys playing volleyball in team spirit and enthusiasm at Suryon field; simply amazing, an example of good teamwork, would love to join them, 6:40 PM a long walk on village road ... helping Mom in dinner preparation, after having it, have a long talk with her on domestic issues, it's 10:27 PM now, going to bed ... good night. 😊
(दिल्ली से ऋषिकेश के सफर में, बस में ...)
अरे छोटू तेरा नाम क्या है?
आदर्श नौटियाल
आठ-दस नौटियाल?
जुबिन नौटियाल की फेमिली से है क्या?
अरे, अठारह क्यों नहीं रख लेता, चाची तो आदर्श बोल ही नहीं पाती।
अच्छा बता, आदर्श में 'र' की मात्रा कौन सी है?
नहीं पता।
रेफ वाली। एक नीचे को लगती है, उसे क्या कहते हैं?
नहीं पता!
(... and I switch to 'kuch toh bata zindagi ...', Adarsh vacates the seat, takes a back seat, leaves me in my comfort zone ... 😂)
Lots of Love ....❤️
Diwakar Amola
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