amusetoamuse · 6 years
Is it just me or is sara lance related to ava sharpe 🤔🤔🤔
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amusetoamuse · 6 years
The Runaways is seriously good 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
HOMG so cute HALP
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SDCC: Lili Reinhart & Cole Sprouse
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
Can't believe Netflix just canceled sense8!! It had such a unique storyline and showcased different cultures, countries, religions and sexual preferences. It was inclusive and explored the power of these sensates who were able to feel and experience what each other was going through which is not really something we see much of on TV nowadays. I feel that it should at least get another episode or season to tie up all of its loose ends because there are so many things left unresolved like what happened to Wolfgang, what is the end game and meeting the other clusters/ cluster wars. Season 1 was about them finding themselves and season 2 was about them believing in the power that they had together. I just wish that there would be a season 3 to further develop the plot of sense 8. Goodbye sense 8 and thank you for the wonderful 2 seasons. Getting to see and experience everything with all the sensates was a magical and irreplaceable experience :')
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
When the shows you watch are on season break 😢 looking for new shows to watch 👀any suggestions? 😀
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
Riverdale 1x13 Joke Photo Recap!
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Keep reading
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
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Season 3 episode 21 vs Season 4 episode 21
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
Winn humming "Super Friend" in 2x20 tho
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
The Flash 3x20 : I Know Who You Are
That reveal on Savitar though 😱😱😱 It had to be him but when Grant Gustin delivered his lines, it was so on point!!
“Everything with you is about time , isn’t it? The past, the present , the future, you know all of it, right? And you know everything about me, about Joe, about Wally and Iris. You know our strengths , you know our fears, you know how much we love each other and you know how to use that love against us.All this time we thought we couldn’t stop you because you were one step ahead but that’s not it, you don’t just know what’s going to happen to us, you were there, you lived it, you remember, when you were me.”
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“Like I told you from the beginning, I am the Future Flash.”
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
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He’s from a different planet. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying.  —Alex
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
Mon El
Sometimes I question what is the purpose of Mon El's character in Supergirl besides being Supergirl's boyfriend. Like when do we get to see him fighting crime alongside her again. Now he just seems to appear at the end of the day or random interludes during the episode. But I get that it's not his arc now and the recent episode was about Alex.
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
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4x19: My name is Phil Coulson and I'm an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D Best speech ever!!!
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
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4x19 : Skyeward
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
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4x19 : Antoine Triplett knows where it's at. "Come on girllll , that's way too crazy a story to make up." "How about the plans I stole. You know, since I almost died to get them."
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.l.D 4x19 : All the Madame’s Men Recap
I have not had the time to recap because finals and also because I was celebrating my birthday yesterday! heh! I finally have some spare time so here goes! 
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Oh wow Bakshi is back but as a news reporter this time. Hahaha I love his accent. He reports about how the Patriot has been killed and is a symbol of evil and villainy? (What! haha #propaganda plus R.I.P Mace)
At the ending of the last episode, Skye was going through terrigenesis. And she breaks out of the cocoon in this episode!! (YAS WELCOME BACK QUAKE!!!)
Skye and May team up in the most badass way possible to fight their way out of Hydra which includes a Matrix style jump from May. (The Calvary + Quake) Yass that’s what I’m talking about!
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Who else would show up in a lift but Madame Hydra and her bodyguards? They’re ordered to drop their weapons and Madam Hydra tells them that no matter the circumstance, they can’t escape their true nature. May, the Warrior, Mack, the Protector, Fitz , the Romantic (urgh, excuse me while I puke haha)
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Skye isn’t happy that she doesn’t make the list so she blasts Madame Hydra out of the window with her Quake powers. (Yasss it’s about time someone did that)
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Sooooo is she dead? Hmmm
Oh well it seems that it’s not so. Madame Hydra/ AIDA wakes up in the real world and she talks to the Russian about how complications have arised in the Framework since May has begun to question the narrative that she was programmed with. The Russian tries to shoot May to get rid of the problem but he’s unable to do so. AIDA explains that it’s because she has programmed him in a similar way to her. Their objectives are to protect the SHIELD gang and to protect the framework but she says that if they are a threat to the Framework, they can be destroyed. She wants the Russian to go into the Framework to get rid of the two threats (Simmons and Skye). 
Watching Bakshi report some propaganda about how The Patriot was evil, Mack switches off the TV and says that they’re tainting Mace’s reputation. Ward agrees that it’s nothing but poison. They discuss about what their next move should be. Retaliation? Saving the refugees? OR how about the plans of Hydra’s lab that Trip almost got himself killed for?
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Coulson and Simmons talk about how things will change now that the Patriot is gone. He’s the one who rallied the Resistance, so with him gone, would it fall apart? 
The Bakshi Report reports about how there was a terrorist attack, where an Inhuman made an attempt on Madame Hydra’s life but she’s still alive although she’s injured.Simmons suspects that the Inhuman is Daisy.
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Skye asks May what made her change her mind to support Inhumans. She tells her that watching the Patriot sacrifice himself to save the lives of others made her question is she was on the wrong side. Skye is shocked that Mace is dead as it means death in the real world as well. But there’s no time for mourning. They head down the street as May wonders how Skye managed to control her powers so quickly. Skye is just about to explain but it would be too complicated for now so they continue moving. 
Madame Hydra looks pretty wounded as the doctors explain to Fitz and his father about her medical condition. Alistair says that the people who attacked her made them look weak and asks Fitz what he’s going to do about it. Fitz tells him that he’s going to send them a message about who’s the boss around here. Alistair is all like that’s my boy. 
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And there we have it, the new head of Hydra, Leopold Fitz
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Everyone beware as a new reign of terror begins. 
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Bakshi is at the Triskelion, trying to get Fitz to let Madame Hydra be on the Bakshi show tonight to drum up some sympathy for Hydra’s cause and to rally the people because nothing’s better than seeing their leader unscathed after a terrorist attack. Fitz is like hell no but probably because Madame Hydra can’t be on the show since she’s unconscious now. 
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Bakshi suggests to placate the public with archival footage but Fitz doesn’t want that. He wants the public to be afraid. 
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Bakshi exposes “Skye” (Daisy Johnson) and Melinda May as the two terrorists responsible for today’s attack on Madame Hydra. He establishes how dangerous they are and how May colluded with the Patriot to bring down Hydra’s Enlightenment Centre. (hmmm more like Hydra wanted the Patriot dead and May was carrying out orders but ok, and also they call that creepy place with the hypnotic propaganda video that? mannnn nazi is written all over this news report)
Ward is pissed off as ever that they’re depicting Skye this way and he knows he has to find Skye before Hydra does and kills her. 
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Hope asks her dad if Hydra would really kill Skye if they caught her and he reassures her that everything’s going to be fine and not trust everything that news (propaganda) reports. 
Ward is all kinds of emotional and says that they gotta rally a team to find Skye. Coulson advises against it and Ward says “This isn’t in your wheelhouse. Sure, you’re a good school teacher but uh… you’re a school teacher.” (#burn HAHA)
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Coulson reveals how he was approached to join S.H.I.E.L.D in the past but rejected the offer. He tells Ward that the best thing to do now is not to let emotion cloud his judgement.
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They exchange stories about how Coulson might have been in S.H.I.E.L.D and how Ward got the offer and took it from Victoria Hand. He was doing time at that point of time and she was the first person who believed that he could be a good person. Skye is the one made him believe it so he’s gotta do everything he can now to save her. Coulson tells him to try not to get killed in the process.
Skye and May steal a car while some passerby spots them and looks shocked? Maybe she’s afraid? or Maybe she’s gonna tell on them? Who knows?
Simmons studies the plans Trip shows her and figures out where the machine is being built, in Ivanov’s base in the Baltic Sea! They set off to the Quinjet for a recon mission because no one’s here to tell them no anyways.
Skye and May find a contact of the Resistance and just as he makes contact with base, a swarm of Hydra agents attack them as they head into the house for cover. The guy is shot but still breathing. May reveals that she’s the one who ordered the air strike on Mace
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Skye says that it’s not her fault since she didn’t know but May says that it doesn’t change what she did. Skye says that if more people saw the truth like she did, perhaps they would fight back too. 
Meanwhile, Mack is on the way to find Skye and May as well. After Milkman Burrows received contact from the guy that was shot. 
Back at the Triskelion, Fitz watches over Ophelia. Bakshi’s expose worked and tips from the public are pouring in with Skye and May’s whereabouts. Fitz vows to handle this personally but just as he’s about to , Ophelia stops him short and asks him to finish Project Looking Glass. If he does her body here doesn’t matter. So, he sets off to finish the machine while his father handles the perpetrators, Skye and May.
Skye and May defeat two Hydra agents but are stumped when they hit the third. Mack gets rid of the third one and points his gun at May. Saying he’s only here to help Skye and not the woman who held his daughter hostage. Skye tells him that May is her ally and is the reason that she manged to escape. Coulson arrives with Burrows and tells Mack that he knows wounds don’t heal overnight but  for some unknown reason he trusts May. Mack puts down the gun and Burrows leads the gang to a secret tunnel to get out of the place. 
Simmons and Trip land the Quinjet and they head under the seaaaaa where Simmons figures out what AIDA’s game plan has been all along,to build a machine that can make her human.She tells Trip about the other world and what she thinks AIDA is getting at. He tells her that he’s not going to pretend he understood everything she said but he’s here to help.  “Do you believe me?” - Simmons
“Come on, girllllll. That’s way too crazy a story to make up.” -Trip 
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But he tells Simmons that whatever they’re planning to do, they have to act fast because Hydra’s almost done with Project Looking Glass. 
Alistair enters the room where Fitz is busy working on the Project and informs him that the terrorists escaped, possibly through an underground tunnel. Fitz is so pissed that he throws some stationary across the room. (Woww that’s more like it angry Fitz!!) He wants his beloved friends dead since they broke Ophelia’s spine. (At this point I’m just wondering when Fitz will realize the truth and regret his actions ) So apparently someone knows where the shield gang is headed. Who???? And Fitz says he can’t show weakness and tolerate any kinds of failure. Even those of his father. Watch out dad, you might be next on the chopping block. 
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The S.H.I.E.L.D gang is back at base and Coulson and May head off to check out the body cam footage leaving Daisy and Ward. (Wooo my OTP is reunited at last!!)
Daisy tells Ward that he needs to trust her and that she’s found a way home for them. He smiles but says “By us, you don’t mean me.” He knows about the other world since Simmons told him about it. 
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She looks kind of guilty as he tells her that he was just hoping that Simmons was wrong and that she was still the girl he knew. 
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Nooo I teared a little here. Ward knows that when they return to the real world, he won’t be going with them and Daisy looks guilty that this has to happen. They both walk their separate ways. 
Alistair goes to visit Radcliffe in his cell and Alistair wants to know where the traitors are headed. Radcliffe claims he doesn’t know anything and says that Alistair is nothing without Fitz. OH NO you didn’t just say that Radcliffe. Alistair punches him until he’s bleeding even more. 
Coulson, Ward, May and Daisy watch the footage of the school crumbling along with Mace in it. May says that revealing the footage might be a way to bring Hydra down while Daisy suggests that they go to the place that Radcliffe told her about. Coulson says that they don’t have enough time to go to that place and what they need to do now is to divide Hydra’s forces. “To save ourselves, we need to save the world.” (Is Director Coulson back??? hurhur)
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They head to the TV station and tie up Bakshi. He says that he’ll never slander Hydra and that he’s the most trusted voice in journalism. hurhur sure. After Daisy quakes him he says they can just tell him what to say on the teleprompter . But she says that he doesn’t need to say anything because the facts will speak for themselves. 
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Fitz finishes the design for Project Looking Glass and tells Ophelia. He only has one request which is that she would take him with her when she gets her new human body. 
Daisy is trying to find a way that they can air the broadcast uninterrupted until Ward says that he’ll hold the fort down , anything to help them. He says he knows that he won’t be going with them but he will do his best to help them escape. And he wants Daisy to know that he’s nothing like the Grant Ward that she knew. Although he wants to know what happened to him in the real world. Daisy can’t answer him and he figures that real world ward probably died. But he wants to know if he’ll get the Framework Skye back when Daisy leaves. She says she doesn’t know but she never really understood why Ward did the things that he did until she met Framework Ward.
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And she says that she guess there was some good in real world Ward after all and hopes that Framework Skye comes back to him.
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Coulson, May and Daisy leave as Ward starts the broadcast. Over the broadcast, Coulson reveals the body cam footage as he explains how Hydra has been feeding the public with lies. How Hydra was brainwashing the children in the facility and how the patriot risked his life to save them. He says that he believes that they should stand together to take Hydra down. Burrows interrupts Ward and tells them that there are people outside the broadcast station.  Ward sighs as his picks up his gun but Burrows tells him that the people are here to support them. Ward smiles. Coulson ends the broadcast saying “Because  I’m not just a history teacher. My name is Phil Coulson and I’m an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D” 
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Back in the real world, AIDA has uploaded the final specifications for the machine and promises the Russian that once this is done, they will both be free of their restrictions. They also plan on shooting the Quinjet with the two agents that are threatening the framework. Oh no. 
Thoughts on the episode
Wow. Our beloved Grant Ward has finally got the redemption arc that he deserves and Daisy is finally understanding the reasons as to why he did the things that he did. I really could not have asked for more but why wasn’t this explored more in Season 2. But i guess it makes sense now that Daisy has grown more as a person. She’s finally starting to see why Ward did it when emotions are not clouding her judgement. 
Coulson really stepped up in Mace’s place this episode. Looks like he finally found his bearings as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent once again. Daisy is smiling proudly at him too heh. 
Gotta say that Simmons is really smart for figuring out what AIDA’s plan was. And Trip’s unquestionable support of what she said is nice to watch as well. 
May and Daisy were so badass in the fighting scenes, it’s really been a while since we saw them fight together so yasss. 
Again, Fitz shows us that there’s no bad guy like him. His father may influence him a lot but he still chose to make those decisions. 
And I am just realizing that Project looking glass is somewhat of a reference to Alice in Wonderland. Alice travels through the looking glass to travel between the real world and Wonderland. Just like what AIDA plans to do. She wants to travel to the real world from the Framework through the machine because this way she will get a human body and have feelings. She will be real and not some artificial intelligence. She’s making a pretty good villain actually!! Minus the scenes with Fitz heh. (Come on FitzSimmons!!)
Looking forward to the next episode!! Hope our heroes manage to get out alive!!!
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Season 4 : Episode 18 - No Regrets Recap
I have no regrets watching this episode so let’s get into it! ;)
Coulson and Mace stage a car accident to take control of a Hydra bus and we get to see Coulson back in action shooting some of the Hydra agents as they get on the bus. (You get them Coulson!!)
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It turns out that the bus was carrying a few dead bodies in Hydra body bags. 
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Fitz is still as cold as ice, but we find out more about the real reason why he’s been acting this way in this episode. Daisy tells Fitz again that this is not who he is and if anyone can snap him out of it, it would be Simmons. He slaps her across her face and then takes out a handkerchief to wipe his hands. (oh gosh Fitz who knew that you were as cold as killer frost?) 
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“Everytime I see him I get this weird itch, like hives, did we get along?” – Phil Coulson
Back at HQ, Coulson asks Simmons if he got along with Ward in the real world. To which Simmons responds that he shot him while they were on the planet, so no. (HAHAH that reference to Hive by Coulson though. His memory is still fuzzy with the blue soap and hives but it makes for good dialogue HAHA) 
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At the triskelion, Hydra R&D has come up with a serum that when injected, would give May strength for a limited time. (Sounds familiar aye? hahaha because that’s what Mace was injecting himself with in the real world)
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Still trying to wrap their heads around how this reality isn’t real and that they’re all avatars. Simmons tries to convince Ward and Mace that the missions they are doing are useless and they should focus on rescuing Skye and getting out of the framework. 
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“You don’t know me at all” -Mace
Mace questions Simmons with some trivia about himself. Is he married? Does he have kids? What does he like to eat? They weren’t that close in the real world so obviously she does not have the answers to these questions. To which he responds with “You don’t know me at all”. 
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When Simmons mentions how their priority should be saving Skye, Ward slams a glass on the table angrily and says “You don’t think I want that?” (The glass didn’t break but this slam was better than Fitz’s slam on the table last week haha) 
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“What we’re doing here matters” spoken by the true hero, Mace. He disagrees with Simmons and believes that all the missions that they’re doing here have a significance.
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Simmons leaves the room and Ward is like “So what do we think? Delusional? PTSD?” (HAHA ward. Maybe not now but possibly when they all return from the framework)
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Back in Hydra’s torture chambers, Skye complains about how they didn’t give her a mani pedi but tortured her instead. (haha Skye still has the sass going even when she’s being tortured) AIDA says that all she did was fix one regret which was what Radcliffe intended and claims that “the subsequent world is a consequence of your actions.” (Sure is, AIDIA, when you manipulated it to get the outcome that you wanted haha) AIDA makes Skye an offer to give her Lincoln Campbell in exchange for Skye’s location in the real world. Skye asks her what she gets out of all of this to which she responds with “ a choice”.
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Mack and his daughter, Hope
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The real reason why Fitz has been acting evil is finally revealed in this episode. It is none other than his dad. Fitz’ dad convinces him that all of these decisions that he is making are good and whenever Fitz shows signs of hesitation, his dad convinces him otherwise. (this parallels Garrett and Ward where Garrett influenced Ward in all of his decisions and shaped the person that he was.) 
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Radcliffe has a rage fit about the prison’s dog food and how they’ve taken everything from him, especially Agnes. (He’s facing the consequences of his actions, so no sympathy from us and Skye) Radcliffe reveals how Fitz killed Agnes in cold blood and Skye doesn’t believe how taking away one regret can change a person completely. But it can, as we have been seeing in the past few episodes On the bright side, Radcliffe reveals that there is actually a working backdoor for them to get out of the framework. (yasss there is hope afer all!! )
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Fitz and his dad head for tea time/ a chat session. He regrets killing Agnes and questions if it was necessary to kill her. Fitz’s dad convinces him that that is his mother talking and that there’s no room for love and sympathy/ womanly sentiment. (LOL) and more about how the only person who understands that is Ophelia. Fitz says he doesn’t know what kind of man he would be without his father. (Well we do, FItz! and it’s definitely not this person) This scene just proves Radcliffe’s point that just one change could actually change a person completely. Fitz was raised by his father instead of his mother in the Framework and his father taught him that he doesn’t have to feel remorse or guilt as long as he gets the job done/ is a man of action. 
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Coulson and Mace head to the rehabilitation centre to rescue a friend of Mace who is none other than Agent Trip!!! (Welcome back Trip!! We’ve missed you! That was a really nice surprise!)
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“Did you clean you room? Well I’ll be the judge of that” - Mack
Mack and his daughter continue being adorable in this episode. And everyone can see that including Ward. He tells Simmons that he finally figured out why Simmons dislikes him so much. It’s because she thinks that he’s someone he’s not. (Mannn Ward catches on really quick especially after Simmons revealed to Mace and Ward earlier on in the episode that this world is fake). 
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Simmons reveals what Ward did in the real world and he truly looks guilty and says “For what it’s worth, I’m truly sorry”. (There’s the apology and Simmons looks like she could maybe forgive him a little) 
They watch Mack play with his kid and Ward asks her if they’re able to feel all that emotion, then doesn’t that make it real. (Ward in this episode,  shows that even though they’re all fake avatars in this world, they have real feelings. It’s actually something that’s quite interesting that has been explored in other shows like legends of tomorrow when they had their doom world arc. Could artificial  intelligence actually have real feelings? When fake May sacrificed herself earlier in the season. That was because she actually began to feel like something was wrong with what she was doing so she tried so hard to go against her programming and actually showed regret when she failed. These emotions that the AIs feel, could they also be real?) 
Ward receives intel that a Quinjet has arrived at the school where Mace and Coulson are and immediately wants to gather back up to head down there. He suggests bringing Mack but Simmons would rather not. He thought it didn’t matter since this world isn’t real and asks if Simmons is hesitating because of Hope. Simmons reveals that if Mack dies in the Framework, he will die in the real world as well and so they head off to the school together. 
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“Someone’s been juicing unless you’re one of us now” - Mace
Enter Mace and Mulan (oh wait, May)’s fight scene.
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Coulson, the teacher, is back at school again. (haha) But this time he enters the classroom to find a class of children being forced to watch some Hydra propaganda. (The scene is super creepy btw). The kids are all in a trance as they’re being hypnotised and brainwashed to believe that Hydra is good /Hail Hydra and what not. Super Nazi style but still creepy) 
Mace wins the fight against May and she calls him a terrorist but if he were, she would have been dead by now. He runs into the school to find Coulson while May contacts Madame Hydra and Fitz. Fitz orders the Quinjet on site to fire at the school because it doesn’t matter who’s in the building as long as they can get rid of the Patriot. 
Ward and Simmons arrive just on time as the Quinjet fires on the building. They rush to the school and help Trip, Mace and Coulson rescue the children. Coulson’s student, Chris, is caught under the ruins as the building collapses and Mace, like a true hero, rushes in to save him. 
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 Outside the building with the Hydra agents,they watch the building collapse. May wants proof that the Patriot is dead so she goes into the school to make sure of it. As she enters the school, she sees the children running and trying to escape. On the comms, she asks why the hell are kids in this building. (Looks like May is finally coming back to her senses.)
Inside the school, May enters the classroom and demands to know where the Patriot is. Coulson snaps at her and says that they’re trying to save a kid’s life. She can either help them or don’t but the focus shouldn’t be on killing the Patriot. She watches on as the team rushes to save Chris as Mace lifts up the remains of the building. They manage to save Chris. Ward and Trip find a cabinet that could possibly hold the building together while they escape but Mace says that it’s not strong enough and asks them to all leave while they still can. He stays on to sacrifice himself while Coulson, Ward, Trip, Simmons and May run out of the building to safety. (Nooooooo Mace, this can’t be happening.) They make it out and watch as the building collapses fully along with Mace. (This whole scene was truly heartbreaking but it showed how much of a martyr Mace was, willing to sacrifice himself so that he could save the lives of others). 
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At the triskelion, Fitz and his dad celebrate the death of the Patriot with glasses of champagne while Madame Hydra looks on smugly.
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In the real world, AIDA walks in to the room where Coulson, Mack, Mace and May are housed. 
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Mace’s vitals have flat lined and she disengages him. (Noooo R.I.P. Jeffrey Mace, The Patriot, Inhuman leader of the Resistance) Your sacrifice will be remembered and the team will get back at Hydra for what they’ve done to you. This also further cements that death in the Framework is synonymous with death in the real world. Also, it seems that AIDA has a backdoor out of the Framework as well since she was able to get to the real world so quickly. 
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May enters the interrogation room that Skye is in and asks her if she really is an Inhuman. Skye says that she is and she’s powerful enough to bring this place down. May says she hopes so as she whips out a terrigen crystal from her sleeve and smashes it on the ground. 
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Whooo Quake  is back!!! Looks like Hydra having the kids at the school was enough to convince May to side with S.H.I.E.L.D. Yass so excited for next week when Skye gets her powers back and teams up with May to bring down Hydra.
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amusetoamuse · 7 years
How do you know what you believe is true? How do you know it’s not the other way around, that you’re not the one waking up to a reality?
Grant Ward
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