sampams · 3 years
Masterlist <3 (october!)
taking requests now! requests
Fandoms I write for:
Stray Kids
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sampams · 3 years
Dsmp Masterlist (october!)
Who I write for! (please don’t send hate if I don't write for your fav)
-TommyInnit (no smut please!)
    A Daze- Angst/ Fluff (happy ending!)
-Karl Jacobs
-Tubbo (no smut please!)
-Quackity (no smut please!)
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sampams · 3 years
"A Daze” TommyInnit
rl!TommyInnit x gn reader
Summary: what happens if you flinch away from Tommy during an argument?
Warnings: a bit of angst (mentions of violence and shouting), fluff (Tommy a bit out of character)
Authors Note: hello! so i just randomly decided to start a blog and write, please be nice as this is my first post, and before you read, this is romantic, but i won’t  post anything that have to do with nsfw.
Arguments with Tommy was never a common thing in your relationship, you guys kept things pretty private ever since your announcement, but you have made appearances here and there in some of his newer vlogs. From what a lot of people can see, and what you guys like to think, was that your relationship was very chill, lots bickering with each other, insults thrown here and there but has no harmful meanings to them.
But today didn’t seem like you guys will make it the night without an argument sparking up. You didn’t think much of it during the day when Tommy grew distant, you just thought he was having one of those days where he decided to be a bit out of character. 
You were out that day with Jack, Toby and Tommy for a simple hang out, something you would often do after you all got your vaccines.
But today in particular seemed to get Tommy into a daze, you didn’t pry him for any answers, but a couple “Are you okay?” were were asked through the evening, but you would only to get a shrug as an answer. 
He knew you and Toby were close, he knew he shouldn't be dwelling on it for the most part, but he couldn’t help but feel jealous of the pair, you guys seem to be having your own conversation, leaving him behind with Jack, only for him to rant about something he didn’t seem to care of. But you didn’t understand , you decided to give Tommy space since he hasn’t been talking to you at all, let alone look at you. Jack felt a sort of tension when he realized his ranting has fallen on deaf ears, although he didn’t want to make a deal out of it, he proposed the pair to go home.
“Aren’t you guys a bit tired? I’m fucking exhausted and i need to go soon for a stream.” Jack mumbled, silently glancing at Tommy “Yeah we’ll leave too” pulling you up from your seat, startling you in the process as you were bidding your goodbyes to the boys. You guys started making your way to the train station, the walk was eerily silent, something you guys rarely did, you started to grow worried, picking at your polish, glancing up at him just to get an idea of what he was thinking then.
“Hey Tommy?” you whispered, looking straight forward, you didn't want to make eye contact with him, you knew he was mad, but you simply couldn't put your finger on it.
“Mhm?” he replied, he looked at his hand, the breeze was cold, and it felt strange not holding your hand like you always did on walks, he so desperately wanted to just envelope your hands in his, but he had his pride, and you noticed too, you hummed.
“You okay? you’ve been a bit off today.” This time you looked at him, hoping he’d look back at you but he never did, and kept walking forward.
“Tommy!” you sounded desperate, desperate for an answer, why was he acting like this all of a sudden? “please talk to me, what's wrong, you've never gone this long without talking to me. “, and silence once again fell upon you two, you couldn't help but feel hurt, you just wanted him to open up to you, he only sighed “We’ll talk when we get back to my place.”
The walk and train ride back was awkward, and you absolutely hated it, you couldn't help but have anxiety bubble up, why did he not want to tell you right then and there, was it so serious he had to ignore you the whole day? 
Upon arriving at his house, you met his mother in the living room and shyly waved at her, “Hi mom.” Tommy whispered, only to have his mother stare back at the two of you blankly, she wondered why he wasn't as energetic as he always was, but concluded that he might've been tired and warmly smiled back.
The two of you made it to his room, no words were exchanged between either of you. He promptly threw his hoodie off into a corner and sat in his chair at his desk, turning on his pc to play some games. You furrowed your eyebrows, you thought he’d talk to you. You decided to speak up.
“What are you doin’? Can we talk like you said we would?” you huffed out, you were slowly getting irritated by the second, he decided to boot up his pc rather than sort whatever was happening between the two of you?
You waited for a response, only to hear him sigh and pull his headphones off “Why didn’t you talk to me at all today?” he finally turned around, the question got you puzzled, you were terribly confused, you had to take a second to register what he just said, and you were baffled “what do you mean tom? you were the one that distanced yourself ever since we met up with Toby and Jack!”.
Your statement somehow hit a nerve within Tommy, when he abruptly stood up and sighed “You ignored me for Toby!” he retorted, this was so unlike him, he was never one to get jealous, especially when it comes to Tubbo, he knew the boy would never do anything to cause trouble, but he couldn’t help but doubt himself, wouldn’t you like someone calmer? Not over the top? Too aggressive? He himself knew he wasn’t any of that, you reassured him you loved him so dearly, then why did this have to get to him so much today?
And you finally put the pieces together, he was jealous, you couldn’t help but find it  cute and accidently let out a small chuckle, but Tommy didn’t take that too well, he thought you were mocking him, “You think this is funny?” he choked out, he couldn’t help but feel hurt, but it wasn’t your intention to come off cold, you shook your “No i don’t tom, i just don’t understand-” you were suddenly cut off by a scoff, “How can you not understand? clearly you prefer being by his side, you didn’t even make an effort to talk to me, you completely disregarded me the whole time i was next to you-” 
“Tommy stop, you’re rambling-” you tried to explain
“Stop? I'm trying to help you understand what you did!” a this point, it was becoming overbearing, he stood over you, towering above you and his shouting never came to a halt, despite it being your first argument, it was the first time you’ve ever seen him in such a state, and it intimidated you, you just wanted him to let you speak and explain, but he never gave you the chance.
“How can you not fucking see what you did wrong? You couldn’t think for a fucking second to ask me why i wasn't talking to you?!”
“I did!-”
“You did jackshit!” his hand came flying over you hand to rub his aching temple, you couldn’t help but flinch away and take a few step back. Your eyes shut close, waiting for impact, but it never came, the room was dead silent, the only sound you could make at was Tommy’s ragged breathing. You couldn’t believe you could ever think Tommy was ever gonna lay a hand on you, and you knew he could never, he loved you so much that a little cut you from a paper got him into a fury panic.
The sight of you flinching away, ultimately made his heart drop. “Y/N- i-i’m so sorry” he was speechless, he felt so ashamed with himself that the argument had to take this turn, knowing it could've been resolved in much more civil way. You stared at him, you couldn't say a word, your eyes were brimmed with tears that were threatening to fall and he couldn't stand there for another second, he didn't want to look at you and be reminded  that he scared you. And with that, he quietly left the room before you could speak up.
You stood still in your current position, had you not tried harder for him, this could've been avoided , you were telling yourself to not run after him, in fear he’d walk away again, that he needed a second to think, but the look on his face remained clear in your head , he looked so hurt, and you hated it. You needed to find him and apologize, you were worried for him, you wanted your relationship to be okay. 
Quickly grabbing a sweater than was on the floor, you mindlessly pulled it over your head, and headed straight downstairs. The house was dark, no lights in the hallway nor the living room, but from the corner, you could make out a small lamp turned on near the kitchen. You quietly made your way over, worried that it might be his mother, worried that she might've heard your argument from his room. But as you stepped in, you found tommy, leaning over the counter with a cup of water, sniffles could be heard coming from the boy and your heart ached.
Your eyes glossed over, you wanted him to be okay, to know that he didn't do anything wrong. And without another thought, you ran over to him latching at the back of his white shirt. You could feel him tense up for a second, as he was taken by surprise. 
“I’m sorry” you whispered, you could feel him shutter at how soft your voice was, he thought he didn't deserve an apology, for scaring you so much, and you knew that, and all you've ever wanted to do tin this moment was to reassure him you were okay.
It was once again silence, you slowly pulled away, you wanted to see him, you wanted to apologize to him for not being thoughtful, as you did, you found yourself in a awe, despite the tears that ran down his cheeks, you found him gorgeous, shining ever so subtly under the soft glow of the moon, you pulled your arm away from his waist, to gently caress his cheek, “I'm sorry my love, i wasn't able to hear you out, i never meant to hurt your feelings” you whispered slowly to him, pulling him into a hug, your head rested on his chest, as his was buried in the crook of your neck. He didn't say a word, and quite frankly you didn't expect him to, you didn't need to hear him speak, you knew he too was sorry. You suddenly felt your exposed neck dampen with his tears as he pulled you closer than ever to him.
“I'm sorry y/n, i really am, I'm so sorry” he hiccupped, “i didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry-” his sentence was cut short to catch his breath, “ i know you are, but you’re not in the wrong okay?” you pulled him off, cupping his face with your warm hands, he stared back at you “ i didn't know you felt that way, and rather than doing what i did, i should've listened to you, I'm sorry too. you're all I've ever wanted, and no one can compare to you, i love you so much tom, don't forget about that” you smiled sweetly at him ,despite the tears rolling down your tears stained cheeks as well as his.
He nodded, wiping away your tears, as he pulled you closer to him. The heat radiating off the both of you, as you sat in a now comfortable silence, he pulled you in for a kiss, sweetly smiling against your lips as he mumbled “ i love you too” before leaning back in for another one.
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