"My treasure! Things I cherish!" She smiled, proud of her work of her hoard. Now, to defend her turf.
dragon + alt ~~~~
Arezu has been acting weird. A strong urge to create and grow a massive hoard of pretty shiny stuff.
*marxus looked at her worried*
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Inside were various gems, clothes, Pokeballs, and books. And Marxus's crap!
dragon + alt ~~~~
Arezu has been acting weird. A strong urge to create and grow a massive hoard of pretty shiny stuff.
*marxus looked at her worried*
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"Well, guess they are mine now." She headed inside her house.
dragon + alt ~~~~
Arezu has been acting weird. A strong urge to create and grow a massive hoard of pretty shiny stuff.
*marxus looked at her worried*
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She saw him, hoping her could save her from this torture. “h..help..”
Send 🌿 or (Overgrown) for my muse to be overgrown with plants
Mars couldn't be able to move. Her being awake was very weak. Her body barely responding.
*mark was walking around exploring*
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She pouted. “I’m gathering pretty stuff.”
dragon + alt ~~~~
Arezu has been acting weird. A strong urge to create and grow a massive hoard of pretty shiny stuff.
*marxus looked at her worried*
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“YEAH! I’m fiiine!” She groaned.
dragon + alt ~~~~
Arezu has been acting weird. A strong urge to create and grow a massive hoard of pretty shiny stuff.
*marxus looked at her worried*
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There were a few pokemon try to examine the android. She can’t do anything. She made a small whimper of help. 
Send 🌿 or (Overgrown) for my muse to be overgrown with plants
Mars couldn't be able to move. Her being awake was very weak. Her body barely responding.
*mark was walking around exploring*
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Send a Pokémon type to...
Normal - Remove my muse’s emotions for [#] asks.
Steel - Make my muse unable to be hurt by physical attacks for [#] asks. (Send “steel + alt” to turn my muse into a robot)
Psychic - Hear every thought my muse has for [#] asks.
Dark - Have disasters follow my muse for [#] asks. (Send “dark + alt” to have my muse be the one causing the disasters)
Bug - Make my muse incredibly irritated by everything for [#] asks.
Poison - Make everything my muse touches get sick or die for [#] asks.
Water - Put my muse in an inescapable body of water for [#] asks.
Fire - Give my muse the intense urge to set everything around them on fire for [#] asks.
Dragon - Make my muse extremely protective over something or someone for [#] asks. (Send “dragon + alt” to make my muse feel the need to add to their hoard)
Fairy - Turn my muse into a fairy for [#] asks. (Send “fairy + alt” for them to be stuck in a fairytale of mun‘s choice)
Grass - Make my muse hate not being surrounded by nature for [#] asks. (Send “grass + alt” to give my muse the ability to control plants)
Flying - Give my muse wings for [#] asks.
Electric - Make my muse shock everything they touch for [#] asks. (Send “electric + alt” for my muse to be the one getting shocked)
Ghost - Turn my muse into a ghost for [#] asks. (Send “ghost + alt” to make my muse see ghosts)
Fighting - Make my muse incredibly aggressive for [#] asks.
Ground - Make my muse unable to find their balance for [#] asks. (Send “ground + alt” for my muse to feel like they’re caught in an earthquake of increasing severity)
Rock - Slowly turn my muse into a statue over the course of [#] asks. (Send “rock + alt” to make my muse unable to move)
Ice - Make my muse feel like they’re freezing for [#] asks. (Send “ice + alt” to make my muse freeze everyone they touch.)
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Random lines from pokemon games starters
"Touch the bidoof."
"What do you have against _______? Treat things with respect!"
"I want to peg you with a snowball. Hard"
"We're no robbers! We're kidnappers! Get it? Kidnappers!"
"The air is tasty here!"
"Your pretty hot. But not as hot as ____"
"I'm too young for math!"
"Change your prospective, and reality changes."
"Pokemon with cool knees are so neat."
"Oh this pillar! It's so thick!"
"Can you help me find my glasses?"
"Technology is incredible!"
"Hi i like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear."
"Get out."
"What do you see reflected in your face?"
"How's that? Owned suckah!"
"It must be tiring riding with our things in the moving truck."
"Pika? Shoo shoo!"
"I've been alone with a boy/girl/person/ect before."
"Meow, meow, i can haz battle. Meow?"
"Ugh, i really sound like a fool, don't I?"
"Meow... i haz lost, meowww"
"This job is soo embarrassing."
"Let's get started shall we? It's bonding time!"
"Shh. Rest now and close your eyes... You won't ever need to open them again..."
"Oh phooey! Don't you ever come back! Otherwise we're going to end you!"
"When I think about it, you, too, are all alone in this world."
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Pokemon: The First Movie Quote Starter
These quotes are from the English version of the movie! Change terms and pronouns if needed.
“Who am I? What is my true reason for being? I will find my own purpose and purge this planet of all who oppose me.“ “Where my heart can learn what yours knows so well. What transpired here, I will always remember.” “A wildfire destroys everything in its path. It will be the same with your powers unless you learn to control them.” “That cannot be. You said we were partners. We stood as equals.“ “You were created by humans to obey humans. You could never be our equal.” “ I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” “We do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what’s the same instead of what’s different… well, who knows.” “Humans may have created me, but they will never enslave me! This cannot be my destiny!” “I wasn’t born a Pokémon, I was created; and my creators have used and betrayed me! So, I stand alone!” “Thanks, but the last time you cooked, you wiped out eight of my nine lives.” “A Pokémon can’t be a Pokémon Master! No way!“ “I didn’t know Vikings still existed.“ “ Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Oh, I think I’m gonna have one!” “I’m too weak to work, Misty. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” “This lunch is going to be just perfect for you, Ash. It’s my lazy-boy ‘no-chew’ stew.” “So I am simply the end result of your experiment. What becomes of me now that your experiment is over?“ “Quiet, human. From now on, l am the one who makes the rules.“ “l have cleansed your tiny human brain of memories from the past weeks.“ “My storm will create my own world…by destroying yours.” “l almost made a clawful mistake.“ “You humans are a dangerous species. You brought me into your world with no purpose but to be your slave, but now l have my own purpose.” “ You there! l’m looking for a Pokémon trainer named Ash from Pallet Town. You know him?” “We dreamed of creating the world’s strongest Pokémon… and we succeeded.” “So, you say I am wrong? That you are not this human’s servant, you are his friend?“ “I should’ve known there was something fishy about them, besides the way they smell.”
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Deity Starter Sentences
“How fare you this century?”
“Does my mother expect me to live under her thumb for all eternity?”
“Mortals. They never learn.”
“How dare you threaten me. I could turn you to ASH!”
“Isn’t it cute, they think they can summon me so easily.”
“I help where I can.”
“I’m feeling lenient…”
“My existence has grown dull.”
“Paradise is all around you.”
“Here none shall ever want nor feel pain.”
“Feel my power and tremble!”
“I’m sorry. I often don’t know my own strength…”
“We shall bring fire and war and death.”
“Can you not speak Sumerian?”
“Shakespeare had it right. Ah, what fools these mortals be.”
“Be at peace.”
“Can you not decimate an entire continent?”
“What do you mean dinosaurs are all extinct?”
“Humans are to us as insects are to you.”
“I protect. It is what I do.”
“My worship is alive and well.
“Do what you will. I do not fear you.”
“They shall suffer.”
“We cannot get directly involved.”
“My influence lies everywhere.”
“Hail and well met.”
“I worry for our siblings.”
“I can create as well as destroy.”
“I am not as strong as I once was.”
“We shall rise again.”
“Come! Let us feast!”
“The end is neigh.”
“To all things comes death, even for us.”
“Life shall prevail. It always does.”
“My power can help. What do you need?”
“Our time is past.”
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RP Sentence Starters
Taken from various songs by Gillian Welch, The Secret Sisters, or The Wailin’ Jennys. Feel free to change pronouns and other phrasing to fit your muses’ own diction.
“ nobody knows what waits ahead beyond the earth and sky. ” “ i’m not afraid to die. ” “ sometimes it finds me fast asleep and wakes me where i lie. ” “ i taste the living earth, the seeds that grow within. i’d like to be that earth– a home where life begins. ” “ i’ll be traveling far from home. ” “ i’ll be crossing over a great divide. ” “ when i board, i won’t be looking back. ” “ she says i wanna do right but not right now. ” “ i wanna do right but not right now. ” “ i wished i played in a rock-n-roll band. ” “ i have come back to you broken. take me home. ” “ i have shattered under midnight. ” “ there are no vultures in this clearing except the ones who brought me here, and i’ll no longer feed them. ” “ oh i feel these lessons burn inside the person i’ve become. ” “ we will never get to hide from it no matter how we run. ” “ all things come to find us, and we’ll do what has been done. ” “ all our stories some day go, dust from air and earth from bone. ” “ often i wondered why i tried hoping for an end. ” “ tomorrow will be kinder. ” “ it’s true, i’ve seen it before. ” “ the wind has blown, but now i know that tomorrow will be kinder. ” “ a brighter day is coming my way. ” “ ruination day, and the sky was red. i went back to work, and back to bed. ” “ and the iceberg broke, and the okies fled, and the great emancipator took a bullet in the back of the head. ” “ tried to give her something like i ain’t never had. ” “ we can not have all things please us, no matter how we try. ” “ when i’m dead and buried, i’ll take a hard life of tears. ” “ i’ve tried so hard to keep saying you’re mine– now it’s time. ” “ mark this one down as a lesson i’ve learned. ” “ it’s the only way out of here. ” “ let there be daggers that tear through my skin, down to my heart where the whole thing begins. ” “ make me a new one, and i’ll love again. until then… ” “ i dream last night that my time was done, and my soul flew up to the holy son. but the devil had a hold of me. ” “ there’re those who’ll laugh and not believe. ” “ there’s only one girl for me. ” “ you should have seen me and my Morphine when we used to go dancing in the war– spin me right off the floor ” “ you never used to do me like you do. ” “ where’s that sweet gal i knew? ” “ scarlet town brought me down low as i ever been. ” “ you left me here to rot away, like polly on the mountainside. ” “ now you may hide in scarlet town for a hundred years or more. but the man who knows what time it is is knocking at the door. ” “ i think i lost my mind. ” “ i’m dreaming alone in a hotel bed that he’s mine. ” “ they don’t know what i lost. ” “ when i go to sleep at night, don’t you call my name. ” “ i cried, ‘my god, i am your child. send your angels down.’ ” “ i drew that glass across his neck as fine as any blade. ” “ see the brightest ones of all early in october fall– that’s the way that it goes. ” “ do you miss my gentle touch? ” “ you belong among the wildflowers. ” “ you belong somewhere you feel free. ” “ i have seen no other that compares with you. ” “ you belong with your love on your arm. ” “ you belong somewhere close to me. far away from your trouble and worry. ” “ everybody’s buying little baby clothes. ” “ i kissed you cause i’ve never been an angel. ” “ even so i try to be a good girl. ” “ it’s only what i want that makes me weak. ” “ of all the little ways i’ve found to hurt myself, well, you might be my favorite one of all. ” “ what’s a little sweetheart like you doing with a bloody nose? ” “ how could i expect to fly with only paper wings? ” “ all my life, i ain’t ever been a lucky man. ” “ brought you in this world, and i can take you from it just the same. ” “ i bet he’s never met a poor man’s gun. ” “ can you bring my baby back to me? ” “ is it something in the wind? breathes a chill in your heart? ” “ does it whisper ‘start again?’ ” “ where is your home, restless wind? ” “ is your spirit everywhere? ” “ if there’s no home, is there no death? ” “ you have known the kiss of sorrow. ” “ you have come by way of sorrow. you have come by way of tears. ” “ you have drunk a bitter wine with none to be your comfort. ” “ but you’ll reach your destiny, meant to find you all these years. ” “ i’ve been waiting for the morning. ” “ i can see a brand new day dawning. ” “ everything’s going to work out just fine. everything’s going to be alright. ” “ i can see the light of a clear blue morning. ” “ it’s been a long, long time since i’ve known the taste of freedom. ” “ do you love a laddie with curly brown hair? ” “ i’ll always love him til the day i die. ” “ before i got married i wore a black shawl, but after i married i wore bugger    all. ” “ when he makes a promise that he doesn’t mean to keep, it burns like a flame inside. ” “ it’s alright to spend your night in tears til the fire dies. ” “ for now your hope is faded. ” “ i’ve traveled that same road as one of the girls who cries. ” “ i’m sorry that your eyes are red. ” “ you will find in perfect time someone to cherish you. ” “ let it take how long it takes and soon it will subside. ” “ time will tell the seeds i sow. “ “ who made you think i want to be with you? “ “ i never settle. i never cry. and whosoever told you told a dirty lie. “ “ your heart’s gonna break and it’s a crying shame. “ “ i never loved you baby, my, oh, my, and whosoever told you told a dirty lie. “ “ i sing a mournful song as i rush and ramble along. “ “ i bury secrets deep. i keep them down where the catfish creep. where the rolling tide can’t reach the things that i hide. “ “ even the tennessee river runs low. “ “ you can float in knowing, dear, that i was made to love you. “ “ river, carry me fast away. “ “ i am the tennessee. see you down at the stormy sea. “
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Pregnancy open event
Mars has been really agitated lately, and sick, and emotional, and craving. She groaned, throwing down documents to the ground. She was acting up. What could be the problem???
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Seeking nsft rps
Message me for details, muse ideas, plot ideas, etc. 
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Children Shuffle: On Anon, send Me scenes involving My Muse’s future children for them to react too. Bonus Points if you drop hints at who the other parent is!
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Pokémon Sentence Starters For First Interactions
“Hey, is this your Pokémon?”
“I’m looking for my Pokémon, can you help me”
“We made eye contact! You know what that means?”
“I don’t really want to battle right now, sorry”
“Do you know where the nearest Pokémon center is?”
“That was a great battle!”
“Your Pokémon seems a little sick”
“Is that your partner?”
“Sorry, my Pokémon just seems to really like you”
“Sorry, I don’t know why my Pokémon attacked you”
“Run! There’s a Pokémon on a rampage!!”
“Is that a Z-ring?”
“Can you show me a Z-move?”
“Is that a Dynamax band?”
“Can you show me a Dynamax Pokémon?”
“I couldn’t help but watch your battle, I’m impressed”
“Be careful, this is Team Rocket territory”
“I have some potions, let me help”
“Shh… there’s sleeping Pokémon ahead”
“Is that a Pokémon egg?”
“I’m gonna catch it first!”
“Our Pokémon seem to like each other”
“Our Pokémon seem to hate each other”
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• °☆ Anastasia (1997)
feel free to change words and pronouns as needed.
“So many lives were destroyed that night.”
“By the unholy powers vested in me, I banish you with a curse!”
“Mark my words! You and your family will die within a fortnight!”
“What were you, a vulture in another life?!”
“Not to worry. I’ve got it all under control.”
“If I don’t remember who I am, then who’s to say I’m not a princess or a duchess or a whatever she is.”
“Men are such babies!”
“Something has happened. I can feel the dark forces stirring!”
“Yeah, ain’t that a kick in the head? I guess a curse just ain’t what it used to be, huh, sir?”
“Look at me! I’m falling apart! I’m a wreck!”
“Actually, considering how long you’ve been dead, you look pretty good!”
“Come on, for a minute, you had your old spark back.”
“I make it my business to know.”
“Look, (name), I’m just trying to help, alright?”
“Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
“Please, just don’t talk anymore, okay? It’s only gonna upset me.”
“If we live through this, remind me to thank you.”
“How could they let her escape?!”
“Alright now, (name), take it easy there. Just remember what I said to you about stress.”
“I sold my soul for this. My life, my very existence, depends on it.”
“It was a nightmare. It’s alright. You’re safe now.”
“It was all a lie, wasn’t it?”
“I’m probably about as stubborn as you are.”
“That’s where I will kill her! Crush her at the height of her glory!”
“Say your prayers, (name). No one can save you!”
“They’ve eloped! Isn’t it romantic? It’s a perfect ending.”
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