ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
Mirror, mirror, can’t you see? What you show is killing me.
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
Skip dinner wake up thinner? More like skip all your meals to achieve sex appeal
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
anyone feel like they’re too rational to have an ed sometimes? like i know to eat if i’m about to faint, i can act normal when eating out with other people. i can’t decide if i’m deceiving myself or my ed and since when did i become two different people and i hate it.
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
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Am I Skinny™ Yet?
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
things you don’t point out about people:
body hair in places you’re not used to it being???
fat rolls/curves
how much/how little they’re eating
how skinny they are/what bones they can see because of how skinny they are
How fat they are.
If they have crooked or misaligned teeth maybe even yellowed
If they sweat a lot
don’t do it
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
this bitch needs someone to invent some diet alcohol so i can be sad and drunk AND lose weight
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
this bitch needs someone to invent some diet alcohol so i can be sad and drunk AND lose weight
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
this bitch needs someone to invent some diet alcohol so i can be sad and drunk AND lose weight
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
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Ok but this is prob my favourite
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
i hate how hyper-aware i am of my body at all times. my thighs are touching, my stomach has rolls, my clothes are too tight. i want to stop thinking about the fat weighing me down and i feel as if i can’t until it’s completely gone.
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
I completely understand if you have set rules in your eating disorder. That’s fine (well not fine, but it’s what happens with eating disorders).
What I don’t get is when people completely shit on other people for not having “their” e.d.
You can have wildly different “rules”. Your e.d. is still valid.
You can be overweight, obese, normal weight, underweight- your e.d. is still valid.
You can have peanut butter and bagels as your safe foods, you can be terrified of bananas because they’re yellow- you guessed it, valid e.d.
You may over exercise, you might HATE exercise.
You might obsess over calories and macros, you might literally not give a shit and not track that stuff.
You may be reckless and doing it because you hate yourself, or you might be scared because you only meant to be healthy and it spiralled into something awful.
Don’t tell people they have to do certain things or be a certain way or size in order to struggle. We are ALL struggling and it makes it worse when some of us perpetuate stereotypes and invalidate others.
They’re are very young people that see things and they take it to heart just please try to be mindful.
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
What is Diet Culture
Diet culture is the 12 year old girl who asks her mom if she can join weight watchers over the summer so the other kids will stop bullying her.
Diet culture is the thirteen year old girl whose friends are eating chips and candy, but who stays home to eat plain rice cakes because they have less calories.
Diet culture is the sixteen year old girl who reads an article about how Portia de Rossi hid her eating disorders like it’s a bible.
Diet culture is the eighteen year old young woman who is planning her grocery lists in her head - once she moves away from home she’ll be free to stop eating and no one will notice.
Diet culture is the twenty two year old woman who can’t eat in front of her friends because she’s fat and what if they’ll judge her. She hasn’t eaten anything in over ten hours but goes hungry to avoid the shame.
Diet culture is me not knowing I could be beautiful until I was twenty five.
Diet culture needs to die.
We are all worthy of love and happiness.
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
Things I’m Terrified Of
-Nails discolouring
-Hair falling out
-Teeth rotting from purging
-Stomach rupturing from binging
-Never reaching my goal weight
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ana-way-out-of-it04 · 6 years
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Perfectly motivated
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