analudsilva · 1 year
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analudsilva · 1 year
ANALU: what if history is repeating itself? ANALU: what if there's eighteen, or more victims this time. the police ain't doing shit. i'm tired of losing ANALU: please be careful. i don't want you to get hurt
A: I know, I'm sorry. Hate that there's no real way to make anyone feel better specially after so many deaths and still no answers. A: I am! Don't worry. I figured it was the best thing to do so I just closed the office and routed all the calls over to my home office.
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analudsilva · 1 year
ANALU: i'm... okay. scared, i don't think there's a way not to be. how are you? ANALU: i'm at home! please tell me you are too
Apple 📲 Analu
A: Lovey! How are you? Are you somewhere safe?
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analudsilva · 1 year
"Then you should know by now it's true," she nudged his shoulder with a warm smile on her face, people need to know they're appreciated and Analu was always ready to let them know. "Wait! For real? No take backs! I'll be right back," she scurried to the desk in the room grabbing everything Jesse needs. She plopped herself next to him, giddy to see him sketch out the tattoo she'd be able to see on her skin tomorrow.
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"You sound like Jules. She's always hyping me up, I swear." Jesse chuckles, turning his head to look over towards Analu. "Thanks for saying all that." He's not very good with compliments either. His dark orbs focus on the pasta in front of him, taking another few bites as she glances over towards her, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'd open the parlor tomorrow just for you if that's what you wanted." He takes the last bite before moving to place his plate on the surface of her coffee table. "You got a paper and a pad? I can draw it out right now if you want."
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analudsilva · 1 year
Dom’s eyes narrowed as he watched her own fill up with tears, hating the fact that they were there because of him, before he barked out a laugh the more he listened to her speak. This entire conversation was just getting worse and worse, and if he thought Mike had been a horrible person then, he was just about ready to murder the guy now. “Funny how Mike told you I said those things when he was the one who said those things about you to me,” he spat out. He remembered how angry he had been then, and he could feel how angry he was now, and there was absolutely nowhere to place all of this anger and so he gave in. It almost felt like he was watching someone else’s arm snake around her waist, using his grip to pull her flush against his body, finally, finally giving himself this opportunity to give in to what he wanted. It’s been years since what had happened happened, but Anlu had always been at the back of his mind, always there, just lingering. As angry as he was, Dom was finally starting to understand that it seemed like both of them had been played. Because of fucking Mike. 
“I liked you,” he said, his voice now low, almost a murmur, sounding strangled as he looked down at her. Dom never thought he’d be able to actually say those words to her face, already accepting the fact that she was no longer interested in him from the moment she stood him up, but here he was now. He forced himself to breath deeply, trying to opt for the illusion of being calm, when his heart was thudding hard in his chest at how close the two of them were. So long. He’d wanted this, wanted her for so long. “Not Mike,” Dom fiercely whispered. “I did. I fucking liked you. I was the one who wanted to date you, and wanted to fucking kill his ass for saying those horrible things about you,” Dom said, his voice firm. He inhaled sharply as his eyes flitted down to her lips once more. “And now, all I want to do is what I’ve thought about doing since the first time I laid my eyes on you,” he said, his free hand reaching up to cup her cheek as he starts to lean down, slowly closing the distance between them. “Tell me to stop, Analu, and I will.”
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She furrowed her eyebrows, the only thing this conversation was leading to was confusion. “He— he said those thing?” she questioned, as she felt a stray tear fall down her cheek and her lip quiver, but she was quick to turn her head to the side and wipe it away. He didn’t need to see her cry, he didn’t need to know this information hurt. She thought Mike was a good guy, but like every relationship she misjudges the person or gets too spooked to stay. There were many things she wanted to do now - yell, punch and cry, but all those thoughts flew out of her head when he pulled her in. Though she denies it she’s always wondered what it would be like to be so close, to touch him... to kiss him.
Her heart rate picking up with every word that slipped his mouth. “Why didn’t you?” she asked her eyes focused on his, searching for something, though she didn’t know what, “why didn’t you come to me?” she braved the rest of her question, regret flooding her mind. Regret that she was so stubborn she started dating Mike just to find a way to get to Dom, to hurt him the way she was hurt when her ex-boyfriend lied to her. She wished she could go back to that day and instead of believing him like a fool to go to Dom. “I—” her words stuck under a lump in her throat as he slowly leans to her, her hand sliding to the back of his neck, her next words coming out as a whisper, “please don’t stop.”
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analudsilva · 1 year
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“Do you think you’re incapable of that?” he counters with another question of his own, holding her eye contact. The grin on his lips slowly and gradually curves up his lips as he feels her hand going up his thigh. He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “We wouldn’t want that, no. You’d lose someone as fun as me, too, to be fair.” He looks over at the bartender, thanking him as he takes his own drink and looks at Analu again as he brings the drink to his lips to take a sip.
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“Hm, you’ll have to wait and see,” she can’t help but match the grin on Aslan’s face. And something that was already obvious, she enjoyed spending her time with him, especially now when all everyone seemed to talk about was the murders. Even Analu herself, evident by the brief mention earlier. “I wouldn’t want that to happen,” she took a long sip from her drink before placing it back on the napkin. “Who else would buy me drinks as an apology?”
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analudsilva · 1 year
"Judging by my experience, I say you're a pretty good guy Jesse," and she meant it, in her eyes he was a good person, and when you add that he was one of the first to text her today and check up on her, and then showed up to cook her dinner. She doesn't know many people that will go to that extent. She took a few more bites from the dish, washing it down with water. She moved back into the couch, tucking her legs underneath herself. "You up to opening up tomorrow just for me?" she asked him with the brightest smile she could give, she was already excited to see some new ink on herself.
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"Or you're giving me too much credit." Jesse know he's made more than a few mistakes in his life. Maybe what happened two years ago kept him more humble or closed off... Whatever the fuck it was. He raises up his fork, taking the bite of the pasta off the end of it as he glances over towards her. "You know I'll do the tattoo whenever you want." He chuckles. "If you want it done at midnight, consider me ready." Best part of owning the damn place.
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analudsilva · 1 year
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analudsilva · 1 year
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“You could have taken your father and left? Found some place safer — normalcy if that even exists anymore.“ Emir offered. There was little to no argument against her words given such facts were unmistakable. The town of Nightrest seemed to attract folks from all walks of life, a number of which deranged or so one was lead to believe if the news was anything to go by. The streets weren’t safe, day or night, which was all he more reason that he couldn’t leave, not while his siblings remained. “Not against an unknown threat no, but in other aspects of your life you might be surprised, Ana.” There was a softness to his tone, one that rarely made an appearance. “I’m sure the police are doing all they can. Doesn’t mean we don’t all have to remain vigilant through, speaking of which you shouldn’t be out here alone. Least let me give you a ride home?”
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“He’d never uproot his life. He didn’t do it for mom, why would he do it for me?” Part of her always blamed her father for letting go of their family, and it took her years to be able to forgive him enough to be around him for more than a week. Now she regrets doing it like this more than anything, but she can’t turn back time. The only thing she had left was to give him his daughter for however long he had left. She didn’t like asking for help, and she found it hard to believe she’d seek it out even when she needs it, but she hopes with a little more time she’ll grow enough to be able to do it. “You’re right, but it’s hard to do.” She wished she would of opened up what felt like a lifetime ago, but there was no point to dwell on it when she can’t do anything about it. “I’m sure I’ll be fine, Emir. You don’t have to worry about me.”
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analudsilva · 1 year
“I’m not fucking lying!” Dom yelled, the frustration in him building and building the more they talked — or yelled at each other. It was Analu’s superpower — the power to aggravate him with just a few words. Dom liked to think he didn’t let her get to him, but he knew that was a lie. She’d been under his skin for years now, but only now did things come to the surface like this. “What the fuck are you even talking about?!” Dom asked, confusion on his face before he looked at Analy straight on as some things slowly started falling into place in his head the more she talked. “Are you talking about Mike?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed. “My ex-friend Mike that fucking dated you? The one who told me he’d hook me up with you on a date? Because Mike didn’t fucking like you, I did!” Dom suddenly said, before he sobered, unable to believe the words he swore he’d never admit now out in the open, weighing heavy between the two of them.
 Swallowing thickly, he forced himself not to look away from her as he stepped closer towards her. “I fucking liked you, Analu. I was the one who wanted to date you! And you went ahead and dated the guy who was our mutual friend instead so you know what? Fuck him and fuck you too,” Dom said, jaw clenching as he looked down at her, not wanting to be the first to pull away, despite the space between them being too small now. “There’s your fucking truth,” he spat out, hating how his eyes darted down to her lips. It was only a quick moment, one he hoped she missed, as he quickly moved his eyes back to meet hers, the fury still in them.
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In all the years they've spat hurtful words at each other, they've never gotten this heated, she never heard him out right yell at her and if she had to be honest that scared her. But she stood straight, keeping that feer inside her, she can't and she won't give him the satisfaction of seeing her in that state. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about either!" she spent years trying to understand what his problem was, why he hated her to the point where he'd talk shit without barely even talking to her. He was trying to install some kind of guilt in her, but it won't work. She won't back down.
She felt her breath hitch in her throat as he came closer, her brows furrowed at his words, Mike never said those things. Up until today she thought that Dom has always hated her. Were all these years of hatred based on a lie? She thought as her mind went back to the day Mike opened up about his feelings. She didn't even like the guy, but she went out with him anyway. Maybe it was in-spite of Dominic, because every time she saw Mike her mind went back to him, to the guy she couldn't have with a stupid wish it would of been him. "Fuck me? No! Fuck you and your dumb friends!" Ana pressed a finger against his chest, pushing deeper at every word that left her lips. Her eyes were starting to fill up with tears from the anger rocking her body, but instead of letting them fall she turned to look at anything but him.
She drew a deep breath, slowly letting it back out trying to compose herself and her thoughts. "Want to know what Mike told me? He said he came to you, told you he wants to ask me out and what the fuck did nice guy Dom say - you told him I wasn't worth it, that he'd be wasting his time just thinking about me." To this day those words rang inside her head whenever she saw him, even just the mention of his name was enough to rile her up like nothing and nobody else. "You can do so much better than that girl. These words ring a bell to you, Dom?" her nostrils flared as her eyes pierced his, "she's just a bitch, what about those, huh?" She can't believe the audacity either of those boys had, to toy with her mind and heart like they were nothing. To play with her emotions like they didn't matter. "And it fucking hurt, because I liked you! And I wished it was you!"
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analudsilva · 1 year
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“Let me know when you’re leaving because I’m coming with you,” Meli replied, a small, sad smile on her lips. The last thing she had expected to deal with after moving back here after her failed engagement was to be surrounded by so much death, and if she was being completely honest with herself, it terrified her. The panic was there but she pushed it down, because she didn’t want to add to the fear and frustration that seemed to have its grip on everyone in town. “Indulge me. Where would we go? Something sunny and fun like Maldives? I still need to go there.”
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The need to leave was like a shadow casting over her, she fought it for months. Fought to prove to her family that she was capable of sticking around and it terrified her more than anything. She felt like a bird in a cage, and now more than ever she has to stay. She can’t leave when everyone’s lives were in danger. “I want to go right now,” she gave Meli a pout, bringing her hands to rub her temples. “You’ve never been there? Oh, we’re definitely adding it to the list. First chance we get we are on our way, no excuses. I also heard about this amazing island somewhere in Greece, I keep forgetting the name but it’s magical.” Though for now the only thing she could do was create future plans. Leaving for a week or so wasn’t running, right?
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analudsilva · 1 year
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“I’ve already got my heart set on it, so be ready. And be wasted,” Bianca laughed despite the way it seemed to make the feeling in her head a lot worse. “You made out with someone and went home alone? Now that doesn’t sound like you. Kissing someone and not ending the night with a bang. I think you’re starting to lose your touch, meu amor. Who are you and what have you done with my friend?”
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“Losing my touch?” she gave her a look of fake offense as a hand laid over her heart, “she’s right here, ready to have fun and mingle... but with all this crap,” Analu sighed leaning back to her seat. “I don’t know like going home with a stranger right now feels extremely dumb, you know?”
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analudsilva · 1 year
"You're giving some men a little too much credit," she gave him a pointed look, Analu was the girl for fun night out and a good lay. Or that's how she felt. But it was her own fault, she had opportunities for something in the past, but knowing what her parents went through it always made her run the opposite direction. "Black and white, I think it looks better that way. When do you have a free spot for me?"
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"Really? Never a morning after breakfast sort of thing either?" Jesse tilts his head to the side as he pokes at his pasta with his fork as his eyes lifts up towards her. A low chuckle leaves his features as he raises up his fork to take bite of the pasta, nodding his head. "Guess that means I'm stuck here," he teases. He lifts his eyes up towards her. "I think I know what you're talking about. Are you wanting it just black and white or are you wanting it in color?"
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analudsilva · 1 year
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#i’m emily
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analudsilva · 1 year
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analudsilva · 1 year
CLOSED - @bruiscdviolets​
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She stood from the couch with her phone in hand as she paced and read the news to Marina. “They’re saying it’s probably a second murderer,” she stopped and looked at her, she tried to keep her cool before, pretend like it wasn’t getting to her, but it was becoming impossible to do it. “Someone cursed this place. There’s no way this is happening.”
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analudsilva · 1 year
"If I have to pick - warm." Analu replied, but she put her finger up before continuing "well, I don't actually reheat my leftover pizza so I might be right in the middle. Do you like it cold?"
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papa’s pizzeria w/ @nightreststarters
"What do you prefer? Cold or warm pizza?"
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