anarchysai · 9 years
Stop fucking necroing my shit
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anarchysai · 9 years
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peep my cool eyelids + my cute lil mole above my lip n also how cute my mouth n tongue look 🍐
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anarchysai · 9 years
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anarchysai · 9 years
Usually when I get scared I resort to my most basic instincts, which according to Fox news is video games! I guess that's maybe accurate: I'll have a day without a quest or a goal, no princess to rescue, no stars to collect, I'll just wander around and . . . Other people! Maybe they have a side quest!! So I approach and say hello, usually I'm looking for these kinds of people. I start talking and at some point realize they're not the ones with a quest. Usually I just peace. And I think this messes with people and makes it harder to connect. I just get scared
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anarchysai · 9 years
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anarchysai · 9 years
Facebook friends with Super Villains
Most the time when I think of Super Villains I only think of their dastardly plans to wreck havoc... Doc Oct, wanting to defeat the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and take over New York. Red Skull, leading the Nazi's to their world domination through evil destruction. The Fire Lord, who was willing to wipe out the Water tribes without hesitation. Team Rocket who desire to rule the world and enslave all the Pokémon. These no good rotten to the core people who only want to cause pain, recently started adding me on Facebook. I saw a selfie of Doctor Doom in Disneyland with the hash tag, "#wishIWasAPrincess" I saw Bowser posting pictures of him bonding with his family, they made a pilloried together. The Joker said he was going camping for the week, Ganondorf posted his Kickstarter for his new jazz album, and the SkyWitch befriended a stray dog. These people are evil, I thought as I clicked like on an article on Bernie Sanders as posted by Darth Vader. But time and time again I see them be humans. A man who had hurt my friends had a status about life being hard due to bills piling up. How am I expected to have sympathy? A lady who went out of her way to bully my close friend posted cute animal pictures with silly captions. I feel really bad wanting to click like, like if I do I betray my friend. Maybe it would be easier to click "unfriend" but if people started asking questions the integrity of the privacy requested could be harmed. The numbers don't lie... 1/3 women in college will face or will have faced sexual misconduct. The numbers for men are harder to determine because of the stigma of reporting, and for those who identify outside the gender binary their voices are often left unheard because the system doesn't even think they exist. But people are hurt, by people we know. Maybe the friend request was accepted before they went and hurt someone but I get sick to my stomach trying to rectify that people are still people, even when they're more evil than super villains. The reality is though: All monsters are human.
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anarchysai · 9 years
Shouts out to Mexico everything is yours - Lil B
(via diorpaint)
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anarchysai · 9 years
This guy has a load of himself
It was the type of day where I scrambled my outfit like a pair of eggs, hastily, a dash of spice, and I'm out the door, bumbling a honey bee prance to the car. Where my voice is that deep growl that makes me feel like a badass but probably sounds like a frog croaking. I've got my mason jar JAM PACKED with the freshest tap water Willamette can buy. It was the type of day that rained enough I remembered my feet aren't wet because I was given new shoes. They have really hard soles, like I'm walking on stoic father tropes. It was a building that had so much of the same art on the wall. The kind of art that says, "hey, a 12 year old could have painted this, but we bought it for 200k at an auction and it looks just like our others." They were all fields of flowers that were just color balls but I thought of a playpin for the forest scene. They called my name with a smooth tone and had to way me like I'm produce and they've got a tight budget, "you can weigh less if you strip" I think to myself. I'd strip all the time but I don't think people are ready to see an ass as hairy as my beard. I was taken to a small room and asked some questions that they always ask, but they never ask the questions I would ask like, "how many dogs do you pet in a week?" Or "what kind of melon are you?" I was really surprised when they didn't even ask me about my latest selfie that got 63 likes and counting on Facebook. Instead they asked how many cigarettes I smoked and how many miles I ran. I think these are pretty boring questions because they ask everyone those questions but have a sign hanging on the wall that says "you are special." The assistant leaves like a mini boss, and I have a long load screen. I felt my stomach shake a bit. Not like the ice creamy beverage but tremors of energy telling me to stay on the defensive. She hid her vibes when she walked in the room and was good at it. She knew how to talk and break the ice and make me forget all the words I practiced that I wanted her to hear. Then she said I needed to lose weight. Then she asked if I was always big. Then she asked what my dad looked like. And when I answered then asked for help about my brain, when I told her sometimes I want to tear my throat out, when I filled out a form that said I panic daily, she told me I should stick to my medications. We don't want to change them too fast. Then she asked me about my weight again, like maybe it's changed again. And then I thought I could lose some weight if I tore my throat out. But I didn't tell my mom that. Then she told me that I needed blood work done to test for diabetes and thyroid issues even though a month ago I got the same work done and I had nothing. I guess we have to stay on top of my weight. When I told her I had lost weight though, she brought up the record from last month and said I hadn't. So she knew I had this blood work already done. If you have to ask who first notices someone's weight: it's themselves. I was thankful that after explaining to my mom that my mental health was trivialized in favor of my weight she had become more sympathetic. But she never knew it was an issue. Maybe I just stored up all the insults and remarks and comments I got in my fat cells. If that were the case though, I would be the size of the moon just from my own thoughts. I know she had the best intentions, but believe me: I know I am fat. I know I am not the typical depiction of beauty. I know I look at myself in disgust every morning. I know I over eat out if anxiety and it's not healthy. But informing me of my weight as if it's the long lost voice of God spreading words never heard before, makes me feel as bad as you say I look. I was shaking on the ride home. Because I wish every night that I wasn't this big. But right now I don't have the time to think about that, on top of bills, pills, cheap thrills. I have to write poems. With my fat, chubby fingers sitting on my fat ass. If this imagery makes you uncomfortable, imagine being me.
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anarchysai · 9 years
I'm fascinated by how similar hashtags are by people tryna fit into tumblr. Like, there are certain tags that are way too meme and it's weird. W/e tho
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anarchysai · 9 years
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wow i am really hot
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anarchysai · 9 years
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good afternoon!! (´⌣`)/ 💐
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anarchysai · 9 years
Stuck in a Loop
An old step up, there was chalk there. The moon was lit and we laughed, our breath like short cigarettes. We shared stories, and drew our first tattoos.
We had wandered and explored, ventured, without knowing each other. We yelled and fought loudly about concepts we will never understand but always took the time to stop and smell the roses. It was a strange spectacle that caused us to even interact. A hard fall, a bizarre stupor, then a memory of the entire event afterwards. No one quite understood our intentions, and while I can’t say for certain we did either, we both were curious and always on a quest for something, if even for a fleeting moment. I cannot pass those steps without seeing the chalk we stained bricks with. Every time I think of you with no intention other than cherishing a pleasant memory. Life is stressful and I worry you might disappear faster than I myself can vanish. But I’m the type of person who has to be the first to go, for me, please be the last to leave. But I know that I could never ask you that. I wish you the best, get some rest for the sunshine. Thank you for a moment that I cannot dispose of, if for no other reason than to enjoy it.
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anarchysai · 9 years
2 dumb 4 trix
The kinda dog that never learned any tricks. The one that just barked and barked, could never sit still. Whined and howled at the first sign of being separated from anything. Painfully energetic. Hyperactive. Like caffeine was second nature. The kinda dog that jumps from an edge too far and you see the dog limping, aching, but keeps playing. They check on the dog, but the fucker never slows down. Constantly has to move around like time making sure every passing moment is alive and essential. Every microorganism does the job that was assigned. Maybe by another, maybe self-perscribed.
But time...
Time makes the chemicals react, dimensionalizing everything, making sure the scales continue and change occurs.
So the dog keeps running around trying to find a place. Maybe not a place. Maybe a person. Or an idea. The thing is no one really stopped to ask the dog anything, let alone about the bombastic energy perpetually demonstrated.
This dog happened to know however, the injury was pretty bad but kept up with the typical events, the typical wackiness. At night the dog would wander off alone. That was okay.
Though this dog knew many things, dumb mistakes and poor choices were not out of reach of the decision making process.
The dog knew there was no reason to slow down. But was so afraid of the thought.
Not in any rationale sense, other than thinking so desperately that purpose can be found by being the most active cog in the machine. Even though it sucked, the dog kept being.
The dog just wanted a place to fit in without being hurt any further. So the dog never slowed.
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anarchysai · 9 years
Lol your poetry is shit. Id start on a new tallent breh. Are you even published tho? Typical salem scrubbery.
Well, I mean, I’m published twice, have been featured a few times and just won a talent show with my poetry, so I disagree.What’s your talent, anon?
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anarchysai · 9 years
Yoyoyoyo, fuck you I'm not your performing monkey, Thinkin you can work me cause I'm a stage junkie. Fuck you, feeding right into addiction, But you don't care when I'm in infliction The inflection you're projecting is getting me stepping out the booth. Push away the man who's bars were robbed don't cop truth. I sleuthes it, I deduced it. You give excuses. But you ruthless. Smirk like the devil and you tell me an allegory. Try really hard, you're the king of the story. Sorry, I switched you bewitched you. Fixed you, picked you boo. Fucking ridiculous, like how silly am I to adjust. I leave the cockpit, exit stage left. Or I hang center stage to save breath. I'm nobody. You don't care. Quit fucking pretending. If I exited you wouldn't be aware. Lil b hear my prayer. Let me be done, fucking soothsayer
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anarchysai · 9 years
Yo give thao tran daps Cause this thao tran raps Like when thao tran slaps Get them Thao tran apps. Yo I spit mad bars, thao tran I got a lot to cover in my thao span Makin fuccbois cry sayn thao damn Blowing up fire like thao pakistan Yo fuckin the dad call me thao man, Yo censor this chick get a thao ban Throw em in the fucking thao garbage can Taking over the world using thao masterplan Fucking hell goddam shit thao tran Greatest nuke threat since thao iran Cooking up this fire in a metal thao pan Driving delivery in my fucking thao van Yo look at this cypher fucking thao tran Yo her number one fan? Fucking thao tran When your rap is full, unload your thao gland, Get that shit out your system like you thao can. Yo we murdering mufuckas in a thao lan Read the holy words the Thao Qu'ran. Laps around the fuccbois, Thao ran Fronting Asian ethnicities, タハオさん Yo when thao be a granny, thao nan Yo tho thao love the phanny, thao slam, Fucking with 1direction, thao disband, Fucking yourself with your thao hand. Finishing a cypher pass to thao tran Let her fuck the president in thao land Yo fuccbois are just crust in thao sand Yo shout out to the bday thao tran.
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anarchysai · 9 years
I feel like a kid lined up picking teams for kickball at recess. The team captains are stars, the first few picks go out to the champions, "she's kicked it over the fence three times this week!" "I heard he's never lost a game!" After the obvious are selected the captains start to pick their friends, maybe their crushes, perhaps even the class clown. But as the numbers start to dwindle, you get to feeling really nervous. Like, you want to be recognized, the last kid usually never has their name called out. They just know where they have to go. But I feel like the kid who just gets forgotten. It's not to say I don't have support networks or a lot of friends, people who love and care about me. I just feel like I'm waiting to play kick ball but can't. And I don't know why.
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