raynuacpp · 6 years
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Disclaimer before anyone starts suggesting things about my rants, such as the veggy group did. 
I don’t care too much about what my group mates thought about me. I did my work basically always on time. Only time I ever have not would be when my other project got over thrown by the I worked on TR-8R and I just wanted to get things done. And the kid model because we weren’t actually going to do anything with it so I thought it was pointless, but I did in the end anyways.
So again, my rants mean nothing, I was never angry at anyone, and I never got caught up emotionally before people start talking about me again on Facebook. 
lol... yeah that happened, they actually then deleted the post too, because I liked it. I did actually “like” it, because what they said made sense... except it was nothing to do with what I said in the talk at the start of the term sooo yeeee xD
But yeah so I just wanted to put an argument ahead. As I just simply dislike people stating things and then people assuming the statement is correct so every other reasoning is irrelevant. 
Big drama
But yuss, I have insider’s intel, saying I’m officially known as the “dickhead” on the course. But I just say out loud what everyone is probably thinking. 
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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This was the model used in TR-8R’s animation. Also both rigging and texturing was done by me. 
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raynuacpp · 6 years
Week 12-13 Summaries
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XjtHB5jBvcC-u__Lr88mcCfQuV3JFpeH/view?usp=sharingby now most of my work has been done, to do with both projects, modelling environments and characters, etc. etc.
Although the weekly group summaries just kind of annoy me, I didn’t attend some later reviews sometimes yes because I was just busy but sometimes because I just felt they were unnecessary. Like, yes, I understand the tutors need to see an up to date footage of our work to make sure we don’t fail but I have done basically everything a while ago, I just kept getting useless feedback, and whilst I understand it’s my fault for not being there at the time to explain myself, the time when I did explain myself to the group they just sot of disregarded the comments which is annoying. 
Although first things first I’m going to come to some of the members of TR-8R getting an extention. Quite frankly, this was going to happen. And quite frankly, I told them this was going to happen eventually, and also the fact that they will probably not be able to finish the animation if they don’t change up some roles and some mediums. 
I can’t exactly remember when this was, probably in week 3. But I had a discussion with Kaitlin from group B (on a side note I talked to Kaitlin as she was basically the person in charge, even though we never actually discussed a director, she basically was). So I told her that firstly we have, 1, 2D animator, who doesn’t actually want to animate... so why are we doing 2D?
Second, she is going to do 2D animation, when she does not going to pursue 2D animation in the future... then why bother, I told her, just change it up, make use of this last project and just focuse on what she needs, not what the group needs.
Third, the medium again, let’s do stopmotion with some 2D mix, again the only 2D person didn’t want to animate... but this wasn’t just for her sake, so if she needs 2D animation... then animate... as we had 3 CG people and a stopmotion, and that’s why I suggested doing stopmotion, as it’s pretty similar to CG we could have helped... a LOT. But then she said “it’ll be fine”... lol that’s what I said to myself on a few submissions. 
Also I have mentioned before about getting feedback I didn’t agree with. It was about giving the model more geometry... because then that makes the origami creature act more like paper. Now... that’s not really the case. When it comes to rigging something in Maya, yes the geometry will make some difference when the model is high poly, but when we are talking about ‘Box’ modelling, and rigging a box model... they act very differently. 
I can actually explain this and give exampels very easily. So here it is:
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Now, here are two pictures... by now I assume that whoever is reading this have watched both clips, if not I have provided 2 links at the bottom for them. 
Now the feedback was again, “not life like, need more geometry” in a nuttshell.
Bare in mind... for the first clip the feedback was “believeable paper like movements”... soooo yeeee, and here is why that happened:
Animation, composition, render. Funnily enough the first model that I used actually had less polies than the second. I mentioned Render, being pretty important because, the footage is a playblast, it looks meh, and I can see a lot of things I shouldn’t. And that last part is what takes me to the first point being Animation, I didn’t get the feedback for my test for no reason... I have a basic... but okay understanding of weight and first and secondary motion... which allowed me to make a fluid enough animation. First motion actually being the wings, and secondary being the body, because it is the body that’s being moved by the wings, so that the flying creature can fly, just like birds... it’s not difficult. I made my clip in like... 5 mins... or less... just saying... I can’t imagine how long this other one took. In the other animation the creature doesn’t actually fly... it just hovers from side to side, then flaps it’s wings ocassionally. Which meant the animation looked poor. And therefore unbelieve, and non paper like. Which is why poly count was blamed for. Coming back to composition, if you don’t animate something well, at least you can try and cheat with camera work. I do that a lot... when something looks crap... I use a certain camera angle to take the focuse of whatever I didn’t like in the scene. Also render isn’t actually that important I just can get overwhelmed in my own rant.
p.s. It is practically my fault for not being there and trying to reason with Kris... I get that, I’m just saying when I tried to explain to the group (a lot more sublty, in person I would never rant this much hahaha), but yeah they just dissregarded it. And that’s why I’m now ranting about it... cause it’s not the model, but the animator. In my opinion, but who am I to judge.
Links to both clips:
Note: this second scene is somewhat old, it has slightly been improved upon for the most up to date version of the animation, but that it is, in my opinion it’s actually worse in the most up to date, mainly just because I always got complained at for not sticking to design sheets... even though it’s the designs that because inconsistent, I always tried my best with them. But that scene is not what we actually wanted in the final version. (Note: I do not have the scene I am talking about, I was shown it in person). 
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raynuacpp · 6 years
more fortnite clips cause I don’t know what to post man
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raynuacpp · 6 years
check out this sick fortnite play
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raynuacpp · 6 years
video of a test animation I’ve never shared
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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finalised version of all 3 characters
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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second demon sculpts
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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finalised version of the first demon
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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modelling one of the demons of my group A 
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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finalised version of main character and textures done for him too
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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random weird model I created using vector maps
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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the group of TR-8R wanted me to model the main character in CG, this was supposed to be done for the testing phase base although I never got around doing it, we also never planned on actually using the kid in CG so I didn’t see much point in ever making one, although I was requested to do so by the group... so I did, and here it is
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raynuacpp · 6 years
Week 8-11
I have been doing a bunch of modelling to both groups, I have also revied feedback I have tried t oact up on, including increasing the geometry of the cg origami creature, even though I actually disagree with the feedback
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raynuacpp · 6 years
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proper hair done in zbrush
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raynuacpp · 6 years
Week 6-7
I’ve had a busy couple of weeks modeling and testing stuff for the groups, again, done a bunch of different versions for the origami creature to see if we could animate a fold scene but it didn’t quite work out, as the plains just didn’t work well for it
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