anadarmcs · 2 days
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Now the celebrations have died down, and work commitments have been fulfilled, I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for being a part of marking my 49th trip around this big blue marble. Knowing that I am surrounded by so many genuine, loving human beings makes my heart so incredibly full and you made it a day that I will never forget. If you ever need help moving house, or a car jump in the middle of the night, or a babysitter... I will Google the shit out of whatever you need! With love and light, Jay
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@anadarmcs @famepine @famesaoirse @texasyonce @kenny818jenner @hwaddinghamfms @famebellisario @fametennant @famemaxence @famelowden @xoemilyblunt @jbkrasinski @ariianaz
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anadarmcs · 2 days
Oh, you're absolutely right about that. Hopefully, she won't remember me just as 'the girl who tripped in front of me at the Oscars'. Props to your guy for taking it in stride—that’s when you know it’s meant to be! Self-insert fanfiction? Iconic. You seriously just keep leveling up. Do you think the internet will ever find out those usernames? As for livestreams, oh nooo, I steer clear of those. I’d be way too nervous, and then my English would go out the window. Like, words would just start failing me, and I’d probably forget how to pronounce half of them. Trust me, it wouldn’t be pretty. I’d much rather be a lurker on your livestreams.
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god, i love her. it probably made for a pretty memorable meeting though. i know if someone were to trip in front of me upon our first meeting, it would be burned into my brain forever. i don't write it anymore but the accounts are still up. however, i'm taking the usernames to my grave. pretty sure he thinks it's hilarious, which was the best case scenario for me. not like i was writing anything weird about them, just some self-insert shit. oh no, i'm afraid i've embarrassed myself enough here. you ever do livestreams?
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anadarmcs · 2 days
I missed yours more! And yeah, you know me—I wouldn’t miss one of Jason’s parties for the world. But honestly, seeing you there was the highlight of the night. It was like a mini-reunion. I loved catching up. The party itself? Total blast! Between the food, the music, and all the activities, it was a solid 10/10.
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I was so glad to see you at Jason's party. Let's be real I knew you would be there being one of his best friends and all. But let me be honest I just missed your face. Did you enjoy it?
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anadarmcs · 2 days
A colorful mohawk? Oh damn, now that's a change. I mean, I pictured a drastic hair transformation, but a mohawk never crossed my mind—until now. And please, you know me too well—I cause chaos, then disappear for a nap. It’s a system that works. Ooh, Austin Butler and Zoe Kravitz? That sounds like a killer combo, and with Aronofsky in charge, I already know it’s going to be intense. I’m practically begging for the behind-the-scenes tea, but I respect the hush-hush vibe… for now. But let’s just say, the moment those set photos are officially out, I expect a front-row look. As for Eden, the release date is still TBD, but it’s looking like sometime next year. So, I’ve got plenty of time to hype it up and pretend I’m not nervous about the whole thing.
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The peace around here was downright unnerving. Go on, unleash the mayhem. I just know you'll go radio silent on me after that 'cause you need to recharge those batteries to bother me properly. See? Your friend is booked and busy. Well… none of the above, it's a colorful mohawk. Aronofsky was happy that I accepted so quickly to shave my precious hair for it. To be fair, that looks like a normal day in Ana's world, right? Should be a piece of cake to you. It's a movie with Austin Butler and Zoe Kravitz as the leads, and it's based on a book with the same name, set in the 90s in New York. Can't say too much, they had to ask people to take down photos from set and all 'cause they're keeping everything under wraps, but hopefully I'll be able to tell you more about it soon! When's Eden coming out? Or it already did?
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anadarmcs · 2 days
Ana: sounds like the kind of love we all dream of—someone who sees you at your lowest and still shows up. 'Comfort, solutions, or space?' Ugh, she’s a gem! Hold onto that one tight because that's gold. But seriously, I’m so happy you’ve found this kind of peace and partnership. Also, you’re right—it did take you 48 years to figure it out, but better late than never. Ana: yeah, I think if she didn't like me, I'd definitely know by now. Kids are not exactly subtle, are they? She’s shy, but I can feel her warming up, and I’m taking things slow with her—just like with the guy. It’s good to hear Daisy was the same with Liz at first. Gives me hope! Ana: Look at you being sweet. Our ‘little thing’ was great, and it doesn’t change the friendship at all. If anything, it made it stronger. You’ll always have a special place in my heart, and I’ll always have your back too. We’re in this for life, no matter where we end up. And now I'm being super cheesy.
Jason: It's taken me 48 years to figure out that one but but it is what it is. I think it's just nice to be with someone who sees me on my worst days and instead of going 'I don't want to deal with this' she says 'Do you need comfort or solutions or space?' and I love her. Jason: I think she'd probably let you know if she didn't, there'd be signs if it was a solid dislike. Daisy was apprehensive at first, she was very shy and she'd lean on me a lot. I think that is just Daisy, she tends to keep herself reserved until she knows that person is a safe person to be herself around, then she'll open up. Daze didn't talk to Liz much in the beginning but now they're very close. Jason: Our friendship didn't end because our little thing ended. I still care about you very much, more so for it, in fact 🩵 I'll always have your back.
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anadarmcs · 2 days
Ah, happy tears only, promise! And oh my, doing a drama opposite you? That would be a dream—and yes, you know we’ll make each other cry, but it’ll be the best kind of emotional rollercoaster. Honestly, working with you would be the biggest challenge of my career. You always know how to push your scene partner to their best, so I’m ready for it. As for your little NYC getaway—good for you, taking some well-deserved pleasure time! Enjoy it while you can before you go back to mom mode. PRIVATE: well, you’d think it’s getting serious, right? But we haven’t even defined what we are— it’s all a bit up in the air. I’m just going with the flow at this point. What I do know is that this is big for him. He’s super protective of his daughter, so the fact that he introduced us says a lot. But yeah, no labels just yet.
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no, don´t cry, that´s not the intention at all, well maybe you mean a happy tears and once we get to work together, we can cry together but on a scene or several scenes, maybe a drama would be amazing to do opposite you. I´m not sure but i know it´s going to be a big challenge because you are such an amazing actress. well, there´s no other option. it´s work but now i´m in NYC just for pleasure... literally. I´m going back to my kids this weekend though. I´m sure they are tired to drive their dad crazy. -so that boy in question is a cowboy? and you are spending time with him and his daughter? that's huge, it sounds like things are getting serious there!
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anadarmcs · 4 days
Oh, stop it! You’re going to make me cry with all this sweetness. You know I’m dying to work with you too, so the second your agent gets that sorted, I’m there! Whatever scenarios you have in mind, sign me up—I’m ready for anything, as long as it is with you. Venice, TIFF, and now NYC? Look at you being all glamorous and jet-setting. Meanwhile, I’m here in Texas pretending to be a cowgirl. I’m actually taking a bit of a break and spending some time with a guy I'm seeing. And with his daughter too, it's been great to be away from all the mayhem in L.A.
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you're such a dream come true. The sweetest, prettiest and most adorable creature. I've talked to my agent,I'm practically demanding them to find a way to get a project where you and i can finally work together, i don't want to die without have worked with you. i have some scenarios in my mind about what we could do together. I was! Venic, TIFF and now new york. I'm flying back to London this Sunday to be back with the kids on monday and start off the week as the responsible mom i pretend to be. are you still in texas? what are you doing there, darling?
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anadarmcs · 4 days
Oh my god, yes! Halloween Town sounds like a dream—I’m in! I love that you grew up in a family that took it seriously, pranks and all. Honestly, I feel like I’m making up for lost time with all these spooky traditions. You’re right though, the US does Halloween on a whole other level. I’m ready to dive into all the madness, the shopping, stock up on pumpkins, decorations, candy, everything. What's the best prank you've done so far?
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And just like that i think you and i should go to Halloween Town, seriously one of my favorite store around Halloween, i been all over the place and i honestly think us American make a much bigger deal which is so funny since i'm pretty sure this started in Europe, i pretty much grew up with a family that takes it very serious, from pranking each other to decorations to giving out candy, i love it so much, really? i mean if you are saying than i believe it.
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anadarmcs · 4 days
Ahh, Chariots of Fire! Now that’s a way to kick off your West End career—talk about setting the bar high. I absolutely loved the movie so I'm sure the play was just as incredible. You and James must have been unstoppable. I was definitely holding my breath on the Knives Out set. Working with legends like Daniel, Toni, Don, and Jamie Lee Curtis herself felt surreal—she’s honestly the coolest, isn't she? I had to remind myself not to fangirl too hard. So, tell me, how did you handle Jamie Lee? Were you cool, or were you shitting yourself like I was?
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He was fucking amazing, and of course so was she. James and I did Chariots of Fire. My first proper gig outside Scotland, so it was a big fucking deal, and it was amazing going through that experience together - bonds ye for life. Oh yeah, I'd have been shitting meself on the set of Knives Out. I worked with Jamie Lee Curtis a few months ago, and she's fucking amazing. Naw, never.
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anadarmcs · 4 days
Ana: Jay, I think you’re spot on. Not everything has to be fixed, and it’s okay to have bad days just because—it’s all part of being human. We just have to take life one day at a time. I’m so happy you’re in a good place, and it’s amazing that you’ve got someone who understands that too. Extending the family? Holy shit, that’s exciting, but I totally get taking it slow. You’ve already got a lot on your plate with the chickens and horse-to-be! It sounds like a little farm over there, and I love it. Ana: I can't imagine, that's why I'm doing my best to make sure everyone is comfortable. As for JJ, I think she does like me—or at least she’s warming up. We’ve had some sweet moments, and honestly, just seeing her happy makes it all worth it. I’m definitely treading carefully, though. I don’t want to rush anything, but it feels good, like we’re building something genuine. Daisy was a little on the fence with Liz at first? Ana: I know, and I seriously love you for that. It feels so good to have someone in my corner.
Jason: I'm learning that. I'm better than I've ever been in a long time, but I am learning that not everything has to be fixed, and sometimes a bad day can just be a bad day, there doesn't have to be a reason, it can just be. It will be a lot of work, but it will be worth it I think. We even had a conversation about extending the family one day but that's going to be way off in the future maybe. She's filming soon and I'm busy, plus I think the chickens and the horse are enough for now. Jason: It's definitely a difficult conversation to have when things don't quite go the way you hope, so introducing them is always a tender moment. I'm really glad you have this though. Does she like you? His daughter? It'd be hard not to, but daughters are harder to please so I'm told. Same as sons with their mothers. I don't know if I'm just speaking from experience. Jason: Got it, I will do that. I'm only looking out for you.
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anadarmcs · 6 days
Ana’s eyes twinkled at his response, and she couldn’t help but laugh softly. “Already dominated your world? Look at you being a sweet talker,” she teased, her lips curving into a smirk. “World domination feels like a good next step. Maybe I’ll start with Disneyland and work my way up.” As Jensen moved around to grab his coffee, Ana kept her eyes on him, popping another grape into her mouth. Her playful pout quickly disappeared as his thumb grazed her lower lip. His playful bite caught her off guard, making her laugh softly as she swatted at him. "Okay, but asking her about the hotels without giving away the location is genius. You’re sneakier than you look, you know that?"
Ana’s grin only widened when Jensen pulled her closer, her legs tightening around his waist. His embrace felt like home, and she couldn’t help but let out a content sigh against his lips as they kissed. “Sick of you?” she asked with mock disbelief, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes. “Please, I could never get sick of you—even if you kissed me every five minutes for the rest of our lives.” Her fingers slid up the back of his neck, playing with his hair as she looked at him with a mischievous glint. "Oh, I’m the addictive one? Guess we’re both in trouble then, because I can’t get enough of you." She leaned in for another kiss, her lips lingering against his before she pulled back again, resting her forehead against his.
Ana noticed Jensen’s hesitation, and immediately, doubt started to creep in. Had telling Javi been too soon? She hadn’t meant to put any pressure on Jensen or whatever this thing between them was. She wasn’t even sure what to call it. “I just told him I was seeing someone, a fellow actor, and didn’t give any more details,” she explained, trying to downplay it a bit. But then, before she could stop herself, the question slipped out. “Are we together?” She never imagined she’d be the kind of person to have one of those dreaded 'what are we?' conversations. She'd always hated how it looked in movies, the cliché of it all, but now it felt inevitable. She was spending more and more time with Jensen in Texas, and he had already introduced her to his daughter—a step she hadn’t taken lightly. That was huge. Ana had always preferred things to flow naturally. She wasn’t one to push for labels or force situations into boxes. This wasn’t some scripted movie moment where this conversation would happen under a romantic moonlit sky or over a candlelit dinner. No, this was real life, their life, and real conversations didn’t need big gestures. They needed honesty, and right now, she just needed to know where they stood.
"you've already dominated my world, so might as well go for the real one next," the male said with a huff of a laugh, shaking his head at the woman before him. jensen could see it. ana taking over the world one day at the time. when the woman hopped onto the counter, he walked around to the other side so that he could grab his cup of coffee and then walked back around, leaning his hip next to where she was sitting. "how about this," jensen said while reaching over to thumb her lower lip that was poking out, leaning in to bite it playfully before moving away again before he started something that would end the conversation they were having. "why don't we ask her opinion on hotels, just don't tell her where the hotel will be. that way we know which one she'd like to stay in most." his shoulders rose and fell in a shrug, not sure it that was good enough or not. once more, this was ana's rodeo. "whatever you decide i will go along with."
feeling ana's lips against his, the male sighed into the kiss and slipped his arms around her, tugging her even closer against him. having her in his arms was hands down the best thing he could ever want. "hmm, every five minutes is a lot. you're not gonna get sick of me slobberin' all over you?" he teased, another laugh coming out when she said he was addictive. "lets turn that around, shall we? you're the addictive one in this relationship."
for a moment, jensen didn't know what to say or to even think. her brother wanted to meet him. on one hand - it was something that he knew was going to happen eventually, so he was ready for it. on the other - he was worried that he was too old, too grumpy, not enough for the man's sister. which would suck. a lot. because he didn't want to lose ana before he could even actually call her his. sure, he called her his girl all the time but he had never.. "did you tell him we were together?"
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anadarmcs · 7 days
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ANA DE ARMAS attends JASON SUDEIKIS' surprise birthday party | Crypto Arena, L.A | September 18th, 2024
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anadarmcs · 7 days
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Congrats on leveling up in life – you're now officially at the age where grunting when you stand up is totally normal. 🎉 Don't worry, though, I hear wrinkles are just laugh lines from all the fun you've had… or the stress I’ve caused you over the years. 😂 Here’s to another year of bad decisions, great memories, and pretending we have our lives together.
With lots of love,
Gifts include
KC Cap (cause' you can never have too many of them)
Dior Sunglasses
Bracelet with Otis, Daisy and Elizabeth's name on it
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anadarmcs · 7 days
Ana chuckled softly at Jensen’s question, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Mhm, that and world domination," she teased, her voice hushed to keep the Disneyland Paris trip a secret, just in case JJ wandered nearby. Hopping onto the kitchen island, Ana reached for a handful of grapes, sighing dramatically as she popped one into her mouth. "Honestly, I’m torn." She pouted slightly, her lip jutting out. "Do we surprise her or get her input? Both sound perfect, but I want it to be just right for her. So, you’re going to help me decide." She gave a determined nod, clearly delegating the choice to him.
Grinning mischievously, Ana grabbed Jensen’s wrist, pulling him closer until her legs wrapped around his waist. Her fingertips traced his lower lip as she gazed up at him, her smile playful. "You know, it’s crazy—every five minutes you should be kissing me," she joked, her voice feigning seriousness as she shook her head in mock disbelief. Before he could respond, she closed the distance between them so she could capture his lips in a soft and slow kiss. "You’re so addictive," she whispered against his lips, lingering for a moment before pulling back, glancing over her shoulder to ensure JJ wasn’t around to witness.
"I told Javi about you," she said casually, referencing her older brother. "He’s flying into L.A. at the end of the month and wants to meet you. Are you ready for that?" She raised an eyebrow, her tone light but sincere, curious to see how Jensen would react to the idea.
feeling arms wrap around him, jensen paused in making his coffee to tip his head down and over his shoulder to look at ana. a smile broke out over his face, tilting it slightly so that he could press a kiss to the tip of her nose. having her in his home, in his space, was better than he had expected and in his mind she was meant to be there. to be with him, with his daughter. in his life, period.
"is that what you have been plotting, hm?" he spoke softly so that jj wouldn't hear him. she was around the house somewhere, popping out at random times to ask questions or grab fruit from the bowl on the counter. she had eaten breakfast already but loved a snack from time to time, so he kept fresh things on the counter. especially apples.
wrapping his arms snugly around ana's waist, he leaned back against the counter as his coffee dripped into the coffee cup. "that's up to you, babe. do you want to keep it a secret until everything is settled or do you want to tell her now and let her help you plan things?" either way, jensen didn't mind. it was ana's rodeo and he was just there to enjoy the ride. "20 minutes, huh? the horror!" he said with a laugh before moving his hands over her lower back, rising up so that he could cup her neck in his palm and bring her closer so that he could press a gentle kiss to her lips.
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anadarmcs · 7 days
Ana: I totally get it, Jay. It's okay to have those wobbles and feel like you’re not at your best sometimes. We're human, after all. The fact that she's been so supportive and understanding through it all shows just how much she loves you. And FYI, you're not impossible to love. The geese, chickens, and soon a horse sound so chaotic; I love it. I’d love to swing by and see your little animal kingdom in action and grab some fresh eggs! Remember, you deserve all the happiness you’re finding. Ana: I can definitely understand that. I'm not a mother yet but wanting to protect someone you love from getting their little hearts broken is something we all can relate to. That's why I never pressed and I'm so thankful Jensen thought it was time. I'm actually preparing a surprise for JJ, we're taking her to Disneyland Paris. Ana: You should always have your not-so-scary talk with him 😂 I love it when you do that.
Jason: I'm sorry. I'm still very happy, I'm in a very good place right now, you're right. I have had a couple of wobbles but she's been so supportive and held me through and she hasn't run away when I've been impossible to love, and she's tried to understand how she can be present. She's everything. Geese and chickens! We're getting a horse too once we're settled into the house. He's going to be her project. If you're in New York you'll have to swing by for some fresh eggs. From the chickens, not the horse. Jason: That's very understandable, Daisy is quite the same. It's such a big, scary thing to introduce a new love interest to your children for a number of reasons, the prospect of dealing with the aftermath (again) if things do go wrong is always in the back of your mind but you just have to hope for the best. But when your person has a good relationship with your tiny humans it's the best thing ever. Jason: I love all of this. I need this for you, I want you to be happy and feel safe. I don't have to have my not-so-scary talk with him.
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anadarmcs · 7 days
That’s awesome to hear you’re in such a good place! I’d love to hear more about your play—what’s it about and where will it be showing? Maybe I can catch a performance while I’m at it. And of course, I can’t wait for you to meet him. It would be fantastic to introduce you two. Let's plan a proper catch-up soon, either in London or wherever our paths cross. I want to meet your guy too, sounds like he's really good for you.
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——- It's truly been the best time, honestly. i'm so happy right now. i'll post it soon, just been lost in work and we just finished rehearsals for my play so that's my plan next. thanks, ana. oh — well i hope you do, but also glad you had a nice break. sounds good to me and i'd love a proper catch up. i've been around london, but i can make a trip if needed for a couple days. oh ? i'd be honoured to meet him.
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anadarmcs · 7 days
I feel the same way—our time together was like a scene from a movie, and I’m still replaying it in my mind. Spending time with you is like free therapy. I always appreciate all the advice and you letting me vent. Oh wow, you were in Venice too? I love how booked and busy you are. I’m currently in Texas, but trust me, if there’s a chance to jet off to NYC to hang out with you, I’m there in a heartbeat. How long are you staying in the Big Apple? Maybe we can plan a reunion. And of course, our FaceTime calls will keep us connected until then.
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My baby! It´s been a week and since then I´ve been missing you terribly, I have this feeling that you and I met 20 years ago because there´s no other way I have this amazing time with you, open up with you like if you really were so close to me since forever. How have you been gorgeous woman? i´m in NYC recovering from all the events and interviews from Venice and Tiff, so if you are around we can repeat that this week, and if not, we still got our epic facetime calls.
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