among-thewolves · 6 years
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“It’s just an oasis. A beautiful,… exciting,… romantic,…. oasis.”
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among-thewolves · 7 years
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S1E18 No Exit
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among-thewolves · 7 years
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c o l l a p s e.....
     c r u m b l e........
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among-thewolves · 7 years
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The field was covered in bodies, bodies of rebels, and bodies of the Queensguard. Blood ran through the pure white snow as desperate moans echoed in the air. Shula kept one hand over her side that was now drenched with blood, her other held the sword Sahir had given her the night before. Her body screamed at her to let the sword fall, to just rest. "You know what to do" the familliar voice rang through her ears her breath seemed to catch leaving her heart racing. She briefly caught a glimpse of Alder on the field, his body moving effortlessly in battle, she envied him. She could feel her body dying, she was losing too much blood, it wouldn't be long now. "Shula go!" She heard his voice through the battle, he was running to her his face full of worry, he'd seen the blood. Alder ran till he was at her feet, gripping her wounds with his hands. "You should see the other guy" she smirked, faining a smile. Alder's face grew cold "You need to leave, go into the forest, stay low, the battle is almost over, please Shula." His voice was pained and she could see the tears threatening to escape his eyes.
She brushed the hair from his blood stained face and smiled "My stubborn huntsman, I believe you are right." her voice was soft as she struggled to breathe against her armour. Sensing her discomfort, Alder lifted her from the ground, carrying her to the forests edge and leaning her against a tree. "You'll be safe here, I promise I will come back to you." His eyes searched hers, he wanted to take her pain away so badly, he didn't know if she would live to see the battle's end, but she was with him now. "I know you will" she smiled. She kissed him hard on the lips whimpering at the pain of her wounds. His hands entangled themselves in her hair as he kissed her back with fury. Alder pulled away and with a smile he ran back to the field, crimson in hand.
Shula watched through clouded eyes as the battle raged on, they were winning, she could see that, they would win this battle today, without her. There was loud siren as the sky grew darker, the Queensguard pulling back, they were defeated. Until Shula saw the beast. It was visible from her vantage point, taller than the trees and castle walls, it was on fire and her men had no idea it was coming. Shula struggled as she gripped the tree behind her for support, she had to get back to the field before it destroyed them all. Her body fought her every step of the way as she limped to the field. "You know what to do" the voice howled through her head echoing itself until she screamed  to silence it. She knew what to do, she just had to get close enough.
Alder heard the siren and watched as the Queensguard fell back to the castle, sounds of victory overtook the men, something wasn't right. The ground vibrated against his feet and he knew at once he must run. "Sahir!" he called for his friend spotting him not far from where he stood, they ran. "Shula get back!" Sahir cried across the field, Alder spotted her sickly body standing unarmed staring at the sky. Her eyes were black as night, he needn't be near her to know the stars were swirling inside them, or that her skin would sear his the second they touched.
Sahir grabbed for his sister only to scream in pain as his hand met her, he dropped to the ground in agony. "Shula it's too dangerous, you're so weak" Alder spoke softly to her, she ignored him, her eyes were set on the beast that he could now see. It's body covered in flames bursting from every inch was headed straight for them. Alder stared at Shula in pain, her body looked ready to die at any second, he knew she wouldn't leave, she was going to kill the beast, even if it killed her.
"Go back to camp, warn the others." He told Sahir and with a nod his friend left the field. Alder fell to his knees his arms wrapped around her legs, if she was going to do this, he would make sure to keep her steady. The beast stopped close enough for alder to feel the heat from it's body, it let out a laugh.
"You will move." It hissed through the flames "I will not." Shula screamed, it wasn't her voice, it was the demon. Her body shook in his arms as black magic emanated fro her body, the black stardust that filled her eyes slowly began to wrap itself around the beast, snuffing its flames. It screamed as the magic strangled the life from it, crumbling it to dust.
Alder stared in disbelief, she had done it. She had killed the beast. Her body fell lifeless in his arms and the magic left her eyes, he body was freezing. Alder rocked her body against his screaming into the frost bit air. She was gone.
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among-thewolves · 7 years
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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Shula accepted Aryane’s hand as he helped her on the horse. The morning dew glistened under their feet as a soft chill carried through the meadow. 
“We must find him as soon as possible, there is not a moment to spare.” Shula watched the men in her company, ready to fight for her at any moment, but it was not her she called them to protect this day. Huntsman she thought to herself, she would find him and return him home safely, before Cressida’s men could do more harm.
“They’ve been spotted setting up a camp near the caves of Farora.” Aryane assured her, they would start there. They would find him.
 Alder was liable to snap at any moment, they couldn’t know his true identity, they would kill him. But not before they had their fun.
Shula cracked the reigns and shot across the meadow, company not far behind. She didn’t have time to think about the horrible ways they were torturing him, she didn’t have the moment to spare wondering if he was still alive. She could feel him. She could feel his anger, his life force draining from her, she was losing him. She didn’t have time.
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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You feel the strange but cannot see Too many battles we carry along from the war And too many frightens we feel from his law For so many victories we're praising so strong For so many blood we've lost
Run, run.
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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—you’re too young to be so haunted (x)
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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I am Uhtred of Bebbanburg and I shall take back what is mine.
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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946 notes · View notes
among-thewolves · 8 years
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You are carrying my child. This makes me very happy
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among-thewolves · 8 years
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“You’re tickling me.”
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among-thewolves · 9 years
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#her huge smile #him looking at her #than moving his eyes to glance at her lips to see her smile
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among-thewolves · 9 years
But of all the reasons you’ve expound of why we can’t be together, none are of the heart. I have to fight every instinct I have pulling me toward you. When I’m near you, I’m aware of every breath you take.” "You will be the death of me. And I of you.
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among-thewolves · 9 years
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among-thewolves · 9 years
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I searched my soul And all these feelings That I can’t control And you’re the one thing That can make me whole I did it for y o u.
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