Needy Non-Existence
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Call me Liana if you're a friend. She/her. I enjoy hyperfixating on stuff and sharing what I feel is important. Pfp:
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amorphousgreydragon · 6 hours ago
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Ok, so things got pretty heavy last time and I wanted to do something a bit lighter.  Not lighter in the sense that I have a light amount of hair, I’ve got like at lot of hair.
Like, a lot a lot.
Like, stay noticeably warmer in the winter compared other folks a lot.
Like, I don’t have hair…
…I have insulation.
So behold the wonderful genetic combination of the Mediterranean and South Caucasus.
It’s fuzzy, extremely fuzzy.
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amorphousgreydragon · 6 hours ago
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I still think this is my best comic.
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
Friendly reminder it DOESN'T matter if you think he did it or not. It doesn't matter what the evidence is. It doesn't matter what you think about the actions.
1. He is innocent, he hasn't been to trial yet and everyone is innocent until proven guilty
2. He is NOT GUILTY because the charges against him are terrorism, which he did not commit.
If you are on his jury, not guilty is the ONLY verdict.
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
When creating characters that are intersex, do you think it's important to name a specific kind of intersex variation for them, or is just giving them intersex traits enough? (Asking because I have an OC with gynecomastia and was wondering if I should go into more specific detail beyond that)
Honestly I think getting way too medicalizing with it to avoid the inaccuracies can absolutely be a negative form of representation because it can contribute to intersex traits being seen as a disorder. Depending on the setting, anyway. It can make sense in certain settings for an intersex character to have to deal with harmful medicalization.
For my intersex guys I don't even say gynocemastia, I just say "Yeah he has boobs. He's cis. Yes, they're natural. He's intersex." I dislike pathologizing intersex bodies personally. Sometimes guys got tits.
I'd say, accurate representation of intersex bodies and experiences should be the most important thing in your intersex rep, not having modern medical language. The medical establishment doesn't really respect us.
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
Update! Luigi's Attorney Dickey confirms that his "outburst" where he tells the cameras that this is unjust, was because he was never read his miranda rights and was under the impression at that time that he was being denied the right to a fair trial, an attorney, or any legal representation.
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He is angry and terrified in that footage because they have failed to follow basic procedure to inform him that he has any rights at all. This is a major red flag of police corruption. This is UNACCEPTABLE and further means any interrogation they did of him is unlawful, and inadmissible in court.
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
i feel like the term “dogwhistle” is becoming increasingly misused and it’s going to become dangerous at some point
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
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this tweet has given me more motivation to stretch than any "it's good for you" post ever will
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
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Instructions for how to download a Youtube video using VLC on Reddit
Instructions for how to navigate the underworld on an Orphic gold tablet
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
Being autistic is like screaming through a megaphone “please don’t overwork me, i WILL explode” and everyone responds like haha well. You’ll get used to it over time :)
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
"you don't have to transition to be trans": overdone, dull, runs cover for taking away medical care from those who need it
"you don't have to be trans to transition": exciting, poignant, radical perspective on the right to bodily autonomy
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
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wow okay two things
1. not all trans men want to medically transition. some trans men are nonbinary/gender nonconforming/simply dont want to medically transition and just want to or have socially transitioned and they will still experience sexism because they are still perceived by society as women.
2. just because a trans man does transition, a lot of the time he will be perceived as "doing masculinity wrong" by society or he may even be outed or still live in a town where everyone knows what he used to look like before medically transitioning and will therefore still be subjected to sexism because people see him as a failed man/woman.
we do not get the full male experience as soon as we start calling ourselves men. try actually listening to trans men when we discuss our oppression instead of assuming you know our fucking life experiences.
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
i feel like game piracy is sometimes viewed as this massive disruption to the game industry and not just “a small group of people who weren’t going to buy a game anyways now have it on their computer.” when companies report “losses” due to piracy that’s fake. that’s a fake number because no money was actually ever exchanged and companies cannot possibly know how many people actually pirated their game. piracy does not work like this
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amorphousgreydragon · 1 day ago
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You hate that your favorite bands are exercising their free speech.
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amorphousgreydragon · 2 days ago
You all realize Feminists have been critiquing "women only spaces" for decades right?
I think often about Audre Lorde's critique of a women only event that welcomed her wife and daughter, but not her son. Because she questioned it - the function and purpose of barring even the sons of Feminist women from Feminist events. Especially the barring of her young Black son, who would otherwise be left alone in the city where he would be more prone to the very violence those same Feminist women claimed to want to change.
Because what functional, forward thinking Feminist purpose does it actually serve to do that? What message does that send to women with sons, husbands, brothers, lovers, friends, who want to involve the men and boys in their lives in their activism? Who want to build a functionally better world for us all outside of the oppressive grasp of Patriarchy? Especially for the marginalized men who often sit at their own intersection violent Patriarchal oppression, that still happens to be Patriarchal oppression despite it not being distinctly misogyny?
What purpose does it truly serve to sequester yourself away into a pocket of the world, detached from those you share it with? What bright and shining future does that really promise you?
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amorphousgreydragon · 2 days ago
"trans men pass easier" ma'am i have f-cup tits and the voice of a female hallmark love interest, what the fuck do you mean "trans men pass easier" because i cannot pass even if i bind my chest to the high heavens, don't say a word irl or wear a baggy hoodie and loose pants??
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