amputeewomen · 8 hours
Doing makeup with a hook prosthesis
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amputeewomen · 1 day
Очень хочу познакомиться с такой девушкой или женщиной!!!! 💕
English answer (Английский ответ):I would also like to meet an amputee girl, but they are not easy to find, and I've never had the luck of dating one.
Русский ответ (Russian answer): Я тоже хотел бы познакомиться с девушкой-ампутанткой, но их не так легко найти, и мне никогда не везло встречаться с одной.
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amputeewomen · 3 days
Walking with a mechanic prosthesis
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amputeewomen · 3 days
Please Like and bookmark this one, on instagram. I think this image could do really well if it receives that initial boost so please help me by liking it on instagram.
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amputeewomen · 5 days
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Amputee on Beach
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amputeewomen · 6 days
Hiking with a prosthetic leg
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amputeewomen · 6 days
Adjusting pants
She is actually a right above knee amputee but this is filmed via a mirror...
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amputeewomen · 7 days
Running with a prosthetic leg
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amputeewomen · 1 month
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amputeewomen · 1 month
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amputeewomen · 1 month
Quad Amputee Beauty Tina
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amputeewomen · 1 month
Double below knee amputee in high heels
In this video, we see a model, looking great, showcasing plateau high heels on her prosthetic legs. It's impressive to see how far prosthetic technology has come, allowing for both style and practicality. She moves with such ease, reminding us that these innovative prosthetics are designed for both allure and comfort, challenging the notion of what's possible.
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amputeewomen · 1 month
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amputeewomen · 1 month
New Instagram post
Please like and share, I have not posted in over a week so I guess it is especially important that this one gets a lot of likes.
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amputeewomen · 2 months
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Nova and Vicky (meant for each other)
Hi, I posted this on Instagram like and share if you can: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ADLrUo5OZ/ A short story for the picture it is really great this time so please enjoy:
Nova and Vicky
Vicky breezed into the room, her presence like a burst of sunlight piercing through clouds. She found Nova sitting quietly, her gaze lost somewhere between the faded wallpaper and the distant horizon of her thoughts.
"What's with the gloomy look, Space Girl?" Vicky teased gently, using the affectionate nickname she had coined for Nova.
Nova sighed, her eyes tracing the lines of her arm stump. "Just… thinking about everything. The accident, the rehab. It's a lot."
Vicky knelt beside her, taking Nova's arm stump in her hands with the utmost care. "Hey, look at me," she said softly, coaxing Nova to meet her gaze. "You are amazing. You've adapted to writing with your left hand as if you were born to do it. And that walk of yours," Vicky smiled, winking playfully, "it's cute. It's uniquely you."
Nova couldn't help but let out a small laugh, her cheeks warming with a blush. "Cute, huh? You always know how to spin things, Vicky."
"And have you seen yourself in the mirror?" Vicky continued, brushing a lock of Nova's hair back with an admirer's touch. "Your hair is stunning. You're like a character out of a sci-fi novel, too cool for this world."
Nova's smile faltered, and she looked away. "But who would want someone like me? I'm… damaged goods."
Vicky's expression softened, and she cupped Nova's face, bringing their eyes together in a moment of silent understanding. Then, without a word, she leaned in and kissed Nova, a kiss filled with all the words they never needed to say aloud.
Pulling back just enough to whisper, Vicky affirmed, "I want you, Nova. You're not damaged, you're strong. Stronger than anyone I know."
In that kiss, doubts melted away, and Nova felt not a hint of loss, but the fullness of being wanted, being cherished — just as she was.
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amputeewomen · 2 months
Stay fit
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amputeewomen · 2 months
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