an-unraveling-mind · 2 years
im afraid i draw my s's upside down
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an-unraveling-mind · 2 years
The Unraveling
im not exactly sure when it began.
not that that's rare, im not exactly sure of much. that's due to the unraveling, of course. you see, i thought that unraveling was what i wanted, to break free from the things that bound me.
i think now.. perhaps i wasn't supposed to break free, but learn how to control my bindings. regardless of what i think now, the unraveling has already begun, and im not sure it will end until i am bare of all of the things that make me, me.
im afraid ill hardly be human when i have unraveled. what will i be left with? who am i, at the core?
this could be necessary... but must it be?
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an-unraveling-mind · 2 years
welcome to my madness.
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