amunoz · 4 years
moving this muse back over onto my main @chmpgneflwrs ! 
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amunoz · 4 years
“ never thought i’d believe in love again . ” ( polo )
“alright, drama queen.” ander chuckled, his lips continuing their path down polo’s neck, before the words finally sunk in. his head was always a bit fuzzy in the afterglow, with tonight being no exception, but had polo just...? “you love me?” sure, the boys had loved each other since they were young, but he had a feeling this was different. things had been on a blurry line between friendship and... something else for the two of them ever since they’d started sleeping together a few months back, and now... well, apparently polo loved him. like, loved him, loved him. so that was certainly... new. 
should he be mad? probably, right? after all, polo had broken the no strings attached part of their promise, when they’d first agreed to start fooling around. but honestly? it just felt... kind of nice. no, more than kind of. it felt amazing. not just because of the loneliness he’d felt for so long, that had started to disappear around the same time his thing with polo had begun, but because maybe there was a chance polo wasn’t the only one feeling that way. even if he wasn’t quite so sure he was ready to say those words just yet. “i’m ready for round two.” 
though it probably not the kind of heartfelt confession polo was looking for from him, based on the smile he received, paired with the hand on his thigh pulling him back in, it seemed like the other boy was more than fine with that answer, at least for now. and, well, depending on how this second round went... maybe the response polo was looking for would come sooner than planned. 
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amunoz · 4 years
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amunoz · 4 years
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Alice Oseman, Radio Silence
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amunoz · 4 years
♢ Straddling their lap and holding their face to yours for a deep kiss. ( quincy )
apparently, when quincy played spin the bottle, he really went for it. as for ander? well, he wasn’t one to make a scene. if he pushed quincy off, he’d look like some... total homophobe or something, and though he wasn’t so sure he was ready for everyone to know just how opposite he was of that mentality just yet, he didn’t want to come across as a bigot, either. besides, quincy was... really good at this, as it turned out. and no one from school was at this party anyway, so, really... who cared? were the whistles they were getting embarrassing? sure. was what had to be the most sudden yet prominent erection he’d ever gotten in his life, in his pants even more humiliating? absolutely. but did he want quincy to stop? no fucking way. though... maybe not here. “i should be getting home.” the words were mumbled as soon as quincy pulled back, his head fuzzy from the liquor, the kiss, or maybe both. “and you should help me get there. i think i’m drunk.” drunk, and confirmed to be super fucking gay. 
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amunoz · 4 years
“thanks.” the smile ander gave her, tiny as it may be, was nothing but genuine. “for now, could you maybe just... not tell anyone? only a couple people know, and i’m not really ready for the big announcement just yet.” he’d never been a big announcement guy to begin with - no coming out party for him, that was for sure, but when it came to bad news, well... he was even less inclined to share it. he might not have much time left - with being able to keep his illness a secret, or... well, on this earth, possibly, but he was going to keep it to himself as long as he could. “and just... treat me the same, okay? that’s all i need. unless you’ve got some kind of cure in your back pocket, that you’ve just been saving for a rainy day.” 
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Carla didn’t know what she was expecting. Perhaps she thought he was going to mention something else about his relationship with Omar, or an issue with his parents. The word cancer was far from her mind, and she couldn’t control the slight widening of her eyes. She remained silent for a few seconds, frozen as his words were sinking in. They might not be the closest friends, but it was still a shock. ❝ Ander, I… ❞ She pinched the bridge of her nose before looking back at him. ❝  If there’s anything you need, anything at all… I mean, I’m not going to shave off my hair for moral support, but I’m here for anything else. ❞ She guessed the last thing he needed right now was pity. He probably didn’t want to hear that she was sorry. What he could need, however, was support. ❝ I mean it. ❞ Carla wanted to believe he would get through it. This was Ander, without a doubt the best person in their group. He deserved all the best things in the world. Not this.
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amunoz · 4 years
polo stared at ander in confusion for a moment forgetting the famous midnight tradition. in the past he’d never had to worry about who to kiss, carla had always been by his side, ready to welcome in the new year with her beloved polito. this year, this year everything had changed, and polo hadn’t even thought about what he’d do in stead of his annual midnight kiss. he supposed now he didn’t have to think about it, now that ander was here, and offering it, even if he’d misconstrued ander’s intention. “oh…” he nearly started to apologize when ander agreed, standing and pulling polo with him, and polo didn’t argue, following behind his friend of so many years and finding guzman’s room delightfully empty as then stepped into it and polo pushed the door close behind them, grinning as he tugged ander in, “happy new year?” he spoke, a nervous laugh escaping his lips before he leaned in closer.
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“just tonight.” ander warned polo, leaning into him as he nudged polo back against the door. “and we never speak of it again. got it?” it wasn’t like he was embarrassed of people finding out that he’d kissed polo, he just didn’t want this to get in the way of their friendship. they'd had a good thing going since they were kids, and it would totally suck if they couldn’t be friends anymore because feelings got in the way. still, he was bored, and a little horny, and polo seemed more than willing to help him out - at least with the first problem. “promise me you’re not going to be weird about this.” 
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amunoz · 4 years
fuck it. if there was one thing he knew about carla, it was that she could be trusted to keep a secret. even one as big as this. “i have cancer.” his eyes were focused on the crowds of people around them as the words came out, avoiding looking carla in the eye. he didn’t want to see her reaction to his confession. at least not her immediate one. once she’d had time to process... then he could look back over. after counting down from ten, he turned his head to face carla again, giving her a small shrug of his shoulder. 
maybe it was weird, but he couldn’t help but feel like he needed to come up with some sort of reassurance for her, a way to make her feel better about this news. only... he didn’t have anything. odds were, he probably wasn’t going to make it, and it was starting to feel like he had less and less time left. “leukemia.” he thought that it’d maybe feel a little better, having one less person he needed to keep the secret from, but the only thing he was feeling was guilt. carla had enough on her plate, she didn’t need to worry about her friend’s illness as well. 
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❝ Do you want to talk about it? ❞ Carla asked, genuine concern showing in her eyes. They weren’t really friends, no, but it didn’t mean she didn’t care. Ander was a good person, and he wasn’t judging her for everything she told him about her relationship with Yeray. Just like he didn’t seem to hold her entirely responsible for the Marina disaster. ❝ No pressure if you don’t want to. It’s just… Well, if you need to, I’m here. Whatever it is you’re worried about. ❞ If the recent events had proven something, it was that Carla could keep a secret no matter the circumstances. She wasn’t sure she would be able to help Ander with what was worrying him, but at the very least she could listen and be supportive.
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amunoz · 4 years
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amunoz · 4 years
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amunoz · 4 years
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well,  well,  didn’t this  one  know  how  to  bring  down  a  mood.  the  male  shot  an  equally  unamused look  (  he  didn’t  like not  getting  what  he  wanted ),  before  bringing the  bowl  of  grapes  closer to  himself  and  eating  it  instead.  now  ander  wasn’t allowed  to  have  any  grapes at  all—without  asking of  course.  “  do  you have  anything  better to  do  than  have  a  small  mind  and  zero imagination,  ander  love?  ”  the  male  replied, his  rather  light  and  carefree tone  changing  slightly. “  i  would  rather  have  my  eyes  scratched  out  by  rats before  being  as  b  o  r  i  n  g  as  that.  ”
ander kept his eyes on the bowl as it was moved away from him, biting down on his bottom lip in an attempt to hold back the small smile that tried to break free at luca’s dramatics. it was oddly endearing, in a way ander wasn’t really used to. “i’m not boring.” he protested, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. “you’re just a drama queen.” okay, so maybe he could be a little bit boring, but he happened to like things that way. “don’t you get tired?” sometimes just watching luca was exhausting, he couldn’t even imagine living life with that much... pizzazz. 
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amunoz · 4 years
Send 💬  for me to make you a starter with a random line of dialogue from this generator. "We could get arrested for this."
in general, ander wasn’t much of a rule breaker. well, okay, maybe that wasn’t entirely true, but compared to his friends? he was practically a saint. other than a bit of pot smoking and sneaking around with boys he barely knew, indulging in reckless behavior wasn’t his thing, especially if it didn’t result in some sort of pleasure. and this? breaking into their school after hours, for some silly little prank? wasn’t something he’d consider to be worth the risk. spending time with the guy he had a crush on, however? apparently it made all common sense he had just fly out the window. “we could get arrested for this.” really, though, what would be worse? when the cops found out, or the principal? seeing as she was his mother... he wasn’t really looking forward to either outcome. “just make it fast, alright?” 
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amunoz · 4 years
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amunoz · 4 years
“i guess we’ll see. i mean, he picked it out, so... i’d assume he will?” it wasn’t so much the outfit he was worried about omar liking, as it was the person in it. after the way he’d been acting towards him lately, he wouldn’t be able to blame omar if he decided to move on to someone else. after all, who’d want to be stuck in a sexless relationship with a dying boy? 
though ander wasn’t normally fond of affection - at least from people who weren’t omar, for once, he appreciated the gesture, enjoying the warm, comforting feeling of carla’s hand on him. the comparison of her relationship with polo, to his with omar, however... wasn’t something he appreciated quite as much. at least not when he remembered how things had ended. even if they had seemed pretty happy before that. it was still pretty hard to believe they weren’t together anymore. it was just something he was so used to, something he could count on. but now? nothing was the same as it’d been before the new students came to school. for any of them. 
“that’s not what i’m worried about.” should he just tell her? the kids would start finding out before too long anyway. his hair would begin falling out, and even if he just pretended it was a new styling choice, they were smart enough to put it together with how tired he’d been lately, with the classes missed for chemo treatments... it’d no longer be something he could hide. maybe, if he told people individually, it’d be less likely to turn into some big spectacle. 
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Carla immediately felt a wave of guilt. Here she was, complaining about her relationship when Ander had to hide his true feelings for so long. Perhaps she had become a little too self-centered. Her situation could be worse. Ander had certainly been through worse when he was keeping his true preferences a secret while his friends were trying to introduce him to different girls every day. He had Omar now, at least, and Carla was happy for him, for them. They deserved to be happy. A small smile played upon her features at his words and she took a better look at him, at his outfit.· ❝ He’ll love it. And I think he’s very lucky to have you, for what it’s worth. ❞ She placed a comforting hand on his arm, squeezing it lightly.· ❝ Everybody can see how much you two love each other. All relationships have their rocky times, Polo and I had them too, but at the end, love is what matters the most. ❞ Carla paused. It wasn’t an advice she could apply to herself. In her situation, money mattered more than love, even if the thought was disgusting.· ❝ Omar is going to lose his mind when he sees you. I can’t blame him. ❞ Her smile was more genuine this time. However, she immediatly noticed how Ander’s smile dropped. Furrowing her eyebrows, she pursed her lips into a thin line.· ❝ I’m sure he’s going to be here soon, if that’s what you’re worried about. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lu gave him the tip of being fashionably late to make a spectacular entrance. ❞
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amunoz · 4 years
if i haven’t replied to one of your open starters yet, it’s because i wasn’t able to find one in your tag that ander could fit into, based on his age/gender/orientation/etc.! if you’d like me to write a closed starter from him for one of your muses, feel free to dm me and i’d be more than happy to do so! 
reverse starter call! like this post & i’ll go through your open starters :)  ( crossover & oc friendly! )
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amunoz · 4 years
my amazon wishlist
peace and quiet
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amunoz · 4 years
ander watched as polo moved, anticipation and arousal bubbling low in his stomach. if there was one thing polo was good at... it was this. not that he really had much to compare it to, but regardless, he was still pretty sure that polo was basically an expert of at giving head. and he did look exceptionally pretty down there. even if all of polo’s teasing was starting to drive him fucking crazy.
“don’t talk about my dick like it’s some third person in the room.” ander grimaced, giving polo a roll of his eyes despite only leaning further into his touch. “this isn’t one of your little threesomes, polo. just... shut up and suck it already.” it wasn’t until the words came out of his mouth that he realized just how aggressive he’d suddenly become from the teasing, and a bit of guilt hit him deep in his chest. he shouldn’t be talking to his best friend like that. someone he loved and cared about. his fingers pushed through polo’s hair again, this time much more gently, and he let out a slow, deep sigh, trying to relax the tension in his body. “sorry. i just... come on, polo. quit teasing.” 
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