nounder · 11 months
A contribution for @hetaween-event ! Day 1 Even though I’m late lol
Prompt: Cabin in the woods / After dark
Rating: Teen audiences
Characters: (Alpha) South Italy/ (Omega) Spain
Reading time: Approximately 8 minutes
Summary: After a particularly wonderful scent found it’s way to Lovino one night, there was no way he wouldn’t immediately look for the omega that was making that smell
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vimishu · 2 years
I'm not a fanfiction reader but a friend of mine recommended me this fic called "And If The Fog Never Lifted" and omfg I loved it 🙏💞 Gilbert in that AU is so 🚬🚬🚬 yeah, he just like me fr 😭😭 anyways, @spinyfruit I hope you like it + I'm super excited for that last chapter💪💘
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: America/Canada (Hetalia), Canada/Russia (Hetalia) Characters: America (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia) Summary:
"Oh" Canada had tried to carelessly wave his hand and therefore imply that what he said next was meaningless when it really wasn't. "He just accidentally hit me this time before controlling himself. It doesn't even hurt." Russia kept his expression light, but inside he was furious. This had been going on for too long.
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precipi-nation-blog · 5 years
I suppose I should introduce myself, huh?
I made the great decision of hesitating to make this blog so long that I ended up creating it right in the middle of the Great Hetalia Discourse of 2019, so I’m sure this’ll go swimmingly.
I’m... Uhh... Not sure yet, honestly. I see so many blogs with cool admin names but I don’t know what to call myself. So I’ll just let everyone else decide. Anyone who sends in a request or something can just come up with a name for me, and I’ll pick one that I like.
Speaking of requests, there’s another point to this post:
I write imagines/scenarios/fan fiction (really can’t tell the difference) for country x reader. I don’t do country x country ships.
I write match-ups as well, but you’ll have to tell me a little about yourself to do that. I don’t have specific requirements, just whatever you’re comfortable with sharing. It could be hair color, height, Myers-Briggs personality type, anything.
I’ll try my hand at aesthetics, but since I’ve had this account for less than 24 hours I can’t tell you how good they’ll be. The aesthetics can be for countries or country x reader pairings, and I guess I can try just making them for people who request, too.
I don’t know how I feel about NSFW. At the moment, I’m not comfortable writing it, and I know that if i did, it would be garbage. Please do not request it. The most I’m okay with doing is a brief mention of sex having happened at some point.
I don’t know how I feel about yandere, either. Personally I’m not a huge fan, but if someone requests it for a character I know enough about, I can try writing it.
Please don’t spam the ask box. That’s just common sense.
I honestly doubt that anyone’s interested in me personally, but if anyone has any questions for me, please don’t ask anything creepy or too personal.
I can try AUs. I’m not opposed to them, it just depends on what you request. Some I don’t know much about, so if you request something that I’m in the dark about but am willing to write, I’d appreciate it if you explained it for me.
Requests can be as specific or vague as you want, just know that the more specific the request, the closer I can write to what you originally wanted.
No rape, non-con, incest, bestiality, etc. Any requests for these will be promptly deleted!
My posts might include swearing, violence, etc. It depends on what is asked of me. I will put warnings at the beginning of my chapters. I will allow requests that involve violence, but it cannot be gratuitous.
I am fine with depicting mental illness, but I will not stigmatize it. Please give me specific symptoms of the illness that you would like the reader to exhibit so that I can portray them properly.
The rules might change or be added to as I go. For now, though let’s talk about...
My specialties
The characters I know the most about/can write the best are the Nordics, the Italies, and Spain. I will still take requests for any character, but if it’s one that I don’t know much about (Greece, Egypt, Turkey), it’ll take a bit for me to get to your request because I’ll need to do some research to get them right.
I’m a big fan of historical Hetalia, so any historical AUs, especially when combined with the aforementioned characters, is right up my alley. You can tell me a period of time (1500s!Spain), occupation (Viking!Norway), or specific event/war/battle in history (BattleofPultowa!Sweden), and I’ll write it. Seriously, I’m a sucker for history.
That being said, I will not glorify war, fascism, etc, but I will depict it how it really was. If the Spanish Empire was greedy and destructive (which it was), that’s how I’m portraying it. 
However, since all the Hetalia characters are the protagonists in a way, I’m not going to make a character one-dimensionally evil to fit a story. People have good reasons for doing bad things, and vice versa. I refuse to demonize any character, because none of them are wholly bad.
Also, if you ask for a historical event/time period that I’m not familiar with, I will do some research, so it might take a little while for me to finish your request.
I quite like the Soulmate AU, but I like being creative with it. You can only see so many of the tattoo or “the writing on your arm shows up on theirs” before you wonder just how far you can take it.
I like the Mermaid and Wingtalia AUs. Generally, I just like writing anything with magic, but if you expect an explanation as to how that magic got there, I might disappoint you. The sources of magic in my stories will vary and sometimes be left unexplained.
I have a knack for writing angst. I’m not opposed to depicting suicide or self-harm, but I’m not doing it like everyone else does it (”I wear baggy, black clothes all the time and slit my wrists and say it’s all okay and hide my tears behind my smile!”). I’m not exactly sure about angst for cheating, though, because I’ve never really written about cheating, and I wouldn’t want to make that fully angst because I’m tired of the typical depictions of cheating.
If you do/don’t want the language of your country of choice included in your request, please specify. I hate Google Translate, so I will always try my best to learn how to say something in another language before I put it in a story without using that poor excuse for a translator. I do speak Spanish, though, so if anyone has a request involving Spain or something and wants there to be Spanish words in it, I can do that better than for other languages. 
And I’m pretty sure that’s it. If there’s anything that’s unclear or that you want to make sure of, go ahead and ask me! I’d be happy to answer any questions. It’s better to ask first and have me clarify than to request something and get it deleted.
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amyfield13 · 6 years
I'm bound to you by fangirls revenge
Has anyone got this fic saved? It was my favorate and has been deleated
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My fanart cover for Driving Lessons, a masterpiece of Hetalia fanfiction written by Startled Boris on fanfiction.net! (Hand-drawn)
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Hetalia: Soulmark series  The Prologue
Summary:  Fate. It is something always of a higher power then what we can understand. Life and Death are also among those things. A secret war that has gone on since the beginning of time gets it's tide turned for the Hetalians as the personification of love helps them find their human soul mates. Human x Nation stories. Life always seems to find a way. (MANY OC x Cannon relationships) (Cannon Divergence)
Long before the world came to be there was a dark land that was home to a species called “The Eternals”. The eternals are a group of personifications that live on forever, they have no beginning nor do they have an end. They are the ones that created everything that we know in the universe and any other known universe.
But you see, this story will be focusing on two specific families of eternals. The creator or our beautiful world that we know and love, the father of light, Elrien and the creator of the shadow world, mother of darkness, Morana.
Elrien is the personification of life and he used his magic to piece together this world, but as the ancient galaxy and the other eternals awed at this creation, they began to forget the dark world existed. They began to lose sight of death and how dangerous it could be.
Morana grew increasingly jealous and disturbed that her people no longer feared nor took her power seriously, with this she took out her anger and despair on the person who caused it, Elrien. To spite her opposite and bring back balance to the universe, Morana planned an attack on this new creation of Elrien’s. To attack and destroy the beauty of Life’s creation, death created four dark personifications hell bent on bringing their mother glory and “returning her rightful balance” to the universe.
These four personifications were called “Famine”, a plight upon man where food would run short and those who need it would die of hunger and join the shadow world. “War”, a plight in which violence is used to destroy and kill those who participated. “Plague”, a plight that caused one to lay and die of destruction to bodily function and loss of the body. Then finally the worst of them all being “Hate”. “Hate” was the plight that would drive humanity forward into War’s embrace with violence, Famine’s embrace with destroying the land or making food supply impossible to grow, and Plague’s embrace by helping disease spread like wild fire.
Elrien was shocked and deeply upset by these actions taken against him and so he used some of his life-giving magic to create four of his own personifications that would fight for the light and preserve his world. These four were called “Plenty”, a safe keep for humanity that would help recreate lost crops and help humanity discover new land to rebuild. “Peace”, a safe keep that would try and bring the calmness and reason back to humanity, made to show humanity another way of living without violence. “Medicine”, a safe keep created to help humanity find cures for the diseases always left behind by plague in hopes that they could stop the sicknesses of the world from spreading. Finally, his favorite daughter he created was a safe keep named “Love”. “Love” became the strongest of all and was made to battle hate in every way. As centuries passed by, Life and death were in a constant war with each other. Balance could no longer handle this and thus they forced the two eternals to make a deal. Death would be allowed to have a race of humanity called “Mortal man”, they consist of those like you and I and they are the ones who give this world life. In return, life would be granted a race a bit higher than humanity called “Mythos”, a race of mystical creatures whom roamed the earth immortally.
There was one race that these two could not agree on. They were called “Hetalians” or some call them “Countrians”. Due to the inability to agree, balance placed this race in the hands of her own sister, fate. The Hetalians are unlike any other race on earth, they were here way before you and I and most likely they will be here long after we are gone. This race is a race of human beings that personify each other countries that humanity has created to inhabit Elrien’s land mass.
It is said that only few people in the world of “Mortal man” know that this higher race exists. This race exists after all, to protect and love humanity. Charles Darwin was the first scientist to ever discover anything scientific about them and their existence. Since then his theory has been explored by governments, but kept secret from the common man lest he cause a panic or calamity. The files to Darwin’s research were hidden away so that no one would know the truth.
This doesn’t stop us from telling stories about the Hetalians though. We have legends of Romulus, the great roman empire, who built his world in what seemed like a day. We have the sad tale of Italy and The Holy Roman Empire. We even have legends of the nation’s own heroes like the Great Joan of Arc. Sadly, to this day, it is unknown whether or not the Hetalians exist. One day humanity may find out, but even if we don’t we will always have the stories of the brave Countrians who protect us. These stories help keep them alive as we pass on their memory to the next generations. If you one day become luck enough to meet a Hetalian, you must remember the golden rule.
“You must never reveal their identity to anyone if you wish to always keep them safe”
As for the war between Elrien and Morana, it still continues to this day. Luckily humanity and the Hetalians who live on this earth have not known a higher threat then the war going on between the personifications of dark and light. The lesson to be learned to always be weary of the world of shadows. The dark personifications still stalk the earth so that their mother can regain her glory. Remember to love, have peace in your heart, give to those who are not gifted by plenty, and be kind to those who are ill because of plague. Then and only then can we protect our world from the shadow world.
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jeyravi · 5 years
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Gaya bahasa baku yang ga terlalu kaku.. Ah kangen nulis gini 😢
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nounder · 1 year
Fic summary: Despite Arthur accepting that he’ll live and die with a curse that kills anyone and anything that touches him, Francis is determined to help him break that curse, even if he has to kidnap someone.
This is the eighth chapter of my UKUS fanfiction. The tags are too much to put here, so please read them on Ao3.
Thank you :)
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Canada/South Italy (Hetalia) Characters: Canada (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), North Italy (Hetalia) Summary:
The violet-eyed blond appeared to have become a regular to their cafe, and for the life of him, Romano could not keep his eyes off the man. Now if only his brother hadn't noticed this then his life may not have become so crazy.
Chapter one: 
The blond man with the violet eyes first caught his eye on a Monday. By all rights, Romano should have been half asleep, and to be fair he was before the violet-eyed man had walked in the door…then he woke up. But could you blame him? The guy was hot, and he didn't leave immediately after. Nope. He stayed, and thoroughly distracted Romano for the next half hour as he ate his breakfast.
Too bad Feliciano had handled his order and couldn't remember his name.
The mystery of who he was puzzled him for the rest of the day, no matter how much he tried to shake off the idea.
Wednesday, he saw the man again.
Fucking Feliciano, of course, had to be the one manning the till he came to. But, wonder upon wonders, the man had looked up and met his eyes as he left the counter, and dare he say it…maybe he had even blushed?
And was it just him or did Feliciano look up at the blond then look at him and raise an eyebrow?
He'd better stay out of this.
But, of course, staying out of it would be very unlike Feli, and, of course, he didn't.
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alfredosauce50 · 5 years
Who’s the bad guy? (2p + 1p America x reader) 2
Wordcount: 2,246 The reader is referred to as she/her
After another slow day at work, you closed up the shop. Throwing your satchel on your shoulder and walking out to the front door, your subconscious forced a sudden jolt to stop you in your tracks. You scrunched your face into a strange expression, a weird little feeling inside you that you couldn't shake off. Perhaps it was paranoia. Paranoia that directed your attention back over to the counter with a small black box sitting on it. You felt a sigh escape your lips as you made your way over to it and pick it up. "Stupid Allen..." you murmured, finally able to exit out of the small building to lock it shut once and for all. "He always forgets his phone."
So, instead of catching a bus back to your own house, you needed to get off one stop early to return a little something to your friend. Sometimes you wished that you owned your own car, but Allen would always tell you to borrow his instead. Something about saving up for the greater good, he always said.
You felt a few wet sprinkles dot your skin, causing you to lift your head to see where it was coming from. You only wound up staring up at the sky, rapidly dulling into a darker grey as masses of dirty clouds fused together. The light sprinkling then slowly built up into larger droplets, forcing you to pick up the pace and run over to the safety of the bus stop. You spotted another figure standing under the shelter, to where you assumed to be another one of your neighbors. About to go and greet him, the words in your throat were jumbled up when you caught sight of who the person was. And he was not your neighbor.
Narrowing your eyes that were shining in curiosity and awe, you gave him a good look over. He was dressed so primly and fine that it looked like it was cut straight out of a men's fashion magazine. Thank god he had his attention directed at the awfully large and expensive phone he held in his fingers or else he would have caught you ogling at him.
Despite that, you felt your lips curl into a little smile when you watched him glance up and step onto the vehicle. Following suit, you quickly paid for your fare and took a seat just behind him. Without even glimpsing at him to remain stealthy, you didn't notice him flicker his cerulean blues over to you for a moment. Too bad you were too focused on not focusing on him you couldn't see those beautiful blue eyes.
He stood at a rather tall stature that you could even say he was as tall as Allen, if not taller. You were unable to steal a peek at his face to identify him, but you could tell from the crisp white button down shirt that he was wealthier than all... And what was that? It was a golden watch wrapped tightly around his wrist that glimmered under the small remainder of light that survived in the rain. His hair was similar to that of Allen's, except it was a clean, light shade of sandy blonde that you never thought you'd ever see in the flesh in this town.
The rumbling of a bus hummed in your ears. You ripped your gaze from him and you shook your head. "Staring is rude..."
Clutching Allen's phone in your hands, you turned your head over to the window to stare at anything that flew past. No matter how long the ride was, nothing particular in the poor setting would ever change. As retail buildings slowly disappeared, it was replaced by a residential area, with small houses with undefined shapes and clothing lines out in the front.
A few minutes had droned by, with different people stepping off and on. Soon, it was Allen's stop and you gathered your things to stand up. The blonde in front of you stood up as well, dusting things you couldn't even see off his arms. That was when you thought you were going to suffer from a panic attack as you walked over to the doors to get off. You didn't dare to touch him, accidentally or not. His broad shoulders were a feature of his, and it appeared as though it would land you in hospital if you were bumped by him.
The last little ray of light that was emitted from the sun had disappeared, replaced by a bright moon overhead. Stepping carefully onto the grass next to the pavement, you began walking in the direction of Allen's house, only to realize that he was walking in the same direction.
How could this get any weirder?
Cupping your mouth with a hand, you tensed up but still managed to move your legs. As you trailed slowly behind him, he walked in a rather... Interesting style, his hands in stuffed in his pockets with his head glancing around occasionally. On the other hand, you were awkwardly strolling behind him hoping to yourself that he didn't assume you were about to mug him from your seemingly stalkerish behavior.
The walk was long and silent, but you eventually made it to Allen's neighborhood no longer than five minutes. As you turned a corner to his street with the eye candy of a stranger in front of you, your dazed self stupidly bumped into him when he suddenly slowed to a stop. Your heart broke into a rapid thumping frenzy before it sank when he turned his head over to you, so slowly that it hurt.
You shut your eyes tightly and felt your soul start dissipating into nothing. "I'm so sorry!" You blurted, taking a step back from him. You didn't expect this, but you felt two hands rest on your shoulders. Screwing open your eyes, you met with two of the bluest irises behind a pair of rimless glasses. "Oh!" you gasped, backing away from his face that was bent down to your level.
His lips stretched into a smile and he laughed. "It's okay! It's getting dark after all," He replied, withdrawing his hands from your shoulders. His voice was strangely child-like, and it sounded as though he was the happiest man on the planet. You nodded furiously, clutching the bag strap tightly. "... Alright," you muttered. "I guess I'll be off then..." You then brushed past him, picking up the pace to your destination.
"Hey, wait for me! It's not safe for you to walk around alone at night." He called after you, jogging up to your side. You blinked, feeling your cheeks and ears suddenly start burning when you felt his presence close with yours.
"No, it's okay! I'm sure you have places to be," You smiled, "I always come here, so it's fine."
"Oh yeah? But isn't this place kinda dangerous?" He asked.
You blinked. "... Not the safest place I guess. But I know everyone around here, so..."
The man walking by your side obviously wasn't local. You'd never hear a member of the community spouting taboo like that, for this was actually one of the safer sides of the town.
"Huh..." He hummed with a tone laced with interest. He lingered his gaze over you, taking in some of your features. He trailed his visage up to your face, which consisted of soft features and eyes that shone brightly even in the dark. He wondered to himself how on Earth anyone here could be able to possess such beauty. That suddenly reminded him of the bus ride. "Hey, weren't we on the bus together?"
So he did notice.
"Yep, I saw you at the bus stop." You nodded.
He grinned. "Right! I thought you were stalking me."
Your jaw dropped and you shook your head at him with denial. "No way! Why would I stalk you?" You exasperated.
He shrugged. "Well, I guess I am pretty hot," He had a point there, but that was not a reason to commit such a felony. More like it was because he looked like he'd have a full wallet. You hummed, staring back at his eyes. Jesus, he really did have a strong resemblance with Allen. They even had a similar facial structure, except his was more of a babyface compared to Allen's. That was possibly why he was so attractive.
"No, I'd say narcissistic." You teased, earning a whine from him.
"Hey! I'm not!" He shot back.
The two of you were so immersed in the friendly conversation that the two of you hadn't realized that you were both subconsciously walking to the same house. It wasn't until you knocked on the door with your fist and Allen appeared that you even noticed. The door swung open to reveal a lazy-dressed boy, in nothing but knee-length tan shorts and a tight black crop top. Without sparing him a glance, you darted your round eyes over to the man standing beside you and he appeared just as shocked as you did.
Amazement flashed in your eyes and you brightened. "Wait! Why are you here?!" You exclaimed.
He widened his eyes and he laughed. "I'm visiting my cuz, what are you doing here?"
"Holy moly. I'm just here to return Allen's phone!" You replied, your heart fluttering in excitement. He was Allen's cousin? You thanked God that you met him! "Wow, I should've known! So you were the rich boy he was talking about!"
The auburn haired boy behind the fly screen felt his breath hitch. "... What the fuck?"
What were you doing with him?
He flashed you his pearly whites and nodded. "That's right! I'm Allen's cousin! The name's Alfred by the way." He held out a hand for you to shake and you took it gladly. "I'm (F/N), it's nice to finally know your name!" You laughed. "I'm a friend of Allen's,"
"Alright, enough yapping the two of you." A gruff voice cut in, followed by the ear-piercing creak of the fly screen. He loved your visits, but he despised Alfred's. The fact that you were here with him created a concoction of something far worse. "Hurry up and get inside, dollface." He was annoyed, and you could tell by the tone of voice. How could his luck go any more sour? The sight of you being so friendly with the boy he hated made him want to punch a wall. By the looks of it, Alfred had taken a large liking to you when he offered a hand for you to shake.
He almost never did to anyone he met in this neighborhood from his yearly visits.
Looming his tall frame over yours, he placed two hands on your shoulders from behind and hardened his stare at the blonde.
His protective tendencies for you kicked in.
"I see that you've met (F/N)," He then draped another arm around you this time.
Alfred's pupils shrunk and his lips twitched up into a smile. It was one of the strangest smiles you've ever seen, and it wasn't just radiating happiness that it was supposed to do. It radiated a mix of emotions, and joy was not one of them. "Yeah, your friend's pretty cool." He replied. "How come I wasn't introduced earlier?"
You lit up.
"Haha, I asked Allen the same question as well!" You chimed, feeling arms wrap around your neck and shoulders.
"You guys never asked." He grumbled.
"You know, Allen kept telling me how much of an A-hole you were, but apparently not!" You teased, unbeknownst to the tension that was starting to thicken the air again. The boy behind you narrowed his blood red irises dangerously and glared over at Alfred. It belonged to that of a wolf, and it spat nothing but what-are-you-doing-back-the-fuck-off.
Allen felt anger boil inside of him and he tightened his strong arms around you. What the hell did Alfred do? How the hell did the two of you meet? And most importantly, why did you not see him as what he truly was?
Alfred chuckled dryly. "Yeah, that's what he always says. I'm not that much of a jerk, am I?"
He flickered his gunmetal blue eyes over to Allen. It was swirling with nothing but mischief and triumph.
"You're really nice, so no. I don't know what he's talking about!" You continued, turning over to Allen behind you and handing him his phone. He took it with a lazy grin and slid it in his pant pocket. "Here's your phone, you idiot. You need to stop forgetting it, honestly."
"Thanks, babydoll," He cooed, darting his crimson red irises back to the visitor with a smirk. "I don't use it too much so I'm not bothered to take it with me."
"And you keep saying that I'm the airhead?" You pressed firmly. "You're gonna lose it someday."
"Not when you're around to look after it," He winked, directing this one straight at his cousin. He swore he caught his hands clench into tight fists.
There were many things that day to be pissed about for each and every one of you. First things first, Allen's stupid tendencies to leave his shite around and leaving it for your care. A nasty surprise on the said boy's door front and the chummy relationship you shared with him that was able to get under Alfred's skin. This was going to be an interesting recount of a relative's visit gone wrong.
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numbedsilence · 6 years
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“𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘯.” Been working on this digital painting for about a week during my free time. I have a new found respect for digital artists. Digital painting is fucking hard… I think I’d rather do traditional despite not having an “undo”. Fanart of my favorite fan fiction. The author hasn’t posted an update in 2 ½ years. This story is so beautiful, it breaks my heart so much. I ache for a happy ending even though I fear the worst because of foreshadowing in earlier chapters…. Twigo, I need you to finish this!
#twigo #hetalia #hetaliafanfiction #sweger #hetaliasweden #hetaliagermany #fanfiction
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Chapter 5 is up, and yes, there is a chapter 4 as well. I’ve been on a very sluggish break, sluggish as I feel at the moment.... I hate whenever things move slowly, but what choices do you have at times?
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nounder · 1 year
Fic summary: Despite Arthur accepting that he’ll live and die with a curse that kills anyone and anything that touches him, Francis is determined to help him break that curse, even if he has to kidnap someone.
It’s the ninth chapter of my UKUS fanfiction. The tags are too much to put here, so please read them on Ao3. Thank you :D
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Canada (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), America (Hetalia) Summary:
"Can't you see them? Please, just tell me you see them. I don't even care if you have to lie. I-I just... need to hear it said." There was a woman trying to hang herself in the corner of the room. Mathew was trying to ignore her. But...he found his eyes kept straying…"Sorry, Mathew, but who am I supposed to be seeing?"
Warning: Blood and gore alluded to, and suicides or major deaths in history that have left an impression on people. Synopsis: "Can't you see them? Please, just tell me you see them. I don't even care if you have to lie. I-I just... need to hear it said." There was a woman trying to hang herself in the corner of the room. Mathew was trying to ignore her. But...he found his eyes kept straying back to her again and again every time she restarted her process of putting the noose about her own neck and quietly stepping off that rickety wooden chair. Mathew shuddered, and forced himself to concentrate. Arthur was talking. Maybe he was wrong and at least someone in his family could see THEM all too. "Sorry, Mathew, but who am I supposed to be seeing?" Guess he was right.
Chapter 1
Mathew can see the ghosts of everyone who has died somewhere. Which is why he is so quiet. He's terrified that they will notice that he can see them as they act out their deaths unendingly over and over again. This is also why he isn't close friends with any of the other nations. He doesn't want to see any of the many deaths that have happened in their countries. It's why he doesn't bother to walk around and sightsee even in his father-figure's countries, it would just be too painful.
So he stays inside the world meeting hotels that are booked out and refuses to go on any "family outings" if they are not in his own country where he has already figured out where the worst of the deaths are, and how to avoid them. Not to mention that while his First nations may not have all been buddy-buddy with each other, and there had been a great many of them before his papa and dad had come, relatively speaking, he'd never had too many people compared to his landmass area.
His family notices that they haven't hung out with him properly, outside of meetings, in a while and make an elaborate plan to become better family members and friends with him by showing him around their countries and hanging out together in touristy spots because they know how he hasn't been around to see any of them before. They just believe he is a workaholic and won't take any time off to sightsee because of work. So they phone his prime minister to let him know they'll be borrowing him for a few weeks. Mathew is not happy about any of this. ________________________________________ And there goes his head.
Mathew flinched as the blood came gushing out, just as he'd suspected it would. What with how clean that particular decapitation was. At least it hadn't sprayed everywhere like it had before. Again.
'And now it's rolling around on the ground.'
Mathew sighed and returned his gaze to the ground. Why did he have to be here? What was his family thinking? Hadn't he made it clear enough that he didn't want to do this? Oh well, it was his own fault for not being more clear. He would just have to endure this.
The blood pooling out of the man's neck finally reached within a few inches of Mathew's shoes, and Mathew quickly sidestepped to get away from it, then shuddered. How gross.
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