ancient-death · 10 years
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ancient-death · 10 years
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ancient-death · 10 years
The kiss was just the distraction he needed from Beverly’s words. It reminded him that even if the whole world had it’s focuses elsewhere, Rhys would always have his on Sage. There were days where Sage wondered if the world was on fire if he would be gazing adamantly at it, or his lover. The blond concluded that Rhys himself would probably be the one responsible anyways, so of course the original would only care of the younger vampire before him.
He exhaled roughly from his nose as they continued to bicker. One snarky response to another. Instead he focused his fingers to explore his lovers body romantically. A kiss on the cheek, then the neck, and back to Rhys’ lips. It wasn’t until he heard the ‘And how’ though did he let out a subtle giggle. Beverly’s words always seemed to have had that effect on him.
There was a jealous look on his partners face now and he recognized it in the moment. Usually it was huffs and frustration that came from Rhys when it came to his jealousy. However, he held his emotions back just for the sake of Sage’s well being. The boy couldn’t help but to find it endearing, and so with that he leaned in for another kiss. “And I promise to bring you something of my liking for you to try on. It may not be the black you always love to wear but I assure you, that you will look stunning.” Though whatever the blond bought, would just be paid for with Rhys’ credit card. At the end of the day, it was the thought, the intention that would count.
Bev mentioned the Karaoke competition, and how Sage was not able to judge. He furrowed his eyebrows at her, with a look that told her and the original easily. That he wouldn’t announce Rhys the winner because of some ridiculous promise of intimacy later that night, but simply because the older vampire sounded more, graceful. And with that he gave another giggle.
He couldn’t help but to purr at the taste of the meat. Juicy, tender, overall extremely high class, and Sage; loved high class everything. “Divine.” He whispered staring at the fork in awe. It tasted nothing like the blood that swished around in their goblets but still, it’d been delectable none the less. “You truly have outdone yourself tonight. Extremely. You’re courting always comes so natural when you do things for me. But on this Hallows Eve you really have taken it to the next level.”
Licking his lips, again he went in for another kiss before swallowing whatever sustenance remained in his mouth. “Was that a steak?” He bit his bottom lip easily. “Magnificent. What else have you brought to this dinner table tonight then?” He asked eagerly, staring at whatever he was able to catch the scent of from under his lovers arms, before ultimately meeting Rhys’ eyes again, biting into his bottom lip for good measure.
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Rhys fingers closed possessively around Sage's wrist. No one would ever see his lover naked, but him. That he would ensure. Letting out a challenging snarl he forgot himself for a moment. Going back mentally to a time long ago when one needed to defend their lovers, tooth and nail. He would do that and more for his lover. He rolled his eyes as the human spoke once more. 
"Well of course you aren't!" She scoffed. "But I don't worry as much about my neck being snapped when I think about you naked. Psycho path over there....for all I know he's got hair tentacles in them pants or something."
Rhys wrinkled his nose in distaste. Though if he had said tentacles, he would surely put them to good use. 
One of Rhys's favorite pastimes was Sage's lips. He enjoyed kissing them, nibbling playfully of them, caressing them with his fingers, or at times his tongue. Beverly made an ugly sound. "Will you two stop that! Fucking shit! Wait til I'm outta here before you get all Titanic steamy car scene and shit."
A sound much like a purr escaped the original's lips at the blonde's attentions. Turning just in time to claim his lover's lips as they traveled back towards him, Rhys bumped noses with him. All thoughts of the human dissipating as if she were merely a mirage. 
Rhys opened his mouth to argue but closed it again. If his lover was shopping for something for him that meant he would be fresh in his thoughts. A place Rhys very much enjoyed being. His lips pulled back into a pleased smile. He nodded once in agreement to Sage's plan, much to Beverly's irritation.
Bev snorted at Sage. "Mmmhmm. Sure baby. I know you and lover boy over there" She shook her fork at him. "All them shenanigans ya'll get up into when I'm not around. I demand an impartial judge. Don't argue with me on this."
"I will never be finishing courting you, Sage." Rhys told his lover in all seriousness. "You are the love of my long life, and I shall never take you for granted." He promised, taking the blonde's free hand and kissed his palm.
"Filet Mignon." Rhys purred, pleased that Sage was enjoying the feast. Reaching over he retrieved another plate and presented it to his lover, pork this time. "Eat to your hearts content, pet. For this is all for you and more."
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What's This | Rhys and Sage
Sage made a face when Beverly spoke. His mouth gaped only slightly in shock. Not offended that she would want to see his lover naked because of course who wouldn’t. But— “And what exactly am I? A tool for the means of viewing Rhys in a form I want no one else to see him in? Don’t be preposterous darling. I do not share him.” His arms wrapped around the original possessively. “I owe nothing to the public. If anything it owes me. How many beautiful blond haired blue eyed angels do you see strolling along the streets? Really it’s a privilege.” And with a jealous pout he cocked his head
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ancient-death · 10 years
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ancient-death · 10 years
"Now hold on one mother fucking minute!" Bev put her hands on her hips. "I asked for that video because I wanted to see what lover boy looked like naked. It's a public service you know. Especially since you are the only one who knows how big he is you know what I'm saying."
The hairs on the back of Rhys's neck stood on end. His lips pulled back in a soundless snarl. How dare this woman, this human, objectify him in such a way. At Sage's touch though, he soothed. His attention back on his lover, he leaned in for a kiss. A kiss to cool the burning rage inside him. His bottom lip pouted again as he cast a side eye at the human. Images of her broken body on the ground covered in her own blood and entrails made him actually smile, though the other two in the room would never know why. "Of course, my lover, pardon me, woman. I meant no offense."
Beverly visibly shuddered. "I have a name you know...and don't you fucking look at me like I'm some mother fucking piece of meat! Did you just hear Sage? I'm off limits to you buddy. And how."
Rhys ignored the sound of her voice by surrendering to the sensation of his lover's lips against his. He exhaled into it, letting his body almost sag against the other vampire's. It was odd for him to be in this position, as he usually took the dominate stance. However, included in this surprise for Sage was allowing him to take the lead for a change. Anything that happened that night would be of Sages doing. That thought gave Rhys peace, because then he would know he was pleasing his lover. 
He didn't however, take into consideration the irritation of having to stomach the human. Grunting into his goblet of blood he tried to ignore the pang he got from hearing Sage's excitement about going shopping with her. His jealously would get him nowhere. He needed to check himself more often. Never would he forgive himself if his own issues lost him Sage's affection. 
"Mmmhmm." Beverly rolled her eyes. "If that's the least you can do for this utter humiliation I've just been subjected to." She waggled a finger at Rhys. "I'll show you...you fucker. Karaoke competition! Me and you! And fuck no Sage ain't judging, he'd let you win off a promise for some nookie later in the evening."
Casting an unfriendly glare in her direction, Rhys licked his lover's nose. "Oh I intend to..." He purred. As the human moved around the room finding herself a place, he retrieved a fork full of a meat saturated in a red sauce. Holding it to his lover's lips he nodded to him in encouragement. He spent many hours at a butcher shop picking only the most delectable cuts of meat. Vampires didn't have to eat for sustenance sake, but they could enjoy flavors and textures as much as humans. Granted their blood lust was satiated before hand.
Beverly turned a bit green as she took in the table setting. "Please fucking tell me there is something edible here. There ain't no way in hell I'm doing any cannibalistic shit...I ain't eating nothing that walks on two legs you hear me?"
Rhys licked the remainder of the sauce off their fork before giving Sage a sultry smile. "Worry not, pet. There is nothing...human on this spread." He spoke to his lover rather than the human, just because it made steam come from her ears. His smile only widened as he gave Sage a playful smile. 
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What's This | Rhys and Sage
Cocking his head towards Bev he couldn’t help but to give her a smile. “You are disappointed that we are both men? I find that hard to believe.” He told her, with that innocent smile shifting into a playfully mischievous grin. “Surely you jest. Did you not ask me for a video of my lover and I in the past. Remember love, honesty is suppose to be the best policy.” The glow on his face was radiant, even when speaking of such a topic he was able to give of this innocent tone. 
Sage wasn’t use to Rhys pouting the way he did tonight. Really nearly everything he did threw him off guard. Usually the original had this musk to him, and to Sage he’d become undeniably sexy, but on top of that tonight, there was that new side of him that was less vicious. For some reason it only made him more attractive to Sage. “Don’t be like that my love.” He told him sincerely, using a free hand to trace gentle lines in the originals cheek. “Besides I do think living would be worlds harder without her. She is someone I love also, injuring her will not do you any good when it comes to pleasing me.”
The kiss was forceful, Sage made a sound in reciprocation before heaving an inhale when Rhys pulled away. He felt a tingle that reached his toes. “My love, I am not leaving you tonight. I will sit right in this chair, but please cooperate. I doubt the night you had planned out involved so much bickering.”
But just like that, the two of them worked themselves back into old habits. As if the blond wasn’t in between the both of them. The blood quieted Rhys and so Sage decided to simply feed him more. However when Beverly screeched again, Sage couldn’t help but to laugh. “Darling no one is blaming your singing skills. We will go shopping tomorrow and if you want to show my lover how formidable you are I will promise to help you work on your breathing. He will have nothing to say to you then now won’t he?”
When Rhys pulled the goblet back Sage decided to place it back on the table. Leaning upwards slightly so that he could kiss whatever blood remained off the originals lips. “Then sit on me all night. But the next time you break your focus do expect to be shoved off. I will not tolerate you hollering like a madman. That goes for the both of you. I do have supernatural hearing you know. Everything you both yell I hear ten fold. Now Beverly please seat yourself so that we can all eat in whatever peace can be gifted to us when the two of you are in the same room.”
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ancient-death · 10 years
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ancient-death · 10 years
Rhys shivered at his lover's words. He closed his eyes, pressing his nose against Sage's temple. "And I you pet....anything that you wish to do to me...with me...for me. I am yours in all ways possible." When he pulled back he gifted the blonde with a smile that was rare and reserved just for him. "You....pet....have a soul. I am sure of it."
Beverly snorted again at Sage's words. "Except for the fact that neither of you have tits or pussy." Crossing her arms she scowled. "Sage....baby I love you but no....just no....I ain't into fucking voyeurism so whatever fucking vampire sexy times you two are stewing wait until I leave."
His fingers closed around another utensil, readying for another throw. Pouting out his bottom lip, "She is so irritating..." With a heavy sigh, he forfeited his weapon. "But you are right, my lover, as always. She did risk much for us....and that will be honored." He stiffened, then grasped Sage's face in his hand. "You will not abandon me this night..." He growled, kissing the blonde with almost bruising force. "I need you..." Realizing he was doing just what Sage warned him against he released him, ducking his head. "I am sorry, pet. I will...be....nice."
"That fucker wouldn't know nice if it bit him in his ass." Beverly interjected. 
"Shut your incessant harping, woman!" Rhys growled again, already failing in his promise to his lover. A ripple of anger went through him. But then, Sage, his god given solace, passed him the wine goblet and he drank. Drinking deeply he grunted in agreement about Beverly's terrible performance. 
"Excuse you!" The woman countered. "It ain't my fault Rhys is some fucking ex-Broadway star or some shit! And it ain't like he offered any sort of useful criticism I'm a mother fucking cop...we don't go out singing and dancing in shit, no matter what those ridiculous tv show say! Shit....baby...see if I never do nothing for you fuckers again."
Rhys couldn't help the smirk on his lips as he drank. The woman's anger amused him. But when Sage mentioned him moving, he ripped his lips from the cup. "No." He found his lover's eyes. "I won't be moving."
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What's This | Rhys and Sage
"You are worthy of me." He told him in all serious. A even look practically glued to his face with ease. "You are worth of all of me. My affection, my mind, body, whatever soul is left for that of an undead. You have all of it, I guarantee you." And all of it was true. In Sage’s opinion, no one worked harder for him then Rhys did. Loving the blond was no easy task, even for an original, however his lover always made it look so— Easy. Beverly was a very close runner up though. But, when the other man took his face in his hands time simply seemed to just come to a halt.
The bickering broke his focus and he bit his bottom lip holding back his smile to cause his best friend to yell more. “Don’t be ridiculous love. Even clothed, Rhys and I was always be better than any movie you will ever rent. I will not judge you for admitting what is the truth. Our intimacy brings more magic to the earth than a witch does.”
He gasped, but the smile never left his face when the second utensil was thrown. It wasn’t until Rhys turned his attention back to Sage did the blond hit him softly on both sides of his obliques. “Darling! Play nice! Remember Beverly was the one who risked her own life to save mine, and she stayed with me while you were out hunting for blood remember? Overall she is very charming and her energy is contagious. Don’t be so serious. You should be focusing on me anyways. Give me your attention. Else I may lose interest and take Beverly dancing with me. Be sure to keep your temper from being your downfall tonight please.”
Reaching past the original that sat firmly atop his lap he grabbed his goblet, again careful not to spill it. “Drink the marvelously rare blood you must have moved moons to find. We never have the fortune of drinking a fae together, unless we do it from one another’s vein. Besides your performance must have left you fatigued. Wine and Dine with me.” Cocking his head towards Beverly with the cup closing in at Rhys’ colored lips he offered a smile. “Your singing could use a bit more work, but it was charming nonetheless. You look extremely awkward standing at the doorway. I’ll be more than satisfied with giving you my attention in just a short moment, but for now the three of us can enjoy this feast the both of you have prepared. And once Rhys decides to remove himself from my lap, I’ll be sure to give you that sugar you always seem to practically feed off of, yes?” 
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ancient-death · 10 years
Sage's laughter was like music to Rhys. It did things inside of him that he'd assumed he'd lost the ability to feel. His lover, his pet, his Sage, was his link back to himself. The Rhys he was before 1000 years of life had stolen his humanity from him. He smiled and kissed his lover in return. He put as much into the kiss as he could. When he pulled back he gazed into his lover's eyes. "For you...everything I do is for you...." Taking his face in his costumed hands he offered him another smile. "I love you, Sage. I wanted to do something for you that was worthy. Though nothing can truly be worthy of you....can it?"
Beverly snorted. "Oh come on! Get a mother fucking room you two! If I wanted to watch some porno I would have rented one where the actors were way less clothed!"
Stiffening at the woman's voice, Rhys reached around Sage and grasped a fork from the table, then hurled it at her. 
"You fucker!" She screeched when she caught it, he hadn't thrown it very hard. "You can't just throw something like that at me! You could have taken out my mother fucking eye! After all I did to help you with this fucked up show! You promised me some Sage, you best deliver you fucker or I'm going to shoot you in your ass, let's see you sing and dance with a bullet impaled in your-"
Rhys threw a knife this time. "Shut your incessant screeching woman...you'll have ample time with my lover but not until I'm through..." he growled. Turning his attention back to Sage he deadpanned. "Why is it we want to be friends with her again?"
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What's This | Rhys and Sage
His key went from the door handle straight to the ground when he saw how Rhys dressed himself. He could have honestly said that he could have expected roughly about a million different surprised for tonight. Gored and gashed bodies. Screams of torture and pain coming from wherever Rhys had been torturing his victims since he redesigned the basement to be a studio for the blond and a office for him. But the costume, never in this millennia could Sage have guessed it. Never had he seen his lover so— Out of character, but the smile that appeared on his face assured Rhys that he’d been anything but displeased.
Then the tunes filled the unnaturally perked up hallway. When the original pulled, the only thing Sage could add to the music, and Rhys’ beautiful voice was giggles. If it wasn’t the shockingly chaste kiss to the nose that threw him off, without a doubt it’d been the twirl. It was as if he was watching a scene right from the nightmare before Christmas He knew his lover enjoyed the movie but never in a million years would he have predicted a reenactment.
There had been a new thing to focus on every couple of seconds. The sight of the dining table was delectable. The younger vampire could smell the fae blood from where he stood, instinctively he couldn’t help but to lick his fangs. But again Rhys easily became the center of his attention.
His cheeks puffed when he felt the originals fingers pull him in for another kiss. He’d almost lost his breath, and if he hadn’t been dead already he could have sworn he would have a heart attack.
It wasn’t until he felt his fingers close around one of the Goblets did he give another giggle, allowing his lover to effortlessly guide him to the nearest seat. Watching the decor carefully placed and planned out by Rhys, being sure to take careful sips from the blood that flowed through his throat like silk. And when the man approached him again he was careful to set his drink down so that he wouldn’t spill any of it accidentally. It wasn’t the kiss that threw him off this time but the look that followed. It led for him to giggle yet again. Underneath his fluttering lashes of excitement was his radiant blue eyes that seemed to have melted at Rhys’ stare. Without a doubt the makeup allowed them to shine more than usual.
His eyes widened when the door flew open. “Beverly!” He yelled, now clapping his hands in complete amusement. Even the timing was spot on, but this was Rhys. It was expected that everything he did was perfect, simply because he himself was just that.
Sage saw Bev struggle but did little to help, not because he didn’t care, but because he’d simply been enjoying the sight of the original. It wasn’t ever day that he would be able to see him prancing around the house so cheerfully. 
In a mere few more minutes Rhys straddled himself on Sage’s lap again. The way their thighs melted together simply excited the younger vampire. And just like that the song was over, and there was a lingering silence, that neither vampire could have possibly focused on when they lost one another so effortlessly in each others eyes. There was a bit of makeup leftover on his cheek from the lick moments ago but Sage didn’t care, if anything he felt it complimented his tanned complexion.
"Wow…" Was the only thing that came out of his mouth initially. But instead of using words to express how he felt he simply wrapped his arms around the other males torso effortlessly. Pulling him in closer to bask in the ironic warmth he felt, he kissed Rhys, this wasn’t like the kisses he was gifted during the performance. It was longer and anything but chaste. His hands practically clawed at the originals back. But unlike the black haired lover, Sage knew clothes, and costume alike were valuable, and so he was careful not to make any tears or wrinkles. 
The kiss deepened with depth by the second, regardless of the fact that Beverly had been idly watching. He didn’t care. It had been weeks since he felt such warmth pooling in his belly. If this was Rhys attempt at a pick me up, he’d done just that and more. “You look amazing in your costume. And I had no idea you planned on putting on such a show with that magnificent voice of yours…” Motioning his hands onto the originals thighs he leaned in for the thousandth kiss of the night. Funny that there’d been more kisses shared between the two of them then minutes that passed by since breathing the door. Sage was glowing now, with this happiness he could only assume angels were able to feel.
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ancient-death · 10 years
What's This | Rhys and Sage
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Rhys waited in the dark for Sage to return. He tapped his bone covered finger on the arm of his chair. The creature sat before him, cocking it's head at each click of his nails, first to the left, then to the right, then left again. No doubt deeply disturbed by Rhys's current state of dress. 
He heard the key turn and stood fluidly, righting his costume as he glided towards the front door. Keeping this all a secret from his lover had been very difficult. Especially when Sage was a constant by his side. And he liked it that way. Surprisingly though, for him anyway, his stomach fluttered with what he could only describe as butterflies. He, Rhys, was actually excited and perhaps a bit apprehensive. Using his remote, he turned on the radio, 'What's This' by Danny Elfman from Rhys' favorite movie the Nightmare Before Christmas began to play.
As the door opened, Rhys cleared his throat preparing. He met his lover's eyes and before the blonde even had the chance to speak he began to sing. "What's this? What's this?" He sang, taking Sage's face in his hands. "There's beauty everywhere....what's this....there's love in the air...." Breaking song only to kiss his lover's nose before he twirled away, his show only now beginning.
"What's this?" He gestured to the dining table that he'd covered with a black table cloth and set for their feast. Two large goblets sat, filled to the brim with fae blood he'd acquired from Yvette. "I can't believe my eyes!" He strode back to Sage, taking his hands and twirling him to the table. "I must be dreaming!" He sang, kissing his lover, merely touching his cheeks with his finger tips. Widening his eyes he stared at his lover as if he were the most beautiful thing in the entire world, and he was. "Wake up, Rhys, this isn't fair! What's this?"
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Grasping a goblet, he closed the blonde's fingers around the stem and gently ushered him into one of the chairs before twirling back into the center of the room and spreading his arms continuing his song. "What's this? What's this?" The creature bounded in circles around Rhys as he'd taught him. "There's something very right! What's this? A animal in my sight! What's this?" He bent down and scratched Sam chin. "The little creature's bounding everywhere! He seems so happy!" He ushered the dog over to Sage here he belonged as he sang. "Have I possibly gone daffy? What is this? What's this?"
With a fling of his arm he opened the curtain. Normally there would be merely the street of the underground visible, but Rhys had purchased a dark forest theme window adornment for the occasion. A string of orange and white lights lined the window giving it an eerie glow. 
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"There's darkness in the window! There's not bodies everywhere! Oh, I can't believe my eyes!" He held a hand over his forehead dramatically leaning against the wall. "And in my bones I feel such warmth! Where could it be! Where could it be!"
He made a show of searching the space before seeming to find Sage again. A look of relief overcame him. "Oh, look, what's this? You're glowing from beneath!! I kiss!" He gave the blond another kiss, pulling back and giving him a very un-Rhys-like smile but the nonetheless genuine. "You taste of blood and gore! Why that is so unique? Inspired!" Whooping his arm and giving a yell loud enough to make the dog scurry as he danced away.
"What's this?" He opened the front door revealing Bev carrying a black tree. "Right here she's got a little tree, how queer?" The cursed thing was too large for her and difficult to carry but Rhys couldn't be bothered to help her. He merely turned around her as she heaved the tree into the apartment. "It's covered with tiny little things!" The tree was very decorated with all sorts of little things for the occasion. All Hallows Eve was clearly Rhy's favorite holiday. He'd let Sage decorate it for Christmas later, but for now it was his Halloween tree. "They've got electric lights on strings!"
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Bev scowled at Rhys, chest heaving when she'd dropped her burden. He wasn't bothered though and poked her cheek as he sang the next line. "And there's a smile on everyone! So, now, correct me if I'm wrong! This looks like fun!" Pumping his arms with exaggerated movements he cast glances between the two of them with wide eyes.  "This looks like fun! Oh, could it be you got your wish?" The question was directed at his lover. 
"What's this? What's this? A crow atop a tree! And here..." He squeezed Bev's cheek, "A friend for a night of fun! What's this!" Uncharacteristically, he draped himself over Sage's lap. "The sights, the sounds! They're everywhere and all around! I've never felt so good before! !This empty place inside of me is filling up! I simply cannot get enough of...you." He told him, not wanting to get him dirty with his make-up, but he licked his lover's cheek.
Bev crossed her arms as the song came to an abrupt end. "What the fuck...is this?" She attempted to sing the end in the same tune as Rhys but failed and it sounded more like a screech. 
Rhys wrinkled his nose at her, then wrapped his arms around Sage's neck. His breathed ragged from the effort he'd just spent dancing around the apartment. Now that he stopped, dread hit him. Dread that perhaps his lover did not enjoy his little show. Looking into his eyes, he waited with bated breath for a reaction.
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ancient-death · 10 years
"Oh..the evil stuff is there. Its always there. You just have to know where to look."
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"Is Halloween now just about candy and parties? What happened with all the evil stuff?" She spoke with herself but out loud, really annoyed by that fact.
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ancient-death · 10 years
As soon as he saw Sage stir, Rhys was back on his feet. He closed the distance between them in an instant. Perching on the side of the bed, he reached out and touched his lover's cheek to quiet him. "I am right here, Sage. I'm always right here. I will never leave your side, not again." Seeing the fear in those wide blue eyes, made things tighten in Rhys. Things best left alone. 
Stroking the blonde's soft cheek, Rhys leaned down to brush his chapped lips against his forehead. When he pulled back, he allowed Sage to see the glisten of emotion in his eyes. "I will never allow anyone to take you from my side, pet. Ever. The world will soon know, what it means to strike out against me by using you. No one will dare. And if they do...we will feast on their blood and the blood of all those they hold dear."
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He settled down next to Sage, resting on one arm, and using the other hand to continually stroke his lover's face in soothing circles. "I don't know...remember..." He began, licking his lips thoughtfully. "Remember if I apologized to you...for all that's happened. For all the pain and anguish you've been forced to endure because of me..." The last of his words came out strained. A ripple of his own pain settling over his heart, as if someone stood upon it. 
Licking his lips, he dropped his eyes, unable to gaze into Sage's expressive ones with what he needed to say. "I want you to...be angry with me. I need you to yell and scream and hit....anything you want to do. Anything that you are feeling, I want the brunt of it, as it is my cross to bear. I want to take away all your pain."
Love me, Thrill me, Kiss me... | Rhys and Sage
If there’d been one thing keeping Sage stable it had been the thought of Rhys alone. The party hadn’t been, as bad as he expected. However his lover watched him like a hawk the entire time, who could have had the chance to do anything? But— Elijah. Elijah was there, the look of joy on his face, the way he interacted with that new toy of his, the blonde. It did little to help his confidence after his spiral. But if Sage could say so for himself Rhys did a brilliant job of distracting him. On top of that, Rhys was simply a better fit anyway. He always would be.
His dreams tormented him, starting off simple with Beverly and Rhys arguing, but so quick it’d been to shift, with blood and gore covering the room, but not from Rhys’ rage, no Rhys was no where to be found now. Again he was in the Salvatore basement, making soft whines of fear, alone. Sage continued to toss and turn wiggle, until the dog jumped onto the bed. It’s warmth was like a light to him. Relaxing he turned over to where his lover usually lay.
It wasn’t until his hand hit the silk coated mattress did he realize there was no body. Eyes flying open almost instantly fear filled him. He was alone again. “Rhys?!” The blond called out almost crying, but the body of the original revealed itself in the corner of the room once he lifted himself from where he laid. 
There were subtle shakes from the aftermath of his emotions, his nightmare. He craved the man before him so, like a drug that had the power to make any and every pain simply vanish into thin air. “I thought you were gone.. That someone took me again…” Taking a few deep breaths he furrowed his eyebrows. “And the party..”
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ancient-death · 10 years
Love me, Thrill me, Kiss me... | Rhys and Sage
After the ball, Rhys whisked Sage away to bed. This was the first night since his attack he'd been out. It took much out of his lover, he needed to rest. As he laid beside him, waiting for him to fall asleep, Rhys methodically tallied up the nights events. He'd seen Katherine, Beverly, Elijah...he let out a growl at the name...it was bad enough even having to set eyes upon him, but then to have his disappear again like a coward made his blood boil. And when his blood boiled, people died.
Sleep continued to evade him and he eventually left the bed to settled into his chair. He'd sat like this, for those long hours after his lover had returned to him. He watched him sleep. Any little movement or sound escaping his lips putting Rhys on high alert. He'd barely slept since. How could he? Not while the Salvatores and their whore Elena still took breath. They'd come after him again. That thought alone kept him from rest. 
The creature hopped up on the bed, cuddling against his lover. Rhys glowered at it, to which is merely wagged its tail. It watched him with heightened interest. Ever since being brought back, the beast became a protector over Sage. Or thought he was. The idea that he could easily snap the thing in two didn't help to qualm any of his fears.
Rhys gnawed on the nail bed of his thumb as he watched his lover sleep. His love for Sage...consumed him. It took over his soul, his purpose, his everything. What would he do if he were to lose him? He didn't know. No, he did know. He'd march through the gates of hell to bring him back. He'd burn down the entire world, he'd kill every being, he'd sell his soul, if he had one. But despite all of this, he couldn't keep him from getting hurt. Something he would never forgive himself for.
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ancient-death · 10 years
Rhys's lips touched the back of Sage's blond head as he rested against his chest. "Very poetic, pet. But this all consuming love, is reserved solely for you and no other." He let his fingers trail up and down Sage's back, enjoying the feel of his lovers lithe muscles under his touch. For that moment in time his heart felt rest. That since he held the love of his life in his arms, nothing could ever touch them, no one could ever hurt him again or try to take him again. Even in the midst of enemy territory as they were.
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The smile that appeared on Rhys's lips was anything but amused. "Oh..that does not surprise me. I am not related to the Mikaelson's thankfully. I am the black-sheep, the mistake, the original family's great secret. But that is all talk for another time, my lover. Tonight..well tonight I wish to dance with you, to feast with you, to share in your happiness as it has been long since deserve as of late."
{ OPEN }
"You are everything to me." He told the other man, feeling himself begin to well with frustration. "Your eyes calm me like the moon does the ocean. And your passionate love consumes me like flames that never die out. I have never felt love so intense." His forehead found Rhys’ chest again, as they simply continued to sway across the dance floor with ease.
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"Do not apologize." Sage said, a free arm finding the strong bicep of the original. "You told me yourself there is no need for apologies. I appreciate your need to inform me of your past. And I would want nothing more than to hear everything of it." It wasn’t until he felt the lips against his forehead did he respond with ones easy on the lips. "If we have time for that then surely we also have just as much time for you to tell me the story of your past. Elijah told me of the original family. However he never mentioned a hush of it involving you. Perhaps he wa worried you’d have stolen me from him sooner."
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ancient-death · 10 years
His smile faded and her grabbed Katherine by a fist full of hair, jerking her toward him. "I don't recall giving you permission to lay your eyes on my lover. Do so again and you will face my wrath...am I understood?" 
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Releasing her, he smoothed his own hair for a moment to calm himself. "Oh no....I am still quite angry. The only way to quench my thirst for vengeance is with blood. Specifically, Salvatore blood."
{ OPEN }
"Like I said— choosing one, means losing the other." The doppelganger said, gritting her teeth together. "Rhys please, there has to be something I can do to help. I mean Blondie isn’t dead so you can’t possibly be that mad right? I mean look at him over there smiling. Stefan and Damon obviously didn’t get him that bad."
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ancient-death · 10 years
"Ah...empty threats just as empty as your promises."
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"I'm sorry..." He tried to stifle a laugh. "But the idea of you actually doing something other than curling your hair and shopping...is quite amusing."
A+ Hostess
"I would threaten what you hold dear to you, love. But I happen to like Sage and I do think he’s been through enough. Don’t you?"
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"But do not test me nor should you doubt me. Leave Damon and Chey alone."
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ancient-death · 10 years
He hummed in pleasure at his lover's praise. It made it all the more worth it when his efforts were recognized. "It's all for you, pet. I've never had a reason to care about anything before...you make me want to. You make me want to change.even only a fraction. Just to see you smile." He admitted, almost shyly, dropping his eyes.
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"My lover...." He breathed, bringing his fingers to gently stroke his face. "I must always be honest with you. I will never lie. I am sorry. I forget at times you may not want to hear all about my past." He kissed his forehead gently. A shiver of anticipation went through him at the idea of Sage doing such a thing for him. "In time, Sage. We have all of eternity for such things."
{ OPEN }
"You do." He answered evenly. "It amazes me, what’s more you have such impeccable patience with others now.— Well perhaps impeccable is the wrong word, however it’s improvement non the less. Your efforts to better yourself simply make it easier for me to fall in love over and over again, every morning I wake up to you."
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Flaring his nose he resisted the urge to shove Rhys away from them. “Excuse you! I do not want to hear about your past forced intimacy with anyone other than me.” Relaxing himself again in the arms of his lover he pursed his lips. “Though perhaps I can add a little rough housing the next time we stay in bed together. However I can not ever deny you something that will always be yours. Me. Mind, body, and soul.. My apologies darling.”
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ancient-death · 10 years
"I do believe I can handle that."
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He watched her with amusement. "Or....what? Rebekah."
A+ Hostess
"Then you would have to deal with a very pissed off hostess, love. I don’t think you would enjoy that side of me." Rebekah said with a glare as she took a step closer to him. "Leave him alone, Rhys."
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