amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus shoved his hands in his pockets, curling them into tight fists. “She doesn’t need taking care of.” He said through clenched teeth. “You’ve told me that many times, Lestrange.” He spoke slow and strong. 
“I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the mission or hurt the Dark Lord. I am his faithful servant and I live to do his bidding.” He stared into Rodolphus’ eyes. “For your bloody information, I usually am not ‘high’ or whatever you call i for my missions. There is good stimulation there.” He chuckled, “But this is not your business.”
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1996 | Here we go again | Rod & Amycus
“Looking for your sister?” He asked smoothly. “She left with her husband… is nice to see her happy, Antonin is a very good husband, he takes good care of her” he added nonchalantly.
Rod arched an eyebrow. “I’m not lecturing you, I’m doing my job” he said seriously. “Maybe? Is that a doubt? You don’t know when you perform better? When high or sober?” He asked, shaking his head disapprovingly, noticing how he was losing control and internally enjoying it, he was just proving his point. “I know more than you think” it was his job to know things. information was useful, and on this case, he also had personal experience with Rabastan. “Your performance concerns me because it concerns the Dark Lord, he doesn’t need junkies and loose canons in his ranks” not that he actually cared, Rodolphus was not the same as before, all he wanted was to live his life in peace. This however, didn’t mean that he was an idiot, he was a great pretender and to everyone’s eyes, he was still one of the most faithful servants.
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
“I don’t know.” Amycus admitted. He just didn’t like it when guys looked at her or wanted her, even if that was what was supposed to happen since she was a girl. “I wish you didn’t ever have to get married.” He bit his lip. “I like being around you.” Amycus enjoyed his twin’s company and he wasn’t too sure he could really survive without her. 
“Yeah, Regulus would be a more fruitful pursuit, if you ask me. He’s a Black and that would be a good match, good family to marry into.” He laughed a little, realizing he sounded like their father. 
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1974 | Pureblood duties | OPEN
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus let out a hefty laugh when Peter pulled out his little wand, what an idiot. “You think you can do any damage to me? You silly Gryffindor. You aren’t even a brave one and you’re being a complete fool.” He nearly grunted. “Put you wand down.”
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Paler than White:[1973] Amycus/Peter
Peter felt his lip tremble slightly. He couldn’t let him just take it! His mother would murder him. He looked around once again hoping someone would come to his aid but no one did. Come on Peter, you’re a Gryffindor for a reason. “I said… I want it back and I s-suggest you give it me…” He said pulling out his wand. He aimed it at the boy but his hand shook, causing the wand to shake lightly in the air. “I won’t ask again!” He warned weakly. What spell would he use? Maybe a jelly legs jinx?
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus walked forward and out the door of the common room without taking a glance at Barty. He didn’t really care if he was upsetting him or not, it was just sort of a fun little game for now. 
“We haven’t lost the pitch.” He growled, anticipating when he will have his beater’s club and can give Barty a good wacking for being so annoying. “I’m surprised your mummy and daddy even want you. You’re kind of the worst.”
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Practise. [1977] Barty&Amycus
Barty glared at him as he left. Could he be any more slow?! It seemed like he was taking days and he probably was on purpose. Arse. Barty sank into the chair and drummed his fingers on the arm rest as he waited.
At last, he appeared and Barty got up quickly and stared at the man. His lip curling. “I swear I will kick the shit out of you if we’ve lost the pitch!”
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
“Mmmm.” Amycus moaned as she licked his fingers, she was just so good with her tongue. “Baby, you love how you taste huh? It’s amazing.” He ran his fingers down her spine as she grinned against him, feeling his erection grow. 
“Of course, princess.” He smiled at her, speaking like he was just going to pour her a glass of champagne. Amycus kissed her tenderly and moved her off of him, laying her softly down on the bed next to him. He moved her hair to the side and put a hand on her cheek, giving her the most loving kiss he had ever given. 
{1978} Slain | Amy/Alecto
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus let out a soft moan at Mark’s words. “Well how could I not be impatient with such a handsome man on top of me” He licked his lips and kicked off his pants, not being able to do much since his hands were tied. He looked down at Mark when he was pantsless. “Hmm, even more handsome than I thought.”
Days of Summer || Open [1978]
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
“I don’t like the way he looks at you, Lecto.” Amycus snarled, looking across the room to make sure their father wasn’t looking at them. He could get in trouble if he was talking to Alecto without being cruel. “He’s a strange bloke.”
Amycus let out a little laugh, “Yeah, been there done that. But she was nice, maybe I will take her out for a spin tonight.” He licked his lips and then looked at his sister. “Are guys asking you for a dance? You know father’s rule.”
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1974 | Pureblood duties | OPEN
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
“I’ll take my time.” Amycus warned him and walked slowly down the hall to the boy’s dorms. He opened his trunk and pulled out his Quidditch supplies, they were the finest ones money could buy because of course his father wanted the best for him. He dressed slowly, fixing his hair in the mirror and making sure everyone could tell he got punched, it made him look rugged.
Amycus walked back over to the common room and rolled his eyes, the girl was gone, probably off waiting for him in something sexy. “Let’s go.”
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Practise. [1977] Barty&Amycus
Barty lowered his wand and put it away. The looked at the girl and smirked giving her a wink. “That’s how a real man gets what he wants.” He called as she walked away. He ran his hand through his hair and sat on the arm of the chair. “Hurry up, Carrow. Or else Gryffindor might steal the pitch.”
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus smiled, “What are you looking for? Your big friends aren’t coming to save you this time.” He grinned and shook his head in a scolding fashion. “Oh don’t tell me what to do, it’s rather rude.” He twisted the orb in his hand and shrugged, “I think I’ll keep it.”
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Paler than White:[1973] Amycus/Peter
Peter stood there frozen in fear. He had the rememberal… What was he going to do? What he wouldn’t give for Sirius, James or even Marlene to walk around the corner right now and save him. What could he do?!
“Y-you shouldn’t swear…” He muttered quietly. They were only thirteen after all. “That’s mine, that…” He said quietly holding out his hand. “I’d like that back… Please…”
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus kept his face pressed against hers as she hit her orgasm. He smiled and softly chuckled, moving his hand to lick her sweet wetness. “Hmm.” He nodded and then pressed his fingers to her lips. “This is very nice tasting. Give it a try.”
{1978} Slain | Amy/Alecto
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus smiled at her, it was good to see Alecto so happy, she was always so sad. It was rather annoying and depressing, she had the perfect life, what did she have to be sad about? “You’re welcome. You look like a princess.” He leaned in, eying some older bloke who was looking at her. 
“She’s alright.” Amycus shrugged, “She’s not a very good kisser.”
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1974 | Pureblood duties | OPEN
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus simply rolled his eyes, he really didn’t want to deal with Rodolphus. He was an idiot and knew nothing. “My place is away from you.” His eyes darting across the room. Alecto was nowhere in sight, probably off with her stupid husband. 
He ran his hands through his hair, his fingers jittery. Amycus felt the vein in his neck pop out, he was loosing his tempter. “Don’t lecture me, Rodolphus. You don’t know anything about this. Maybe I perform better when I’m on drugs, it doesn’t concern you, now does it?”
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1996 | Here we go again | Rod & Amycus
Rod almost laughed at his pathetic and childish outburst. “Know your place, Amycus” he warned him seriously. If he wanted, he could tear the lad apart before he could even pull out his wand. “I have more interesting things to obsses than you” he said knowingly and resisted the strong urge of saying like your sister, merely to piss him off, not because he obsessed over Alecto.
He arched an eyebrow, he was still not bright and common sense seemed to be a term that was out of his reach. “You being high during missions jeopardizes them” he said seriously. “You become unstable and unreliable, a loose canon, and you being a loose canon means that you’ll most likely fail and my job here is to make sure that doesn’t happen” he explained coldly. “Or at least, warn you about what would happen if you do fail”
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus fixed his tie and looked at his sister, grinning brightly. He looked at Mr. Lestrange and raised an eyebrow, he was a bit annoying, always trying to get on his sister’s good side, but he was so powerful and strong, Amycus wanted to be just like him when he grew up. “You look very pretty, Alecto.” He smiled. 
Amycus nodded, “Yes, I do look good. Father bought this for me in Paris.” He shrugged, “It’s alright. Not many birds here, huh?”
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1974 | Pureblood duties | OPEN
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus was walking through the corridor after Transfiguration and on his way to Care of Magical Creatures when he bumped into a scrawny little boy. He used his muscle to push the other boy down. Glaring, he looked at him and let out a long sigh. “Bloody hell.” It was that weird fucking Gryffindor that always shuffled behind Potter, Amycus could never remember his name. 
He looked at his feet to see the boy’s rememberall at his feet. “Hmm.” He smiled at the kid, his eyes saying something evil. “What the fuck is this?”  He picked up the sphere and smiled. “Nice toy, little boy.”
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Paler than White:[1973] Amycus/Peter
The wind carried its way softly through the castle that day. It had been a lovely morning, birds tweeting, sun shining and if you listened closely enough, it almost sounded like the Giant Squid was humming. 
Earlier that morning, Peter received a parcel from his mother, a small brown package had landed on his lap and much to his surprise, she had sent him a rememberall with the charming note attached. Putting aside what was in the note, Peter shared his joy over his new gadget with his friends. In fact, he was quite taken with the ball. 
During Care of Magical Creatures later that day, Pete had been asked to stay behind, apparently his essay was only just a pass, which to be fair, was the case. He had crudely written about Bowtruckles the night before copying off Sirius of all people, Remus said no of course. 
Still, he was dismissed being only 5 minutes late for lunch. He started to make his way back up to the castle when he felt something, a soft drop of rain. He looked up at the dark storm clouds and gave a groan, it had been such a nice day!
He took at a bit of a run and before he knew it, much in his clumsy fashion, he collided with another student. Peter saw everything fall on its side and the cold, hard ground cushion his fall. “Ouch…” He mumbled as he looked up. 
Peter’s face turned white, it was Amycus. Oh, no. Oh dear Merlin, no. He quickly got to his feet and grabbed onto the contents of his pockets for dear life. His wand in one pocket and his… No! No no no! Where was it, where was his rememberall? His eyes looked over at Amycus and he saw it by the other boys feet. Was there a paler colour than white? If so, Peter had turned it.
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus looked at Barty and growled. He finished cleaning himself up and looked back at the girl. “I’m sorry, beautiful. This tosser thinks he can tell me what to do.” He put his hand back on her thigh and licked his lips. “i’ll find you here after I practice, and then we can have some fun.” He pressed his mouth to hers and then pulled away to look back at Barty. “Alright let’s go. I need to change first.”
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Practise. [1977] Barty&Amycus
As he fell back Barty gave another curt laugh and shook his head. Yet, at the appearance of his wand, Barty acted on instinct and pulled out his own, aiming it the other student. “Here’s a million galleon idea, how about we go and practise throwing bludgers at each other or I loosen a few teeth for you?” He growled. He was determined to practise!
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus felt himself start to sweat as he clenched his fists. He was getting angry, why did Rodolphus feel the need to fucking criticize him every three seconds. “Shut the fuck up, Lestrange. You are so obsessed with me. Stop watching me during meetings, I might have to hex you.”
He rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair, feeling his heart start to pace again, the drugs were soothing but also exhilarating. “What? Why does it matter what I do?”
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1996 | Here we go again | Rod & Amycus
Rodolphus rolled his eyes and sighed, this was so boring and he was so dumb, it was like talking to an infant who had been caught with his hand inside the jar of cookies. “You were acting all jumpy during the meeting, even sweating a little, your leg was twitching nervously and you were rubbing your nose… you were craving for something, a drug most likely” he explained somewhat bored. 
“Then you mysteriously disappeared and came back fresh and clean” he added and leaned forward. “Your anxiety makes you clumsy, Amycus, if you don’t believe me, the white powder in you black robes speaks for itself” he whispered on his ear before pulling away. “Now, I’ll ask again, do you get high before going to missions?” He asked seriously.
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amycus-carrow-blog ¡ 8 years
Amycus smiled against her lips, wishing to always be like this with her, to not have the cocaine always on his mind. He liked not fighting or yelling, and things may be even better without their father. “Oh baby, my little princess.” He smirked, moving his hands faster, going in between her clit and her entry. “Please come for me. I want you to come against my hand.”
{1978} Slain | Amy/Alecto
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