amtrac2112 · 4 years
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amtrac2112 · 4 years
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amtrac2112 · 11 years
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KETO MAGIC - this inspirational girl did it for one year and she’s 85 lbs down!!
She also has some wonderful advice at the end of it too:
“Part A: Take your weight loss one day at a time. Trust me, I recognize how stupid and cliché this sounds. But instead of dwelling on how difficult your entire journey is going to be, focus on making it through Today. This is the only thing you have to worry about, ever.
Part B: Establish daily healthy habits. Daily habits are tangible things that you can check off of a list. “Lose 85 pounds” is a good goal, but lacks direction on its own. “Drink 1400ml of water a day”, “Eat at or under 1400 calories” and “Complete 20 pushups” are observable, verifiable, reproducible habits.
It doesn’t matter what the scale says. You gained a pound since yesterday? No big deal. Your body is a dynamic and surprisingly resilient organism that fluctuates and changes all the time for a variety of reasons. As long as you dedicate yourself to eating within your caloric allotment and staying even just mildly active, the pounds will eventually come off.
Yes, your weight might fluctuate from day to day for any number of reasons, but as long as you stick to your habits, the overall trend will be a loss in pounds. Now, if your habits leave you plateauing for a significant amount of time, it’s time to adapt and reevaluate. Learn from your mistakes, don’t dwell on them.
You are more than just a number on a scale. You are greater than the sum of your cravings. You are a complex and amazing human being, and no matter what you might think, you are in control of your weight loss. Because shit, you can do anything for 24 hours. So why not start now?
tl;dr - Take your weight loss one day at a time, establish daily healthy habits, and never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up. <3”
Also, I apologise for the gif quality - had to compress it quite a bit for tumblr to still animate it ._.
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amtrac2112 · 11 years
That is actually very cool!
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