amyfield13 · 6 years
I'm bound to you by fangirls revenge
Has anyone got this fic saved? It was my favorate and has been deleated
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amyfield13 · 8 years
Does anyone else get the thing where if you’re watching a TV show you genuinely can’t handle any chaos or drama, like if a character messes something up I find it so frustrating, even though I know it’s written for comedy purposes or plot development
It means I’ve skipped scenes, episodes, or even a full season of shows to avoid having to rewatch all the chaos
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amyfield13 · 8 years
Why isn’t there any ereri!phantom of the opera? Like Levi as the phantom, Eren as Christine, and Armin as Raoul. Can’t you just imagine Levi serenading Eren with ‘The Music of the Night’ and Eren being so taken by him?
It just so perfect and I need it.
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amyfield13 · 8 years
Listen. I think we’re all in agreement that Trump is a moron who doesn’t have any place in the white house and at this point it’s a matter of not if but when he’ll get impeached. But let’s not forget that even if Trump does get impeached we still have Pence to worry about and in some ways Pence is worse than Trump could ever hope to be. •As governor of Indiana, Pence signed the most abortion-restrictive regulations in the nation, banning abortion even in cases where the fetus has a “genetic abnormality” such as Down syndrome and holding doctors legally liable if they had knowingly performed such procedures. •In 2015, Pence helped pass one of the nation’s harshest “religious freedom” laws that would have protected businesses who wanted to refuse service to LGBT people if they cited religious objections •In 2006, Pence proposed an immigration compromise that envisioned a guest worker program that required undocumented immigrants to “self-deport” before returning to America legally. •Under Governor Pence, Indiana has diverted $53 million in the past two years from public school to funding vouchers for private schools, including religious schools, and to charter school programs. •He is skeptical of climate change and wrote a letter to President Obama threatening to disobey the new regulations on coal mandated by the Clean Power Plan. •He has an “A” rating from the NRA and is opposed to any restrictions on assault rifles. •Records from a 1990 run for Congress show that Pence, then 31, had used political donations to pay the mortgage on his house, his personal credit card bill, groceries, golf tournament fees and car payments for his wife.
Pence is a career politican and he knows how the play the system. Although I think it’s great that the world has united against trump just remember the is something even more dangerous lurking behind him. Do not let him slide in after Trump and do whatever he wants. Fight him with as much force as we’re fighting Trump!!! source
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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amyfield13 · 8 years
shout out to people on tumblr with no squads or group chats with weird names or people who just don’t get messages. the internet is a strange place i hope you can all still enjoy yourselves & if not u are not alone!
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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ur fucking boy 💯
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amyfield13 · 8 years
So apparently Target is selling small cards against humanity expansion packs! They have fantasy, WWE, etc. but most importantly…
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the retail pack.
now look at this:
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this says i get an instant 1$ rebate. and it’s on the inside. that mean i get a dollar back instantly! now just how exactly did they do that?
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they put a dollar inside. a literal actual dollar. imagine my reaction when i saw a dollar inside of this little package, cause it was literally the first thing i saw.
When i saw the post that said they hid a card inside the lid of the ‘bigger blacker box’ i was a bit skeptical.
I am no longer skeptical.
the people that make this game are absolutely ridiculous.
(btw, the pack cost 4$. 3$ if you count the dollar you get back)
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amyfield13 · 8 years
Can you lick the science? An abbreviated list.
Genetics: Do not. Unless cheek swabs?
Chemistry: NO!!!!! DO NOT!!!!!!
Archaeology: Perhaps. But might be human bone.
Geology: Sometimes needed, sometimes dangerous 
Psychology: Best not.
Physics: ????????? How??????
Zoology: In zoology, science licks you. 
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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you’re 👏 not 👏 a 👏 real 👏 pianist 👏 until 👏 you 👏 fuck 👏 the 👏 piano !!! 👏
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amyfield13 · 8 years
make a friend w good taste in memes (☞゚∀゚)☞
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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i don’t think they really thought this one through. [x]
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amyfield13 · 8 years
I want a movie about a little girl, aged like 11-12, going through the stuggles of prepubescent girl life, with her entire inner monologue is narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. Shot of disgruntled adorable little girl.
SLJ: I knew that Susie was a backstabbin’ motherfucker, and if anyone was going to ruin my chances of being Miss Sugar Drop Queen, it was that asshole. 
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amyfield13 · 8 years
There should be a show where famous chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Bobby Flay compete against each other to impress Italian Grandma judges
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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I’m really glad there’s a prequel cereal so we can learn more about the lore
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amyfield13 · 8 years
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